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16 September 2013


An Announcement To The Whole World By Chinese Victims Of Directed Energy And Psychotronic Weapons



First of all, please permit us to introduce ourselves to you. We are some of the Chinese victims from dozens of regions and cities across China , who have been cruelly harassed tortured and persecuted in a covert way by the means of secret remote control on human body & brain. Among us, there are corporate employees, teachers, students, retirees and other intellectual workers and physical workers. Our suffering period ranges from several months till over 30 years.

Thanks to Internet that builds a bridge for us to know each other, and it is same sufferings bring us to work together.

A group of secret criminals who abuse their powers, arbitrarily use “the means of secret remote control on human body & brain”, illegally manipulate our bodies and brains covertly, and also cruelly torture and harass us psychologically and physically and persecute us days and nights so that a lot of victims live a very miserable and horrible life.

Secret criminals utilize the weapons of “secret remote control on human body & brain” and remotely influence us, and consequently our bodies suffer from “physiological diseases and physiological behaviors” caused artificially from their weapons such as aching, itching, coldness, hotness, trembling, unwell feeling and unhappiness, and so that our brains suffer harassments and tortures from “acoasma and hallucination”. Besides, criminals do all they could to shamelessly steal and indecently spread our privacy in our brains in a abnormal psychology and crazily do all they could to intimidate and humiliate victims. All these vices do a great harm us psychologically and physically. Therefore , some innocent victims was forced to hospitals especially for being forced to accept mental treatment, some innocent victims were forced to suicide because of intolerable secret tortures and insults, and others died of “strange fatal diseases” yielded by criminals secretly in a special trap.

Such secret crimes as the wide abuse of their powers, the illegal use of “the means of secret remote control on human body & brain” and illegal violation of fundamental human rights, have resulted horribly in atrocity or the unprecedented anti-human catastrophe of human rights technically. These crimes not only challenge severely Chinese constitution and laws, but also human conscience, the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is NOT permitted by all the human beings at all!

Owing to the above-mentioned cases, Chinese victims jointly lodged  “a collective complaint to Chinese President Hu Jintao” (please see attachment 1) on 3rd Dec. 2007, and emailed it to the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee, every ministries of the State Council, major news media and the legal community who we asked to deliver the complaints to Chinese President. 

Subsequently, we jointly announced " An Open Letter to the Head of Chinese Secret Institution"  on 5th May 2008.(Please see attachment 2)

Chinese Goverment has the undisputed responsibility to take an immediate investigation into the secret criminals who abuse their power, and to sternly punish them according to the clause of "the State respect and protect citizens' human rights" set out by Constitution of PRC China. However, unfortunately, so far we have not received any response on the issue.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UN General Assembly passed and published  Resolution 217A (III) on 10th December 1948) stipulates in the following relevant clauses that:

Article 3  Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

Article 5   No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Article 6    Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.

Article 12     No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

Article 19    Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

China is one of the creators of the United Nations, a permanent member of the UN Security Council, a member of UN Human Right Council and one of the signers of UN Covenant on Human Rights. Therefore, China should seriously observe and enforce the relevant rules of UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

At present, the quantity of victims are increasingly rising around the globe. Thousands of victims strongly demand for an investigation into the sinful Hi-tech crimes which covertly violate human rights worldwide. A large quantity of the stated facts reveal that these secret fascist criminals are the common enemies of all the human beings who use Hi-tech means to arbitrarily secretly violate human dignity and fundamental human rights. The crazy secret Hi-tech crimes heavily threat and violate the fundamental rights of human livings in the world.  

Challenged by the unprecedented worldwide catastrophe of human rights and the severe crimes of damaging human beings, we urge an immediate actions in union and bravely fight against the gangs of secret fascist criminals! We must disclose the horrible crimes which are covertly damaging human beings, and put them into the Judge Courtroom in International Criminal Court!! 

Journalist and elites worldwide have the responsibility to provide supports for victims, the lawyers worldwide have the responsibility to stand by and offer a legal aid to victims.UN Human Right Council has the responsibility to safeguard human rights and to protect thinking right, sleeping right, health right and living right of all the human beings. International Criminal Court at Hague has the responsibility to carry out an investigation into the crimes denounced by victims, and to charge these secret fascist,the criminals who severely violate fundamental human rights with the Hi-tech Crime and the Antihuman Crime through and according to the relevant legal proceedings.

We, Chinese victims, support resolutely the global campaign of " Ban the abuse and torture of secret MIND CONTROL/PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS/Remote Human manipulation" through our practical actions. We strongly appeal for the United Nations to immediately stop the abuse of the means of the secret remote control on human body & brain which are used to cruelly harass and torture and persecute covertly common citizens.

We strongly urge the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to do his solemn duty to protect fundamental human rights of the whole world, and  hold a urgent international conference on the ban of abusing “the means of secret remote control on human body & brain" so as to protect the validity of the UN Charter and UN Declaration & Covenant on Human Rights. Also, we demand for European Commission for Human Right to immediately put Article 27 of A40005/1999 into practice.

