腦控空間本週新聞(2020-03-14 to 2020-03-20)



1. 因應冠狀病毒大流行,各國為了自保,已陸續關閉國門。但大家都忽略了腦控空間存在的問題。我身在溫哥華,而變態控芯片賤人仍持續將身在加拿大以外的人同我併芯片,仍然受到講廣東話的賤人滋擾,他們大部份都有呼吸道疾病,令我不勝其煩之餘,更擔心病毒跨國傳染,以此引起公眾恐慌,繼而勒索金錢!


2. 本週變態控芯片賤人於溫哥華時間大約下午三時半開始,不停遙控電了武器令我身體發冷,我將自己靠近熱氣機仍有冰冷的感覺。


3. 變態控芯片賤人經常將多人抽氣扇的噪音同我併芯片,令我長期受到高音貝干擾,晚間沒辦法深睡。


4. 本週變態控芯片賤人將面型特大者同我併芯片,令我沒辦法上太陽眼鏡;


5. 本週腦控空間有一些性工作者在空間以併芯片賣淫為生,而變態控芯片賤人將他人的淫蕩思維潛入我的思維,以此誤導聽者,將賤人的羞恥嫁祸正當人家。


6. 變態控芯片賤人在腦控機程式上加入”混音”,令我不能清晰的聆聽語音,感覺很暈很累。


Mind control news this week (March 14 to 20, 2020)


1. Since Covid-19,  most of the country shut down the borders, and restriction to the overseas for protected their citizens. But seems forget to block the mind control

Space, in my personal situation, I am in Vancouver now, and the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with most of perps who are resident outside of Canada, the perps talking about Hong Kong language, most of them got respiratory diseases, I am so worry about infection. 


As I know, the perps using to rise the fear to public for extort money. Sham on you(perps)!


2. In near few days, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control electronic caused my body extremely cold around 15:30 to 17:00 every day, even I got closed to my heat, also can felt frozen in my body.


3. The metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with the people who in the high noise environment when I stay at home, the sound like big exhaust fan.  It was so noised to me, even cannot sleep in night time.


4. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with someone who got big face, caused me unable to wear sunglass in outdoor.


5. This week, there are some sexual worker earn to live in mind control space, they incepted the dirty thought to my brain to misled the listener, making shame to me and victims. It was hateful.


6. The metamorphosis chip controller wrote “Shake” to the program in the mind control machine, caused me unable to listen cleanly, felt dizzy and tire all the time.



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