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Eroticism Sacred

It has sacred eroticism .... rather than experience it! The monkey mind-controlled psychically violated has an electromagnetic bonnet is the familiar veil of maya or magic.

The monkey has an important "Cognitive Bias" that prevents you decide to be animal animalistic desire to spontaneously enjoy its vitality ... We live in a dissociated CONDUCT OF REALITY: we prefer joy to guess what "DIRTY" ..... that .... is hiding behind the pORNO there behind these images ..... to be honest with ourselves ..... and stop making a fool artistic looking photos ...
Sexual fun not associated to the perfect beauty!
What we like about people is their spiritual gracefulness not wrap this.



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Time travel with the DeLorean

Great Scott! Could time travel soon become a reality? Physicists simulate sending quantum light particles into the past

  • University of Queensland scientists simulate photons moving through time
  • They showed how two wormhole-travelling photons might behave
  • Time-travel in the quantum world seems to avoid famous paradoxes
  • The experiment shows bizarre behaviour of such quantum particles
  • But on larger scales time travel still remains implausible, say researchers

If a time traveller went back in time and stopped their own grandparents from meeting, would they prevent their own birth?

That’s the crux of an infamous theory known as the 'grandfather paradox', which is often said to mean time travel is impossible - but some researchers think otherwise.

A group of scientists have simulated how time-travelling photons might behave, suggesting that, at the quantum level, the grandfather paradox could be resolved

In the simulation, the researchers examined two possible outcomes for a time-travelling photon.

In the simulation, the researchers examined the behaviour of a photon traveling through time and interacting with its older self.

In their experiment they made use of the closely related, fictitious, case where the photon travels through normal space-time and interacts with another photon that is stuck in a time-travelling loop through a wormhole, known as a closed timelike curve (CTC).

Simulating the behaviour of this second photon, they were able to study the behaviour of the first - and the results show that consistent evolutions can be achieved when preparing the second photon in just the right way.

By definition ‘quantum’ refers to the smallest possible particles that can independently exist - such as photons.

However, for macroscopic systems time-travel still faces problematic paradoxes.

In 1991 it was first predicted that time travel would be possible in the ‘quantum world’ because quantum particles behave almost outside the realms of physics.
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Víctimas de tortura mental, acoso electrónico, telepatía artificial.

En realidad, el hecho de experimentar la “telepatía artificial” no es que sea algo extraordinario. Es tan sencillo como recibir una llamada de teléfono móvil dentro de la cabeza.

De hecho, la mayor parte de la tecnología utilizada es exactamente idéntica a la tecnología de los teléfonos móviles. El emisor y el receptor están conectados vía satélite. Un ordenador “multiplexor” envía la señal de voz del emisor a través de torres de microondas hasta una posición o teléfono móvil determinados con exactitud. El “receptor” es localizado y rastreado con gran precisión, con un margen de error de unos cuantos metros con respecto a su ubicación real. Sin embargo, el receptor no es un teléfono móvil, sino un cerebro humano.

De repente, una voz surge de la nada en la mente de la persona objetivo. El cráneo humano carece de “cortafuegos” y por lo tanto no puede impedir que la voz entre. El receptor puede oír los pensamientos verbales del emisor. El emisor, a su vez, puede oír todos los pensamientos de la víctima, exactamente como si los pensamientos verbales de la víctima hubieran llegado a pronunciarse o a transmitirse. Por ello, podría decirse que se tiene la sensación de “escuchar voces”, pero la definición más adecuada es la de “telepatía artificial”.

Ahora bien, si la telepatía artificial fuera totalmente voluntaria, como una conversación entre dos amigos sentados uno frente al otro en una habitación, podría ser algo positivo. Uno podría hablar con su amigo una y otra vez, intercambiando pensamientos verbales exactamente como si estuviera hablando por teléfono, pero sin tener que usar ni la voz ni la boca. Es una forma de hablar completamente silenciosa, un habla subvocal. Sería estupendo que los amantes pudieran utilizarla.

Lo malo es que la telepatía artificial constituye un arma perfecta para la tortura mental y para el robo de información. Proporciona un medio extremadamente potente para explotar, acosar, controlar y violar la mente de cualquier persona del planeta. Abre la puerta a una posesión casi demoníaca del alma de otra persona.

Cuando se utiliza como un arma “no letal”, se convierte en un medio ideal para neutralizar o desacreditar a un adversario político. Los manifestantes por la paz, los periodistas incómodos y los líderes de los grupos fuertemente discrepantes pueden quedar anulados y silenciados con esta arma.

La telepatía artificial también ofrece un medio perfecto para la invasión completa de la intimidad. Si todos los pensamientos pueden ser leídos, entonces es que no hay manera de proteger ni las contraseñas, ni los números PIN, ni los secretos personales. Uno no puede estar solo ni en el cuarto de baño ni en la ducha. Las cosas que hacemos en nuestra intimidad y que nos daría vergüenza que se supieran ya no se pueden ocultar, y están sometidas a todo tipo de comentarios hirientes. Pueden recopilar pruebas para chantajearnos con enorme facilidad: todos los errores o deslices que hayamos cometido en el pasado pueden ser objeto de crítica.

