Brian Dodge's Posts (7)

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EASY PeacePink hack!

     We all know about https, right?  Well, make sure you check your address every time you sign into PP.  If the addy is not preceded by https, then your PP account and you are at risk.  It takes only a moment to add the https to your PP address

     Change your password as a routine security measure, EVEN if you believe "they" can read your mind.  There's no sense in helping them by being sloppy.

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Outsmarting ourselves w/disinformation

This will sound like heresy, but please consider anyway.

There is much disinformation everywhere as we all know.  Some of this disinformation is unknowingly perpetuated by us upon other TIs.  This is the most dangerous source of disinformation.  Who else are we more likely to believe, than another TI.

Use your experiences, personal observations and experiments to produce empirical knowledge you can believe and build on.  "OUR" experience is all we can use as a base that can be trusted.  Many genuine TIs I have known have become so convinced that they have the true answers, that there is no room for correcting errors.  Yet much of what they believe has been taken as gospel from someone who seems to be in a position of authority/knowledge.  The "answers" that are espoused are gathered from outside sources, and there is the flaw - unquestioned acceptance based upon what strangers have to say.

It is useful to gather information from other sources and tentatively accept them into our beliefs about GS if they seem reasonable.  BUT, when we start preaching back and forth to each other using information that has been fed to us, we may very well be spreading disinformation to each other.

PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Consider information that is not personally experienced suspect and don't loose sight of the fact that reality begins with YOU.  Don't allow yourself to become so overwhelmed and disheartened by touted concepts such as aliens, artificial intelligence, government conspiracy, etc. that you just give up your common sense.  Stay informed, but alway question a source, and be ready to evolve your beliefs.

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ODD Countermeasure that works!

     I decided to do a new blog entry instead of adding to the one here:

     In that blog I spoke of using an electric toothbrush to stop vibrations I’d been experiencing for a couple of years. These vibs were beginning to cause some issues w/hip and knee joints for which I’d sought physical therapy.

     I noticed some relief each time I would take hold of an electric floor fan to move it. This evolved into attaching the fan to a wood frame chair I sleep in so the chair would vibrate. Since I was deriving some real benefits and success in stopping joint pain, I began doing some research and happened across this: This led me to a kit he was offering here:

     I had thought it was the counter-vibrations of the fan motor that was canceling out the vibrations I was feeling in my legs. It turns out that the floor fan motor was giving off/transmitting RF which was interfering with the perp device being used that caused the vibs.

     Over time, I’ve come to believe this “leg vibration” I felt/feel is the way I am located inside my house bf a DEW attack is launched. I felt the vibs EVERY time, just bf being attacked. Once I began to use the counter vibs off and on, the perps tried to trick me into thinking it didn’t work by continuing to do the vibs bf an attack... BUT it backfired on them bcz I soon realized that the attacks that followed were never very strong - they were just aiming/shooting where they “thought” I was.

     So, I began wearing 2 motors, one on each leg 24 hours a day. I wear 2 so there will be an overlap when one of the rechargeable batteries goes dead if I am asleep, and there will ALWAYS be RF attached to my body being transmitted.

     BTW, it is not necessary to reshape the end of the toothbrush as I did in the “Vibrations” blog post since it is not the “vibrating” itself that is beneficial. All you seem to need is to have the toothbrush in contact w/your skin. However, I would suggest you remove the brushes from the end or you will otherwise wear a raw hole in your leg.

     Buy a cheap Oral B toothbrush for $5 at WMT and stick it in your sock. It won’t cost much to find out if it will work for you too.

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Don’t Just Sit There!

     In the 12+ years I’ve been a TI, I’ve experienced an occasional success in throwing a monkey wrench into the smooth workings of the perp machine. I’ve done this by keeping my mouth shut, and paying attention.

