안녕하세요. 원격 ..범죄기물셋트인 원격 전자 성희롱기기 및 원격 전자기 고문상해기기('medusa ray gun 란 미군용 무기이나 국내의 퇴역한 관인들 중에 ..부패한 자들이 이런 무기로 그네 식구들을 동원하는등 하여 ..범죄를 한다는 말이 있더군요.) 등이 이용된 갱 조직스토킹 ..범죄자들로부터 눈에 보이지 않는 테크놀로지 대인 지향성무기 마인드컨트롤 음/전파 방사
To all be care full there are Perps out there on the different sights leaving messages on sights and sending e-mail to you using this line....................
Good Day, How is everything with you, I picked interest on you after going through your s
I mentioned A Dr. Shepard when it shopuld have been Chris Lamb. Lamb was connected with the Defense Intelligence Agency and stated that we are adversaries aND THAT OUR ACTIVITIES SHOULD BE STOPPED. HE MEANT US LIVING AND THAt less than lethal weapons
Ever since I was a little girl I've had insights. Its not voices in my head, it's just an insight I'm born with. I had one of these insights 6 months before 9/11. I told my doctor that I felt terror was comming from the sky. He asked me who, where, w
Hace bastante tiempo a mediados de el 2007 tenía sospechas de que una vecina mía María Zafra Checa que vive en el piso justo encima de mí me pirateaba Internet ya que la conexión me iba much
Please help. As I am new to the group and not completley sure of the proper forun or ediquette in which to approach this, please forgive me in advance. My question is how can I get my family to at least believe what has happened to me. They are worki
And I'm accused of attempting to develop 'weapons of terror' for attempting to arm myself. I've been sentenced to death according to the voices(the voices are of course not the most reliable source of information). I am for defending myself in my o
One of the best places to draw up study is vedic sounds. These people have used sounds letters and syllables to change and rework the mind to the base level which is primal and agressive. This sound manipulation has been used on a large scale throu
• Increase the availability of high quality forensic documentation concerning allegations of torture • Use and facilitate victims’ access to forensic documentation as evidence in legal proceedings • Increa
One of the best places to draw up study is vedic sounds. These people have used sounds letters and syllables to change and rework the mind to the base level which is primal and agressive. This sound manipulation has been used on a large scale throu
Anyone out there have trouble using alcohol. Last time i was intoxicated these perps showed me some brainwash thing. It was terror. I am trying to arrange a time to get drinks with friends and it doesnt seem possible with these perps harassing me.