We strongly urge global news media to stand out to support justice, and to take a deep careful investigation into the secret Hi-tech crimes, and to expose truly the sinful facts of secret fascist criminals to the global people. 

We strongly urge global legal community to stand out to offer a legal aid to all the victims and support justice based on the UN Charter and UN Declaration & Covenant on Human Rights.

We strongly urge UN Human Right Council to take an urgent investigation into these secret fascist criminals who arbitrarily use “the means of secret remote control on human body & brain” which have been crazily violating fundamental human rights.

We strongly urge International Criminal Court to take an immediate investigation into our complaints, and to charge these secret fascist criminals who heavily violate fundamental human rights with the Hi-tech Crime and the Antihuman Crime, and to make a historic great contribution to guarantee the fundamental human rights of all the human beings!! 

With best regards,
  Yours   Truly





长期以来, 一帮滥用特权的秘密罪犯,肆无忌惮地使用“秘密遥控人体和大脑(精神)技术”,非法秘密控制我们的身体和大脑(精神),日夜不停地实施种种惨无人道的精神骚扰和肉体折磨迫害、阴谋暗害,致使许多受害者每天生活在无比痛苦的、生不如死的恐怖状况中。

他们使用“秘密遥控人体和大脑(精神)技术” ,遥控制造我们受害者身体内日夜交替出现:痛、痒、冷、热、颤抖、难受等人为的“生理疾病和生理行为”痛苦;遥控制造我们受害者的大脑(精神)日夜出现所谓的“幻听、幻觉”骚扰折磨痛苦。他们还竭尽无耻、卑鄙、下流的变态伎俩,窃取传播受害者大脑思维的隐私信息,并且,疯狂地对受害者进行秘密恐吓和种种人格侮辱。所有这一切,都给我们受害者的肉体和精神带来了无与伦比的巨大创痛,身心遭到极度的摧残和伤害。其中,有一些无辜受害者被诬陷并送进“精神病院”;另一些因无法忍受秘密折磨凌辱的痛苦而“自杀”;还有一些则被他们秘密制造身体内出现各种莫名其妙的“绝症怪病”而阴谋暗害,含冤死亡。


为此,我们中国受害者于2007年12月3日,联名写了一封“致胡锦涛主席的集体控诉信” ( 见“附件一” ),并用电子邮件发送给了中共中央和中国国务院各部门,以及全国新闻媒体和法律界人士等,要求转呈给中国国家主席。

接着,在2008年5月5日,又联名发出了一封《致中国“秘密机构”头头的公开信》( 见“附件二” )。


《世界人权宣言》(联合国大会 一九四八年十二月十日 第217A(III)号决议通过并颁布) 的有关条款规定:







我们强烈要求联合国秘书长 潘基文 先生从维护“联合国宪章”及有关“人权宣言和公约”的尊严出发,履行自己维护全世界人民基本人权的神圣职责,紧急召开“禁止使用秘密遥控人体(大脑)技术武器”的国际会议。我们要求欧盟人权委员会立即开展其A40005/1999第27款的工作!







   我们是一些被“秘密遥控人体和大脑(精神)技术” 折磨迫害的受害者。网络使我们相识,受害的遭遇让我们走到了一起。




    这种秘密“遥控技术手段” 包括:制造我们身体内日夜交替出现:痛、痒、冷、热、颤抖、难受等人为的“生理疾病和生理行为”痛苦;制造我们的大脑(精神)日夜出现被遥控的所谓“幻听、幻觉”的骚扰折磨痛苦。他们还竭尽无耻、卑鄙、下流的变态伎俩,窃取传播受害者大脑思维的隐私信息,并且,疯狂地对受害者进行秘密恐吓和种种人格侮辱。所有这一切,都给受害者的肉体和精神带来了无与伦比的巨大创痛!














     据悉,在当今世界上,俄罗斯、美国以及欧盟等许多国家和地区,都不同程度地制订和正在制订一些具体的决议或法规,明确制止这种“秘密遥控人体和大脑(精神)技术武器”对普通平民实施秘密酷刑虐待折磨迫害。如俄罗斯议会的“决议” 就是一例。


    这种滥用”特权”的无法无天秘密恐怖罪行,是疯狂的秘密“违反宪法和法律的行为”!我们强烈要求国家从“尊重和保障公民人权”的法律出发, 坚决“必须予以追究”这帮秘密犯罪分子的刑事责任,挖除这些“秘密毒瘤”,将他们绳之以法!为建立一个法治的和谐社会铺平道路!! 




