Posted by Soleilmavis on August 14, 2009 at 4:50pm
(11)a neuroscientist talks about her work using electromagnetics to change moral thinking and the Pentagon's interest in it.
Rebecca Saxe at TEDGlobal 2009: Running notes from Session 5
Rebecca Saxe talked about "the problem of other minds." One of the most complicated things the mind does is try to comprehend what other people are thinking. But the problem she researches is not what you might think -- not "why is it so hard to know other minds?" but: How is it so easy to know other minds?
One snapshot of a stranger diving into the ocean or holding a baby allows you to guess what other people are thinking or feeling -- joy, or thrill. The brain, the machine we use to think, is made of the same pieces as other animals' brains are made of, and even sea slugs have them. But how is it that the particular network of pieces we humans in particular have allows us to think about other peoples' thoughts so easily?
We have a special reasoning module called the right tempero-parietal junction that is what we use to think about other peoples' thoughts.
How do we learn to predict actions? It takes time for human children to learn this ability. 5-year-olds can understand that other people have false beliefs. 3-year-olds don't understand this. The same goes for the ability to make moral judgment based on what is (or is not) known about peoples' intentions.
But even in adulthood, people differ on this ability. Saxe tries to explain how these differences come about with fascinating experiments. Adults are given a version of the experiment given to the kids, involving a jar of sugar that is labeled "poison." People disagree about how much blame people should get when they do something intentionally wrong -- givng a co-worker sugar, but believing that the sugar is poison -- and doing something by accident -- giving people poison that they think is sugar -- that is wrong.
Saxe wanted to know if we can change this function, and it turns out that we can. We can do so using a magnetic pulse to disorganize the function of the neurons in the region responsible for this type of thinking. The magnetic pulse, which is powerful enough to shoot a quarter into the air, causes an involuntary twitch in the hand when applied through the skull. When this pulse is applied to people who are making a moral judgment, people come to believe that accidents are less OK, and actions done with actual intent to harm is more OK.
In a brief Q&A, Chris Anderson asked about the dangers of such technology. Is Saxe talking to the Pentagon about this technology? Saxe said, "They're calling, but I'm not talking to them." It's not any danger (yet), because there's no way for this technology to work without the person knowing that the brain interference is happening.
Will this research make any impacts on education? Saxe says that is the hope. By exploring this field, we'll understand how human brains do distinctly human things.
(12) Holt Calls for Next Church Committee on CIA
Congressman Calls for Broad Inquiry Into Intelligence Agency
By Spencer Ackerman 7/27/09 6:00 AM
Rep. Rush Holt (D-N.J.) (
After years of examining CIA operations of dubious legality, an important member of the House intelligence committee is exploring an option that many in the intelligence community view with apprehension: a comprehensive investigation of all intelligence-community operations over years and perhaps even decades. The model is the famous Church and Pike committees of the 1970s, which exposed widespread CIA lawlessness; created the modern legal and congressional oversight structures for intelligence; and cleaved the history of the CIA into before- and after- periods.
Illustration by: Matt Mahurin
Rep. Rush Holt (D-N.J.), a progressive who sits on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and chairs a special oversight panel that helps write the intelligence budget, has been increasingly comfortable talking about a new “Church committee.” He floated the idea in an interview with TWI on July 14, again to the Newark Star-Ledger the next day, and even attempted to discuss the Church committee’s precedents for congressional oversight with Lou Dobbs on CNN on July 20.
“I’d like to see something on the scope of the Church committee,” Holt told TWI in a Friday phone interview. The congressman said that it had been a “few decades” since Congress took a comprehensive inquiry into the intelligence community’s impact on “the relationship between the individual and her or his government, as well as the role that the U.S. plays in other countries around the world, outside of declared military activities.”
Holt said he did not have a concrete proposal prepared for the creation of such an investigation, and was at the stage of seeing what colleagues and members of the intelligence community made of such a move. “There’s agreement with the idea,” he said. “An awful lot of people have not really thought about how many unanswered questions there are or unresolved issues there are out there about how we do intelligence in the United States.”
