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Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley have invented a brain decoder device that’s able to work out what you’re thinking based on neuron activity inside the brain — essentially, the experimental system means your private inner thoughts are no longer so private. Researchers invited test subjects to read a passage of text out loud and then again in their mind, monitoring brain activity each time to look for linked patterns.
This is about more than spying on your secret thoughts, though — it could be an invaluable method of communication for people who have lost the ability to speak, for whatever reason. Further down the line we could find ourselves controlling smartphones, computers and other devices using nothing but the power of our minds.
Related: Brains are being hacked to fight mental illness, mine marketing-friendly data
“If you’re reading text in a newspaper or a book, you hear a voice in your own head,” the University’s Brian Pasley told New Scientist. “We’re trying to decode the brain activity related to that voice to create a medical prosthesis that can allow someone who is paralysed or locked in to speak.” Pasley and his team based their work around the hypothesis that hearing words in our head causes the same kind of brain activity as hearing them spoken.
The hardware required for this sophisticated decoding is still at the developmental stage and isn’t accurate enough to be used outside of the lab yet, but the signs are promising. “It’s preliminary data, and we’re still working on making it better,” says Pasley. The researchers are also looking into the effects that hearing music has on the brain.
At the moment, the technology only works if the subject has been carefully monitored for some time, and the algorithms underpinning the system can vary from person to person. Still, when an all-encompassing instant mind reading device does appear, remember that you heard it here first.
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Laughter: The Best Medicine
Laughter, it's said, is the best medicine. And there's lots of evidence that laughter does lots of good things for us.
It reduces pain and allows us to tolerate discomfort.
It reduces blood sugar levels, increasing glucose tolerance in diabetics and nondiabetics alike.
It improves your job performance, especially if your work depends on creativity and solving complex problems. Its role in intimate relationships is vastly underestimated and it really is the glue of good marriages. It synchronizes the brains of speaker and listener so that they are emotionally attuned.
Laughter establishes -- or restores -- a positive emotional climate and a sense of connection between two people, In fact, some researchers believe that the major function of laughter is to bring people together. And all the health benefits of laughter may simply result from the social support that laughter stimulates.
Now comes hard new evidence that laughter helps your blood vessels function better. It acts on the inner lining of blood vessels, called the endothelium, causing vessels to relax and expand, increasing blood flow. In other words, it's good for your heart and brain, two organs that require the steady flow of oxygen carried in the blood.
At this year's meeting of the American College of Cardiology, Michael Miller, M.D., of the University of Maryland reported that in a study of 20 healthy people, provoking laughter did as much good for their arteries as aerobic activity. He doesn't recommend that you laugh and not exercise. But he does advise that you try to laugh on a regular basis. The endothelium, he explains, regulates blood flow and adjusts the propensity of blood to coagulate and clot. In addition, it secretes assorted chemicals in response to wounds, infection or irritation. It also plays an important role in the development of cardiovascular disease.
"The endothelium is the first line in the development of atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries," said Dr. Miller. "So given the results of our study, it is conceivable that laughing may be important to maintain a healthy endothelium. And reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease."
At the very least, he adds, "laughter offsets the impact of mental stress, which is harmful to the endothelium."
The researcher can't say for sure exactly how laughter delivers its heart benefit. It could come from the vigorous movement of the diaphragm muscles as you chuckle or guffaw. Alternatively, or additionally, laughter might trigger the release in the brain of suchhormones as endorphins that have an effect on arteries.
It's also possible that laughter boosts levels of nitric oxide in artery walls. Nitric oxide is known to play a role in the dilation of the endothelium. "Perhaps mental stress leads to a breakdown in nitric oxide or inhibits a stimulus to produce nitric oxide that results in vasoconstriction."
Dr. Miller offers a simple prescription that won't bankrupt you and could save your life. "Thirty minutes of exercise three times a week, and 15 minutes of laughter on a daily basis is probably good for the vascular system," he says.
The 120-Year-Old Mind-Reading Machine
Once recorded sound became reality, people believed all kinds of things were possible.

In the 1890s, when technologies like telephones and automobiles and lightbulbs were still strange and wonderful and new, inventors promised another remarkable device would soon be ubiquitous: the mind-reading machine.
Inspired by the phonoautograph—a new device that showed what sound waves looked like on paper—the scientist Julius Emmner invented a machine that he said could record thoughts. It was simple, really. If invisible sound vibrated in a ways that could be measured, Emmner figured, why wouldn't unseen thoughts do the same?
