28 Aug 2009 “Mailteam works"-- victims work trends

28 Aug 2009 “Mailteam works"-- victims work trends (1) Mr. John Finch received a positive reply from Dr. Adrian Eugen Hollaender Torture Victims and Friends I have received the offer of help below from Prof. Dr. Adrian Eugen Hollaender, CENTER OF LEGAL RESEARCH, Chairman of The Austrian Fundamental Rights Conference, Human Rights Seminar Instructor at the University of Vienna. Please let's follow it up in a systematic and cooperative way. sincerely John Finch the link to our OVER 950 DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING, TORTURE, DEGRADATION AND MUTILATION VICTIMS' CASE SUMMARIES http://www.freedrive.com/folder/177784 OR http://www.mydrive.ch username – johnfinch password - TORTURECASES ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: HOLLAENDER Date: Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 6:54 AM Subject: torture and abuse To: tijohnfinch@gmail.com CENTER OF LEGAL RESEARCH Prof. Dr. Adrian Eugen Hollaender Chairman of The Austrian Fundamental Rights Conference Human Rights Seminar Instructor at the University of Vienna Dear Mr. Finch: With great concern, I have read your complaint about ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS TORTURE, DEGRADATION AND MUTILATION CASE. If you wish, I could examine the case under the legal perspective and write a legal expertise on it that you can use in the complaint procedures. Sincerely, Prof. Hollaender (2) Canada Protest of Electronic Harassment Microwave Harassment Radio Frequency Mind Control Weapons Dear All, I and Robin Yan are going to organize protests in Toronto and Ottawa on the 25th of August 2009 at 10 a.m. Please, inform me, if you are going to join us and come to Toronto or Ottawa. Thank you, Sincerely, Galina Kurdina helenkurdin@yahoo.ca To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to ask for your help for the many constituents in Canada who are being affected unjustly without their informed consent by Psychotronic (or Mind Control, Electronic, Directed Energy, Neurological, Non-lethal) Weapons. We are writing you on behalf of Canadian Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon. We, and many others, are being TORTURED AND MUTILATED IN A MIND CONTROL CONCENTRATION CAMP 24/7. We wouldn't be tortured and manipulated in a properly functioning legal system/society. Victims of Psychotronic Weapon detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history, including the most horrendous incidences of psychological torture, mental and physical mutilations. Criminals place human subject under continuous surveillance, no matter where he/she is; they monitor human brain, including thoughts, reactions, motor commands, auditory events and visual images; they continuously alter consciousness, introduce voices, noises, other disturbances, commands, images and "dreams" into the brain; they directly abuse, torture and hit bodies - including performing advanced medical procedures - from remote locations. The technology they are using is so advanced that it allows the controller'(s) to see through the eyes of the targeted individual, essentially seeing whatever the victim sees. These are some of symptoms of targeted individuals: 1). Microwave hearing and torture with intense loud electronic sounding noise 2). Visual disturbances, visual hallucinations 3). Manipulation of will, emotions, feelings, perceptions 4). Manipulation of human behavior: forced speech, involuntary body movements, transmission of specific commands into the subconscious, compulsory execution of these commands 5). Reading thoughts remotely, retrieving memories, implanting personalities 6). Debilitation of mental acuity, inability to concentrate, disruption of ability to think rationally and independently 7). Loss of memory and knowledge 8). Inadequate states, which targeted individuals have never experienced before (states of narcotic intoxication, depression, obsessive desires and so on) 9). Control of sleep patterns: sleep deprivation or uncontrollable sleep 10). Blurred vision 11). Cramps, seizures and spasms 12). Excruciating artificial pain in any part of the body, for example, heart attacks and other symptoms We have contacted police, RCMP, Security/Intelligence Agencies, Courts and other Government institutions over and over and over again, but have had our appeals for assistance and protection almost completely ignored or suppressed. Government “doing nothing” in this situation is a form of sanctioning these horrendous fascist experiments with psyche on innocent and defenseless people, that is why Canadian Government is responsible for these crimes. Government of Canada must uphold the rule of National, International and Human Rights Law and protect Canadian citizens by these laws, instead we see the huge disconnect between its professed Principles and Values and the reality. It is our responsibility to record and alert the world to these horrendous crimes and the extreme danger that these technologies pose to democracy, human rights, privacy, mental and physical freedom, health of all people. These are the most horrendous weapons and crimes imaginable, and the people, using them, are mass-murdering conspirators, pursuing fascist, totalitarian, fundamentalist schemes. “Doctors Mengele”, who started developing these techniques in concentration camps during World War II, were brought over here from Europe after the war to continue their atrocities. MKULTRA was the first of these illegal and immoral experimenting with unwilling victims, we are the latest victims. THIS MUST STOP, and the responsible people exposed and brought to justice for these unspeakable crimes against humanity. We demand only that human rights are respected, and the Canadian Government appoints a Committee to get to the bottom of this most serious matter based upon the evidence piled up, which was collected, intercepted and captured by the victims years after years. This gross violation of human rights must be investigated immediately. Sincerely, Galina Kurdina, helenkurdin@yahoo.ca, 385 Apache Trail, North York, ON, Canada, M2H 2W6. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon and THE WORLDWIDE CAMPAIGN AGAINST TORTURE AND ABUSE, USING DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS. Carlo Calandra, carlocalandra@hotmail.com, 21 Knowland Dr, Toronto, ON, Canada, M9A 4L7. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon. David Smith, davidlsmithss@yahoo.ca, 1454 Trillium Way on Gabriola Island, BC, Canada. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon. Jiansheng Yang, eslontario@gmail.com, 305-1562 Trossacks Ave, London, ON, Canada, N5X 2P2. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon. Carmen Marie France Markey, cmarkey06@hotmail.com, 406-1575 Best Street White Rock, BC, Canada, V4B5K1. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon. Nicole Delpeuch, Nicole1124@videotron.ca, 3130 rue Berthiaume, Laval, Quebec, Canada, H7M 2K3. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon. Robin Yan, speakoutandrr@hotmail.com, 1807-160 Alton Towers Cir., Scarborough, ON, Canada, M1V 4X8. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon. Alan Grieve, agrieve12@sympatico.ca, 31 Alexander St, suite 312, Toronto, ON, Canada, M4Y 1B2. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon. Rob Beattie, quantumleap1@live.com, 10 Redfield Ave, Nepean, ON, Canada, K2H 6A8. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon. Derrick Robinson, derrickcrobinson@gmail.com. President of Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance, www.freedomfchs.com Dr Feisal Salim A S, informvictim@gmail.com, Crescent, Kaniyapuram P O, Trivandrum, 695301, Kerala, INDIA. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon. Moe Hosny, moe_hosny@yahoo.ca, PO BOX 10, Gedimino Str. 7, Vilnius 01002, Lithuania. TARGETED INDIVIDUAL, member of Organization of Victims of Psychotronic (Mind Control) Weapon. Share Related article: Successful petition in Canada https://peacepink.ning.com/forum/topics/attention-to-all-victims (3)REVIEW OF HISTORY CHANNEL'S "MIND CONTROL" PROGRAM This was a very good program that aired earlier this week from the history Channel series called "That's Impossible". I was surprised to see that one segment of the show was entitled "Targeted Individuals". It was a VERY brief, but informative segment, perhaps about 2 minutes, with well-known TI Cheryl Welsh who talked openly about her targeting: clicks, voice-to-skull, that they see what she sees and hear what she hears,etc. Sharon Weinberger's "Mind Games" article from the Washington Post - one of the good parts - was mentioned and highlighted in this segment, along with pictures of the rally that she attended with us in 2006 in Washington, DC. Some pictures were flashed of Harlan Girard at the podium, John McMurtrey, and David in Boston. An important point was made regarding a patent - 6,470,214 - that produces the microwave hearing effect. And although the Air Force denied knowledge of this, they were shown to be the holders of this patent. Nick Begich was also on the show speaking about HAARP and how it could be used to influence masses of people at a time across a continent. This program was not a skeptic's work at all. Its focus was about mind control in a variety of forms and it was very supportive of our issues. We will try to make this program available to all who would like to view it. I will send information soon about where and how to see it. (4)A Class action lawsuit in USA Hello All, We are in the process of filing a class action lawsuit against the Department of Justice as we have proof that the Department has not investigates a single civil or Constitutional rights case in almost 10 years. If you have Written the Justice Department and have proof, we want to hear from you ASAP. THERE IS NO COST TO YOU INVOLVED IN THIS CASE. We just need your name and willingness to participate. Please contact: Katherine Moore at 786-991-9062 or email mbsk41@gmail or visit my website: www.oneagleswingsfearnoevil.com (5) The Torture (damages) Bill A letter received by Harland Lord Willoughby and Andrew Dismore (Chairman of JCHR ) informed me, that the Torture (Damages) Bill can be read at the publications of the Parliament Joint Committee on Human Rights (JCHR) since August 11 2009: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/jt200809/jtselect/jtrights/153/153..pdf I guess, particularly pages 24 ff are of interest:Torture(Damages)Bill - a Law reform to provide access to reparations. The Torture(Damages)Bill passed by the House of Lords in 2007/08, but failed to make progress in the House of Commons. In January 2009 the Bill again was introduced in the House of Lords and House of Commons. The Torture Damages (No 2) Bill 2008/09 is scheduled for a Second Reading in the Commons on October 16th 2009.For further specifications it may be better, you inform yourself with this paper. (6) Sign the petition of ACLU https://secure.aclu.