headache (7)


Mind Control space news this week (August 28 to September 3, 2020)

1. This week, the metamorphosis mind controller continued to remote control electronic harassment caused headaches for the victims. It is said that some perps used Hong Kong citizen’s microwave symptoms money for Taiwanese media to criticize Hong Kong. also paid for the media of other countries to support the opposition forces in Hong Kong. The mind controllers actually used Hong Kong citizen’s microwave symptoms money to destroy Hong Kong’s reputation and economy, betray Hong Kong people. Traitor, shameful!

2. The metamorphosis mind controller replaces an unknown woman with a look similar to me, and then arranges her to spread rumours to someone else, in order to misled others that I am a rumour spreader, used such cheap trick to destroy my reputation.


3. The metamorphosis mind controller took a experiment with two unknown sisters. Used the same team of perps. One side used to harm older sister, and other side acted as good role to younger sister. After many years, the older one suffered health problems, but keeping property without lost. The younger one who co-operated with perps, used mind control technology to got the family inheritance. Unfortunately, all the inheritance were total loss to perps’ bag, and finally the young sister commit suicide with hateful.

This story was told everyone that no matter what the brain-controlled perps acting how good to you, they ultimate goal is to taken your money. remember, never trust the brain-controlled perps at all.

4. This week, the girl Christy Chen case in court trial became a hot topic in the streets. The confessions from all witnesses and professionals which obviously was a typical incident of tortured to death by brain control. Why are judges and professionals making deliberately mystifying? A case where brain control technology can explain all the doubts, why confused the case into a mentally disordered? Why conceal the fact that brain control technology exists? Why the judicial system in Hong Kong today built on lies? now I understood why the listeners thought all the cases which involved mind control in Hong Kong were so dramatic.


1. 本週變態控機賤人持續遙控電子令受害者頭痛,據說有人意圖企圖將香港人的頭痛錢用於某台灣傳媒,唱衰香港。另一講法是除了台灣外,還支付其它國家傳媒,聲援香港的反對勢力。變態控機賤人居然用香港人的頭痛錢破壞香港聲譽,搞垮香港經濟。出賣香港人的健康。賣國賊,可耻!

2. 變態腦控賤人將某不知名女子換成同我相似的樣貌,然後安排她到處散佈謠言,意在令他人產生錯覺,以為我散播謠言者。以此破壞我的聲譽。

3. 變態腦控賤人將不知名的倆姐妹作實驗。用同一幚腦控人。一邊用盡方法害姐姐,在妹妹一邊扮好人,經多年後,被害一邊健康出現問題,但因對賤人有防範,財產幸保不失; 而被帮一邊的妹妹,因為利用賤人帮她奪得家族遺產,最後所有遺產被騙得一無所有而自殺。此實驗結果意在告訴大家無論腦控賤人如何扮好人,最終目的都是騙財,切勿相信腦控賤人。

4. 本週少女陳彥霖庭審事件成為街頭巷尾的熱話,從所有證人和專業人士口供所得,根本就是典型被腦控折磨至死亡事件,為何法官和專業人士都在故弄玄虛?一個腦控技術可解釋到所有疑點的案件,為何將死者變成思覺失調的病患? 為何要隱瞞腦控技術存在的事實?難道今時今日香港的司法制度是建立於謊言之上,難怪傍聽者以為他們在演戲。

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Mind Control News this week (July 11 to 17, 2020)
1. The metamorphosis mind controller remote control electronic harassment for whole week long, caused me headaches. Although the pain degree was reduced but it lasted long time per day, also continued to sleep deprivation at night. I believe the purpose were used to harm victim's mental and physical, weakness our concentration and memory power.
At the same time, the metamorphosis mind controller mapping me with someone who got eyes disable, caused me can not focus all the time.
2. According to media, the number of covid-19 cases in Hong Kong was increasing again, whether it is true or false. I believe that only being mind control victims whom can understood what happened. The government spends a lot of money on vaccines that will not taking any result. why don’t they direct use for R&D to the shield that can block to electronic weapon attacks If the government was threatening by mind control?
3. All governments over the world are calling on citizens to maintain a social distance, but the metamorphosis mind controller still mapping me with many people, even mapping with breathe and feeling。 Openly challenged the law and defy the law..
Urge the government to elaborate regulations in brain-controlled space to completely protect the safety of citizens. As you known that brain controll technology can spread viruses through human-to-human and computer-to-human methods in various ways.
1. 本週變態控機賤人持續遙控電子武器令我頭痛,雖然力度減輕但持久,晚間繼續睡眠剥奪,相信此舉目的是消耗受害者腦力,體力, 專注力和記憶力。
2. 從新聞報導得知,香港疫情個案又在增加,是真是假,相信只有被腦控受害者最明白其中的真相。如果政府確實是受到腦控威脅,為何只花大量資源研究疫苗,而不將資源用於研究如何屏蔽電子武器攻擊呢?
3. 全世界政府都在呼籲市民保持社交距離,但控機賤人仍將多人同我併身體,甚至併呼吸,併感覺,公然挑戰法律!蔑視法律!
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腦控空間本週新聞(2020-03-14 to 2020-03-20)



