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  • Dear Steven,

    Sometimes I come back to these pages, which someone persistently boycotts, to see what my friends are doing! I'm sorry that your nights are so terrible! I don' t want to comfort you with my suffering, but my nights  represent the triumph of my abusers over the fact that they caused me the greatest  pain! All this is accompanied by creepy Goebbelsian propaganda against my Dusan, my familly and me! All this happens in front of the eyes of an indifferent public and remains a chilling testimony - of the difficult  times of evil! I really think that the world is moving on the path  of self-destruction, and my country and people have very successfully  run to the front llines! Keep holding on! When they speak - I speak out loud  and overcome with words those  who are silent witnesses and orderers! And the abusers themselves are definitetly very evil and programmed!

    Best regards! 

  • Hi Stephen, I am sorry to hear that.  If I may suggest, play musical record in a stereo or cd in a CD player in full volume that is a hard rock or rock and roll, and noisy when you have DEW attacks.  That would disturb and pester the perp(s) doing or performing the attacks on you.  Whatever you hear, they also hear.

    • Stephen, it would be better to connect the earphone to the stereo or cd player, and stick it to your ears, and have the hard rock or rock and roll music in full volume when having DEW attacks.


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