1 Feb 2010 Mailteam works--victims work trends
(1) Court to Defendant: Stop Blasting That Man’s Mind!
James Walbert Cour Case reported on Wired.com
(2) Directed Energy Weapons Forum on 25th to 26th March 2010 in London
Below is an invitation letter:
Dear M. Guard, I hope you're well. I'm writing to point you to the complimentary downloads available at www.deweapons.com and alert you to tomorrow's early bird rate expiry for the Directed Energy Weapons forum (London, 25th and 26th March 2010). With a selection of experiences and case studies on the research going into aerial, maritime and land platforms, as well as non-lethal systems from the leading military decision-makers in this space, this is the prime gathering for DE practitioners to information share with key pioneers. Confirmed speakers include:
- Dr Larry Altgilbers, Senior Engineer, Explosive Pulsed Power Programme, US Army Space and Missile Defense Command
- Dr Ernst Krogager, Senior Scientist, Applied Research Branch, Danish Defence and Logistics Organisation / Chairman, NATO Working Group for HPM
- Scott McPheeters, Senior Advisor, Chief Engineers Office, US PEO Missiles and Space
- Captain Massimo Annati, Italian Navy and Deputy Director, European Working Group on Non-Lethal Weapons
- Major Robb 'Thor' Mansfield, Aircraft Survivability Equipment and Directed Energy Requirements Officer, US Marine Corps
- Dr Mten Risling, Experimental Trauma Unit, Karolinska Institutet and European / EDA / NATO working groups on HPM
- Matthew Flower, Head of Laser Safety, Military Laser Safety Committee (MLSC), UK MoD
Download the full agenda online.
You'll also find there complimentary presentation, video and report downloads of:
- DEW Market Report
- Laser Bioeffects (Benjamin A. Rockwell, Ph.D. Principal Research Physicist Human Effectiveness Directorate Air Force Research Laboratory)
- How Do We Get to Fielding DEW? (Dr. J. Douglas Beason)
- Directed Energy Countermeasures based on Terawatt Femtosecond Laser (Jacques Dubois, Marc Cheauneuf and Francis Th閎erge, Defence Research & Development Canada)
- The Active Denial System (Ms. Susan LeVine, US Department of Defense Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate)
- Verification and Validation of Directed Energy Systems
- Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) in Air Defence
- Directed Energy Weapons - Operational Considerations
Visit the Download Centre for more details.
To attend the forum and receive up to GBP 300 off, register before 29th January 2010 via:
Email: enquire@...
Call: +44 (0)20 7368 9300
Visit: www.deweapons.com
Your priority code: 1-1971226076
I hope to meet you in March in London.
Yours sincerely,
Tom James
Programme Director
Directed Energy Weapons 2010
(3) Christine Harris is a guest on a radio station, February 1 & 8, 2009,
Hello Everyone,
Republic Broadcasting is having a conversation regarding a domestic terrorist group and covert electromagnetic technologies being used against our own citizens, and the world.
http://republicbroadcasting.org/ You can listen via internet.
I will be interviewing with this radio station from 11:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M on Monday, February 1 and 8, 2009.
www.projectcensored.org You can download the booklet, called US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights. Are both excellent resources and can explain the technology.
Best Wishes,
Christine Harris
415-235-6466 c
(4) Illegal Domestic Surveillance Emerging Class Action Lawsuit
Under surveillance at the Administartion on Aging, Washington, DC approximately March 2004 to April 2006. Street Theatre, surveillance and bugging, and tailing at my Apartment at 36 ½ K St. NW, Washington DC 20001 •
Surveillance and community harassment near my residence at Stoy St. Penn, PA 15675; Junior’s Pub, Penn PA. Sheetz Gas Station, Irwin Pa. JC Penney’s Greensburgh PA. September 2006 to January 2007 •
Volt Technical Services 477 Madison Ave. New York, NY. Workplace harassment, emergency vehicle harassment, street theatre. •
Surveillance of my residence at 412 W 129th St. Apt. 4, New York, NY. •
Computer, phone, cell phone, radio, and tv tapped and manipulated at all locations. Result of the government abuse. •
Direct traumatization •
Induced schizophrenia •
Manic depressive swings •
Suicide attempts •
Paranoid Delusions •
Nervous breakdowns •
Catatonic states. Financial, job loss, legal problems.
(5) Debbie Newhook
I have decided to join forces with the Natives who are instrumental in starting the anti-Olympic movement-campaign here in Canada. At the same time I decided to join this group, I also phoned Keven Annett (Canadian Activist, former United church minister who lives here) and he and I are getting together later today. For those who do not know Kevin Annett, he fought for the Natives to expose the genocide that took place when they gathered up all the Native children and shipped them off to residential schools where they were tortured and killed at the hands of the United church and it (the round up of native children)was facilitated by the RCMP. Kevin has had a rough ride and the perps did effectively trash his life and the United Church did fire him. Kevin is in the process of doing a documentary about the Child Trafficking ..the documentary is called the Diary`. He was interviewed and filmed for this documentary and after that he was attacked and beaten up. He tells me this is not the first time he has been beaten up.