1. 因應冠狀病毒大流行,各國為了自保,已陸續關閉國門。但大家都忽略了腦控空間存在的問題。我身在溫哥華,而變態控芯片賤人仍持續將身在加拿大以外的人同我併芯片,仍然受到講廣東話的賤人滋擾,他們大部份都有呼吸道疾病,令我不勝其煩之餘,更擔心病毒跨國傳染,以此引起公眾恐慌,繼而勒索金錢!


2. 本週變態控芯片賤人於溫哥華時間大約下午三時半開始,不停遙控電了武器令我身體發冷,我將自己靠近熱氣機仍有冰冷的感覺。


3. 變態控芯片賤人經常將多人抽氣扇的噪音同我併芯片,令我長期受到高音貝干擾,晚間沒辦法深睡。


4. 本週變態控芯片賤人將面型特大者同我併芯片,令我沒辦法上太陽眼鏡;


5. 本週腦控空間有一些性工作者在空間以併芯片賣淫為生,而變態控芯片賤人將他人的淫蕩思維潛入我的思維,以此誤導聽者,將賤人的羞恥嫁祸正當人家。


6. 變態控芯片賤人在腦控機程式上加入”混音”,令我不能清晰的聆聽語音,感覺很暈很累。


Mind control news this week (March 14 to 20, 2020)


1. Since Covid-19,  most of the country shut down the borders, and restriction to the overseas for protected their citizens. But seems forget to block the mind control

Space, in my personal situation, I am in Vancouver now, and the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with most of perps who are resident outside of Canada, the perps talking about Hong Kong language, most of them got respiratory diseases, I am so worry about infection. 


As I know, the perps using to rise the fear to public for extort money. Sham on you(perps)!


2. In near few days, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control electronic caused my body extremely cold around 15:30 to 17:00 every day, even I got closed to my heat, also can felt frozen in my body.


3. The metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with the people who in the high noise environment when I stay at home, the sound like big exhaust fan.  It was so noised to me, even cannot sleep in night time.


4. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with someone who got big face, caused me unable to wear sunglass in outdoor.


5. This week, there are some sexual worker earn to live in mind control space, they incepted the dirty thought to my brain to misled the listener, making shame to me and victims. It was hateful.


6. The metamorphosis chip controller wrote “Shake” to the program in the mind control machine, caused me unable to listen cleanly, felt dizzy and tire all the time.



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1. 本週,變態控芯片賤人遙控電子武器激我腸,令我肚瀉一天,然後關閉我大小便一天,以此精神虐待; 另一方面遙控電子武器刺激我喉嚨,令我咳嗽;似乎想令人以為我受病毒感染。賤格!


2. 本週2月16日,變態控芯片賤人遙控電子武器摧殘,令我和受害者頭痛超過18小時,然後睡眠剥奪; 因搞事者是香港居民,我己用電子郵件向香港警方報案;





3. 我每天起床照鏡時都要問鏡中人” 妳是誰,為什麼換走我的樣?有時每天換幾個不同的樣貌,我每次照鏡樣貌都是陌生人的面孔。變態控芯片賤人甚至將男子同我併芯片,令我樣貌不男不女,電腦成像照出有男性性器官,以為我是變性人。變態!












4. 有人提出一件匪夷所思的事,指香港有部分政客,富豪都離開香港,放件複製人在香港以供遙遠操控; 






Mind Control News this week (February 15 to 21, 2020)


1. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller remote electronic harassment for stimulated my intestine, made me diarrhea 4 times per day, and then turn-off the control key of urine about one day for physiological and psychological abuse; 

On the other hand, remote electronic harassment to stimulated my throat and made me cough; it seems want to make people though that I am infected with a virus. Merciless!

2. On February 16th this week, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control electronic harassment caused me and the victims headache for more than 18 hours, and then sleep deprivation at night; since the perpetrator were Hong Kong resident, I reported the incident to the Hong Kong police by email, the e-Reference Number: ERC2002172019699.

On February 18-19th, this week, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control of electronic harassment again, causing me and the victims headache for more than 16 hours. I reported the case one more time to the HK police by email, the e-Reference Number: ERC2002192020218.

It is said who behind for giving order were Lam Kin-ming, Frederick Ma, Eric Tsang, Ma Dingsheng, Timothy Cheng, Chin Ka Lok, Francis Ng etc.

