's Discussions (4867)

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The Truth pt.2

The united states is responsible for using mind control of upwards of 1 million people  though out the world. They were doing this by what we already know but God has destroyed the military complex  in Nebraska where they were doing it. Also because

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lie detector tests

ive noticed no one here has ever thought of taking a lie detector test to prove there story  ive lived  with this abuse for way to long its not only my suffering  but also having to watch  my family suffer as well i only noticed  i was being manipula

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Pharmaceutical companies - HELP

I need your help since you are an TI i need to know if the doctors you had, have ever prescribed medication to you, and if so i do not mind if you don´t want to know what it was just need to know what was the pharmaceutical company, for example:

- s

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