I am going to another Olympic protest-march next weekend in Victoria with the intention of networking with the other activists whom I know have become targets. I will keep you posted...provided I can stay in touch with you all and there is no disruption of communications.
I just had a meeting today with Kevin Annett and his wife. Kevin is exposing the child trafficking ring in Vancouver right now. He also has a weekly radio program in Vancouver and has asked me to come onto his show some time in March. His wife also has a radio show here in Nanaimo on CHLY radio (alternate radio) and has asked me to come onto her show...So today was good networking opportunity.
For those who are not familiar with Kevin Annett have a look at his documentary called:UNREPENTANT: KEVIN ANNETT AND CANADA'S GENOCIDE
(6) Debbie Newhook is on the paper.
Debbie joined a rally of Victoria on Saturday. She had to be the one to have my picture in the paper..go to the link to see the Victoria paper..I am the white haired woman on the right.
Debbie Newhook
(7) Job Oportunity for San Francisco T.I's
From Fish Crab
I ran into this positions with Amnesty International and I thought that since Christine and Bruno are great speakers/activists/people they might be interested. Or pass it on to someone who might be. You know if we can get someone inside Amnesty International we might be able to get them interested in our cause as well. Actually I was looking for a job for me.. but "Regional Director or Administrator" is out of my league. I was thinking more along the lines of conducting hand on inspections about human rights violations. That is what I want for me. For the looks of it... I might have to start as a volunteer first.
Neverteless right here is the job opportunity:
(8) Christine another Black Talk Radio opportunity next week with Wayne
He is the exutive director of Pastors Against Injustice in Roanike Virginia, and
is interested to have you on his show about electromagnetic torture next week,
with Lynn
He called me so that you would have his #
please mentionwe are associates, he is on my advisory board at Idriss Stelley
Wayne's # is
Wayne is excited about the show, hope you contact him soon !
I moderate a yahoogroup for him,
his email is:
me know what's up after you talk to my playnephew Wayne
(9) The Control Factor Dr. John Hall, Don, Christine Harris, Kevin Bond, James Walbert
Hello Everyone,
This is a recorded radio show, The Control Factor, with Dr. John Hall, (book A NEW BREED:SATELLITE TERRORISM IN AMERICA), Don (Host), Kevin Bond (victim in Palm Springs, FREY Effect google), James Walbert, won court case 2008, Wired.com for electromagnetic weapons, stalking, psychotronics, electronic harassment.
These covert crimes are an epidemic in our country. Seriously and really!
Click on the link, download to listen. This does not have a virus.
Please forgive me, here is the link.
Best Wishes,
Christine Harris
415-235-6466 c
(10) Lawyer Mario Di Norcia's testimony
Translated from Italian by Rudy Andria with the permission of the author.
My name is Mario di Norcia. I am a lawyer from Fondi in the province of Latina in Italy. I am a regular member of the Bar of this province. I have been persecuted for about 8 years now by those whom I assume to be the Italian secret services or some government organisations.
One evening in Spring 2002 I had the "sensation" of being followed while I was going back home. Such a sensation or rather, such a thought, I have understood later, has been telepathically inserted into my mind. Thinking it over, I have understood that some cars were, as a matter of fact, following me. As it was in the evening and dark, in the city traffic, it was practically impossible to notice anything whatsoever.
Nevertheless, the following days I noticed people who had strange behaviours with repetitive gestures. Such gestures could seem normal in appearance, but as they were continuously repeated, they gave me to understand that the purpose of these individuals' presence was to let me know I was being stalked. I had to deal with different people all the time, sometimes they were more or less conspicuously disguised to intentionally let me understand they were agents or such like.
(11) Some information about COINTELPRO
From Bob Levin
Professor Alfred McCoy.
COINTELPRO 101 - The Sabotage Of Legitimate Dissent
Pentagon hacks blogs and changing messages to destroy the writer’s credibility while enlisting groups like FFCHS to subvert the positive efforts of Pro-TI Activists with COINTELPRO operations and propaganda. This is also realized by scientific articles disappearing or being changed on the internet.
Norm Chomsky
Ward Churchill on COINTELPRO and Terrorism
Cointelpro FBI (#24) [Marshal Thomas] Note I do not concur on any associations linking COINTELPRO to gang stalking.
FBI DIRECTOR ROBERT MUELLER TESTIFIES BEFORE CONGRESS [speaks of programs, software, “terrorism”, prosecutions of law enforcement]
FBI history not always legal
Alex Jones TV: Obama's Info Czar Sunstein, to Order Cointelpro, Military Provocateurs on Truthers
"Safety Bracelets" for air travelers that would include personal information and would not only track the wearer but also be capable of remotely delivering a taser-like shock.
Another Fourwinds10.com
No-Planer Cointelpro Operation Becoming Transparent
The above one describes the disinformation campaigns to label targets. Ex: Alex Jones:
Haupt continuously spreads disinformation, even abject lies, surrounding the 9/11 truth movement. From calling legitimate 9/11 truthers “Plane Huggers”, to claiming “Alex Jones works for ABC” and is “covering up for the media”, Haupt’s tactics and behavior exhibit classic COINTELPRO methods. Haupt even advocates “waterboarding Plane Huggers”.