For more details, please refer to my mind control dairy "Vancouver time 2020-02-15 to 2020-02-21" in my blog.


3. When I get up and look in the mirror every day, I have to ask the person in the mirror, "Who are you, why you stole my look?  I always being changed different looks every day. Every time I look in the mirror, she like a stranger. The metamorphosis chip controller even mapping me with a man, making me look neither male nor female, and the computer imaging showed a male sex organ in my body, such making people thinking that I was transgender. Metamorphosis!

The metamorphosis chip controller used this tricky intended to affect my social life, relationships and make me lose my social network.

It is said that all appearances and ugliness are controlled by the computer. The brain control machine can be connected to the beauty machine. When a beauty camera is added to the computer, all appearance you see will instantly become beautiful. The controller did an experiment with me, adding an ugly mirror in the computer that connected to me. When I watched TV, I saw that all artists were like "Pikachu", all people got two red patches on the face rouge, it was only I saw not others.

Suggest to victims, do not take cosmetic surgery, it is no matter how perfect the cosmetic surgery technique is, but the brain control technology and mapping chips made you ugly.

Don't pay for brain-controlled bitches to get back your real face. They will ask more and more until you stop, then they will make your appearance uglier than normal. Unless you are rich enough.

Never ask the chip controller to mapping someone who you saw so beautiful, it will kill many beautiful men and women who need to survive by their own appearance, they are all innocent victims who are being mind control.


4. I got a rumor, saying that some politicians and the rich men have already left from Hong Kong, and used the clones in Hong Kong for remote control.  Is it true?  unbelievable!

And other rumor, some celebrities were killed in secretly, and then used computer technology to projected on the substitutes people to bring them to life, and the public cannot discriminate seriously which one is truth.

All of the above, in today's brain control technology can certainly done with, but morally it is deceiving the public as trick game, how a terrible thing to say if it was true.



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1.     睡眠時,腦控賤人利用我作為定位系統併芯片竊聽,又但心我知道他們的竊聽內容,所以在我清醒前,將併我芯片時段的記憶全部刪除,令我感覺有如發夢,清醒後夢中的內容完全沒辦法記得。






2.  賤人繼18-20日持續遙控電子武器令我#頭痛44小時後,21日上午6時又發起另一次電子武器摧殘,令我5-7級頭痛約6小時,然後持續兩日#睡眠剥奪。


22日閱報紙知道#武漠肺炎病例又多幾名,因為同病患#併芯片引起相同的反應。 另一方面,持續50小時電子武器摧殘,據講是同他們正在坐牢的大佬有關,年近歲晚,同監獄大佬索錢不逐,唯用遙控電子令他就範,以前大佬教他們怎樣害人,今天全部回饋到坐監大佬身上,也是報應也。




3.  近日持續有政界名人子女被綁架事件發生,請各方小心謹慎,密切保護下一代。


Mind Control News this week (January 18 to 24, 2020)


1. When I sleeping, the metamorphosis chip controller used me as a positioning record and mapping me with someone who #eavesdropping, to avoid I knew what they were eavesdropping, before I awake, used to deleted all my memories during mapping period. I felt like dreaming but I can remember the content of the post-dream after awaked.  


According to the information I collected, the brain control machine has this function, which can delete and increase the memory of the person who being brain controlled at any time. Unfortunately, if you become a #victim of brain control, your daily memory may be lost at any time, so keep more records to recall your memories. 


On the other hand, the most worrying thing is that as an academic research, the memory in your brain can be deleted at any time and become as same as dementia, and the person who plagiarizes your knowledge of research result will input to your memory and replace it. When under mind control, the right for protection of intellectual property is gone! So the patent register will be necessary. 



2. The metamorphosis chip controller after electronic harassment #headache for 44 hours on the 18th and 20th, continuing on 21st at 6 am to 12 noon, electronic harassed over 6 hours, which caused me headache at level 5-7, and then continued to #sleep deprivation for two days long.

Reading the newspaper on the 22nd knew that the deadly coronavirus has spread far and wide, of cause, since this few days wide mapping with patients and remote electronic #harassment, making people got a same symptom as coronavirus.


On the other hand, the electronic harassment also related to the big brothers who were in jail. At the end of the year, the gangster begging for money from their big brother in prison. Only remote electronics harassment can force to pay.  As said they big brother were taught them how to harm people to live, now they pay back to their big brother as well as retribution.


The perps who Disasters against the country: Paul Chun and his brothers, Francis Ng, Timothy Cheng etc. 


3.  The #kidnapping was case by case, the victims most of the children of political celebrities. Please keep more attention to your children and take a closely protection.


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