He declined to name any members of congress with whom he has discussed such an investigation, but said they were members of the House intelligence committee and the oversight panel he chairs. “Are we close to commissioning a study in the way I’m conceiving it? No, not yet,” he said. A House Republican aide, who requested anonymity, was unaware of Holt’s early feelers, raising questions about whether Holt’s envisioned inquiry would have Republican support. And a spokesman for Rep. Silvestre Reyes (D-Texas), the House intelligence committee chairman, did not return a request for comment.
Many in the intelligence world and on the right view the committee investigations led by Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho) and Rep. Otis Pike (D-N.Y.) as representing an apex of progressive congressional attempts to geld the intelligence community. Empaneled in response to a New York Times article by Seymour Hersh in 1974 reporting widespread surveillance of U.S. citizens, the investigations unearthed other abuses, such as repeated CIA assassination attempts on foreign heads of state. It resulted in the passage of laws like the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to prevent warrantless domestic surveillance and the creation of standing committees in Congress to oversee intelligence activities. Some conservatives view the investigations as an example of congressional overreach. “I think they undermined our capabilities in some respects,” former Vice President Dick Cheney told his biographer, Stephen F. Hayes.
Holt said that he is “not talking about upsetting the applecart, I’m talking about analyzing the full applecart” of intelligence activities. He rejects the idea that such a comprehensive investigation necessarily entails eroding U.S. intelligence capabilities. “Is giving your kid a test in school an inhibition on his free learning?” Hold said. “Sure, there are some people who are happy to let intelligence agencies go about their business unexamined. But I think most people when they think about it will say that you will get better intelligence if the intelligence agencies don’t operate in an unexamined fashion.”
But over the past several years, the intelligence committees and official commissions have peered into intelligence matters repeatedly. In 2002 and 2003, an unprecedented joint House-Senate intelligence committee investigation looked into intelligence work on al-Qaeda before the Sept. 11 attacks, work that the 9/11 Commission took as a point of departure. A panel created by the Bush administration examined intelligence work on weapons of mass destruction. The Senate intelligence committee, from 2004 to 2007, undertook a multi-tiered look at intelligence failures preceding the invasion of Iraq. At the moment, the Senate intelligence committee is conducting a study into the CIA’s interrogation and detention practices after 9/11, and the House intelligence committee on which Holt serves is examining recent revelations of a shuttered CIA program believed to be tied to strengthening assassinations capabilities.
Holt said that such inquiries still left a host of unexamined activities. “There’s a lot to look at, [and] not just who told what to whom, or the treatment of detainees or [renditions], or interrogation, or domestic surveillance or national security letters or on and on and on,” he said. “Church looked at everything since the OSS,” referring to the Office of Strategic Services, the World War II-era predecessor of the CIA. “The recommendations of the Church committee, in large part, have been eroded, ignored or violated since then. The world situation has evolved, and the technologies, methodology and organizations of the intelligence community have evolved, [and] also the look back then, in a sense, has been forgotten by some.” Representatives from the CIA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence did not return messages seeking comment.
Steven Aftergood, an intelligence policy analyst with the Federation of American Scientists, said that in some respects it was surprising that no one had proposed a Church committee-like investigation. “It’s the shoe that has not dropped yet,” Aftergood said. “The Church committee was established following a series of revelations of disturbing intelligence community activities. To a remarkable extent the series of events precipitating the Church committee has been replicated in recent months and years. The famous December 1974 Seymour Hersh front-page story in The New York Times talking about domestic surveillance [presaged] the December 2005 [James Risen and Eric Lichtblau] story in The New York Times about domestic surveillance.”
Aftergood said that a new Church committee was “overdue,” and disputed the characterization of the 1970s congressional investigations as weakening U.S. intelligence. “While to some people in the intelligence business the name of Frank Church is a dirty word, it’s also true that the structures that emerged from the Church committee benefited intelligence by introducing stability and predictability into intelligence policy,” Aftergood said. “The idea that this was a disaster or an assault on intelligence is shortsighted to the point of misunderstanding. The Church committee yielded the framework that the U.S. intelligence community needed to grow and to regain at least in some measure the confidence of the public and the rest of the government.”