脑控常常涉及微小芯片植入到大脑和身体的其它部位,常常用电磁波作为激发的能量,是RFID和晶振技术的充分应用,不需要传统电池。部分只做控制试验的受害者们身体里没有芯片。脑控涉及定向能(Directed Energy),例如X-射线、微波信号和穿墙高能微波。定向能试验的方式非常隐蔽,可能会产生致命的效果。静态造影如MRI和CT可以造假。



“Lida”技术:脉冲射频发射器,可以导致严重的疲劳和昏睡,或者失眠。可以穿墙瞄准目标发射.  LIDA技术在1950年代由苏联发明,后来在各国得到了发展。声音直达大脑(Voice to skull)技术:可以传送说话声和其它声音,直达目标的头部,旁边的人听不到,可以穿过墙壁发射。该技术可以在没有脑控芯片的情况下实现。(该技术的美国军方代号是“V2K”。) 


意念传输:(Thoughts  Transmission) 通过无线传输特定的脑控波曲线到受害者的大脑,实现意念的传输,一般需要有脑控微芯片植入在受害者的大脑。意念传输也叫潜意识(subliminal)传输,例如“受辱感”,能破坏人际关系。默念传输:(Subvocal Transmission) 通过电磁波传输来影响受害者的说话器官和抑制思维器官,来影响受害者说话。这种话不经过大脑的思考说出,特别细心的受害者能够发现。这种传输可以通过脑控激励芯片(又叫脑控钉)或不用脑控激励芯片进行。受害者的主要特点是说话不经过思考或者说错话。武器化的微波技术:可以导致一系列的身体的伤害反应,可以悄悄地,穿过墙壁进行。穿墙雷达扫描技术(例如机场安检。)高级无线计算机控制技术:通过探测主板的特定的电磁辐射和向特定的线路端子发射X波段电磁脉冲,实现输出和输入。相当于别人的计算机通过串口连到了你的计算机。在没有无线网卡的情况下就能够实现无线遥控计算机。潜意识“无声的声音”(Subliminal “Silent Sound”) 设备:可以传送催眠式建议到受害者,但受害者耳朵听不到,声波的频率介于超声波和人可听声波之间。

(二)受害者们总结的常见的身体症状和经验:(在读取和破解脑波阶段,受害者们通常没有严重的症状,但是他们至少有一颗芯片在身体里面,部分只做控制试验的受害者们身体里没有芯片。)• 头皮发麻。头晕, 头痛。

• 无理由的极度疲劳,腿肌及关节的酸痛。

• 梦境制造和操纵,剥夺睡眠。

• 电击感以及肌肉的振动和抽动。

• 不通过思考的说话 (subvocal transmission),语言能力受到影响,经常结结巴巴。

• 没有道理的出现心跳过速和过缓。• 记忆力减退,记忆消失 。

• 强迫肌肉收缩和舒张,由调制神经信号所引起,会导致身体和四肢移动。/模拟脑波产生情绪突变。

• 烧灼皮肤,身体的不同部位出现烧灼感或出现不明切口。

• 脸色变暗,头发变稀。 (与信号发射有关)• 与声音交谈,听见声音(Voice to skull, 美国军方代号V2K。)


• 物体振动,如门、窗户、床和椅子(由声波脉冲或芯片模拟所引起。)。• 电子产品的被控制现象,包括计算机、电视机、汽车和家用电器。(例如电视机自动打开或关闭,由电磁脉冲波所引起)

 With best regards,
Yours   Truly

南京 忻中庆  13776686557
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Hubei Liu Wei                13597878369

Shanghai Yu Lingbo       13321981271

Shandong Qi Changling    15154602071

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Zhejiang Cao Shijie       0576-86814070

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Liaoning Shi Yu                  0410-2828530

Hebei Li Guanping        0310-2326981

Zhengzhou Zhao Feng    13903863768

Hunan Fan Li               13646218013

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Zhuhai Zhang Lu           15812708601

Yantai Sun Bo               15064528015

Anqing Zhou Lianhong    13685568645

Jiangxi Lai Qixing           13712207193

Zhumadian Yuan Yuan    13525333332

Sicuan Chen Xiaoyi       15982732725

Hubei Long Wei          13469765313

Xuzhou Pei Weichuan     13033539006

Heilongjiang sky            13634601784

Nanning  Huang Shanbing                          

Germany Wenxiu Zhou  +49 162 7550 955

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Qinhuangdao Ma Xinlan    13230383403

Jiangxi Xiong Lu     0795-7032879/7585069

Xuzhou Bai Lu                     13685161290  

Fujian Lin Zhen                             

Li Xuanwang                       

Kunming Ma Chao                                        

Anhui Peng Yishan          13275779355

Nanjing Chen Shiwei       13211355448

Shanghai Liu Huamingzhi   13818051167

Hubei Zhang Chengzhu      13545372812

Hunan Zhu Zhuoxiong       13187326593

Guizhou Xin Yu                               

Hubei Ren Danting           13872825547

Hebei Di Manqi                              

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Liaoning Liu Wei       13842729284
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Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627



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Artificial telepathy

The experience of “Artificial Telepathy” is really not that extraordinary. It’s as simple as receiving a cell-phone call in one’s head.

