Hi friends. My question is, what legal actions that u guys have already taken. Legal actions include 1. Writing a letter to legislation & its details 2. Medical tests if any which can prove eh. 3. Talking to media 4. Any agency specialized for eh sig
Read more…Dear kind Canadian politicians and all members of parliament
CC: Dear cruel torturers
This text is to draw your attention to the following questions and related issues:
1) Does ongoing torture make Canada economy more prosperous?
2) Does ongoing tort
Dear CCHR International:
My video on American Psychiatric Association face book wall was removed shortly after I posted it. It is for DSM-5 field trials. Who did it?
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Read more…Dear Neelan,
You realy Saved Me. After I have read your discussion & Blogs, I started using your magic Medications. First day on wards my sleep started to improved. 6th day the noices I hear started to disappear. So that I have throwned Jimmer devic
Read more…A TI stabbed me multiple times in the chest and stomach on my way to mail information packets proving EH to ACLU and the FBI.He told me they would stop the voices if he killed me.They were cleaning up DNA and preparing to dispose of my body when the
Read more…Kris Durschmidt kdurschmidt@gmail.com
Nov 11 (2 days ago)
to otp.informatio.
To submit information about alleged crimes, please write to:
International Criminal Court
Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
View these YouTube vidios and related topics to learn about implanted chips and how to track them and possible get evidence and get rid of them!!! If you have radioisotopes in you , you will register on a geiger counter, too!!!
Read more…1Department of Neuroscience, NBIC Center, Kurchatov Institute National Research Center, Moscow, Russia 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University, College Station Texas, USA 3Physics Department, International Laser Center, M. V. Lomon
Read more…Надо обсуждать не само явление....что оно вот такое опасное...А КАК С НИМ КОНКРЕТНО БОРОТЬСЯ, ЧТО НАДО СЕЙЧАС ДЕЛАТЬ, ЧТОБ ПРЕСЕЧЬ ЭТО СОЦИАЛЬНОЕ ЗЛО. Надо искоренить зло, ДЕЙСТВЕННЫМИ МЕРАМИ...
Read more…To the Chairman of the European Commission
Jose Manuel Durao Barroso
Dear Mr. Barroso,
The report by the European parliament’s STOA (Science and Technology Options Assessment) on “Crowd control technologies“ states: “In October 1999 NA
TO announce
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