"Sound is addressed to the ear," he told The Times of Washington, D.C., in August 1895, "yet it may be made visible, a proof of which fact is found in the phono-autograph, in which the vibrations of sound are made distinctly visible." Reporters took him at his word. From that same article: "Mr. Emmner is carefully guarding his secret, but he speaks so enthusiastically of his success that he must have obtained the most satisfactory results so far from his investigations."
Reports of thought-reading machines were common in those days. "Secrets will cease to be hidden in the day when the perfected psychometer comes into general use," the Seattle Star declared in a 1908 article about Columbia University professor Frederick Peterson's lie-detector-esque "mind-reading machine."

Peterson's device was made out of a mirror, a lamp, a horizontal glass scale, and a galvanometer—a tool to measure electric current. It was designed to shine light on a person whose hands would be resting on copper-plate electrodes. That person would be instructed to say any words that came to mind, and if the beam of light shining on him moved more than 6 to 8 centimeters in response, Peterson interpreted it as a "complex" emotion.
Okaaay. So it doesn't exactly sound like the "instrument of precision" the Starclaimed it to be, but coverage of Peterson's apparatus clearly highlights the era's cultural obsession with mind-reading as the next big thing in technology. By 1910, a British psychologist claimed that thoughts vibrated enough to be discernible to those "constantly attuned" to the phenomenon. Others in academia focused on the visible form a thought might take—what colors could thoughts be? And what would those different colors mean? In 1938, The New York Times called the idea of a thought-reading machine "delightfully plausible."

Decades of neuroscience research later, most of these mind-reading designs sound absurd. But you can't blame people for wanting to believe. The best real-life technology begins with marvelous, outlandish ideas. Consider the technological advances that adults of the late 1800s had just lived through: Humans could now be captured on camera (1838), there were devices that could snatch sound from the air and record it (1860), people in different houses could have real-time voice conversations by talking into machines (1876), and electric lights had just been installed in the White House (1891)!
The concept of recorded sound was still so new in the 1890s that it seemed reasonable—or at least the tiniest bit possible—to think recorded sound might be a precursor to recorded thought. Sounds had always been something you heard once, while they happened, and never again.
And if you haven't tried recording someone's thoughts, how do you know you can't do it? In the same way that if you haven't seen the surface of the moon, why shouldn't you be open to the idea of moon elephants roaming on it? When a new telescope was debuted in Paris in 1899, The Times (of Richmond, Virginia) called it the "telescope by which animals as large as an elephant can be plainly seen upon the moon" and promised it would "show us the large animals upon the moon and their movements."

It was an age of mind-reading machines, and moon elephants, and horse-powered hippocycles (to be fair, the hippocycle inventor called his design, below, more theoretical than practical):

And although video calls didn't become a reality in 1912, as the Chicago Day Book predicted ...

... they did become a reality. Timeless ideas, it turns out, often just have to wait for technology to catch up with them. Other ideas eventually recede.
The promise of a mind-reading machine was, in its day, a sort of shorthand for what might be technologically possible. And a willingness to believe—or at least to explore—such an idea reflects the kind of optimism that's still essential to invention. The culture of what could be is part of how we organize all kinds of ideas about the world. It's in that same spirit today that we talk about the promises of stem cell research and gene therapies, advances in cryogenics and artificial intelligence, the search for life on other planets, etc.
And yet there's an irresistible construct about technology of the past, a way of thinking that obsesses over what we got wrong. It's that part of you that says: Of course we don't have mind-reading devices. And this is kind of funny because we tend to swing to the opposite extreme when considering possibilities for the future. A machine that does simple math isn't just a useful new tool but something that "will supplant brains."

But that "mechanical brain" didn't supplant the human brain any more than Julius Emmner's secret machine read minds. World-changing technology has never been about devices or machines, but rather people's interactions with them. Only by pushing the boundaries of what's possible can we discover what's real.
Scientists, by the way, are still designing mind-reading experiments.
Social support: Tap this tool to beat stress
Having close friends and family has far-reaching benefits for your health. Here's how to build and maintain these essential relationships.
By Mayo Clinic StaffA strong social support network can be critical to help you through the stress of tough times, whether you've had a bad day at work or a year filled with loss or chronic illness. Since your supportive family, friends and co-workers are such an important part of your life, it's never too soon to cultivate these important relationships.
