I felt a need to write something, a need to hear some comforting words, a need to speak with people who are friendly with me...During the last period I was avoided as the plague...insulted, emotionally assaulted...and lately, after being labelled as
In despair I have cried...
IN despair I have pried...
My God this is unfair...
My God this is evil...
My God I implore your protection from the devils...
My God I implore you to let them fall in their evil...
My God I implore you to let them suffer f
Being Electronically harassed is no fun...but the situation is rather funny...how this world is going crazy...and how harming others physically is so easy today with subtle weapons...spirituality and ethics are just fiction...our world is governed by
On Saturday, I went to the Uni. I run and experiment but it was very difficult to concentrate and to do what I have planned as I was badly attacked...It seems that their aim is to turn me to a Zombi after having ruined my reputation and isolated me..
This German research shows how microwave affect the blood red globules causing them to agglutinate. As consequence they loose their ability to transport oxygen and CO2.
It's unbelievable how the nasty people who are behind my persecution are evil, they have spread a an awful lot of rumors around me and they kept entering in touch with every one I speak to with the aim to vilify me... Today i met a compatriot in the
A large compaign of decredibilisation, nullificationm villification, and gossip has been launched since few months...The aim is to isolate me, to intimidate me and to make me shut me up ...
Despite what is happening, and after a period of despair and
“Carole Smith describes claims that neuroscientists are developing brain scansthat can read people’s intentions in the absence of serious discussions
about the ethical issues t
The psychiatric diagnostic manuals are (in part)written and set up by corrupt government agency personnel
in the U.S.A) so as to provide an easy means of discrediting
who complain about covert harassment. Psyc
Hostility of the people around me is beyond imagination!!! I think they labeled me as terrorist, insane, foolish, silly, stupid, sick (all these word were used against me every days, insults are used as well by people I don't know) to put their plan
They are spreading lies, spreading hostility around me...They're very dangerous because at the first glance you will think that they are cool and kind persons...that they want you to be their friend...but thye hide well their game...they're really DA