I strongly advise making demonstrations against the U.S. President, and I am sure he is a man can not be trusted, I am confident that he poses a real danger to the human on the planet.
Read more…when in dought , feed them bullshit, sing a crappy song in your head over and over again,echo, in your head, the sounds around you i.e. cars passing by , birds chirpping , talk back to them in their voice. Be creative show them slide shows that ma
Read more…With so much effort going on to solve the problem of mind control/remote neural monitoring technology/voice to skull/synthetic telepathy...there is no ligt at the end of tunnel.
The problem is already 20-25 years old.
Will affected party get relief i
Read more…Electronic Harassment exists. It is not a mental illness.
I am French originally African and I am Muslim. I was a medical student at Oradea Faculty of Medicine in Romania. I was forced to stop my studies due to a serious problem that appeared at the b
美国的脑控武器已经投入实战,这种脑控武器是微波、声波、光波的武器,而且可以部署在太空里使用。可控制的大脑活动几乎囊括了神经系统活动的方方面面:从视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉、新陈代谢、身体的疼痛感、四肢麻木等,到语言、情绪、潜意识、梦境,甚至性反应等。国际上被这种武器对准的人称为:Targeted Individual Victim of Mind Control Weapon,中国人称为“脑控受害者”。
First stage of transmission is from the stimulators implanted in our eyes to a receiver which is external of our bodies yet out of neccessity is very close to us.
Read more…I wonder were the equiptment is kept and how big the work force
is to run the system
Read more…CIA top technicals and the Rockefeller tycoons did not kill each other. They only killed innocent people (including people in Boston and other areas). That is evidence the CIA top technicals and the Rockefeller tycoons are the same thing.
Read more…With so much effort going on to solve the problem of mind control/remote neural monitoring technology/voice to skull/synthetic telepathy...there is no ligt at the end of tunnel.
The problem is already 20-25 years old.
Will affected party get relief i
The photo on newspaper showed that the CIA technical staff Edward Joseph Snowden might be a human robot, whose brain had been damaged in his young ages. In fact, he did not leak any secret at all. He did not tell how the surveillance programs being
Read more…The perps are part of America's Shadow Government, they are terrorists committing High Treason; They have been trained through mind control to commit criminally insane acts against the United States and American citizens alike~
American Politicians
Read more…Is the FBI being used to cover up prior experimentation under Cointel Pro, MK-Ultra, V2K and mind control? Has the Federal Gov't coerced the Sherrif's dept into gangstalking TIs using unmarked or marked cars in order to shift responsibility for parts
Read more…The cost of infiltration is our privacy and the continued exploitation of each one of us. I mentioned earlier in regards of my own space I intend to buy in the forseable future If anyone wanted to visit and spend weeks or longer I would employ a scr
Read more…UN Committee Against Torture, my name should be on it
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Ceci est un message pour Serge Labreze, ou toute personne qui puisse le contacter et lui proposer de délister le blog lezarceleurs.posterous.com, qui n'existe plus.
J'en profite
- pour signaler l'existence d'une association belge EUCACH qui se propo
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