What is a social support network?
A social support network is made up of friends, family and peers. A social support network is different from a support group, which is generally a structured meeting run by a mental health professional.
Although both support groups and support networks can play an important role in times of stress, a social support network is something you can develop when you're not under stress. It provides the comfort of knowing that your friends are there for you if you need them.
You don't need to formalize your support network with regular meetings or an official leader. A coffee break with a friend at work, a quick chat with a neighbor, a phone call to your sibling or even a visit to church are all ways to develop and foster lasting relationships with the people close to you.
Don't wait for someone else to make the first move. If you meet someone you think might become a good friend, invite him or her to join you for coffee or another casual activity.
Benefits of a social support network
Several studies have demonstrated that having a network of supportive relationships contributes to psychological well-being. When you have a social support network, you benefit in the following ways:
- Sense of belonging. Spending time with people helps ward off loneliness. Whether it's other new parents, dog lovers, fishing buddies or siblings, just knowing you're not alone can go a long way toward coping with stress.
- Increased sense of self-worth. Having people who call you a friend reinforces the idea that you're a good person to be around.
- Feeling of security. Your social network gives you access to information, advice, guidance and other types of assistance should you need them. It's comforting to know that you have people you can turn to in a time of need.
Cultivating your social support network
If you want to improve your mental health and your ability to combat stress, surround yourself with at least a few good friends and confidants. Here are some ideas for building your social network:
- Volunteer. Pick a cause that's important to you and get involved. You're sure to meet others who share similar interests and values.
- Join a gym. Incorporating physical fitness into your day is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. You can make friends while you exercise too. Look at gyms in your area or check the local community center. Or, start a walking group at work or at your church.
- Go back to school. A local college or community education course puts you in contact with others who share similar hobbies or pursuits.
- Look online. The newest generation of social networking sites can help you stay connected with friends and family. Many good sites exist for people going through stressful times, such as chronic illness, loss of a loved one, new baby, divorce and other life changes. Be sure to stick to reputable sites, and be cautious about arranging in-person meetings.
Give and take: The foundation of social networks
A successful relationship is a two-way street. The better a friend you are, the better your friends will be. Here are some suggestions for nurturing your relationships:
- Stay in touch. Answering phone calls, returning emails and reciprocating invitations let people know you care.
- Don't compete. Be happy instead of jealous when your friends succeed, and they'll celebrate your accomplishments in return.
- Be a good listener. Listen when your friends are speaking. Find out what's important to your friends. You might find you have even more in common than you think.
Don't overdo it. In your zeal to extend your social network, be careful not to overwhelm friends and family with phone calls and emails. Save those high-demand times for when you really need them.
And while sharing is important, be wary of "oversharing" information that's personal or sensitive, especially with new or casual acquaintances and on social networking sites.
- Appreciate your friends and family. Take time to say thank you and express how important they are to you. Be there for them when they need support.
The bottom line
Remember that the goal of building your social support network is to reduce your stress level, not add to it. Watch for situations that seem to drain your energy. For example, avoid spending too much time with someone who is constantly negative and critical. Similarly, steer clear of people involved in unhealthy behaviors, such as alcohol or substance abuse, especially if you've struggled with addictions.
Taking the time to build a social support network is a wise investment not only in your mental well-being but also in your physical health and longevity. Research shows that those who enjoy high levels of social support stay healthier and live longer. So don't wait.
Start making more friends or improving the relationships you already have. Whether you're the one getting the support or the one doling out the encouragement, you'll reap a plethora of rewards.
In this article
What are the causes of mental illness? Although the exact cause of most mental illnesses is not known, it is becoming clear through research that many of these conditions are caused by a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors.
What Biological Factors Are Involved in Mental Illness?Some mental illnesses have been linked to abnormal functioning of nerve cell circuits or pathways that connect particular brain regions. Nerve cells within these brain circuits communicate through chemicals called neurotransmitters. "Tweaking" these chemicals -- through medicines, psychotherapy or other medical procedures -- can helpbrain circuits run more efficiently. In addition, defects in or injury to certain areas of the brain have also been linked to some mental conditions.
