Heather Bee's Posts (6)

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the arbitrary infliction of pain by the state

furman v. georgia 428.us 238 92 s ct.  the supreme ct stated that the state must not arbitrarily inflict a severe punishment the very words cruel and unusual punishment imply condemnation of the arbitrary infliction of severe punishments. a punishment is excessive under this principal if it is unnecessary. the infliction of a severe punishment by the state cannot comport with human dignity when it is nothing more than the pointless infliction of suffering.  

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when a small group of governement employees using federal funding arbitatily targets a group of people or an individual they consider to be undesirable outside the boundries of constitutional law & the legal system as a whole, and is being facilitated by governmental infrastructure, the actions are wholly outside the public's trust it is a violation of moral and ethical obligation by all parties. They cease to serving the public good and become a threat to the community as a whole. They offending groups need to be made accountable for their actions by public standard.

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