Facebook Canada is hacking and filtering all my posts on Facebook. Please forward this below, thanks.
Recently, Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers backed by Ontario Government threatened two Prime ministers and their families many times, indirectly. You know why?
UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government
This video, "Stop Torture " , or " No Torture" ( UN's voice), contains:
1 ) World Health Organization' s documents regarding the use of EMF Weapons, Non-Lethal Weapons
2 ) Prime Minister of Canada's stance
3 )...
In this video below, it contains some evidence ( The whole part which have been forwarded, UN Human Rights promised to keep them.) regarding how Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers backed by Ontario Government torture, harass, threaten, terrorize, attemptedly murder me with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons , which are classified as weapons of mass destruction by UN; which are classified as weapons of incapacitating targets by UN:
1 ) ...
2 ) ...
This video is being hacked by Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers, Ontario Government...
If you can not open and see them, "ask" YouTube, Canada to unblock them because all Canadian medias say Government can block YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Emails...
Toronto Police, Canadian torturers , who are living as my neighbors and gathering around my workplace, are madly attacking my head with rays gun, and Radio Frequency Weapons, EMF Weapons, Jammers ...
Recently, Toronto Police, Canadian torturers backed by Ontario Government threatened two Prime ministers and their families many times, indirectly. You know why?
Everything is clear.
Robin Yan
Canadian victim of torture