Along those lines, Holt said that he’s heard representatives of the intelligence community say, in “breathtaking honesty and self-awareness,” that a thorough investigation might enable them to better do their jobs. “In a representative democracy, there is a very important role for the legislative branch to help the CIA and the intelligence community determine and understand their proper role and give them the tools and the latitude to carry out” lawful intelligence activities.
Recently, a TI referred me to this site, the Urban Dictionary that has definitions for "Organized Stalking" and "Gangstalking". I just thought you all would like to see this. I didn't find a listing for the electronic harassment/torture that we are familiar with.
1. Organized Stalking
A system of organized psychological terror tactics used against a person who has become an enemy of an individual or a government. Subtle but effective techniques of stalking by multiple individuals and psychological intimidation and manipulation are used to slowly but surely drive the target to make complaints to authorities who will see the complaints as bogus because of the methods used against the target. As a result, the target gets labelled as mentally ill.
There are as many stalking tactics as there are targets as the multistalkers will tailor the stalking to the individuals habits and individual personality. Some common examples or organized stalking are: following the target on foot, by car and public transportation, crowding the target's space in a public place, murmuring insults under the breath so only the target can hear, sitting in the car outside the target's residence, starting "fights" in public with the target, doing "skits" on the street which involves information only the target should know but has been found out via surveillance of the target, stealing and vandalism of the target's possesions.
2. Organized Stalking
“Organized Stalking is a form of terrorism used against an individual in a malicious attempt to reduce the quality of a persons life so they will: have a nervous break-down, become incarcerated, institutionalized, experience constant mental, emotional, or physical pain, become homeless, and/or
commit suicide. This is done using well-orchestrated accusations, lies, rumors, bogus investigations, setups, framings, intimidation, overt or covert threats, vandalism, thefts, sabotage, torture, humiliation, emotional terror and general harassment. It is a “ganging up” by members of the community who follow an organizer and participate in a systematic “terrorizing” of an individual.”
-Mark M. Rich
Organized stalking is a crime against humanity.
This is the first of several definitions of "Gang Stalking" listed at that site.
1. Gang Stalking
1. What is gang stalking?
Gang stalking is a form of community mobbing and organised stalking combined. Just like you have workplace mobbing, and online mobbing, which are both fully recognised as legitimate, this is the community form.
Gang stalking is organised harassment at it's best. It the targeting of an individual for revenge, jealousy, sport, or to keep them quite, etc.
It's a psychological attack that can completely destroy a persons life, while leaving little or no evidence to incriminate the perpetrators."
primary targets are woman, minorities, dissidents, whistle blowers, etc
To get some revenge we had Joe stalked, mobbed and harassed 24/7, the gang stalking never stopped. We had him followed, cut off, we bugged his house, made that guy think he was going loco, crazy. We really messed with him till he was broken.
1069L.01I D. ADAM CRUMBLISS, Chief Clerk
To amend chapter 537, RSMo, by adding thereto one new section relating to actions for damages for coerced subcutaneous implantation of an identification device.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the state of Missouri, as follows:
Section A. Chapter 537, RSMo, is amended by adding thereto one new section, to be known as section 537.043, to read as follows:
537.043. 1. As used in this section, the following terms shall mean:
(1) "Identification device", any item, application, or product that is passively or actively capable of transmitting personal information, including but not limited to, devices using radio frequency technology or any electronic device used to track, harass, or download information without permission;
(2) "Person", an individual, business association, partnership, limited partnership, corporation, limited liability company, trust, estate, cooperative association, or other entity;
(3) "Personal information" , includes any of the following data elements to the extent they are used alone or in conjunction with any other information used to identify an individual:
(a) E-mail, internet protocol, or web site address;
(b) Date of birth;
(c) Driver's license number or Missouri identification card number;
(d) Any unique personal identifier number contained or encoded on a driver's license or identification card issued;
(e) Bank, credit card, or other financial institution account number;
(f) Any unique personal identifier contained or encoded on a health insurance, health benefit, or benefit card or record issued in conjunction with any government-supporte d aid program;
(g) Religion;
(h) Ethnicity or nationality;
(i) Photograph;
(j) Fingerprint or other biometric identifier;
(k) Social Security number;
(l) Any other unique personal identifier;
(4) "Require, coerce, or compel", includes physical violence, threat, intimidation, retaliation, the conditioning of any private or public benefit or care on consent to implantation, including employment, promotion, or other employment benefit, or by any means that causes a reasonable person of ordinary susceptibilities to acquiesce to implantation when he or she otherwise would not, but does not include legitimate medical uses for which the patient or his or her guardian or parent has consented;
(5) "Subcutaneous" , existing, performed, or introduced under or on the skin.
