Theory on structure
Gangstalker street theater-earpiece/cell phone
Synthetic telepathy-medical, military, agency, secret orgs.
Then the backup low lifes for breakins and hacks.
All a.i. controlled
Read more…Gangstalker street theater-earpiece/cell phone
Synthetic telepathy-medical, military, agency, secret orgs.
Then the backup low lifes for breakins and hacks.
All a.i. controlled
Read more…RCMP investigated same case in Cuba.
Meanwhile, Youtube Canada, Facebook Canada, Google Canada, Twitter Canada..., they hack anything I am using...Please forward this below "for me".Thanks.
UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
Read more…Here are some tips to better handle the situation. I hope you consider at least some of them as useful (both for your general health and against the torture).
I start with three things that I recently have tried and found helpful:
1. Cold showers.
Read more…ICC,UN, International Human Rights Community will not tolerate Toronto Police,Canadian torturers, Ontario Government...
Please see their stances and voices.
UN and IRCT :
Read more…Where is there help? How can we find help when they are taking everything from us and Im constantly in survival mode
Read more…I have created a new website called THE GUARDIAN OF EARTH.
It includes three long pieces of writing:
They relate to all aspects of the Ta
Read more…I was a peacepink member for sometime, approximately 5 years ago. However, since leaving peacepink things haven't been great. I've been tortured to an extent which words cannot describe. Nonetheless, I've endured and only recently been able to find m
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If they don't commit systematic torture, terror, attempted murder, why are they madly hacking
UN , Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court?
UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International C
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My post below is being hacked and blocked.
UN Human Rights, International Criminal Court and International Bar Association decided to work together to stop torture and fight torture. I have a question. Could you please forward this message below? Th
Read more…left hip, below laranx, teeth, back neck.
Fuck you perps i got yah now.
Read more…To all those perpetrators out there, you do not place a signal a god’s given brain. There are consequences and one of them, mark my words, is you will be caught. Also, the disbenefits of this technology completely outweigh the benefits, no matter whi
Read more…腦控空間有一事, 需要大家討論.
話說香港娛樂圈有很多甘草演員, 人到晚年, 擔心自己行動不便, 缺乏照顧, 又因為被腦控, 所以某娛樂圈大佬本住帮人為本, 組織一幚人以眼部跟蹤的方法, 互相照顧長者生活. 條件之一是每位長者需投100萬人壽保險, 將保險受益人填寫為娛樂圈大佬之名, 意在當甘草演員死後, 用其100萬保險金代當事人料理身後事.
但因為在腦控空間草菅人命之事經常發生, 令甘草演員們膽戰心驚, 擔心娛樂圈大佬為了100萬保險金而謀財害命, 所以另改方式, 當自己嫌命長,
Read more…Signal to head organizations have been infiltrated by mafia
Read more…Here is question for you all and myself. This can be evidence regarding how Toronto Police, Canadian torturers, who are living as my neighbors ,are torturing me, attemptedly murdering me with EMF Weapons, which are classified as weapons of mass destr
Read more…I listen to the cure and my overhead fan converse sometimes. They use lasers and crystals and more i think. It becomes futility fighting. I always tell myself i wont be sucked in to this vocal/painful unreality within reality. I sent a mindstalker in
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