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  • Daniel, can you add comments on these photos, so we know for sure what your pointing out and concerned about and how long it's been occuring or how long the "red marks" or "radiation/microwave" burns, morgellons and more have been there and how long they last?  So we fully understand clearly and don't guess, thanks!  Also, who are these people and why do you post them?  Family??? ....

       Isn't it quite obvious to you victim's yet???   We are being killed, all humans by the Illuminate and Evil doers at the top!!..The Military "Just follows orders and NOT ask questions (some innocent and good!!--but should not DO wrong order--it's never good to kill and torture--as it comes back 100 fold)....It is obvious to me they have "sprayed us/microwavaes us and I hear they are planning or already did, now contaminate our water"......they want robots not humans, they feel we are "inefficient" you vicitm's don't wake up and seriously DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT BESIDES COMPLAIN, THEY WIN AND CONVERTLY KILL ALL HUMANS!!!  YOUR ONLY GETTING THE SYMPTOMS OF SLOW DEATH!.....REVOLT!! ...ONE BIG SOLUTION, IF ITS NOT TOO LATE, IS QUIT VOTING FOR MORE OF THE SAME!! DEMS AND REPUBLICS....VOTE INDEPENTEND FOR CHANGE AND HAVE INDEPENDENT CITIZENS TALLY AND RECOUND ALL VOTES........ USE MY DR. TO GET WELL: DR. HILDY STANINGER, TOXICOLOGIST OUT OF LA, CALIFORNIA...SHE DOES PHONE CONSULTS....I'M GETTING BETTER, BUT THEY KEEP ENTERING MY HOUSE ILLEGALLY AND RECONTAMINATING MY FOOD AND THROW BIOWAREFARE CHEMICALS ALL OVER MY HOUSE (MY DR. SAID DON'T CALL IT MORGELLONS) IT IS BIOWARE FARE VIRUSES/CHEMICALS AND MORE!!.....Good Luck!!

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