Thousands of victimshavebeensufferinghorriblepersecutions from abusesandtortures of remote electromagnetic mindcontrol technologies andvoice to skull technologies. Somevictimsweretortured to be deathordriven to be crazy; somevictimswe
I suffer from paychotronic and psychophysical torture. If you chech out a website called STOPEG you will see a list of the kinds of torture ways that are possible through this technology similar to smart house technology. Also see an inter
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Any of this nonsense you read is just misdirection. MKULTRA, CIA - what is wrong with you people? Everything they do is by nano-tech. Everything.
Ammonium bituminosulfonate (ichthyol or ichthammol, CAS#8029-68-3 brand names: Albichthyol) is a product of natural origin obtained in the first step by dry distillation of sulfur-rich oil shale. It is used in medicine as a remedy for treating some s
People who do mind research use various methods including waves to induce abnormal biochemical changes in the victim's Brain. This is almost similar to mental diseases. In mental disease these bio chemical changes occurs spontaneously. In both situat
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