Other biological factors that may be involved in the development of mental illness include:
- Genetics (heredity): Mental illnesses sometimes run in families, suggesting that people who have a family member with a mental illness may be somewhat more likely to develop one themselves. Susceptibility is passed on in families through genes. Experts believe many mental illnesses are linked to abnormalities in many genes rather than just one or a few and that how these genes interact with the environment is unique for every person (even identical twins). That is why a person inherits a susceptibility to a mental illness and doesn't necessarily develop the illness. Mental illness itself occurs from the interaction of multiple genes and other factors -- such asstress, abuse, or a traumatic event -- which can influence, or trigger, an illness in a person who has an inherited susceptibility to it.
- Infections: Certain infections have been linked to brain damage and the development of mental illness or the worsening of its symptoms. For example, a condition known as pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder (PANDA) associated with theStreptococcus bacteria has been linked to the development ofobsessive-compulsive disorder and other mental illnesses in children.
- Brain defects or injury: Defects in or injury to certain areas of the brain have also been linked to some mental illnesses.
- Prenatal damage: Some evidence suggests that a disruption of early fetal brain development or trauma that occurs at the time of birth -- for example, loss of oxygen to the brain -- may be a factor in the development of certain conditions, such as autism.
- Substance abuse : Long-term substance abuse, in particular, has been linked to anxiety, depression, and paranoia.
- Other factors: Poor nutrition and exposure to toxins, such as lead, may play a role in the development of mental illnesses.
Causes of Mental Illness
In this article
What Psychological Factors Contribute to Mental Illness?
Psychological factors that may contribute to mental illness include:
- Severe psychological trauma suffered as a child, such as emotional, physical, or sexual abuse
- An important early loss, such as the loss of a parent
- Neglect
- Poor ability to relate to others
What Environmental Factors Contribute to Mental Illness?
Certain stressors can trigger an illness in a person who is susceptible to mental illness. These stressors include:
- Death or divorce
- A dysfunctional family life
- Feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, anxiety, anger, or loneliness
- Changing jobs or schools
- Social or cultural expectations (For example, a society that associates beauty with thinness can be a factor in the development of eating disorders.)
- Substance abuse by the person or the person's parents
Smiling is a great way to make yourself stand out while helping your body to function better. Smile to improve your health, your stress level, and your attractiveness. Smiling is just one way to look younger, and a fun way to live longer. Read about the others and try as many as you can.
1. Smiling Makes Us Attractive
We are drawn to people who smile. There is an attraction factor. We want to know a smiling person and figure out what is so good. Frowns, scowls and grimaces all push people away -- but a smile draws them in (avoid these smile aging habits to keep your smile looking great).
2. Smiling Relieves Stress
Stress can really show up in our faces. Smiling helps to prevent us from looking tired, worn down, and overwhelmed. Believe it or not, smiling can reduce stress smiling can reduce stress even if you don't feel like smiling or know you're smiling! When you are stressed, take time to put on a smile. The stress should be reduced and you'll be better able to take action.
3. Smiling Changes Our Mood
Next time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile. There's a good chance you mood will change for the better. Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood.4. Smiling Is Contagious
When someone is smiling they lighten up the room, change the moods of others, and make things happier. A smiling person brings happiness with them. Smile lots and you will draw people to you.5. Smiling Boosts Your Immune System
Smiling helps the immune system to work better. When you smile, immune function improves possibly because you are more relaxed. Prevent the flu and colds by smiling.
7. Smiling Releases Endorphins, Natural Pain Killers and Serotonin
Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin. Together these three make us feel good. Smiling is a natural drug.8. Smiling Lifts the Face and Makes You Look Younger
The muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person appear younger. Don't go for a face lift, just try smiling your way through the day -- you'll look younger and feel better.9. Smiling Makes You Seem Successful
Smiling people appear more confident, are more likely to be promoted, and more likely to be approached. Put on a smile at meetings and appointments and people will react to you differently.10. Smiling Helps You Stay Positive
Try this test: Smile. Now try to think of something negative without losing the smile. It's hard. When we smile our body is sending the rest of us a message that "Life is Good!" Stay away from depression, stress and worry by smiling.
How to Deal With Torture
Whilst many of us are unaware of its continued existence in the twenty first century, the fact remains that torture is still a commonly used interrogating method in many countries. Therefore, torture is serious business and should be regarded by everyone as so. On this page you will find a step by step instruction for enduring torture.
- 1Remain calm. Panicking will do you no good. You will need to stay focused and remain in control. The more you manage to achieve this, the better.
- You could try meditating unless your torturer is watching you.
- 2Assess the situation. Why are you being tortured? The reason for the whole operation can be vital to your endurance, since it will help you think of the appropriate responses to the torturer's questions. If possible, take a look at the equipment your torturer has in the room. This will help you to prepare for the horrendous pain that might be inflicted to you.
- 3Say what they want to hear. If you want the torture to end quite quickly, you should say the things the torturer wants to hear. However, be aware of the consequences this might have. Your information could be too important, for example when it puts the lives of others in danger.
- 4Scream. There's always the possibility that your torturer is not a careful person and has left a window open. In this case, a stranger that was accidentally passing by could hear your cry for help!
- 5Find help. If you survived the torturing, you should immediately find a professional that can help you with your imminent post-traumatic stress syndrome. This one can be quite a bugger.
the devil has found a way to posess the believing christian mind, he injects the demon trough RFID chip so the christian is struggling 24 hours against him in mind. He cannot posses soul or body so he goes right trough the mans thoughts. But God gives me relief.
Tumore scambiato per depressione a Gallipoli muore donna di 66 anni. CCDU onlus commentava su fb: "Questo è gravissimo. La pseudocultura psichiatrica ha talmente contaminato la medicina in profondità che molti medici hanno ormai la testa infarcita di psicoscemenze e, di fronte alla prima difficoltà diagnostica, usano la scappatoia della malattia mentale. Il problema è assai più diffuso di quanto non si creda, sebbene (per fortuna) le conseguenze non siano sempre fatali come in questo caso: un’endocrinologa ci riferiva non molto tempo fa di sempre più pazienti affetti da gravi disturbi ormonali, precedentemente (mal)trattati per anni con antidepressivi!"
31 marzo 2015 - Tumore scambiato per depressione a Gallipoli muore donna di 66 anni. La donna è deceduta per le complicanze dovute alla malattia all’intestino. I figli della donna hanno presentato un esposto in procura
LECCE - Irene Lucia Vergari, pensionata 66enne di Nardò, è morta il 19 marzo scorso per le complicanze di un tumore all’intestino i cui sintomi sarebbero stati scambiati per quelli della depressione. Ieri, i figli della donna, vedova dallo scorso anno, attraverso gli avvocati Salvatore De Mitri e Ilenia Antonaci, hanno presentato un esposto in Procura chiedendo che sia fatta luce sul presunto caso di malasanità. Come è stato spiegato dai legali, in possesso dei referti medici rilasciati nei mesi scorsi in alcuni ospedali salentini, la presenza del tumore, scoperto solo nei giorni scorsi, non sarebbe mai stata diagnosticata, malgrado i sintomi di vomito e il forte dolore accusato dalla paziente. Sintomi che i medici avrebbero addebitato ad uno stato ansioso depressivo della donna, per questo sottoposta a terapia a base di ansiolitici e antidolorifici. La signora Vergari iniziò a sentirsi male nell’agosto del 2014, quando si rivolse al medico di famiglia che le avrebbe prescritto farmaci per curare l’ansia addebitando dolori e vomito alla depressione.
La diagnosi
Nel mese di ottobre la donna fu visitata all’ospedale di Gallipoli da dove sarebbe stata dimessa con la diagnosi di “dolore addominale generalizzato”. In seguito la paziente si è sottoposta anche a un’ecografia in uno studio radiologico privato, ma l’esame avrebbe evidenziato “meteorismo colico”, ossia un disturbo gastrointestinale e nulla di più specifico. Nel frattempo andava avanti la cura con ansiolitici. Il 10 marzo, invece, un’ulteriore diagnosi eseguita nell’ospedale di Galatina parlava di “gastrite cronica lieve”, secondo quanto riferisconi i famigliari della donna. La situazione clinica della paziente, però, si è aggravata negli ultimi giorni. Il 18 marzo, in una struttura privata, le è stato diagnosticato un disturbo di tipo “somatiforme”, derivante, cioè, da cause psichiche. Nel pomeriggio dello stesso giorno, però, la situazione è precipitata e alla donna, sottoposta a nuove indagine strumentali, fu diagnosticato un cancro all’intestino nell’ospedale di Galatina. Sottoposta ad un delicato intervento chirurgico, la signora Vergari “è morta per cause non ancora del tutto chiare”, spiegano gli avvocati che hanno annunciato la nomina di un consulente di parte e la richiesta di sequestro della cartella clinica dell’ospedale di Galatina. Gli stessi legali fanno, inoltre, sapere che la paziente, durante questi mesi, non sarebbe mai stata sottoposta ad una Tac.
El siguiente documento, fechado de Mayo de 1979, ha sido encontrado el 7 de Julio de 1986 en una fotocopiadora IBM comprada en una subasta de material militar.
Negligencia o fuga intencional, este documento ha estado en posesión de los servicios secretos de la US Navy.
El documento, por seguridad, no figura la firma de la organización de donde proviene. Pero recortes de informaciones y fechas dejan suponer que se trata del Grupo de Bildergerg, un "club de reflexión" que reúne personas extremadamente poderosas de los mundos de las finanzas, de la economía, de la política, de las fuerzas armadas y de los servicios secretos.
Publicado en anexo en el libro " Behold a pale horse " de William Cooper, Light Technology Publishing, 1991
Armas silenciosas para guerras tranquilas
An introductory programming manual
Manual introductorio en programación
Operations Research
Technical Manual
Bienvenido a bordo
Esta publicación marca el 25 aniversario de la Tercera Guerra Mundial, llamada Guerra tranquila", llevada a cabo utilizando armas biológicas subjetivas, calificadas de "armas silenciosas".
Es manifiestamente imposible hablar de ingeniería social, o de automatización de una sociedad (ingeniería de sistemas de automatismos sociales o "armas silenciosas") sobre una escala nacional o internacional sin implicar objetivos extendidos de control social y de destrucción de la vida humana (es decir esclavitud o genocidio).
Este manual es de por sí una declaración de intención análoga. La presente publicación debe estar lejos de toda atención de la opinión publica. De lo contrario, podría ser interpretado como una declaración formal y técnica de guerra interior. Además, en el caso en que una persona o un grupo de persona que ocupan una posición de poder importante utilizaran tales conocimientos y una tal metodología para una conquista económica, esta entendido que un tal estado de guerra interior subsiste entre este grupo de personas y el publico.
La solución a los problemas de nuestra época requiere un abordaje despiadadamente cándida, sin perturbar los valores religiosos, morales o culturales.
Ha sido seleccionado para este proyecto en razón de su capacidad de mirar a la sociedad humana con una objetividad fría, y aun de analizar o de discutir de sus observaciones y conclusiones con capacidades intelectuales similares sin perder la cualidad de discreción y humildad. Tales virtudes son ejercidas en su propio interés superior. No se desvíe de éstas ultimas.
Introducción histórica
La tecnología de armas silenciosas ha evolucionado a partir de Investigaciones Operativas (Operations Research, O.R.), una metodología estratégica y táctica desarrollada por el estado-mayor militar en Inglaterra durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El objetivo original de Investigaciones Operativas era estudiar problemas estratégicos y tácticos de defensa aérea y terrestre teniendo como objetivo la utilización efectiva de recursos limitados contra los enemigos extranjeros.
Muy temprano fue reconocido por los que se hallaban en posición de poder que estos mismos métodos podían ser útiles para controlar totalmente una sociedad. Pero eran necesarios mejores instrumentos.
La ingeniería social (el análisis y la automatización de una sociedad) requiere la puesta en relación de una gran cantidad de información y datos económicos siempre variables, vale decir que un sistema ultra-rápido de tratamiento de la información era necesario para ganarle a la sociedad, y predecir cuando esta llegaría a capitular.
Las calculadoras relegadas eran demasiado lentas, pero la computadora electrónica (ordenador) inventada en 1946 por J. Presper Eckert y John W. Mauchly hizo posible cumplir con esa misión.
La siguiente etapa decisiva era el desarrollo de una metodología de programación por líneas en 1947, por el matemático George B. Dantzig.
Luego en 1948, el transistor, inventado por J. Bardeen, W. H. Battain, y W. Shocley, prometieron un campo de acción para la expansión y evolución rápida de la computadora gracias a la reducción del espacio y de la energía requerida.
Con estas tres invenciones bajo su dirección, los que estaban en posición de poder presintieron fuertemente que era posible para ellos de controlar el conjunto del mundo apoyándose sobre un botón.
Inmediatamente, la Fundación Rockfeller puso esto en ejecución subvencionando un ciclo de estudios de 4 años en el Harvard College, creando el Harvard Economic Research Project para estudiar la estructura de la economia americana. Un año mas tarde, en 1949, la US Air Force se sumaba al proyecto.
En 1952, el periodo de estudios culmina, y un encuentro de alto nivel de la Elite fue llevado a cabo para determinar la siguiente fase de investigaciones en operaciones sociales. El proyecto Harvard había sido muy fructuoso, y algunos de estos resultados fueron publicados en 1953, sugiriendo la posibilidad de una ingeniería socio-económica (*).
Con la fusión nuclear en 1954, la promesa de estas fuentes de energía ilimitadas a partir del hidrogeno pesado del agua de mar, y en consecuencia la disponibilidad de un poder social ilimitado, era una posibilidad lejana de no mas que algunos decenios.
La combinación era irresistible.
La Guerra Tranquila fue tranquilamente declarada por la Elite Internacional tras su encuentro llevado a cabo en 1954.
Bien que el sistema de armas silenciosas fueran concebidas 13 años antes, la evolución de este nuevo sistema de armas no ha sufrido reveses o contratiempos mayores.
Este volumen (manual) marca el 25 aniversario del inicio de la Guerra Tranquila.
Desde ya, esta guerra interior ha logrado muchas victorias sobre muchos de los frentes a través del mundo
Introducción política
En 1954, los que se hallaban en posición de poder habían reconocido que todo era cuestión de tiempo, de solo algunas décadas, antes de que el publico ordinario sea capaz de alcanzar y voltear la cuna del poder, y antes de que los elementos esenciales de la nueva tecnología de las armas silenciosas sean accesibles para una utopía publica tal como lo son para proveer ahora una utopía privada.
La cuestión de primera importancia, era la de la dominación, la cual giro en torno de los temas de las ciencias de la energía.
La energía es reconocida como la clave de todas las actividades sobre tierra. Las ciencias naturales son el estudio de las fuentes y de control de la energía natural, y las ciencias sociales, expresadas teóricamente a través de la economía, son el estudio de las fuentes y control de la energía social. Ambos son sistemas compatibles: las matemáticas. En consecuencia, las matemáticas son la primera ciencia de la energía.
Toda ciencia es esencialmente un medio hacia un objetivo. El medio (estrategia) es el conocimiento. El objetivo es el control. Mas allá de ello, queda pendiente una sola pregunta: ¿Quién será el beneficiario?
En 1954, ese fue el tema de preocupación principal. Si bien fueron relevadas cuestiones morales, desde el punto de visto de la ley de la selección natural, fue admitido que una nación o que una población mundial quien no utilizaría su inteligencia no sería mejor que animales que no tienen inteligencia. Tales personas son animales domesticados por elección (de ellos mismos) y consentimiento.
En consecuencia, en el interés del futuro orden mundial, de su paz y de su tranquilidad, fue decidido de llevar a cabo una guerra tranquila contra el publico americano con un ultimo objetivo de desplazar la energía social y natural (riqueza) de la masa indisciplinada e irresponsable hacia las manos de algunos suertudos autodisciplinados y responsables.
Afín de lograr este objetivo, fue necesario crear, proteger y de utilizar nuevas armas que, como el futuro lo dirá, eran un tipo de armas tan sutiles y sofisticados en su principio de funcionamiento y su apariencia publica que obtuvieron el apelativo de "armas silenciosas".
En conclusión, el objetivo de la investigación económica, tal como es llevada a cabo por los dirigentes del capital (bancos) y de las industrias de bienes y servicios, es el establecimiento de una economía totalmente previsible, predecible y manipulable.
Afín de alcanzar hacia una economía totalmente predecible, los elementos de las clases inferiores de la sociedad deben ser llevadas a un control total, es decir ser puestas a la calle, sometidas al yugo, y asignadas a un deber social de largo plazo desde una edad temprana, antes de que tengan una oportunidad de hacerse preguntas o cuestionamientos sobre la propiedad de la materia. Para llegar a tal conformidad, la célula familiar de las clases inferiores deben ser desintegradas por medio de un proceso de aumentación de preocupaciones por parte de los padres.
La calidad de la educación dada a las clases inferiores debe ser de la más pobre, de manera que la brecha de la ignorancia que aísla las clases inferiores de las clases superiores sea y permanezca incomprensible para las clases inferiores. Con tal discapacidad, mismos los mejores elementos de las clases inferiores tienen poca esperanza de extirparse del lote que les ha sido asignado en la vida. Esta forma de esclavitud es esencial para mantener un cierto nivel de orden social, paz y de tranquilidad para las clases superiores dirigencial.
Anexo:Participantes en el Grupo Bilderberg
- Pedro Solbes (2009, 2010) Ministro de Economía y Hacienda (1993-1996 y 2004-2009), Comisario Europeo de Asuntos Económicos y Monetarios (1999-2004).
- Jose Luis Rodríguez Zapatero (2010) Presidente del Gobierno de España. (2004 - 2011)
- Javier Solana13
- Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría (2012) Vicepresidenta del Gobierno de España (2011-)
Cifras del Instituto Internacional de Estudios para la Paz de Estocolmo.
Los 15 países con el mayor gasto militar en 2011 por Instituto Internacional de Estudios para la Paz de Estocolmo, utilizando tipos de cambio de mercado.1
Rango | País | Gasto ($mm.) | Porcentaje mundial (%) |
— | Total Mundial | 1464.0 | 100 |
1 | ![]() | 607,0 | 41 |
2 | ![]() | 84,9 | 8,2 |
3 | ![]() | 70,6 | 4,1 |
4 | ![]() | 65,7 | 3,6 |
5 | ![]() | 65,3 | 3,6 |
6 | ![]() | 46,3 | 3,4 |
7 | ![]() | 38,2 | 2,8 |
8 | ![]() | 30,0 | 2,7 |
9 | ![]() | 46,8 | 2,7 |
10 | ![]() | 23,3 | 2 |
11 | ![]() | 40,6 | 2 |
12 | ![]() | 24,2 | 1,8 |
13 | ![]() | 18,4 | 1,5 |
14 | ![]() | 19,3 | 1,4 |
15 | ![]() | 19,2 | 1,3 |
Lista de países por el gasto militar como porcentaje del PIB
A continuación se muestra una lista de países ordenados por gasto militar como porcentaje del PIB. Esta estadística refleja la importancia de la acumulación militar y la modernización del ejército para todos los países. También indicó prioridad la cantidad que cada país pone en gastos militares.
Cuanto más un país invierta en su ejército como un porcentaje de su PIB, menos dinero tendrá para gastar en otros aspectos cruciales, tales como infraestructura y educación, y los más probable es que se someterá a escrutinio de otros países.2
La tendencia es que los países en desarrollo, especialmente países de Oriente Medio con mercados emergentes debido a su riqueza petrolera, y países en proximidad a zonas de conflicto parecen tener el gasto más grande como porcentaje de su PIB para modernizar sus fuerzas militares y tratar de ponerse al día con los países occidentales, que gastan menos como resultado de haber construido un ejército modernizado fuertemente en las últimas décadas.
La fuente de esta tabla es el The World Factbook 2008, publicado por la Agencia Central de Inteligencia, disponible en Los países para los cuales no se dispone de información no están incluidos en esta lista.
Rango | País | Gasto militar % del PIB | Fecha de la Información |
1 | ![]() | 11.40 | 2005 est |
2 | ![]() | 10 | 2005 est |
3 | ![]() | 9.10 | 2005 est |
4 | ![]() | 8,6 | 2006 |
5 | ![]() | 8,6 | 2006 |
6 | ![]() | 7,3 | 2006 |
7 | ![]() | 6.60 | 2006 |
8 | ![]() | 6,5 | FY01 |
9 | ![]() | 6,3 | 2006 est |
10 | ![]() | 6 | 2005 est |
11 | ![]() | 5,9 | 2006 est |
12 | ![]() | 5,9 | 2005 est |
13 | ![]() | 5,7 | 2006 |
14 | ![]() | 5,6 | 2014 |
Por favor Firme la Petición Colectiva pra la Prohibición de ( ACOSO ELECTRONICO ) de parte de gobierno con ayuda del CNI y la CIA .
Petición al Pueblo español para que tenga en cuenta que el ACOSO-ELECTRONICO es un complot de parte de estado contra todos los españoles y somos todos potenciales victimas del control de la mente a distancia, es decir, por satélites y nadie es INMUNE y cada victima es ojo y oído de agentes de la CIA y CNI y es un Espía involuntario .
Para Prohibir el (Acoso Electrónico ) por favor firme esta Petición para garantizar LA LIBERTAD suya y de generaciones futuras .