Mind Control Space News this week (January 4 to 10, 2020)
1. From self-awareness of being mind control, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with many elders, which made me got slowly movement and had a slow on the uptake. And frequently remote electronic weapons made me headache, always sleeping deprivation and lethargic but unable to enter deep sleep.
For a long time During the day, I ca n’t concentrated in everything , my memory is declining, I suspect that the metamorphosis chip controller has set my brain control mode as "weaker down will". It is said that this mode is not as my understand used to aging my brain, but is often used for high school students, used to slowly weak their concentration, causing unable to focus on their studies, and then attract them to buy "Adderall."
Here's a warning to high school students that the smart drugs wake you up just for a moment, but let you dying for your whole life.
— It Cannot against to electronic negative energy devices; — When metamorphosis chip controller mapping you with someone who got mental disorder, you also becoming mental disorder in that moment, the smart drugs can not taking effect.
— When you taking drug, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control of the electronic energy device makes you energetic and smart, that will attracting you to continue use, until addicted to drug Can't from pull out.
— When the bitch wants you to die, they will secretly change your pills until die from chronic poisoning.
So do not abuse drugs for high scores. Especially for the victims of being brain control, our spirit has been imprisoned. If also controlled by drugs, that you are going to the path which send you to hell.
Remember when you under controlled by the brain machine, smart or idiot was all controlled by the brain control machine. It was unable to change the situation by self-abilities or drugs; it need your most stronger willpower to against.
2. There are victims in the brain control space. In order to know the identity of the brain control perps, they use money to attract them to show their identity cards in exchange for money, once they use electronic harassment, can report to police and sue for them. But the perp got the money and hide their true identity by steal other’s identity card. So when you pay the money to identify them, please pay attention to distinguish fake or truth of the identity and ID card, ever it is good idea for you to know the perp but it may urge the perp to steel ID card from someone else. Don’t forget the perp who using the mind control technology as well.
On the other hand, those who are being mapping as GSP in the brain control space can receive a deserved salary, but in order to repudiate on pay, the brain control perp uses the relationship around the victim to deceive the victim's photocopy of the ID card as proof to pocket the salaries of victims in space. The perp even used for criminal acts such as extortion of money.
Many times, we inevitably need to submit photocopies of personal identification documents, such as visas for travel agencies, opening bank accounts, buying real estate, renting houses, etc. Unfortunately, you encounter the staffs who without professional ethics, collusion with mind control perps to disclosure victim’s personal information, and the perp will use the victim's ID copy in exchange for the victims' salaries to continue to harm the victims.
Your identity documents not only a piece of paper. but it can cost your whole life which we impossible to defend effectively.
In response to today's Vancouver news, the police cracked a group which falsification of identity card, the main brain is Chinese.
Hereby warning to the mind control perps, attempts and intentions to forge identity documents of others, the maximum penalty in Hong Kong law is 14 years in prison.
3. Recently, cases of pneumonia coronavirus of unknown origin have been found in Wuhan and Hong Kong. It reminds me that my cough, which is often caused by an electronic weapon attack, can last up to 100 days until cough to bleeding, then after the metamorphosis chip controller adjusts the brain control machine to normal to recovery. I wonder if the Wuhan case is related to the brain-control device of microwave effect? If so, the patients don’t need to take any clinical treatment, just taking a bowl of congee which cook with brown rice and cucumber every morning, seasoned with a little bit sea salt, It can taking throat anti-inflammatory effect, also drink honey water morning and evening to keep your sound.
As we known, the mind control machine can harm to people in many ways. Firstly, remotely control electronic weapons to make the victim cough, and then remotely control the energy device to make the victim's body cold and hot exchange, like a fever and cold. When the victim taking body check, the metamorphosis chip controller will be mapping the patient who got black spots in the lung to the victim, which made the test report shows bacterial infections.
I have experienced all of the above in the days when I being mind control without self-wakens. I was fortunate to have a good doctor who got great professional ethics, so I never wrong in treatment to have a healthy today.
I hope everyone will be careful to confirm and verify your own healthy when you under mind control, and wish you all have great healthy in the new year!
1. 自知道被腦控後,變態賤人將我同多名老者併芯片,令我動作緩慢,反應遲鈍,經常遙控電子武器令我頭痛,昏昏欲睡但又沒辦法進入深睡狀態. 長期以來,日間精神沒法集中,記憶力衰退,懷疑變態控芯片賤人將我的腦控模式定為"散漫意志”,據說此模式非我理解的將受害者老化,而是很多時用於高中生身上,控制他們在學習上不能集中精神,然後吸引他們購買”聰明藥(Adderall)”。 在此提醒高中班學生,食用聰明藥只是瞬間醒腦,但:
— 不能同腦控電子負能量器抗衡;
— 當同智障人士併芯片,一樣沒法思考,聰明藥也變智障藥;
— 當你食藥時,賤人遙控電子能量器令你精力充沛,頭腦精明,以此吸引你持續沉溺於藥物至不能自拔;
— 當賤人想你死時,會暗中掉換藥物,令你慢性中毒死。
所以切不可為取得高分的成績而濫用藥物。 特別是被腦控受害者,我們精神已被禁錮,如再加上被藥物控制的話,有如行尸走肉,癈物一般。就算今次取得最好的成績,以後人生路更長,長期依賴藥物,會令你走上不歸路。
2. 腦控空間有受害者為知道腦控賤人身份,用錢吸引他們呈報身分證去換錢,以此知道他們的真正身份,以便日後被滋擾,傷害時可報警拉人。賤人為隱藏自己真正的身份,盜取他人身份證去取錢。所以大家在識別他們身份時,請小心留意身份證的真偽,以免造成更多身份證失盜的情況。
因應今天溫哥華新聞, 警方破獲一偽造身分證集團, 主腦是華人.
在此提醒腦控賤人, 企圖和意圖偽造他人身份證明文件, 香港法例最高刑罰是監禁14年.
3. 近日武漢,香港都發現不明來源的肺炎冠狀病毒個案,令我想起我很多時因被電子武器攻擊所引起的咳嗽,可長達一百天,直至咳出血和失聲後,賤人調教腦控機至正常才得以恢復。此次武漢病例不知是否同微波效應之腦控設備有關?如是者,不需服藥,只需每天早餐服食玄米煮青瓜粥,加小許海鹽作為清熱消炎,同時早晚飲用蜜糖水以保聲線。