     In order to conduct the monotonous and repetitive tasks of being a perp, perps are somewhat brain dead when it comes to initiative and imagination. They remind me of arduino robots that are programmed by their handlers, and never deviate in carrying out their assigned tasks. When they hit an obstacle they stop and call the handler. It can take a day or two of blissful quiet bf they return with a new tactic.

Firstly, keeping my mouth shut.
- I will bite my lip bloody before I cry or make any sound that indicates I am in pain. It becomes a fight of mind over pain. No matter how bad I feel at that moment, I know that if perps discover that the device/tactic being used is causing me to suffer, that device/tactic will be repeated for years to come.
- There have been times when I thought I’d have to go to the hospital bcz of the pain, but I suffered through the attack and kept silent. The DEW/device will sooner or later be replaced by another device bcz they weren’t sure the other device had worked.
- This is a response I have had from the beginning, and it has served me well. They NEVER know if what they are doing is working, so get no satisfaction.

Second, paying attention.
- Listen, watch, and learn the timetable and routines of your perps. This is valuable information and you will learn a whole lot more than you think. Remember, you are no threat or challenge - they won’t suspect you are watching and taking notes.
- Each perp has his own “signature”. Some just want to let you know they are omnipresent, other’s like to crank up the juice and cause as much suffering as they can. Each perp will use a given weapon differently.
- Make up a timetable for each perp. Then, watch for any correlation w/vehicles driving by, cars starting up, people going to work, etc. Look for connections between deeds and people you see or hear.

     The use you are able to make of this information will depend on a number of factors. The closer your perps can move in next to you, the worse your situation. The larger the buffer zone, the more chances you will have to test out avenues of relief.

     There are many TIs looking to hook up with other TIs, and many that have already formed groups. Connect with another TI or someone you trust, or get a couple of big dogs. Then, move to a lot in the middle of the dessert or on top of a masa and go off the grid. See how many perps show up to harass you...  they never did find Jimmy Hoffa.

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Wrong pathway, proceed with caution...

It is a great temptation to read what a "source" says, and begin to believe it bcz it seems like it fits with what we are experiencing.  It doesn't seem to matter that what is being touted might be stretching the bounds of feasibility.  For a TI living in an information vacuum, it can quickly become a reality.

Our minds stretch to understand and explain the unknown.  Before becoming a victim of Organized Stalking, that was the basis of my scientific education, career, and how I conducted my life.  However, the world of a TI is not always logical.  Nor should the answers we arrive at based upon input by a total stranger(s) on an internet website necessarily be written in ink as a stepping stone on the way to the truths lying behind Organized Stalking.

PLEASE back up a step and examine what you have come to believe about OS - it may or may not be true.  I urge each of us to use information we acquire as building blocks, especially if it exceeds reality and starts leaning toward something like extra terrestrial causes.  Until that day a TI has "real" proof, NEVER write OS beliefs in stone - always test your beliefs and leave the door open so new information will enter.  A closed mind is a danger to us all.

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capturing neural brain signature

     I’ve seen posts from TIs who use the radio as a means of transmitting disruptive signals in an attempt to protect themselves from having their neural signature captured.

     Aside from the issues of the methods of how a TI’s neural signature is/isn’t captured to be used against them... using a radio to cause interference will not work.  A radio is not a transmitter - it is a receiver.   transmitter is the radio station, or a ham radio, or a walkie-talkie.

     If you want to scramble your neural signature in an attempt to keep it from being captured and used to control you, you will need to first ascertain the frequency of your neural signal (not exactly sure how you would accomplish that), then broadcast on a close frequency.

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A member at last!

Question:  has anyone reading this blog experienced vibrations in their legs and feet? 

I know compared to most of the torture and torment TIs go through this seems like a trivial question, but we all come into this nightmare at different speeds.  This vibration began around the same time the mobbing at work and phone problems started, and was sort of low key.  It was mostly annoying, but it has continued non-stop over the past year and now it's developed into some fairly significant joint and muscle pain.

Anyone have a similar experience?  PLEASE???

Thanks, Brian

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