's Discussions (4874)

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Trauma Based Mind Control


Please note the perpetrators like using trauma based mind control techniques.  Trauma based mind control is created drive the victim into severe fear. They use visual images of shadow people, demons, holographic appearance of people (Yes this

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Please download at once and forward my posting at once, because Toronto police, Canadian torturers hack everything.


UN Human Rights

UN Human Rights Council

International Bar Association

Human Rights Watch

Amnesty International 

Amnesty Internati

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What works for you?

How do you approach enduring the torture, in simplest terms? I thank God first. I live with family. Work here and there, while doing my best to preserve my health through diet and exercise. I use sleep aids and drink occasionally. Focusing on music

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hi there.

i am new to the group. my mind reading hell started in Oct/Nov 2016.

i just wanted to know whether there are cases of "T.I's" being left alone i.e. cases where the mind reading stopped completely?

let me know.

(i am obviously looking for a

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I am a targeted individual and I am being tortured and harassed. I want to make a complaint. I want to know:

    1. Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) monitors thoughts remotely, but what technology do they use to talk to targeted individuals? I

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