(12) Help Eric Griffin
Eric Griffin (you can send a letter to Eric to the following address)
# 2009110666
2332 North Laqs Vegas Blve
Las Vegas, NV. 89030
To Mr. Harry Reid,
Dear Senator,
Referring to the letter written to you by Mrs. Miriam Snyder (see below),I would like to bring your attention to the abuses and tortures of covert mind control weapons.
I am the creater of https://peacepink.ning.com/ , a group members who CONCERN ABOUT THE ABUSE AND TORTURE OF THE FOLLOWINGS :-
any other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person) through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations or the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations.
I have already sorted some laws against criminal uses of electromagnetic energy weapons
Mr. Eric Griffin joined https://peacepink.ning.com/ and claimed that he was a victim of remote electromagnetic mind control weapons abuses and tortures, and became a very active member to expose such a terrible crime.
Therefore, I strongly wish that you could pay attention to the abovementioned weapons abuses and tortures. I also filed my lawsuits, which you can read from the link:
Below is also a letter from Jean Verstraeten
Vredestraat 65, 2540 HOVE (Belgium)
Thank you and Best Regards!
Yours Sincerely,
P.S. Here follows the text of Mrs. Snyder抯 letter :
Emailed: senator_reid@...
Faxed to: 702-388-5030
Sen. Harry Reid
Lloyd D. George Building
333 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Suite 8016
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Phone: 702-388-5020 / Fax: 702-388-5030
Dear Honorable Senator Reid:
I write this letter regarding Eric Griffin's criminal victimization in a dreadful and deadly mind control program which effectuated the below criminal framing, set up and wrongful incarceration. Foremost, Eric Griffin has filed multitudes of affidavits and criminal complaints regarding being put in a slow kill MKULTRA/COINTELPRO mind control program. Specifically, he was being victimized by military weapons. He constantly complained of having directed energy weapons and the microwave auditory effect weapon inflicted on him. In simple English, these are deadly and criminal mind control weapons that need to be banned off of this earth. Since these weapons are being criminally used on innocent people, unregulated, and have not been banned, Eric Griffin is now incarcerated for a crime he was programmed to do, and committed such with no criminal intent.
In summary, Eric Griffin stated that he received a judgment signed by a judge regarding being compensated for the damages inflicted on him via this weaponry. Prior to going to the below bank, he went to the police department to see if they would help him enforce the judgment. They did not help him. Thereafter he went to the bank. If Eric Griffin was going to rob a bank as aledged, he would not have gone to the police department prior to going to the bank. The issues that will vindicate him are simple. The signed judgment he presented at the bank will show that he was set up. Did a real judge sign the judgment or was he victimized by fictional administration in the courts? Was the judgment signed for no other purpose other than a major part of his mind control programming, which led him to believe he had authority to seek enforcement of the judgment?
To this end, we, family and friends of Eric Griffin seek the release of Eric Griffin from the criminal mind control weapons he has relentlessly complained of and we demand his release from the penal system that he would have nothing to do with if justice prevailed in the banning of mind control military weapons being used on innocent people. Please note Eric Griffith was an active member in the Freedom from Covert Harassment movement, where multitudes of innocent people have testified of the atrocities inflicted on them via ruthless, deadly and criminal mind control operations. Please visit them here: http://www.freedomfchs.com.
There are millions of people seeking to stop the criminal use of deadly mind control weapons on human beings. Our voices have been disregarded for too long, and another mind control atrocity has occurred because of such. A human race protection committee and a legal defense fund is needed to stop these disguised killings, programmings, set ups and framing's.
Honorable public official, today it is Eric Griffin, but tomorrow it could be you, your son, daughter or neighbor. Please demand the release of Eric Griffin as he has committed no crime and the evidence exemplifies that he is a victim of relentless, deadly, inhumane and unregulated mind control programming. Your leadership skills are needed. Thank you.
Miriam Snyder
Human Rights Advocate, Educator, Minister, Victim and Survivor of ruthless, deadly,and criminally insane, expert mind control programming
To Mr. Harry Reid,
member of the US-Senate
Dear Senator,
Referring to the letter written to you by Mrs. Miriam Snyder (see below), I take the liberty to draw your attention to the fact that in the light of what is reported throughout the world, it is likely that Mr. Eric Griffin really has become a victim of chilling crimes against humanity perpetrated by a) invisible energies, b) chemical poisons, c) organised stalking.
From the point of view of humanity as well as from that of the constitutional state, it is utterly important that fundamental rights of detainees be respected ? as is utterly important in general that torture from a distance and the like cease to be practised.
Therefore, I strongly hope that you will do what you can in this respect. People around the world will feel immensely grateful for that. (In Belgium, prisons are obliged to allow entrance to members of parliament; the latter may visit detainees and ask questions to the personnel in the institution : I suppose something the like applies to the United States or to the state of Nevada?)
Respectfully Yours,
Jean Verstraeten
Vredestraat 65
2540 HOVE (Belgium)