2. A person shall not require, coerce, or compel any other individual to undergo the subcutaneous implanting of an identification device.
3. Any person who violates the provisions of subsection 2 of this section may be assessed an initial civil penalty of no more than ten thousand dollars and no more than one thousand dollars for each day the violation continues until the deficiency is corrected. That civil penalty may be assessed and recovered in a civil action brought in any court of competent jurisdiction. The court may also grant a prevailing plaintiff reasonable attorney's fees and litigation costs, including but not limited to, expert witness fees and expenses as part of the costs.
4. A person who is implanted with a subcutaneous identification device in violation of the provisions of subsection 2 of this section may bring a civil action for actual damages, compensatory damages, punitive damages, injunctive relief, any combination of those, or any other appropriate relief.
5. Additionally, punitive damages may also be awarded upon proof of the defendant's malice, oppression, fraud, or duress in requiring, coercing, or compelling the plaintiff to undergo the subcutaneous implanting of an identification device.
6. An action brought under this section shall be commenced within three years of the date upon which the identification device was implanted.
7. If the victim was an incompetent, a dependent adult, or minor when the implantation occurred, actions brought under this section shall be commenced within three years after the date the plaintiff, or his or her guardian or parent, discovered or reasonably should have discovered the implant, or within eight years after the plaintiff attains the age of majority, whichever date occurs later.
8. The statute of limitations shall not run against an incompetent, a dependent adult, or minor plaintiff simply because a guardian ad litem has been appointed. A guardian ad litem's failure to bring a plaintiff's action within the applicable limitation period will not prejudice the plaintiff's right to do so.
9. A defendant is estopped from asserting a defense of the statute of limitations when the expiration of the statute is due to conduct by the defendant inducing the plaintiff to delay the filing of the action, or due to threats made by the defendant causing duress upon the plaintiff.
10. For purposes of implantation only, any interested person may file a petition for an order or judgment declaring an incompetent or minor free from the control of a parent or guardian who is requiring or preventing implantation of an identification device. The court shall consider that petition in light of applicable law with respect to the best interests of the incompetent or minor.
11. Any restitution paid by the defendant to the victim shall be credited against any judgment, award, or settlement obtained under this section.
12. The provisions of this section shall be liberally construed so as to protect privacy and bodily integrity.
13. Actions brought under this section are independent of any other actions, remedies, or procedures that may be available to an aggrieved party under any other law.
14. The provisions of this section shall not in any way modify existing statutory or case law regarding the rights of parents or guardians, the rights of children or minors, or the rights of dependent adults.
(15) A suggestion letter from Bob Levin on how to explain explain DEW and COINTELPRO to your doctor
Dear Dr. A
Maria has a number of problems for which she needs treatment, but when she sees you, she is not given time to discuss them. You examine her and then leave before she can discuss her medical problems with you.
I have thus called your office to explain her needs to your assistants, but they say that she must discuss them with you. Since she is not given time to discuss her needs with you during an office visit, she is getting no medical treatment for some of her urgent needs. I will thus list and attempt to explain her medical needs here. Please take time to discuss them with her and arrange for necessary treatment.
1. Mammogram
Maria has a lump in her breast, which you detected on examination at her last visit. You ordered a mammogram, but she was unable to get a routine mammogram because she had a previous mammogram in March.
