1. 本周有一件匪夷所思的事情發生於我家中,變態控機賤人將正在逃亡的兄弟和影像投射於我家中的每一張椅,然後利用他們作為定位掩飾進行竊聽活動,其中有人偷窺泰國皇室。因在現實生活中我是看不到他們,當我坐下梳化時,聽到逃犯講,我所坐的位置是他的,無論我坐任何位置都有不同的逃犯出聲,當我不理會他們繼續坐下時,變態賤人遙控電子武器令我頭部劇痛,然後昏睡過去,當我醒過來時,頭昏腦脹,極之辛苦。
2. 據報,和我中英文名字相同,身份證號碼相異的一個香港銀行戶口仍在進行洗黑錢活動,而在腦控空間的政府官員卻視若無睹。奇怪,難道又是用於政治獻金。
3. 冠狀肺炎大流行期間,對於是否帶口罩大家中外有很大的分別,大部份中國人都支持戴口罩,而溫哥華白人卻不喜歡。我個人做法是當到人多的地方時即戴,人少空氣流通時不用。但近期當我入超市購物時,變態控機賤人經常遙控電子武器刺激我鼻咽,令我打噴嚏,所以逢入超市,我一定帶,以免影響他人,而有超市也開始強制客戶帶口罩。
4. 隨著科技的進步,複製人已不是新鮮的事物。假如有一天,當你回到家中,見到倆位樣貌一模一樣的媽媽,你有何反應?如何去辦認真假?你會接受她們住在你家中嗎?
Mind control news this week (May 30 to June 5, 2020)
1. These was a unbelievable thing happened this week, it was totally beyond my imagination. The metamorphosis chip controller set few of shadow perps to my home without my consent. There are sit on my every chairs as GPS to cover their group stalking, as told, someone stalking royal Thailand. Since I can not saw them at real life, I only hear voices, when I sit in my chair, I was being told from voice to skull that all the chairs they were used, I ignored what they said, and sit what I want, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control electronic made me headache and fall asleep over 2 hours, when I wake up, felt so tired, dizzy and exhaust.
Can you believe, the perps key-in shadows trespass to my home, and force me can not sit in my own chair at home, what is wrong? The mind control have reached an unbearable level that I can not bear it. I heard the voice similar to Andy Lai, Pang Ho-Cheung, Timothy Tse, Ivan Ho etc.
After above, it was 2 days further, when I back home, the metamorphosis chip controller remote electronic for headache and force to asleep. Wake up to asleep, asleep to wake up whole days, I felt my brain not my own, muddling and drifting all the day.
This experience made me understood why so many elderly fall asleep everywhere whatever home or park, it was the tricky from the perps, used to weakness your mind concentration, logical thinking and memory, for they easy manipulate to you.
2. As I said before, there is another bank account same as my name both in Chinese and English, but difference in ID number. Such account still used for money laundering, and the government known but not taking any action, could it be possible that political used? I don’t know, only can warn to my friends be aware.
3. In Covid-19 pandemic, people argued mask or not mask, most of Chinese said musk, others only few to support. I said, depends on difference situation, I will wear mask in supermarket since the metamorphosis chip control keep remote attack my nose to sneeze when I in supermarket.
Some store and supermarket force the shopper to wear mask, the advantage for wear mask can psychologically keep safe, but the disadvantage will increasing the criminal may out of control. What do you think, mask or no mask if you are the store owner?
4. In today’s technology, the clones were not just a news, they will step to your family in fact. If some day, have 2 mothers show up in your home in same face and appearance, what’s your reacting? How can you disquisition between which one is real one? Do you accept them as your family member?
Next case, may someday there is a women tell you, she was your mother’s clone after your mother dead, and want to take place of your mother, if you can accept her, give you all your mother’s heritage, what do you think? As a daughter, you know she may a murder who kill you mother.
And other case, someday, someone tell you that your child no your own, he had being change with others long time ago, but he made you wealth, what will you do? keep him with you to continue developing your assets? or let him go, worry about may someday he will kill you and change you to clone too.
Above cases not only a dream, but true. My personal experience, I have three friends, they have clones in China, fortunately, all the clones have they own identities and parents.
As the victims of mind control, the perps show up all our privacy to public, if the stalker mapping to the clone, it can easy change to clone from human, kill our human not doubt, it can easy lie to all your relatives and friends. So start today, educate your family, how to prevent the clone trespass to your family, how to keep human safe no being kill to clone. It is a big question in today’s technology which developing speedy.