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=1687&s_src=UNW090001ACT&s_subsrc=82409email&JServSessionIdr001=4f10gd8ni1.app26a We need a full and thorough investigation. Attorney General Eric Holder appointed an independent prosecutor to investigate torture. However, the very limited scope is nowhere near as thorough and broad as the investigation America really needs. The recent release of the long-secret CIA Inspector General’s report, detailing horrific prisoner abuse, only reinforces the need for a full and thorough, independent investigation of the Bush torture program. We need to make it clear that, while we’re pleased the Attorney General has launched an independent investigation, the limits he has set don’t meet the demands of justice. Urge Attorney General Holder to conduct a thorough examination of the Bush torture program. (7) Intelligence Committee Launches Full CIA Investigation Schakowsky Subcommittee Tapped to Investigate CIA Program & Congressional Notification http://www.house.gov/list/press/il09_schakowsky/pr_intelcomciainvest_7_17_09.shtml WASHINGTON, DC (July 17, 2009) – Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-IL, chairwoman of the House Intelligence Subcommittee on Investigations & Oversight, issued the following statement to announce a full investigation into certain CIA programs and the Congressional notification process. “The House Intelligence Committee will move forward with a full investigation that will explore certain CIA programs and the core issue of how the committee is kept informed. My subcommittee will take the lead on significant portions of the investigation; we will explore instances where the Congress was not informed in a timely way and situations in which laws may have been broken. “This investigation will seek to review the process for notifying Congress and the Committee’s role to oversee the intelligence community. It is very important for us to set the record straight going forward that the Congress wants to be, and needs to be, able to conduct its oversight function. “We want to look very closely at every aspect of the notification process and various programs. If it is determined by this investigation that the Vice President of the United States ordered Congress not to be told there is reason to believe that is a significant violation of the National Security Act, we’ll follow that thread where it takes us and determine if there’s reason to refer to the issue to the Justice Department or clarify the laws regarding notification. “Currently, we’re collecting necessary documents from the appropriate agencies to proceed with our investigation. In the near future I hope to develop a timetable and soon after we’re going to begin our investigation with hearings.” (8) Some good news and some people who may concern our torture cases I) the Torture (Damages) Bill can be read at the publications of the UK Parliament Joint Committee on Human Rights (JCHR) since August 11 2009: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/jt200809/jtselect/jtrights/153/153..pdf Lord Willoughby Andrew Dismore (Chairman of JCHR) II) Attorney General Eric Holder appointed an independent prosecutor to investigate torture. Attorney General Eric Holder III) WASHINGTON, DC (July 17, 2009) – Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-IL, Chairwoman of the House Intelligence Subcommittee on Investigations & Oversight, issued the following statement to announce a full investigation into certain CIA programs and the Congressional notification process. Rep.Jan Schakowsky V) July 29, 2009: Alcee Lamar Hastings Receives ‘2009 Defenders of Freedom Award’ http://alceehastings.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=349&Itemid=98 (Washington, DC) Today, Congressman Alcee L. Hastings (D-Miramar) received the “2009 Defenders of Freedom Award” from the Council for a Democratic Iran (CDI) for his lifetime of service and commitment to human rights, democracy, and freedom. Congressman Alcee L. Hastings is Vice Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, a senior member of the House Rules Committee, and Co-Chairman of the U.S. Helsinki Commission. Fort Lauderdale Office 2701 W. Oakland Park Blvd Suite 200, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 Tel: (954) 733-2800 Fax: (954) 735-9444 View google map Washington Office 2353 Rayburn Office Building Washington D.C. 20515 Tel: (202) 225-1313 Fax: (202) 225-1171 View google map Mangonia Park Office Mangonia Park Town Hall 1755 E. Tiffany Dr. Mangonia Park, FL 33407 Tel: (561) 881-9618 Fax: (561) 881-9879 Email: https://forms.house.gov/alceehastings/webforms/issue_subscribe.htm VI) Rep. Rush Holt was on The Ed Show on MSNBC last night to discuss oversight of the intelligence community. Click to watch! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/32227887#32227887 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 782, Pennington, NJ 08534 Headquarters Address: 676 Whitehead Road, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Phone 609-278-0800 ~ Fax 609-278-4505 ~ email mail@rushholt.com VII) Secretary Janet Napolitano Department of Homeland Security U.S. Department of Homeland Security 245 Murray Lane, SW Washington, DC 20528 http://www.dhs.gov/xutil/contactus.shtm
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