
Mind control news this week (May 23 to 29, 2020)


1. This week, the metamorphosis machine controller remote electronic harassment, caused me headache and vomiting lasted over 48 hours from the noon of the 23rd to the noon of the 25th, and reportedly caused at least 3 deaths. On the night of the 25th, continues remote control electronic weapon caused sleep deprivation until the 26th. I was reported the case to the Hong Kong Police on May 24, Vancouver time. The report number is ERC2005252048901.

The 48-hour tortured was suspected for fund rising, it may used to support the Taiwanese media against China. Who is the murder whom financier the dirty money?


2. The Canadian government requires the person who in charge of the brain-controlled space to provide a list of victims. The controller summited one list which replace the victims with the perpetrators. Someone even provide fake human experiment contracts, misleading the government thought that the parties stayed on voluntary basis.

After the observer found that many of the victims were still being mind controlled, understood the list was false and ask for summit again.

I am wondering why the Canadian government asked the perps provide a list of victims? How can they trust they will provide a true list, they all used to harm for live in mind control space, tortured the surviver everyday?


3. Today the hot topic was the China-Hong Kong National Security Law, it caused a commotion by opposite side. I really don't understand what they against for? the mind control have already harm to threatened national security and the safety of citizens? Why still have a lots of people whom insist on opposing? Are they brain damage? I guess they are being mind control too long to disability?


4. At the present, there are many famous charity founders who disappeared or were secretly murdered and replaced by microwave AI with the same appearance. Then the charity turn to participate in the human experiment project, and money laundering activities in brain control space. Using the charity based to undertakings money for themselves, the founder spent their whole life, build up the reputation, contribution to society. Now being destroyed by someone else.

I hope all of you, checking the background of charities before doing donation, so as not to fall into the trap.


5. As mentioned in the previous issue, the number of suicides in Hong Kong exceeded 4,000 per day in 2018. Many people felt shock and unbelievable, ask me per day or per year? Is per day. It was the advertisements of the suicide prevention agencies which post in the main bus stops in Hong Kong at 2018.

Why I repeat it, is to tell you that Covid-19 is not the most terrible one. The death caused by brain control is far more serious than the virus.

Calling people, pay more attention to the mind control, it seriously harm to your mental health as well as human body.




1. 本週變態控機賤人由23日傍晚至25日中午長達48小時精神折磨,持續遙控電子武器令我頭痛和嘔吐,已知引起3人死亡,未知的不計其數。25日晚遙控電子武器睡眠剥奪至26日。我已於溫哥華時間5月24日向香港警方報案,報案編號:ERC2005252048901.



2. 加拿大政府要求腦控空間負責人提供一份受害者名單,控機賤人將受害者同施害者名單掉換,甚至有人提供假的人體實際合同,誤導政府以為當事人是出於自願而留在空間。後觀察者發現很多受害者仍處於被腦控,才發覺名單造假而發回重查。



3. 中港國安法事件在香港引起騷動,我真的不明白,目前香港腦控攻擊已威脅到國家安全,市民安全,為何仍有一大帮人堅持反對?難道反對者已被腦控至腦殘的地步?切不可低估腦控機對港人腦部的控制和傷害,以目前情況來看,香港腦殘者所占數量確不少。


4. 目前有很多出名的慈善機構創辦人離奇失蹤,或被暗中謀殺後,換成樣貌一模一樣的微波人。然後參與腦控空間人體實驗工程,洗黑錢活動。利用善長人翁所開拓的慈善事業為自己斂財,將創辦人的一生心血,對社會貢獻的善舉,名譽地位毀之一旦。望大家做善事時,多了解慈善機構的背景,以免誤中陷阱。


5. 上期提到2018年香港自殺人數每天超過4000人,很多人都覺得匪夷所思,質問是每天或是每年?答案是每天。是香港防止自殺機構在各大巴士站的宣傳廣告,意在引起大家對精神健康的關註。我重提的原因是想告訴大家,Covid-19 並非最可怕,腦控所造成的死亡遠比病毒所造成的嚴重,呼籲大家關注腦控所帶來的無情傷害。


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