She needs an order for a diagnostic mammogram. When I requested this from your assistant, I was told that you did not find a lump and thus could not order a diagnostic mammogram. Maria can feel a lump. She thus should have an order for a diagnostic mammogram.
Maria is at extreme risk of cancer as the result of long term, continuous exposure to electromagnetic energy produced by attacks from directed energy weapons in long term experiments being conducted on her without her consent.
2. Gastroenterologist referral
In my letter to you of June 1, I explained that since her abdominal surgery, Maria has remained very ill. She can eat very little. She has lost a great deal of weight. She has symptoms of very serious gastrointestinal problems, but she has been unable to get any diagnosis and appropriate treatment. She is gravely concerned about her present condition. She needs a referral to a gastroenterologist. Meanwhile, she needs anti-spasmodic medication.
3. Medical reports
We have been trying for months to get the medical report of surgery in April by Dr. B. Your assistant said that you had not received this report from Dr. B after his office said that they had sent it to you twice. After they sent it the third time, you assistant told me twice that she would mail a copy to Maria, but we have not received it. She would like to get a copy of this report when she is at your office today.
Maria requested that each of her previous doctors forward her medical records to you. She sent them the signed form provided by ABC HMO for transfer of medical records, but you told her that you have received no medical records.
What else can we do to get records if the offices do not respond to written requests and to phone calls? Maria particularly wants to see the reports of two surgeries by Dr. B; the report of the last mammogram; and blood tests showing that she is anemic.
4. Pain caused by electromagnetic attacks
Maria and I are both under continuous attack by electromagnetic directed energy weapons (DEW). We have no way of stopping these attacks since we have no way of proving who is responsible for them. We are in touch with hundreds of other people who share this same experience.
The electromagnetic attacks greatly aggravate Maria’s arthritis condition. Her knees are badly swollen. She is almost unable to use her hands at times. She suffers extreme pain from the combination of arthritis and electromagnetic attacks.
Dr. C prescribed Tylenol with codeine #4, two per day. Vicodin is also effective. You have prescribed a milder medication, 40 per month. Your prescription is not at all adequate to control Maria's pain. She needs stronger pain medication, not just for normal arthritis pain but for the torture of constant electromagnetic attacks.
If you want additional information and explanation about these attacks and why the victims have no remedy to stop them, I will be more than happy to provide it if you will agree to take the time to read it. I can prove to you that what is happening to us now is consistent with past government agency programs of painful and sometimes deadly experiments on involuntary human subjects. These have been carried out secretly by government agencies since the 1940's. This is thoroughly proven, documented fact. It is not open to question or doubt.
Although this proven truth is available to the general public, it seems to be unknown to the medical profession. The history of US government crimes is not taught in medical schools. Uninformed physicians thus assume that people are delusional if they believe they are being harmed by federal agencies. These physicians are unaware of the overwhelming, unquestionable evidence that US government agencies have in fact been engaged for many decades in harmful experiments on involuntary subjects and in secret wars of harassment and crime against innocent citizens.
The covert wars are known as “COINTELPRO operations.” COINTELPRO operations consist of constant harassment and crimes for which no protection is available from police. Local police are fully aware of these federal government programs, but they refuse to interfere with them. The present programs combine DEW attacks with COINTELPRO operations. I can provide detailed descriptions and explanations of COINTELPRO operations if you will take time to read them, but I am keeping this as short as possible so that you will at least know the medical conditions for which your patient needs treatment.
The truth about the past experiments and the COINTELPRO wars has been proven to the public only after it is too late to prevent the drastic harm that has been done to the victims. The truth about government agency responsibility for the present experiments on Maria and me and on hundreds of others will be proven at sometime in the future, maybe in 20 years, but as of now, we have no way to stop the DEW attacks and the accompanying COINTELPRO operations. The only thing that can be done for now is to provide medication to relieve as much of the pain as possible.
5. Tranquilizer. anti-depressant, and sleeping medication
COINTELPRO operations are designed to produce extreme tension and depression in a targeted person, who must continue to suffer the emotional and psychological consequences of these operations year after year with no possible remedy available. After decades of extreme psychological and physical abuse, Maria is at the breaking point. She needs tranquilizers, anti-depressants and sleeping medication.