Al igual que un pervertido de los que se dedican a llamar por teléfono, una persona hostil que pueda controlar esta tecnología puede llamarnos a cualquier hora del día, todo el santo día. Puede interrumpir nuestro sueño, puede profanar nuestras oraciones, puede burlarse de nuestras creencias religiosas, puede interrumpir nuestras reuniones de negocios, puede hacer que nuestros pensamientos descarrilen. Puede contaminar, pervertir, retorcer y maltratar nuestro sentimiento amoroso. Puede invadir nuestros sueños, puede destruir nuestros buenos recuerdos.

El agresor no puede ser visto ni identificado, la agresión no se puede detener, y el daño psicológico es enorme. Pero no hay daño físico, en el cuerpo no queda ni una sola marca y no hay absolutamente ninguna prueba de que se haya cometido un delito o una intromisión. Todo lo que le “pasa” a la víctima, ocurre dentro de la cabeza de la víctima. ¿Qué pruebas físicas pueden ser aportadas a la policía? Sin pruebas físicas, ¿cómo van a fotografiar la “escena del crimen” o a identificar las huellas del acosador? No hay pisadas ni entrando en la escena ni saliendo de ella. De hecho, la escena física no existe, y no hay ninguna prueba de que la agresión haya tenido lugar.

La mayoría de las personas que sufren esta forma abusiva de “telepatía artificial” se sienten como si su mente hubiese sido violada. Se sienten perseguidas, acosadas, hostigadas y maltratadas por una o varias personas que se niegan a dar sus nombres, que ensucian la mente de sus víctimas con el lenguaje más grosero y perverso que pueda imaginarse, y que se niegan a colgar y a desaparecer. La persona o las personas que llaman disfrutan con la tortura perversa y sádica que infligen a sus víctimas. Además, disfrutan violando la privacidad de sus víctimas, leyendo sus mentes y haciendo comentarios sobre todo lo que las víctimas piensan, en un esfuerzo por demostrarles lo más despiadadamente posible que no tienen intimidad ninguna.

En resumen, las personas que llaman actúan exactamente igual que los violadores o los degenerados que se dedican a acosar. Imaginemos lo que un hombre podría hacer si se encontrase un “teléfono móvil mágico” que le permitiera hacer introducirse en la cabeza y en los pensamientos íntimos de cualquier persona del planeta. La tentación de escoger una persona objetivo al azar y de empezar a espiarla o a maltratarla sería enorme, casi irresistible. Podría convertirse rápidamente en un hobby nauseabundo y retorcido, en un vicio. Si se deja en las manos de un equipo de la policía secreta, la posibilidad de que se haga un mal uso de esta tecnología resulta aún más escalofriante.

Ahora bien, la reacción natural de una persona normal e inteligente que por primera vez sufre la horrorosa experiencia de que le violen la mente es sentir pánico y echar mano de un teléfono de verdad. Llama a su familia, se pone en contacto con su médico o llama a la policía para denunciar algo sumamente extraño: “alguien está emitiendo voces en mi cabeza.”

Pero si es la policía la que está cometiendo estos abusos, las víctimas no van a conseguir gran ayuda, ¿no es así? Y si los policías no son los autores, entonces ¿cómo van a detener a nadie? Lo más práctico y fácil es creer que la persona que llama es un chiflado.

Rápidamente, la víctima de la violación mental se ve sometida a la humillación añadida de que la internen en un hospital psiquiátrico, a menudo en contra de su voluntad y a instancias de un ser querido que lo hace “por su bien”.

Cuanto más vehementes sean los esfuerzos que la víctima haga por demostrar que la voz o las voces en su cabeza son “reales”, mayor será la soberbia que las sonrisas de los médicos dejarán traslucir, médicos que insistirán con delicadeza en que dicha tecnología no existe, en que las voces no pueden ser reales, y en que hay que hay que tomarse una fuerte medicación y acostarse para descansar durante un buen rato.

La sensación de “oír voces” (sobre todo las voces que ocasionan un maltrato continuo) conduce directamente a la sala acolchada del pabellón psiquiátrico. De hecho, la sensación de oír voces constituye un ejemplo clásico de esquizofrenia. Si uno oye voces, es que uno está, por definición, loco.

Sin embargo, cuando las personas “que oyen voces” salen del hospital con un suministro de medicamentos caros, con frecuencia se dan cuenta de que los medicamentos no surten efecto, que es exactamente lo que cabría esperar si su problema no tuviera nada que ver con la química del cerebro y en cambio sí que tuviera que ver con una agresión bio-electrónica por parte de unos acosadores ocultos.

Las personas que oyen voces a menudo dejan desconcertados a los psiquiatras, ya que muchas de ellas no encajan en el modelo clásico de la esquizofrenia, cuyos ataques aparecen por lo general a los veintitantos años. Las víctimas de la “telepatía artificial” suelen tener unos treinta o cuarenta años y muchas no tienen antecedentes ni de enfermedad mental grave ni de consumo de drogas. Muchas parecen ser despiertas, saludables y racionales, incluso cuando insisten en que pueden oír voces. Están de acuerdo con los psiquiatras en que sí, que están deprimidas, pero ¿quién no estaría un poco deprimido en unas circunstancias tan difíciles? El hecho de ser acosado e intimidado verbalmente a todas horas es una forma de tortura mental.

Las víctimas de la violación mental se dan cuenta rápidamente de que no pueden hablar de sus “problemas psicológicos” ni con su familia ni con sus compañeros de trabajo. Se trata de algo turbador, muy extraño, que inspira poca compasión y que solamente sirve para asustar a la mayoría de la gente. La única forma en que otra persona puede “ayudar” es sugiriendo a la víctima de violación mental que vaya a ver a un psiquiatra, que de inmediato doblará la dosis de los medicamentos y de los antidepresivos. El resultado será una factura médica exagerada, que sólo añadirá penurias económicas a la situación. Y el hostigamiento verbal continuará.

A medida que aprenden a soportar la tortura diaria, las personas que oyen voces por lo general pueden volver a llevar una vida corriente, en la que son capaces de mantener conversaciones inteligentes y coherentes, conservar un empleo y funcionar con bastante normalidad. De hecho, si no hablan de su “problema”, normalmente no se distinguen de la gente normal que va por la calle. Porque estas personas son personas normales.

El número creciente de personas que “oyen voces” en nuestra sociedad permanece por lo tanto oculto. Aquellos que siguen afirmando que existe una “sociedad secreta de personas que emiten voces hacia el interior de nuestras cabezas” sencillamente son acallados con burlas o etiquetados de esquizofrénicos paranoides, y quedan completamente desacreditados. De hecho, muchos de los que oyen voces han interiorizado la idea de que son enfermos mentales, y se esfuerzan por comprender cómo sus “alucinaciones auditivas” siguen pareciendo tan reales.

Naturalmente, muchas de estas personas que oyen voces están profundamente desconcertadas, y recurren a grupos de apoyo, entre los que se incluyen las comunidades en línea tales como el grupo de apoyo a los oyentes de voces en

Quienes duden de la existencia de la “telepatía artificial” no tienen más que ponerse en contacto con alguna de estas comunidades, donde encontrarán a personas que siguen afirmando que están siendo acosadas por personas reales que utilizan una tecnología desconocida o falta de explicación.

Sorprendentemente, hay una cantidad enorme de literatura científica y de pruebas circunstanciales que respaldan esa afirmación.

En los próximos artículos, exploraremos la historia de la telepatía sintética y aprenderemos los nombres de los científicos que desarrollaron esta tecnología siniestra. También identificaremos y estudiaremos algunos de los organismos gubernamentales que están utilizando este instrumento de tortura contra ciudadanos inocentes.

A medida que se desarrolla el material de fondo, cada vez quedará más claro que estamos hablando de un moderno proyecto Manhattan (un programa de investigación supersecreto, más siniestro y potencialmente más devastador que el desarrolló la bomba atómica.

A través de este enlace se accede a una serie de artículos que tratan sobre el control externo de la mente humana.

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Do not envy others

Do not envy othersThere's no reason to envy one anotherThat's a trap lay by our enemies to make us destroy one anotherWe must do what YAHUSHUA told us to love one anotherFor we are brothers and sistersWe must never stand dividedOur power works best when we stand unitedFor our enemies fear the mostWhen we stand unitedAll God's children are beautifulSo do not envy one anotherLove one anotherLet's shine bright together4th May 2015 @ 01:29
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To your love I surrender

To your love I surrenderThank you for your sweet loveIt's like destiny planned from Heaven aboveThank you for your kind intentions and protectionSaving me from the fight against the spirit of destructionTo your love I surrenderI'm in ParadiseTo your love I surrenderReminds me of the beauty of a sunriseYou are my most precious treasureNothing compares to a faithful loverLife can be full with simple pleasuresA faithful lover is likened to a beautiful flowerTo your love I surrenderI'm in ParadiseTo your love I surrenderReminds me of the beauty of a sunriseThank you for easing my painJust by being there for me is enoughWhen I am fighting in the rainEspecially in this dark planet called earthTo your love I surrenderI'm in ParadiseTo your love I surrenderReminds me of the beauty of a sunriseThank you for making me not feeling lonelyThank you for your sweet loveRescuing me from the fight against the spirit of insanityA great blessing from Heaven aboveI am so gratefulA sweet love so beautifulSaving me from the fightA light that shines so brightly in the darkest nightTo your love I surrenderI'm in ParadiseTo your love I surrenderReminds me of the beauty of a sunrise3rd May 2015 @ 23:44
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To your love I surrender

To your love I surrenderThank you for your sweet loveIt's like destiny planned from Heaven aboveThank you for your kind intentions and protectionSaving me from the fight against the spirit of destructionTo your love I surrenderI'm in ParadiseTo your love I surrenderReminds me of the beauty of a sunriseYou are my most precious treasureNothing compares to a faithful loverLife can be full with simple pleasuresA faithful lover is likened to a beautiful flowerTo your love I surrenderI'm in ParadiseTo your love I surrenderReminds me of the beauty of a sunriseThank you for easing my painJust by being there for me is enoughWhen I am fighting in the rainEspecially in this dark planet called earthTo your love I surrenderI'm in ParadiseTo your love I surrenderReminds me of the beauty of a sunriseThank you for making me not feeling lonelyThank you for your sweet loveRescuing me from the fight against the spirit of insanityA great blessing from Heaven aboveI am so gratefulA sweet love so beautifulSaving me from the fightA light that shines so brightly in the darkest nightTo your love I surrenderI'm in ParadiseTo your love I surrenderReminds me of the beauty of a sunrise3rd May 2015 @ 23:44
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Further to my post of this morning, I have just thought of a wonderful solution to my own problem.  I plan to borrow a tent, and camp out at the end of our farm, far away from all electricity poles and cables.  I will not use a plastic ground sheet on the tent.  I will then be able to earth my body, which will get rid of all dirty electricity from my body and will  also fill me with free electrons.  I recently read a book called Earthing which was written by Stephen Sinatra and Clint Ober, which details the importance of earthing our bodies for health.

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manipulation of my energy field.

I am a ti for 12 years.  My energy field is being manipulated.  I feel as if parts of it are being pulled away from my body momentarily.  This only ever happens occasionally.  When I fast on distilled water for a day or two, everything that is happening to me intensifys dramatically.  I then begin to feel strong energy pulsating all over every part of my body, and I begin to question if I can control my own body anymore.  Also, when fasting on distilled water, I feel as if I am drifting into another reality where I can actually see the perps working on my body.  I believe that fasting makes my brain more accessable to them, but I could be wrong.  I also believe that the longer I am a ti the more foreign energy they have pumped into my body and the link between them and me becomes stronger and stronger, and eventually they will have so much control over me that they will be able to enslave me and maybe turn me into a gang stalker myself.  Through voice to skull they constantly talk about a time in the future when they will have control over me, and they make plans about what they might do to me then and what they might use me for.  I am not trying to frighten any of you.  I feel that by being totally honest that we can find ways of fighting back.  I am currently reading two books on human energy fields as a way of trying to find solutions, and if I find any information I will certainly share it with all of you.  I am a genuine ti.  I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo. Ireland, and I have nothing to hide.  Mahonia is not my real name.  I just use it to protect myself from psychiatry.  Recently,  the perps have threatened to upload software into my brain which they claim will make me believe anything they wish me to believe and to behave any way they wish me to behave, and also to compromise myself by admitting to things I am not guilty of.  Do any of you resonate with any of my story.  I would welcome feed back.  Mahonia.

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The mouse walked, the mouse stopped; the mouse ignored a bowl of food, then scampered back and gobbled it up; and it was all controlled by neuroscientists, researchers reported on Thursday.The study, describing a way to manipulate a lab animal’s brain circuitry accurately enough to turn behaviors both on and off, is the first to be published under President Barack Obama’s 2013 BRAIN Initiative, which aims to advance neuroscience and develop therapies for brain disorders.The point of the remote-controlled mouse is not to create an army of robo-rodents. Instead, neuroscientists hope to perfect a technique for identifying brain wiring underlying any behavior, and control that behavior by activating and deactivating neurons.If scientists are able do that for the circuitry involved in psychiatric or neurological disorders, it may lead to therapies. That approach reflects a shift away from linking such illnesses to “chemical imbalances” in the brain, instead tracing them to miswiring and misfiring in neuronal circuits.“This tool sharpens the cutting edge of research aimed at improving our understanding of brain circuit disorders, such as schizophrenia and addictive behaviors,” said Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, which funded the $1 million study.The technique used to control neurons is called DREADDs (designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs).Brain neurons are genetically engineered to produce a custom-made “designer” receptor. When the receptor gathers in a manmade molecule that fits like a key in a lock, the neuron is activated.Because the receptor does not respond to other molecules, including natural ones in the brain, the only way to activate the neurons is via the manmade one. DREADDs allow scientists to manipulate neurons without implanting anything in the brain.DREADDs, invented about a decade ago, had been used to turn neurons on or off, but not both. DREADDs 2.0 are the first to do that, scientists led by Bryan Roth of the University of North Carolina reported in Neuron.Targeting hunger-promoting neurons, the scientists made mice ignore food bowls or dive into them. Targeting movement neurons, they made mice scamper or stop.In a competing remote-control technique called optogenetics, engineered neurons are activated upon receiving a pulse of light. That turns them on and off more quickly than with DREADDs, but the hardware required for delivering light to a spot in the brain is invasive and cumbersome.
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The power of love

The power of loveDo not put your talents to restFor the power of love works bestWhen we are working in conjunctionRather than in isolationWe should always use our God given gifts unselfishlyTogether we can unravel darkness mysteriesIt will work wonders on a global scaleStopping the forces of hellUnleashing the power of love togetherFor our gifts complement one anotherRemember to stay holyAnd live your life with dignity2nd May 2015 @ 05:33
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How to Identify and Remove Facebook Trolls, Gang-Stalkers, and Disinfo Agents

How to Identify and Remove Facebook Trolls, Gang-Stalkers, and Disinfo Agents

By Jan Irvin

Dec. 16, 2014


Have you ever had someone post on a thread you created who is mean to everyone trying to have a conversation - name calling and ridiculing, or just plain lying about the information? Have you ever had someone who contacts everyone on your friends list and tells them lies about you? Have you ever had someone who just about every time you post a new thread they’re the first to reply - posting nonsense, or attacks? Have you ever had someone make repeated comments to a thread while never seeming to stay on topic?

If you can say yes to any of the above questions, you’re likely a victim of paid online cyber-bullying: trolls, gang-stalkers, and counterintelligence agents.

After going through many hundreds of friend requests each month on Facebook I've learned to spot many, not all, but many paid cyber-trolls, gang-stalkers, and counterintelligence agents. I've decided to share this information the public to help you identify them as well, if you too are experiencing the problem. Even if you aren't, the tools here will be useful to you and your friends to help identify these potentially unsavory types in the future.

The more Facebook and internet users learn to identify paid trolls, gang-stalkers and counterintelligence agents, the less we all have to deal with them.

By exposing and sharing their methods we make them impotent and ineffectual.

In this day and age of high technology it’s important that we all realize the reality of, and learn to identify, expose, and stop, cyber-bullies, trolls and counterintelligence – for many reasons:

Trolls, cyber-bullies and counterintelligence agents waste billions of your tax dollars to intentionally mislead you on serious public matters.

Trolls, cyber-bullies and counterintelligence agents waste huge amounts of your time in productivity, etc.

Learning to identify trolls, cyber-bullies and counterintelligence agents, and expose them, we lessen their cost and impact on the rest of society.

By exposing trolls, cyber-bullies, and counterintelligence agents, we also expose their misinformation and attempts to mislead us where correct information for proper decision making is of great importance to everyone.

While this article focuses specifically with Facebook, many of the tools provided here will be relevant across the internet: on Youtube, Twitter, internet forums, news feeds, etc. Please share this article with everyone you know so that we may all benefit and prosper by the identification, and especially removal, of these counterintelligence infestations.

At the end of this short article I provide additional study materials on trolls, gang-stalkers, and counterintelligence agents, et al., for your continued study.


The basic psychology of the paid internet troll, gang-stalker and counterintelligence agent is essentially of someone who gets off on kicking over sand castles and trying to destroy what others build. They’re psychopaths and pseudo-psychopaths (-someone under the influence of a psychopath), and, surprisingly, they’re quite often paid for misleading others online.

Most trolls and counterintelligence agents seemingly have no talent or ability of their own, or at least they haven't fostered any - but lying, cheating, and misleading – and various other forms of sophism. Often because of their lack of talent or ability, as with most socialists, they take jobs with the government. They live off the backs of others who create and do hard work. But their psychopathology leads them to think that they're doing good by manipulating, rather than uplifting, “the herd,” hence trolls and counterintelligence types are more often than not paid by governments. Some also work for the “private sector”.


There are many ways to help you identify trolls and other government employee unsavory types:

1) When you receive a friend request check to see if the person has a history. Did they create the account yesterday, or in 2007? Or someplace in between? You may check this on the right side of their user profile. If their account was created very recently, it's likely a troll. If it was created this year and also has the below signs, you're almost assuredly dealing with a paid troll.

Note: Often you may have to first approve the friend request before you may see the details of their account. Afterword, if you identify them as a troll/counterintelligence type, you may immediately "unfriend" them.

2) Do you have any friends that you personally know who also have them as friends? Check the mutual friends on the left.

3) Many trolls and cyber-agents will use loads of those cheesy, thoughtless, cliché images - the ones with all those cheesy New Age, Vegan, environmental (and many other) quotes and all.

4) Most trolls and cyber-agents will NOT have any personal or family photos. If they do have what appear to be family photos, check their upload history (they should not be all in one day, etc) and make sure that they show consistent places, dates, events, people, etc., and that places, dates, events and people match up.

5) On their walls, trolls, gang-stalkers, cyber-counter intelligence agents typically don't write anything on their posts. They'll very often post only the above mentioned cheesy images with no words or comments. If they do comment, it's very brief - only a few words. If you see long, thoughtful, original, well thought out comments, it's likely not a troll or counterintelligence agent, at least not a low level one anyway.

6) Many trolls and gang-stalkers friend each other and their friends will often have similar type profiles.

7) Sometimes looking for Hermetic, Kabbalistic, Crowleyan, and other forms of occult and Masonic type symbolism helps to spot trolls and counterintelligence agents. This is because “intelligence” is all about the “occult,” so these types often show off their knowledge of the occult like some high school girl seeking provisional self-esteem. Such symbolism is often in the top banner on their wall, or in their avatar.  Sometimes the symbolism may be associated to specific geographical regions and countries. For example: an Israeli counterintelligence agent might use an occulted Star of David.

Troll, gang-stalker, and counterintelligence agent interactive online tactics include:

1) Being the first poster on a new thread, and will typically post up irrelevant information, or snide comments to prevent others from commenting or following the thread.

2) Comments will typically avoid any data or material actually presented - at all costs. Trolls, cyber-bullies, and counterintel agents will nearly never say anything intelligent about the material itself. Like telemarketers, it's not about original thought, so they stick to a script - what I call "Sticking with Stupid". Their script says name call, ridicule, lie, etc, but it doesn't say consider any fact or comment you've raised rationally. These types are usually under-educated, often high school drop outs or university students (or at least seem so). Most of them have socialist leanings. But be careful. We've seen some who were Harvard educated.

3) Scripted comments will typically attack the presenter with name calling, ridicule, and other fallacious attacks, or just any bit of irrelevant nonsense. Often they seem incapable of even the slightest bit of critical thinking.

Learning and memorizing the trivium method and the logical fallacies is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your family. See

4) Many will try to befriend you, and then when you present information they'll try to distort what it actually says, or try to make you feel stupid for thinking it - even if the facts are right in front of you.

5) Gang-stalkers and cyber-bully agents will often harass other members on your friends-list. They may send your friends direct messages, name call at them, talk shit behind your back – such as try to win them over with some made-up lie that they’re spreading about you or your work.

6) Trolls and counterintelligence agents will often try to keep you in the conversation, pretending that they really care. The more posts, the more they get paid.

Be careful also not to confuse a useful/willful idiot with a real troll / counter intel agent. We’ve all been willful idiots at one point or another. A willful idiot, usually within 15 to 20 posts, will often begin to consider your information rationally and will actually study it and comment on it - constructively. Look for cognitive dissonance before giving them the ultimate ban.

7) Counterintelligence agents, trolls, and cyber-bullies, love to hide amongst those who’re misinformed so that they can continue to mislead them – and it gives them a cover - hiding in plain sight. Again, it’s a psychopathology and provisional self-esteem issue, their own and the victim’s, which they love to play on.

What can you do?

1) The first line of defense is checking each friend request over carefully before you add them. If you find too many of the above signs, or sometimes even one of them, it's likely that the person is a paid troll / gang-stalker / or counterintelligence type.

2) Spread this article! The more who know this information, the less we’ll all have to deal with it.

3) If you've mistakenly added someone whom you think is a troll or counter intel / disinfo agent, you may test them. When you bring up information do they avoid the topic? Do they name call or ridicule you or your friends? Do they harass you and other members? Are they always the first to post or comment?

4) Create categories of friends. Name one as trolls / disinfo types and then tag people in that category that you're unsure of. You can add them to that list as you test them, or just ban them all together.

5) Let others know that you think someone is a troll or counterintelligence agent. But be careful. Sometimes you may just let your other friends know privately to block someone you’ve identified as a troll. But if you post up the troll’s personal information, they can come back at you.

6) Study the trivium method. By learning the trivium method you can learn the tricks that are being used against you and protect you and yours. My website is dedicated to providing this information for free, but your donations are encouraged!

7) Get informed. Learn as much as you can about the reality of these disinformation types - often paid for by your and other governments. Here are several websites and videos to help you get started.


Internet Trolls Are Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Sadists: Trolls will lie, exaggerate, and offend to get a response. Published on September 18, 2014 by Jennifer Golbeck, Ph.D. in Your Online Secrets:

How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations:

Gang Stalking and Harassment:

The Gentleman's Guide To Forum Spies (spooks, feds, etc.)

How to spot an Online Troll:


Government Spies & Internet Trolls: What you should KNOW!

How the Government Manipulates Your Thoughts Online | Big Brother Watch

Of course after this post is made, the online counterintelligence / troll / cyber-bully / gang stalker community will begin to update their tactics, and we can update this list.

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We are red

We are redWe all play our partsIn our Heavenly Father's grand schemeWe will never be apartAs we all fight together to destroy darkness' schemesYour skin colour does not matterThe language you speak does not matterWhat matters most is your precious heartGotta play our partsWe are red no matter what your colourWe are red as we fight togetherFor the futureFor our futureOriginally dated 2 May 2015@01:55
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Par latviešu tiesībām Latvijā

Varbūt kāds var kaut ko vairāk pasacīt par šo manis aprakstīto tēmu ?
Notiek prātam neaptveramas lietas. Par to visu kādam būs reiz jāatbild, par to nav jāšaubās.

Latvijas Republika 1993. gada 4. janvārī pievienojās 1980 ANO Konvencijai, kas aizliedz izstrādāt un izmantot ieročus, kas rada liekus ievainojumus un nevajadzīgas ciešanas (Geneva, 10 oktobris, 1980).
Kopš 1998. gada beigām Satversmes aizsardzības birojs (Rīga, Miera iela 85A), no objekta Latvija, Rīga, Zaķusalas krastmala 3 (Televīzijas ēka), izmantojot tehniskos līdzekļus, vadības paneļus, speciālu aprīkojumu veic nelikumīgus uzbrukumus pret mani, raidot modulētu signālu, kas izraisa izmaiņas manā ķermenī, ir iemesls orgānu funkciju zudumam, spīdzināšanai, traumām, garīgam un morālam kaitējumam un citām ciešanām. Kā informāciju pievienoju fragmentu no laikraksta ” Zeme ” (5 novembris 1998), interneta adrese
Lūdzu kaut kā man palīdzēt, varbūt Jūs pa saviem kanāliem, caur pazīšanos, varētu likt pārtraukt, šo komunistu laiku attieksmi pret mani un es varētu normāli dzīvot un strādāt.
Ar cieņu,
Tālis Bedrītis

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1)      Basics

Protection versus EMF can be divided in two different types

  • Absorption
  • Reflection

Absorption means that the incoming Microwaves (MW) are converted into heat. Especially ferrite is good to absorb MW. Examples for ferrite are the heads in your computer harddisk, paint in stealth technology, Video- and audiotapes (the tape itself has a layer of ferrite), magnets, grids in your microwaveoven. On conductors you often see a ring made of ferrite to avoid high frequency sounds. Water absorbs MW aswell. Bottles filled with water should absorb a small part of the radiation. A watersolution with some materials like graphitepowder or copperchips should be more efficient through the scattering of the waves. Some plastics will absorb a part of the MW.

With reflection you switch the direction of the incoming waves. Optimal for reflection are non-magnetic metals like:

  • Aluminum
  • Copper
  • Zinc
  • Lead
  • Nickel

You need to know that the perps often shoot from different directions (2 or 3 perps at the same time) and that it is possible, that you reflect the MW back onto yourself.

The metals should be earthed (Don’t play with your power sockets) to discharge some of the energy.  The material should be thick at least 1mm better 2mm otherwise the perps just shoot through them. This especially counts in situations where u don’t move like in your bed.

Anyway even with aluminiumfoil you can have a primitive shield that will have some effect. But be prepared that the perps won’t give up until they found a hole in your protection measures. You can keep those idiots busy for a while with it.  But be prepared that they are eager to make up for it and shoot stronger at you. Move around your shield while they are moving around to keep them busy.

Don’t give up and learn from your failures.

(to be continued)

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Kermit Frog

Cuando una mariposa bate las alas en un extremo del planeta resuena en el otro.

Tiene los mismos ojos y tono de verde que el mítico personaje de Los Muppets. En Costa Rica encontraron una nueva especie de rana en las selvas tropicales

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Has KaBrat accused you of being me, and then followed by attacking you? You are not alone! LaBrat methodically finds members to assault, and he knows that the moderators allow him to bash me, so he uses that opportunity to bash you! He has bashed off over a dozen members in this fashion.If he has accused you of being me, please leave your member name on this blog. This grotesque assault on our group must stop. There is strength in numbers and we need to show a united front when addressing agent imposters.
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Cancer Cures

   These weapons cause cancer. Below are some links and videos to known cancer cures. These are alternative medicine and not believed to do anything by the powers that be and the doctors themselves.

  Cancer medication is a multi billion dollar industry around the globe. Why release cures to an ailment that makes the pharmaceutical corporations money? Greed I say, eugenics plays a large roll in this as well. They want depopulation and controlled breeding habits.

  Artemesinen: A chinese herb that has been proven effective. Below is a video of a doctor explaining it's benefits.

  Vitamin B17: The safer way to beat cancer and in the below video seems to shrink tumors.

  Cannabis Oil: A favourite amongst stoners as well as people who know the many benefits of pot.

  Baking Soda: In the below video a doctor explains that cancer is a fungus and cancerous tumors can be killed by injecting them with baking soda

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1) Grundlagen

Der Schutz gegen EMF unterscheidet sich in zwei verschiedene Arten:

  • Absorption
  • Reflektion

Bei der Absorption werden die eintreffenden MW (Mikrowellen) in Wärme umgewandelt. Hier tun sich vor allem Ferrite hervor. Beispiele für Ferrite sind Magnetköpfe in Festplatten, Tarnanstriche (Stealthbomber etc.), Video- und Tonbänder, Dauermagnete, Gitter in Mikrowellenherden. Auf Spulen findet man oft einen Ferritring, der hohe störende Frequenzen verhindern soll. Auch Wasser absorbiert MW. Flaschen mit Wasser gefüllt sollten ein Teil der Strahlen absorbieren und somit etwas Erleichterung bringen. Ein Wassergemisch mit bestimmten Material wie Graphit, Kupferspäne etc. sollte die Wirksamkeit durch Streuung der Strahlen erhöhen.

Bei der Reflektion werden die eintreffenden Wellen in eine andere Richtung umgelenkt. Optimal für die Reflektion sind nichtmagnetische Metalle wie:

  • Aluminium
  • Kupfer
  • Zink
  • Blei
  • Nickel

Hier muss jedoch beachtet werden, dass die Täter oft von mehreren Seiten schießen und bei einer falschen Anbringung der "Schilde" die Wellen wieder auf einen selbst reflektiert werden können.

Die Metalle sollten geerdet werden (Vorsicht nicht an Steckdosen rumspielen), damit ein Teil der Energie abgeleitet wird. Außerdem ist eine gewisse Dicke (Materialstärke) notwendig, da diese sonst "durchschlagen" werden. Dies gilt besonders für Situationen in denen man sich nicht bewegt, wie im Bett.

Trotzdem kann man selbst mit Alufolie einen primitiven, nicht vollständigen Effekt erreichen. Die Täter werden jedoch nicht aufgeben bis sie eine Lücke in den Abwehrmaßnahmen gefunden haben. Man kann diese Trottel aber eine Weile damit beschäftigen... Oft werden die Täter dann einen umso stärkeren Beschuss versuchen. Seit darauf gewappnet!

Von Fehlschlägen nicht entmutigen lassen, sondern daraus lernen.

(wird fortgesetzt)

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Best Strategies For A Disease-free Life

(Health Secrets) You don’t have to settle for disease. There are easy natural interventions that can prevent and heal the diseases that plague people in today’s Western world. Each of these interventions addresses one or more of the primary strategies for becoming disease-free. These strategies are

  • Reducing body inflammation
  • Supporting the immune system
  • Establishing a healthy lifestyle

Reducing body inflammation

Inflammation is a normal, healthy response to injury or infection, displayed as localized heat, redness, swelling, and pain. The inflammation process increases nourishment and immunity in the area where infection needs to be healed.

However inflammation does have destructive potential. In autoimmune diseases the immune system mistakenly targets the body’s own tissues. When whole body inflammation develops, it is a chronic, low-level inflammation. Research suggests chronic inflammation sets the foundation for such diseases as heart disease, cancer and neurodegenerative conditions.

Chronic inflammation is influenced by epigenetics and the habits of a sedentary lifestyle, stress, food choices, and exposure to environmental toxins. Many people in Western societies live life in a pro-inflammatory state resulting from the lifestyle choices they make.

Supporting the immune system

Research has identified several factors that suppress the immune system. Those who became most seriously ill with swine flu displayed a weakened immune system and shared a common characteristic — their body mass index was over 40, which is considered morbidly obese. Excess weight can cause hormonal imbalances and inflammation, impairing the immune system’s ability to fight infection and cancer.

Drinking water plays a role in whether or not you get sick. About 25 million Americans drink well water, which may contain more than the EPA

recommended safe levels of arsenic. Arsenic affects the immnune response and is linked to several different cancers, and the swine flu. Researchers at Dartmouth Medical School found that a group of mice that spent 5 weeks drinking arsenic-tainted water developed suppressed immune systems and many died from swine flu. Mice that didn’t drink tainted water got the flu but recovered completely.

According to the American Psychological Association, long-term stress weakens the immune system’s ability to respond. Philip Tierno, director of clinical microbiology and immunology at New York University and author of The Secret Life of Germs, tells us if you become stressed while you have the flu, your symptoms can get worse.

Tierno says the average adult picks up one to three colds each season that typically last 3 or 4 days. If you get more colds, your resistance is probably low and your immunity weakened. He recommends getting more sleep, regular exercise, and including lots of healthy veggies and other immune boosting foods in your diet.

About 70% of our immune system centers in the digestive system. The immune system starts in the mouth. This immune factor known as sIGa awaits germs or microbes that are not welcome in the body. When activated it contacts other immune mediators and attacks the invader or microbe.

Signs of a stressed and inflamed digestive track include stomach bloating, itchy skin, body rashes, mouth ulcers, and white-coated tongue. Inflammation results from many rounds of antibiotics, limited amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables, smoking, and stress.

Gut flora is an important immune factor found in the digestive system. Gut flora helps digest food and maintains the digestive environmental system. There is more gut flora in the digestive system than cells in the body.

Inflammation of the intestinal track may create a leaky, permeable gut leading to malnutrition. Approximately 60 million Americans are experiencing intestinal inflammation resulting in a variety of digestive diseases. To improve the immune system and the integrity of the gut add live probiotics to the diet, and avoid stress, chemicals, processed foods, food additives, sugar, contraceptives, antibiotics, and pain pills.

Digestive inflammation and imbalances in intestinal bacteria are related to arthritis, diarrhea, B12 deficiency, chronic fatigue syndrome, cystic acne, breast cancer, eczema, food allergy or sensitivity, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, psoriasis, heartburn, indigestion, constipation, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis.

Gluten intolerance causes inflammation through out the body and manifests in migraines, anxiety attacks, brain fog and poor concentration. Research shows inflammation triggered by food sensitivities contributes to chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia. When intestinal balance is restored, inflammation and symptoms may resolve.

A taxed liver can’t process toxins and fat efficiently, contributing to systemic inflammation and weight gain. Many foods help clean the liver by stimulating its natural ability to cleanse toxic waste from the body. To support liver function add these foods to the diet: spinach, steamed broccoli, hemp oil, wild caught salmon, tart cherries, walnuts, onions and garlic, pineapple, and fermented foods like kefir.

To counter chronic inflammation

  • Avoid refined, processed and manufactured food
  • Avoid snack and fast foods. They provide too much omega-6 fatty acids which are pro inflammatory
  • Increase intake of omega-3 fatty acids from oily ocean fish, walnuts, flax and hemp

To support the immune system

  • Drink enough water and other liquids to make your urine a pale yellow
  • Have your water tested. If it is high in arsenic, invest in a remediation system
  • Detoxify your liver and colon
  • Eat at least two servings of fruits, three servings of vegetables, and add probiotics such as kefir to your diet

Anti-inflammatory and cleansing foods

Garlic – activates liver enzymes that help flush out toxins. Garlic has high amounts of allicin and selenium, two natural compounds that aid in liver cleansing.

Grapefruit – is high in vitamin C and antioxidants, and helps boost production of liver detoxification enzymes.

Beets and carrots – are high in flavonoids and beta-carotene which helps stimulate and improve liver function.

Green tea – contains antioxidants known as catechins, which assist liver function.

Leafy green vegetables – eaten raw, cooked or juiced. These are high in chlorophyll that removes environmental toxins from the blood stream and neutralizes heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides.

Avocados – are nutrient-dense and help produce glutathione (an endogenous antioxidant).

Apples – contain pectin which cleanses and releases toxins from the digestive tract.

Olive oil – and cold-pressed organic oils such as olive, hemp, and flaxseed provide a lipid base which bonds to harmful toxins for easy elimination.

Alternative grains – such as quinoa, millet and buckwheat (avoid wheat and other grains containing gluten).

Cruciferour vegetables – such as broccoli and cauliflower increase liver glucosinolates that help flush out carcinogens and other toxins, and may significantly lower risk of some cancers.

Lemons and limes – are high in vitamin C, and aid detoxification.

Walnuts – have high amounts of the amino acid arginine, which helps detoxify ammonia.

Cabbage – stimulates activation of liver detoxifying enzymes (kimchi, coleslaw, cabbage, sauerkraut).

Turmeric – this spice helps detoxification and flushes out dietary carcinogens.

Life Style Immunity Boosting Tips

  • Take up meditation
  • Practice Qigong (Chinese mind-body exercise)
  • Exercise at least five days a week
  • Get at least seven hours of sleep each night
  • Take a 5-10 minute walk shortly after each meal
  • Spend time in the sunshine without the use of sunscreen
  • Do no exceed two alcoholic drinks per day, and make at least one of them red wine
  • Use Astragalus, an herbal supplement that fight viruses
  • Use herbs and spices when cooking and with raw foods
  • Add shiitake, reishi and maitake mushrooms to your diet
  • Reduce consumption of sweets and foods made with white flour

      Please Visit the Below Link for Info

    treatment for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease

    how to prevent diseases

    get rid of Disease

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