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Dear Sir/Madam ,
Such is the extent of US National Security law that over 5,000 classified devices are currently covered by the US Inventions Secrecy Act. Many of these are either based on or working with many of the 20,000 plus satellites now circling the Earth (many in geosynchronous orbit) and the countless array of supercomputers that work in with them, operating at ground - based locations like The Langley Research Centre (CIA) and Fort Meade (NSA). These computers are all manned by technicians and are each capable of processing more information than the entire human population of the planet (something exceeding 700 trillion calcs a second each). And what is the upshot of all of this? That the agencies and military can rely on the blanket cover of tagging all such covert activities as a matter of "National Security"and thereby covertly and remotely take control of people and organisations as they see fit, without challenge.
Couple these technologies with the mass surveillance systems outlined by Edward Snowden and others and you will realise that the agencies are all seeing, all knowing and promote themselves and their usefulness in the name of security at the expense of liberty. Yet where are they when mass shootings, terrorist attacks and such take place? They watch, as accessories before, during and after the fact, and do nothing; more intent on controlling public figures with blackmail friendly material, more interested in oppressing writers, activists and whistleblowers than protecting the public at large. Equally, through false flag operations, protected trafficking syndicates and such, the agencies foster and profit from crime while all the while pretending to do otherwise...The agencies, in particular the CIA, are not securing our safety, they imperil it....
Even former Presidents recognised this and wanted the CIA stopped...."There is a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office I intend to expose this plot"...JFK. And the CIA reply?..."I was in Dallas when we got the S.O.B." David Morales , CIA chief of operations.
US DOD Directive 5240 1.R saved 882013, Ch 4, Procedure 13 says "Experimentation is allowed on human subjects for intelligence purposes". So, whether it be a false claim, a National Security Letter or any other bogus move, the covert agencies can line up any or all critics, malcontents, political targets and thinkers that the PTB dislike and have them thrown into satellite facilitated mobile concentration camps where the aforementioned technologies allow all manner of mind control, cybernetic, neuroscience, genetic, brain / dream study and other experiments to be run.... unreported and with complainants labelled as paranoid etc.
Yet we had the UN Treaty of 1967 saying you cannot use satellites in conjunction with any weapon of mass destruction, (only to be amended to allow the Reagan era Star Wars system). We also have the UN's UNIDIR committee and the European Parliament calling for bans on all weapons for human manipulation (Eg A4-0005/99 EP). In addition we have Executive Order 13526 banning the use of classification to hide crime. But all of this clearly amounts to just words on paper when the PTB and the agency - controlled media ignore it all.
I have researched this for over 25 years. I've spoken with countless spies, political aides, marginalised journalists, senior law enforcers, entertainers, scientists and more. Knowledge of this form of oppression, using classified technologies, is widespread in those circles but fear or complicity prevents many from speaking out.
In the absence of reliable, honest political and media representation the campaigners fighting against covert oppression of this sort (on behalf of millions of targeted people worldwide) are forced to rely on the marginalised media and various human rights organisations for support in their efforts to get this information to the general public. Nevertheless, by so doing we hope to expose and end the silent holocaust that sees the isolation of the combined genetic traits of all those willing to question authority as they are gradually wiped out; oppressed into oblivion.
I call on any and all with a conscience or a soul to turn on this evil. Help to expose and end it and restore true democracy to a world where, at the moment, only lies and hypocrisy exist when it comes to true justice and freedom.
Paul Baird,
Human Rights Advocate,
A few apt quotes....
"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity". A. Einstein.
"This satellite technology will allow us to track, monitor, torture, destroy and kill anyone in the world. It will give us complete global control. Develop it immediately"...Anon. world leader ...over 50 years ago.
" The world is a dangerous place to live, not (just) because of the people who are evil but because of the people who don't do anything about it". A. Einstein.
"Silence in the face of evil is evil itself. God will not hold us guiltless". D. Bonhoeffer.
"The further society moves from the truth the more it will despise those that speak it". G. Orwell.
"The CIA controls everyone of significance in the major media" William Colby, Ex CIA director.
"It is the duty of the patriot to protect the people from the government". Thomas Jefferson.
Any guidance on low freq. Jammers
Study paves way for personnel such as drone operators to have electrical pulses sent into their brains to improve effectiveness in high pressure situations

US military scientists have used electrical brain stimulators to enhance mental skills of staff, in research that aims to boost the performance of air crews, drone operators and others in the armed forces’ most demanding roles.
The successful tests of the devices pave the way for servicemen and women to be wired up at critical times of duty, so that electrical pulses can be beamed into their brains to improve their effectiveness in high pressure situations.
The brain stimulation kits use five electrodes to send weak electric currents through the skull and into specific parts of the cortex. Previous studies have found evidence that by helping neurons to fire, these minor brain zaps can boost cognitive ability.
The technology is seen as a safer alternative to prescription drugs, such as modafinil and ritalin, both of which have been used off-label as performance enhancing drugs in the armed forces.
But while electrical brain stimulation appears to have no harmful side effects, some experts say its long-term safety is unknown, and raise concerns about staff being forced to use the equipment if it is approved for military operations.
Others are worried about the broader implications of the science on the general workforce because of the advance of an unregulated technology.
In a new report, scientists at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio describe how the performance of military personnel can slump soon after they start work if the demands of the job become too intense.
“Within the air force, various operations such as remotely piloted and manned aircraft operations require a human operator to monitor and respond to multiple events simultaneously over a long period of time,” they write. “With the monotonous nature of these tasks, the operator’s performance may decline shortly after their work shift commences.”
But in a series of experiments at the air force base, the researchers found that electrical brain stimulation can improve people’s multitasking skills and stave off the drop in performance that comes with information overload. Writing in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, they say that the technology, known as transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), has a “profound effect”.
For the study, the scientists had men and women at the base take a test developed by Nasa to assess multitasking skills. The test requires people to keep a crosshair inside a moving circle on a computer screen, while constantly monitoring and responding to three other tasks on the screen.
To investigate whether tDCS boosted people’s scores, half of the volunteers had a constant two milliamp current beamed into the brain for the 36-minute-long test. The other half formed a control group and had only 30 seconds of stimulation at the start of the test.
According to the report, the brain stimulation group started to perform better than the control group four minutes into the test. “The findings provide new evidence that tDCS has the ability to augment and enhance multitasking capability in a human operator,” the researchers write. Larger studies must now look at whether the improvement in performance is real and, if so, how long it lasts.
The tests are not the first to claim beneficial effects from electrical brain stimulation. Last year, researchers at the same US facility found that tDCS seemed to work better than caffeine at keeping military target analysts vigilant after long hours at the desk. Brain stimulation has also been tested for its potential to help soldiers spot snipers more quickly in VR training programmes.
Neil Levy, deputy director of the Oxford Centre for Neuroethics, said that compared with prescription drugs, electrical brain stimulation could actually be a safer way to boost the performance of those in the armed forces. “I have more serious worries about the extent to which participants can give informed consent, and whether they can opt out once it is approved for use,” he said. “Even for those jobs where attention is absolutely critical, you want to be very careful about making it compulsory, or there being a strong social pressure to use it, before we are really sure about its long-term safety.”
But while the devices may be safe in the hands of experts, the technology is freely available, because the sale of brain stimulation kits is unregulated. They can be bought on the internet or assembled from simple components, which raises a greater concern, according to Levy. Young people whose brains are still developing may be tempted to experiment with the devices, and try higher currents than those used in laboratories, he says. “If you use high currents you can damage the brain,” he says.
In 2014 another Oxford scientist, Roi Cohen Kadosh, warned that while brain stimulation could improve performance at some tasks, it made people worse at others. In light of the work, Kadosh urged people not to use brain stimulators at home.
If the technology is proved safe in the long run though, it could help those who need it most, said Levy. “It may have a levelling-up effect, because it is cheap and enhancers tend to benefit the people that perform less well,” he said.
mon blog ou je raconte mon histoire.
We have discovered that Copper 0.40 gauge is more effective, this stops all signal attacks we have discovered that copper, shaped into a cove, seems to work best, this can be created almost instantly, copper is a metal that is flexible, and can be cut down to size, I suggest taping the ends, corners, we used a top strip for siding to keep the copper from cutting our hands or damaging the blankets, sheets pillows. This works great
Thank You
Sister Sarah In Christ Jesus Holy Name.
Obviously perps are trying to drag down our mood to make us easier to control. Getting into a different brain state with music or exercise is a way of counteracting that.
Video and discussion about how music affects the brain, can alter brain waves and change your mood.
I’ve seen posts from TIs who use the radio as a means of transmitting disruptive signals in an attempt to protect themselves from having their neural signature captured.
Aside from the issues of the methods of how a TI’s neural signature is/isn’t captured to be used against them... using a radio to cause interference will not work. A radio is not a transmitter - it is a receiver. transmitter is the radio station, or a ham radio, or a walkie-talkie.
If you want to scramble your neural signature in an attempt to keep it from being captured and used to control you, you will need to first ascertain the frequency of your neural signal (not exactly sure how you would accomplish that), then broadcast on a close frequency.
Amazon says about this book: by Rosanne Marie Schneider
There exists a whole new class of technological weaponry which can be used covertly, right through the walls of your home, to cause physical and psychological damage even death
Innocent victims of the weaponry are now being reported globally.
It can not be possible a same girl's voice with angry emotion talking to me in 24hrs for 5 years, she has creativity, she want me to die everyday with her aggressive words, if she is a real "human" why she don't need to rest?
If she is a computer why her thought is faster than me, and she knows my "everything" since I was born, she knows more then myself, how could it possible?
I felt more likely she connect with my nervous system, there is nothing "touch" me, but I can feel it. She is in my nervous system.
She is just like a ghost and I think those human stalkers for me are not normal people, they are not do this for money, they looks something wrong with their health and have the same emotion with the ghost, seems like they create the girl attaching me, I guess they will doing this until I die.
I had tried to hide in a hospital, the doctor said to me there is no electromagnetic radiation can run into the room, but I still hear her voice, I feel safe but still can hear her voice.
I pray for God many times and her voice becoming small now, but I can't sleep smoothly, she call my real name when I felt to sleep, she bothers me just like she sell the "death", she has character and she knows me really deep. She is really innocent can't understand that why she put me into some situation but I'm not angry, or I lie to stalkers and other peoples to avoid the conflict, she will scream loudly in my brain, so I know she prepares some times to let me sad. She, the voice has a young spirit.
It maybe some rules they can't just kill me. I pray to god to save her sometimes.
I got a tumour last year, I remember I met a women she hate me and my clavicle . Then I got a angioma on my clavicle, I do nothing to my body I swear, it just happened.
Please God save the world.
I started getting harassed a couple of years ago. It's not as extreme as it once was, but there is at least something each day. My family has experienced some minor things as well, but they simply rationalize and I know that the few who would believe something is afoul, wouldn't be able to handle knowing what I do. I still don't know exactly what I did to upset the people who are doing this to me, but change of location hasn't made it stop. I don't know who these people are, but I've never felt so dehumanized in my entire life. I wish I was more bitter, but I wouldn't even wish this on the people who were gangstalking me and continue to electronically harass me.
Dear Sir/Madam
This torture and abuse nightmare is continuing. Please assist me.
I’m the victim of "Big Brother" concentration camp imprisonment, invasive, destructive and repressive “1950’s North American” and “Soviet” – style neurology and psychiatry, and Jewish “Bell Curve” racism.
Informed and motivated by “medieval” and mytho-poetic atavistic intellectual, moral and existential totalitarianism, essentialism and reductionism the result on the ground is one acutely debilitated and wrecked, profoundly and gruesomely violated person whose nightmare of human rights abuse is ongoing.