You have prescribed a medication, which your assistant said could be used as both a tranquilizer and sleeping medication. It makes Maria too sleepy to use it during the day to control stress. She needs something like Valium to deal with stress without making her sleepy. She needs a separate sleeping medication to try to get her through the night.
She asked for tranquilizers to help her deal with daily stress, but she needs more than tranquilizers to help her cope with a life of continuous torture. She should also be given an anti-depressant.
Physicians, who don't believe the proven truth about these government agency crimes, suggest psychiatric treatment, assuming the problems are only imaginary, but they won't take the time to look at evidence offered by a patient to prove that what is happening today perfectly matches the proven truth of past government agency crimes. They simply close their mind to provable truth and let their patients suffer the consequences of their ignorance on this subject and their choice to close their minds to the past proven truth.
I hope that your mind is open to proof of truth. If you want proof of the reality of the same government horrors that Maria and I now experience, I have 50,000 pages of documentation from reliable sources such as US Senate Committee investigations, which have proved the truth and reality of government agency COINTELPRO operations and about decades of severely harmful government agency experiments on involuntary subjects. Examples of the latter are the Atomic Energy Commission’s radiation experiments and the CIA's mind control experiments.
I would be happy to provide you with as much evidence as you are willing to review. Alternately, since this information is available to the public, you can easily find proof of the truth for yourself by doing Google searches, which will produce the following information:
“COINTELPRO” 227,000 references
“Atomic Energy Commission radiation experiments" 108,000 reference
"CIA mind control experiments" 109,000,000 references
At the time the CIA and AEC experiments were being conducted, the involuntary subjects of the experiments had no way to prove the truth. Decades later, the truth was fully proven, but it was too late to benefit the involuntary subjects, who had suffered or died with no remedies available to them during the time that the experiments were being conducted.
Decades from now, when the truth about the DEW experiments of today is thoroughly proven, it will then be too late to matter to Maria and me and to the hundreds of other present involuntary subjects of these experiments. What we can prove to you today is that US government agencies have, for decades past, been doing the same things that are now being done to us and to the hundreds of other present involuntary subjects of DEW experiments.
So I am saying that before you assume that Maria’s problems are unreal and suggest psychiatric treatment, it is your responsibility to look at the evidence proving the truth and the reality of similar past government experiments on involuntary subjects like us and the reality of government COINTELPRO wars such as we now experience.. It should not be difficult to believe that US government agencies are continuing to do today the same things that they have been proven responsible for doing throughout past decades.
Thank you for your attention to these matters of extreme concern to Maria and to me. If you would be interested in further information on the above subjects, please let me know.
Sincerely yours,
Bob S
(16) Your Brain Will Eventually Be Used Against You Published on 07-19-2009
Source: IO9
Although every lie detector ever built has proved unreliable, scientists continue to search for that magic machine that will reveal dishonesty. Now two Harvard neuroscientists have hit on a "pre-crime" technique that reveals intent to lie before it happens.
While some people already think that brain-imaging lie detectors are a scam, others remain convinced that they're the wave of the future. A recent study by Joshua Greene and Joseph Paxton at Harvard University shows that the skeptics might be right.
Paxton and Greene bet their subjects money based on guessing a coin flip. While those who had to record their responses in advance had average success, those who didn't have to tell their guess until after they knew the result had a high success rate, indicating they were lying. More interestingly, those people who were even interested in lying showed brain activity when just offered the opportunity to cheat, while those who were more honest showed no difference in their brain activity regardless of the opportunity to cheat. Over time, Greene and Paxton were able to predict whether certain volunteers would lie at all. They expect that their machine could be developed not just to determine whether someone was lying or had lied, but if they were interested in doing so or would in the future.
You always knew your brain would eventually betray you. The question is, how useful is this information really? Doesn't everyone want to lie sometimes, including people who are honest?
Truthfulness Requires No Act of Will for Honest People [via Harvard]
(17) The story of the International Criminal Court and Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo.