HALO:It has been discovered how to build a device that views the radio frequency band of the electromagnetic spectrum-this allows the signals going to EH victims to be seen. http://endingehh.weebly.com/
06. Do your attackers especially bother you the night before an important event? (a job interview, departure for a trip, etc.) All nine participants answered "yes."
12. Do they ever tell you something specific to do or not to do? All
I am going to refile my lawsuit to the US Supreme Court and the H.A.G.U.E.....International Court..I was told this may help. I have to check out to see if they will take on a formus depauperus (in poverty) lawsuit and/or a "group" Appeal...which w
In June this year, the UN Committee Against Torture released its report on Canada’s compliance with the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading
It is normal dream; or, it is telepathy?( Part 2- Scenario 3 )
If this is a real telepathy and if don’t stop it, I will disclose more serious telepathy. So, we can understand how these torturers are not only atrocious but paranoid.
From SyntheticTelepathy.com, feel free to copy and print this document. You will likely find many witnesses by Googling for 'targeted individuals' and 'mind control victims' on the net and within mental institutions and psychatric wards.
Dear GanesamoorthyKayamuhan, I Have read all those web sites for nearly 8 years ago. I also thought the way you think now. I wasted a lot of time. You can call it research or disease or electronic waves or micro chips or whatever word you want. Final