Unfortunately the obsessive and hypocritical authors of this ugly and pathetic mess can’t seem to understand or accept that what they are doing is wrong, ridiculous and illegal, and that they are perpetrating a terrible violation of my human rights and democratic life and freedom which I was more or less healthily and legally enjoying when they so arrogantly and extra-judicially came kicking the doors in with their “Big Brother” next generation oppressors’ tools and arms-race methods, resources and technology – which are yet to be brought under lawful democratic regulation and governance.
When are these highly invasive technologies and methods going to be democratically controlled and regulated? i.e. the “Star Wars” satellites, the “Manchurian Candidate” brain control and medical methods, the abusive hologram and nanotechnology, and the GPS and electro-magnetic delivery systems. Not to mention the “Big Brother” interactive media surveillance and control technologies and methods.
These aggressive, exploitative philistines have stolen and wrecked my human rights, happiness, health and democratic freedom and are breaking multiple laws with impunity. How and why has such a situation been allowed to develop and continue? Why are the “democracies” and their ruling classes and exploiters, and the international and human rights organisations displaying such double standards with regard to my case and these abuses? Why is there no press freedom regarding my case? Why the public conspiracy of silence and acquiescence or complicity regarding this complete denial and abuse of my human rights? Why aren’t the criminals responsible for this being brought to justice?
Please assist me.
John Finch
It is our responsibility to record and alert the world to these horrendous crimes - and the extreme danger that these technologies, powers and tendencies pose to human rights, liberty, democracy, privacy and the mental and physical freedom, individuality, integrity, health and growth of all people – in all their “infinite?” richness, degrees, dimensions, aspects, qualities and diversity!
Make no mistake these are the most horrendous totalitarian weapons and crimes imaginable and the people and organizations using them are mass-murdering conspirators pursuing totalitarian fundamentalist schemes.
Beware of the brain and gene phrenologists/determinists/reductionists, and those who seek to control and reduce the range, quality and diversity of human thoughts, imaginations, senses, sensibilities, moods, attitudes, speech and psycho-physiologies - the would-be socio-economic, cultural AND PSYCHOLOGICAL/INTELLECTUAL/ PHYSIOLOGICAL monopolists, monoculturalists, police and prosecutors who are already literally and physically actively at work amongst us!! Both monstrously and criminally, and also far more insidiously.
And beware of this dumbing-down, disenfranchisement, degradation and monoculturalisation caused by the paucity and total degradation of public information and discourse, and the subsequent and consequent degradation and destruction of previously autonomous cultures, professions, fields of human endeavour, memories, and intelligences.
WE ARE BEING FORCED, COOPTED AND TRICKED INTO AN ORWELLIAN FASCIST/NAZI POLICE STATE – EVERYWHERE ON EARTH! - as most ‘News’, ‘Events’ and ‘History’ has been degraded into criminally produced and managed dramas/atrocities (i.e. wars, disasters, civil strife etc.) and criminally presented as infotainment, endogenous socio-political changes, propaganda, and/or criminal lies. And as almost all other public discourses including the ‘scientific’, ‘academic’, and ‘arts/culture’ has been degraded into criminally produced and managed infotainment, propaganda, pseudo-science, and/or specious, tendentious or folkloric productions and discourses.
Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627
Hello everyone on PP.
Karen Stewart the NSA whistleblower has been in recent numerous run ins with law enforcement. She is 100% completely innocent.
The seriousness of this is I'm willing to Skype-or you can call me - or text me a time to update you.
I do not want to leave a paper trail on pp. I know that her preps are.
In Jesus Christ Services
Wayne Morin Jr
Maybe this is the way to go, too:
Contact the Mayor and do a press release about the Sheriff's office protecting violent, dangerous 20-something year old male domestic terrorists attacking 60 yr-old female National Security witnesses with not only covert military war weapons, but direct physical assault with fists.
Tallahassee Police Dept Public Info Office, numbers at bottom:
Booking Report of Karen included in this list at Sheriff's office:
Leon County Sheriff page--still looking for right people to call--