Ex CIA agent Robert Duncan was right when he said it's all carried out using Electricity via Mind Controll but he forgot to say how Genocide is carried out using Weoponized Super Bugs and Electricity. One shot AIDS Virus Cure Patent and all other di
The only way to get off the signal is to ignore the voices, and occupy yourself as much as possible with other things. Just keep telling them to fuck off, don't be scared they cant kill you, and in time they will fade away.
I'm 50/50 at the moment. Anyway don't give up hope. If any one wants to have a chat, email me on harrydonmez57@gmail.com. who knows we might come up with interesting things.
Bioterrorism around the world is carried out by Biological Warfare diseases and Chemical Warfare and Microwave Warfare. Here is the antidote to Survive the Holocaust and Genocide in America and world wide. The weoponized Bovine Parosites via Biologic
Hi Guys, just letting you there going after our loved ones. For instance, a number of my family members are acting abnormal, like hearing voices or having weird dreams etc. I believe the perpetrators are gathering information from us (via voice to sk
Hi Guys, just letting you there going after our loved ones. For instance, a number of my family members are acting abnormal, like hearing voices or having weird dreams etc. I believe the perpetrators are gathering information from us (via voice to sk