's Discussions (4860)

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when in dought

   when in dought , feed them bullshit, sing a crappy song in your head over and over again,echo, in your head, the sounds around you i.e. cars passing by , birds chirpping , talk back to them in their voice. Be creative show them slide shows that ma

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       美国的脑控武器已经投入实战,这种脑控武器是微波、声波、光波的武器,而且可以部署在太空里使用。可控制的大脑活动几乎囊括了神经系统活动的方方面面:从视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉、新陈代谢、身体的疼痛感、四肢麻木等,到语言、情绪、潜意识、梦境,甚至性反应等。国际上被这种武器对准的人称为:Targeted Individual Victim of Mind Control Weapon,中国人称为“脑控受害者”。


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