Indeed, most of the technology involved is exactly identical to that of cell-phone technology. Satellites link the sender and the receiver. A computer “multiplexer” routes the voice signal of the sender through microwave towers to a very specifically defined location or cell. The “receiver” is located and tracked with pinpoint accuracy, to within a few feet of actual location. But the receiver is not a cell phone. It’s a human brain.

Out of nowhere, a voice suddenly blooms in the mind of the target. The human skull has no “firewall” and therefore cannot shut the voice out. The receiver can hear the sender’s verbal thoughts. The sender, in turn, can hear all of the target’s thoughts, exactly as if the target’s verbal thoughts had been spoken or broadcast. For this reason, the experience could be called “hearing voices” but is more properly described as “artificial telepathy”.

Now, if artificial telepathy were entirely voluntary, like a conversation between friends sitting across the room from one other, it might be kind of cool. One could talk back and forth with one’s friend, exchanging verbal thoughts exactly as if speaking on the phone, but without ever using one’s voice or mouth. It’s a completely silent, subvocal form of speech. Between lovers, this would be beautiful.

The problem is that artificial telepathy provides the perfect weapon for mental torture and information theft. It provides an extremely powerful means for exploiting, harassing, controlling, and raping the mind of any person on earth. It opens the window to quasi-demonic possession of another person’s soul.

When used as a “nonlethal” weapons system it becomes an ideal means for neutralizing or discrediting a political opponent. Peace protestors, inconvenient journalists and the leaders of vocal opposition groups can be stunned into silence with this weapon.

Artificial telepathy also offers an ideal means for complete invasion of privacy. If all thoughts can be read, then Passwords, PIN numbers, and personal secrets simply cannot be protected. One cannot be alone in the bathroom or shower. Embarrassing private moments cannot be hidden: they are subject to all manner of hurtful comments and remarks. Evidence can be collected for blackmail with tremendous ease: all the wrongs or moral lapses of one’s past are up for review.

Like a perverted phone caller, a hostile person with this technology in hand can call at any time of day, all day long. Sleep can be disrupted. Prayers can be desecrated, religious beliefs mocked. Business meetings can be interrupted, thoughts derailed. Love can be polluted, perverted, twisted, abused. Dreams can be invaded, fond memories trashed.

The attacker cannot be seen or identified, the attack cannot be stopped, and the psychological damage is enormous. But there is no physical damage, not one single mark is left on the body and there is absolutely no proof that any crime or any violation ever took place! Everything that “happens” to the victim happens inside the victim’s head. What physical evidence is there to give the police? Without physical evidence, how can one photograph the “crime scene” or fingerprint the stalker? There are no footprints leading to or from the scene. Indeed, there is no physical scene at all, and no evidence that an attack ever took place.

Most people who experience this abusive form of “artificial telepathy” feel as if their mind has been raped. They find themselves hunted, stalked, harassed and abused by a person or persons who refuse to give their names, who defile one’s mind with the most foul and perverse language imaginable, and who refuse to hang up or go away. The caller or callers delight in the perverse and sadistic torture of their targets. Furthermore, they delight in violating the privacy of their targets, reading the target’s mind and commenting on everything the target thinks, in an effort to demonstrate as brutally as possible that the target has no privacy at all.

The callers act, in short, exactly like rapists or perverted stalkers. Imagine what a man might do if he found a “magic cell phone” that allowed him to dial into the heads and the private thoughts of anyone on earth. The temptation to choose a target at random and start spying on or abusing that person would be enormous, almost irresistable. It could become a sick and twisted hobby, a guilty pleasure very quickly. Put into the hands of a secret police unit, the potential for abusing such technology is even more chilling.

Now, the natural reaction of a normal and intelligent person who undergoes the horrible experience of mind rape for the first time is to panic and reach for a real phone. They call family, contact their doctor or call police with a bizarre complaint that “someone is beaming voices into my head.”

But if the police are the ones behind the abuse, the victims aren’t going to get much help, are they? And if the police are not the perpetrators, then how are they to make an arrest? It’s much more convenient and easy to believe that the caller is a nutcase.

In short order, the victim of mind rape finds herself or himself undergoing the additional humiliation of being carted off to the psych ward, often being committed involuntarily by a loved one “for one’s own good.”

The more vehement the efforts to prove that the voice or voices in one’s head are “real”, the more smug become the smiles of the medical doctors, who gently insist that such technology does not exist, that the voices cannot possibly be real, and that one must take a powerful psych med and lie down for a good long rest.

The experience of “hearing voices” — especially voices that give a running stream of negative abuse — will gain one automatic admission to the rubber room. Indeed, hearing voices is a classic example of schizophrenia. If you hear voices, you are, by definition, crazy.

Yet when released from the psych ward with an expensive supply of meds, “voice hearers” often find that the meds are ineffective — exactly as one would expect if their problem had nothing to do with brain chemistry and everything to do with a bio-electronic attack by unseen stalkers.

Voice hearers often puzzle psychiatrists, because many of them don’t fit the classic model of schizophrenia, which usually begins onset in the early twenties. The victims of “artificial telepathy” are often well into their thirties or fourties and many have no prior history of serious mental illness or drug abuse. Many seem to be alert, healthy, and rational even while insisting that they can hear voices. They agree with the psychiatrists that, yes, they are depressed, but who wouldn’t be a bit depressed under such trying circumstances? To be stalked and verbally bullied every waking hour of the day is a form of mental torture.

Victims of mind rape quickly learn not to discuss their “psychological problems” with family and coworkers. It’s embarrassing, it’s bizarre, it gets very little sympathy and only serves to alarm most people. The only way that another person can “help” is to suggest that the mind rape victim see a psychiatrist, who will promptly double one’s dose of psych meds and antidepressants. The result is a very stiff medical bill, which only adds financial pain to the mix. And the verbal harassment continues.

As they learn to endure their daily torture, voice hearers can usually return to mainstream life, where they are able to carry on intelligent, coherent conversations, hold down jobs, and function quite normally. In fact, if they don’t discuss their “problem” they usually can’t be told apart from normal people on the street. Because they are normal people.

The growing number of voice hearers in our society is therefore well masked. Those who continue to insist that there is a “secret society of people beaming voices into our heads” are simply laughed into silence or labelled paranoid schizophrenics. They are completely discredited. In fact, many voice hearers have internalized the idea that they are mentally ill, and they struggle to understand how their “auditory hallucinations” could continue to seem so very, very real.

Naturally, many of these voice hearers are deeply confused. They turn to support groups, including such on-line communities as the Voice Hearers’ support group at

Anyone who doubts that “artificial telepathy” exists need only contact such a Voice Hearers community, where they will encounter people who continue to insist that they are being harassed by real people using an unknown or unexplained technology.

Surprisingly, there is a tremendous amount of scientific literature and circumstantial evidence to back up that claim.

In the following posts, we will explore the history of synthetic telepathy and learn the names of the scientists who developed this sinister technology. We will also identify and examine some of the government agencies that are fielding and using this weapon of torture against innocent civilians.


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Monday, 29 Juillet, 2013

Whistleblower révèle projet de contrôle de l'esprit militaire à l'Université Major


Activiste Message

Que faire si le gouvernement pourrait changer les croyances morales des gens ou arrêter la dissidence politique par le contrôle à distance du cerveau des gens? Sonne comme la science-fiction, non? Eh bien, un document confidentiel révèle que le gouvernement américain, par la recherche DARPA, est très proche de l'accomplissement de cette. activiste message a été récemment contacté par un dénonciateur anonyme qui a travaillé sur un projet de contrôle mental continue secret DARPA. L'objectif du programme est de perturber à distance dissidence politique et l'extrémisme en employant "stimulation magnétique transcrânienne" (TMS) en tandem avec la propagande sophistiquée basée sur cette technologie.TMS stimule le lobe temporal du cerveau avec des champs électromagnétiques. Ce programme, réalisé par le Centre pour la communication stratégique, est basé à l'Arizona State University. Le financement du DARPA pour ce projet peut être confirmée sur le

  site ASU ici                                    

 Le chef du projet,

                           Steve Corman            ,

a beaucoup travaillé dans le domaine de la communication stratégique, tel qu'il s'applique au terrorisme et à "l'extrémisme" - ". la guerre des idées» ou ce qui pourrait être appelé

Le dernier projet de Corman Raconter la sortie de l'Afghanistan et ses nombreuses présentations rendent tout à fait évident que la mission consiste à façonner le récit et littéralement changer l'esprit des gens.Lest croire qu'il sera contenue aux extrémistes d'outre-mer, nous devons garder à l'esprit que le mot extrémiste est de plus en plus utilisé dans le pays. Les dissidents d'hier pourraient facilement devenir des sympathisants terroristes et les partisans de la violence politique demain.

Cette recherche DARPA entraîne de nombreuses questions et dilemmes éthiques. Principalement, cette recherche vise à induire ou perturber littéralement le fonctionnement des récits dans le cerveau. En d'autres termes, cette recherche vise à empêcher les individus de penser à certaines pensées et faire croire aux autres des choses qu'ils n'auraient normalement pas croire. Cette recherche a des possibilités d'interrogation énorme et pourrait être utilisé pour la propagande répandre plus de succès ou d'arrêter bouleversement politique à un public non averti. Cette recherche est menée par le Centre pour la Communication stratégique à l'USS et le droit «Vers Perturbateurs narratives et d'inductances: Cartographie de la Réseau de compréhension narrative et ses effets persuasifs "   Un aperçu détaillé du projet peuvent être trouvés dans le document ci-dessous. Faits saillants comprennent:

  • Dans la phase 3 de l'étude, le groupe de recherche va «modifier sélectivement les aspects de la structure narrative et les fonctions cérébrales par simulation magnétique transcrânienne (TMS) pour induire ou perturber les fonctions sélectionnées de traitement narratif . "(Page 16, nous soulignons) 

TMS est un outil très puissant utilisé pour altérer le fonctionnement du cerveau des individus. Voir les vidéos ci-dessous pour une brève démonstration des effets des TMS.

  • Une fois le groupe de recherche détermine quelles parties du cerveau sont associés à un raisonnement cognitif et la compréhension du récit, ils seront tentative de porter atteinte à ces sections afin de "créer une base fondamentale pour la compréhension de la façon de perturber ou d'améliorer les aspects de la structure narrative et / ou du cerveau fonctionnement pour minimiser ou maximiser les effets persuasifs sur l'objet propension à s'engager dans la violence politique. "(Page 23) 

  • Une fois qu'il est déterminé que la perturbation de certaines parties du cerveau peut améliorer la communication persuasive, les individus peuvent être amenés à faire des choses qu'ils n'auraient normalement pas faire et croire des choses qu'ils n'auraient normalement pas croire. Il pourrait s'agir de quelque chose d'aussi simple que de dire un secret bien gardé, à croire en la propagande du gouvernement, ou même commettre un acte violent. Le groupe écrit à la page 26, «une fois que nous avons produit un modèle de compréhension du récit [ie, comment les individus comprennent des histoires et des messages persuasifs], les utilisateurs finaux [aka le gouvernement] comprendre comment activer les réseaux neuronaux connus (par exemple, la mémoire de travail ou d'attention ) et le résultat positif de comportement (par exemple, les actions non-violentes) noeuds avec des messages de communication stratégique comme un moyen de réduire l'incidence de la violence politique dans les populations contestées. «Le groupe étudieront« les possibilités de perturber littéralement l'activité de la NCN [réseau de compréhension narrative] par Stimulation magnétique transcrânienne. »(page 30) [Texte original] 

  • Le groupe est si confiant qu'ils seront capables d'induire ou de perturber les opérations de récits dans le cerveau, ce qu'ils disent à la page 26 que la recherche "offre la possibilité d'induire ou de perturber le fonctionnement des récits dans le cerveau, et développe l' capacité à induire la validité du récit [ie, la crédibilité d'un particulier narrative / message], le transport [ie, la capacité d'être engagé par un récit], et l'intégration [ie, associant un récit particulier avec un récit plus large, plus culturellement spécifique] avec certitude. "[Texte original]

    • Le groupe donne l'exemple suivant de ce projets utilité: «Si c'est le cas, que l'activation dans un réseau neuronal particulier permet aux gens de se connecter récit personnel de maîtres récits [ie, les récits culturels], en perturbant l'activité dans cette région du cerveau, nous devrions être en mesure de porter atteinte sélective de cet aspect spécifique du traitement narratif tout en tenant autre sens processus de prise constante, créant ainsi un «perturbateur du récit. Non seulement ce serait une découverte importante dans la science des réseaux de neurones et de persuasion narrative, mais également avoir une importance considérable pratique et stratégique. "(Page 40) [Texte original]

    Essentiellement, la recherche vise à perturber littéralement la façon dont les gens pensent et comprendre des idées et des messages.
    • En outre, et peut-être encore plus terrifiant, à la page 40, le groupe écrit: «perturbations mécaniques de traitement narratif peut être, en fin de compte, reproduits dans des campagnes de communication stratégiques ciblées qui se rapprochent des perturbations narratives induites par la stimulation magnétique." Ainsi, après avoir déterminer quelles parties du cerveau sont activées par des particuliers messages persuasifs et de la propagande, le gouvernement peut tester les messages qui ne activent portions particulières du cerveau et pas d'autres, afin de convaincre les individus de croire ou ne pas croire quelque chose. Essentiellement, ils tentent de modifier le fonctionnement du cerveau sans TMS, et que des mots. On peut seulement imaginer les stratégies que le gouvernement pourrait utiliser cette technologie. Ils pourraient faire croire à la population presque tout ce qui convient à leurs besoins. Il pourrait littéralement conduire au lavage de cerveau de masse.

    • Mais qu'est-ce que cela signifie, en pratique? Cela signifie que si cette recherche aboutit, le gouvernement sera en mesure de modifier la façon dont on pense personnellement. Ils pourraient vous sangle sur une chaise, placez une machine à votre tête, coupez les parties de votre cerveau, introduire un message persuasif, et vous le faire croire. De plus, grâce à des recherches approfondies, ils peuvent être en mesure de reproduire le cerveau de fonctionnement perturbant de la machine simplement à travers des messages et la propagande persuasion soigneusement conçus et étudiés. Ils peuvent utiliser l'imagerie cérébrale pour déterminer quelles parties du cerveau sont activées quand un message particulier est décerné à une personne, et si les parties «bonnes» sont activés, ils savent que le message sera contourner raisonnement mentale d'une personne et conduire à l'acceptation quasi automatique. Avec suffisamment de données, le gouvernement pourrait faire de la propagande à travers les médias que les gens croient presque automatiquement, si elle est vraie ou non. En termes de possibilités d'interrogation, la stimulation magnétique Transcranical peut être imposée à des personnes pour leur faire croire certaines choses, dire certaines choses , et peut-être admettre à des actes qu'ils n'ont pas réellement commis (comme les TMS peuvent induire validité du récit), ou commettent des actes qu'ils n'auraient normalement pas commettre. Le gouvernement est littéralement tente de laver le cerveau du public. Ce n'est pas de la science fiction. La technologie a rendu possible d'induire et de perturber le fonctionnement cognitif chez les individus

    •  Dans l'avenir, vos pensées peuvent ne pas être la vôtre, mais ceux qui ont été implantées dans le cerveau par la propagande extrêmement réussie et validée. notes de réunion indiquer inquiétude sur la façon dont le projet sera perçu, en particulier l'accent sur ​​l'élément chrétien / musulman. Nous vous encourageons à intégrer ces documents sur votre propre site ou blog et de les partager avec tout le monde vous savez. numéros de pages indiqués ci-dessus sont basées sur la conversion Scribd ci-dessous, entrez le numéro de page que vous souhaitez afficher dans la boîte de recherche Scribd. Remarque: Comme vous peut voir, Scribd a démonté les documents. Alors que nous nous efforçons de les faire restaurer, voici le miroir




    Vers Perturbateurs narratives et d'inductances: Cartographie du Réseau de compréhension du récit et sa persuasion E. ..

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    Center For Strategic Studies Réunion Remarques 3-10-12

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  • Informations complémentaires En 2002,  The Economist  a fait remarquer que  les neurosciences  serait l'avenir du contrôle de l'esprit. Eh bien, maintenant, nous sommes évidemment ici. Ce domaine d'étude a reçu 100 millions de dollars en financement par le biais de dix ans d'Obama  Brain Project , ainsi qu'un  engagement de 1,3 milliard de dollars de l'Europe . Le cerveau humain est considéré comme la dernière frontière, et est explorée sous tous les angles possibles et imaginables.

    Les investissements ci-dessus sont discutés ouvertement. La même chose est vraie pour l'  Initiative 2011 Plan stratégique national de nanotechnologie . Ce document de 60 pages expose un futur projeté "pour comprendre et maîtriser la matière» pour la gestion de toutes les facettes de la vie humaine dans les domaines de l'environnement, de la santé et de la sécurité. Vingt-cinq organismes fédéraux américains participent. 

  • En même temps, il ya des fonds militaires lourds à travers des organismes tels que la Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Cela soulève la question de la transparence quand un «budget noir» justifie souvent le plus grand secret au nom de la sécurité nationale.

    Les progrès des neurosciences viennent à un rythme exponentiel, chaque jour semble la vedette d'une nouvelle percée. Par exemple, il a récemment été annoncé que:

Ce sont des annonces classiques et ne peuvent plus être rejetées comme théorie du complot. Pour l'instant, il semble y avoir beaucoup de l'analyse de mots dans le projet ASU de souligner qu'il s'agit de «persuasion» et non «influence» qui peut être vu dans le notes de réunion. Il est également mentionné à plusieurs reprises qu'il n'y a pas une volonté de changer organiquement le cerveau lui-même, mais de se concentrer sur l'histoire racontée et la manière de diffuser correctement l'information - propagande, en d'autres termes. Enfin, il ya la note troublante à se concentrer sur le récit chrétien / musulman comme exemplaire de l'extrémisme qui doit être reprogrammé. Étant donné ce que nous savons de l'autre la recherche militaire dans le contrôle de l'esprit directe, toute assertion bénignes de ce projet à l'USS doivent être remise en question. Le fait que les membres de ce groupe ont été divisés en équipes rouge et bleu pour construire des arguments pour et contre, si le mot venait à sortir de «militants» et le public est plus troublant. Si nous combinons tous ces renseignements avec d'autres versions sur le du Pentagone travailler avec les "réseaux narratifs»,  a rapporté par la BBC

, il devient clair que le moment est venu de discuter de l'éthique, en tant que personne dans la communauté scientifique et militaire semble désireux d'apporter d'éventuelles attaques sur notre libre arbitre à l'avant-garde. Est-ce que vous prendre la pilule rouge ou la pilule bleue? Nous aimerions avoir vos réflexions sur ce qui a été révélé. Activiste Poste souhaite également faire appel à tous les experts dans ce domaine de la recherche et / ou d'autres dénonciateurs de se présenter et de faire ressortir au grand jour ce qui est couvert. Cette technologie pourrait nous affecter tous. NOTE: Un e-mail envoyé au directeur de programme à l'USS demandant des observations sur cette recherche n'a pas reçu de réponse. Autres liens de recherche importants:

"Le casque Dieu." : Les effets de la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne ont été directement observés par un magazine Wired de la violence politique - déc.10 final approuvé pour diffusion2011.pdf DD: Narrative La science crée automatisés de nouvelles histoires CONNEXES: DARPA pour modifier génétiquement les humains par l'ajout d'un chromosome 47e

Lisez d'autres articles activiste poster ici

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Flame/flaming by moderators
It is the form of flame into being by one or more of the same moderators, especially the elderly, who come to the conclusion that space as their own property. In fact the moderator is chosen by the founder of the forum, true owner. Their action becomes hard, closed and hostile tend to express themselves and make it difficult to fit the figures simply prepared or potentially involving users. They tend to exaggerate the conflictive relationship between internal moderator and administrator to the point of questioning the Forum inducing or causing fractures and lacerations.

source wikipedia psicology but only in italian 

adspeut être très difficile d'avoir ce rôle.:) stress

Where is John Fleming (U.S. politician)

9143094671?profile=original La minaccia scioccante di sorveglianza satellitare di John Fleming (19/06/2003) THE SHOCKING MENACE OF SATELLITE SURVEILLANCE
(by John Fleming 2003-06-19)


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#1406 Surveillance Role Players Lockheed Martin Corporation - Fairfax, VA

Check this out: Surveillance Role Players
Lockheed Martin Corporation - Fairfax, VA

Req ID 268656BR Industry Job Title Surveillance Role Players Job Code/Title E4413:Training & Development Rep Sr Job Description Candidates will operate as Surveillance Role Players in support of field training exercises within the Washington Metropolitan area and surrounding areas. Role players should be trained and have various levels of expertise in surveillance tradecraft skills (Basic – advance) in order to meet this requirements. Qualified personnel should demonstrate an understanding of surveillance tradecraft, surveillance detection techniques and terminology. Role Players will conduct surveillance activities, evaluate students’ performance, provide feedback and participate in exercise debriefing. Candidates supporting role players responsible will be responsible for providing any support props and clothing articles. Basic Qualifications • Experience as role player supporting field exercises
•Map reading and navigational capability
•Availability to work flexible hours on a part-time basis
•Physically fit and capable of walking, standing for extended periods of time
•Valid US driver’s license
•Experience working in DoD special operations or Intelligence community training environment highly desired
•Active Top Secret clearance with SCI access
Equivalent experience/education combinations are permitted based on the Typical Minimums required for this job which are 5 years of related experience and a Bachelors degree in a related discipline. Security Clearance TS/SCI LMCareers Business Unit ESS8806 MISSILES AND FIRE CTRL (S0806) Business Area Missiles and Fire Control Program SRP Department R865:MFC-TS P5 Eng Svc - LMOS Job Class Intelligence Analysis Job Category Experienced Professional City Fairfax State Virginia Virtual No Relocation Available No Work Schedule PART-TIME-less than 40 hrs/wk; Req Type Part-Time Direct/Indirect Direct Shift First
Lockheed Martin Corporation - 30+ days ago
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FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C.
J. Edgar Hoover Building
1935 Flatbush Avenue, New York
Telephone  + 1917-832-9808
Attention:Fund Beneficiary
FBI Official Notice: This is to inform you that the FBI Anti Terrorist and Monetary Crimes Division has discovered through our Global Monitoring Unit that you have a pending transaction with a bank in  London United Kingdom Valued $10,500,000.00.
After series of investigations, we discovered that the said amount was released into the bank in The United Kingdom from the Central Bank of Nigeria for final transfer of funds into your personal account in any country of your choice.
The Central Bank Of Nigeria Knowing fully well that they do not have enough facilities to effect this payment directly into your account from Nigeria, Used what is known as secret Diplomatic Transfer to effect the payment. This method of transfer is applied only when the fund is related to terrorist or money laundering activities.
If your transaction is legit and you are not related to terrorist or money laundering activities, then why must your payment be made via secrete Diplomatic Transfer? and why did you not receive the money directly into your Bank account? For security reasons, the said amount of $10,500,000.00 has been stopped by the FBI for proper investigations before final credit into your personal account.
As a matter of urgency, you are required to provide a Diplomatic Immunity Seal of transfer Certificate from the Fund Originated Country Through their Offshore payment Center in The United Kingdom within 72 hours in order to prove that the fund you are about to receive is not related to terrorist or money laundering activities.
Failure to comply with our instructions within 72 hours, will leave us with no other option than to impound the payment and arrest you for money laundering and terrorism which will lead to jail term if you are found guilty as charged.
For further directives regarding the obtaining of the Diplomatic Immunity Seal of transfer Certificate from the Fund originated country, you are required to reconfirm your personal details as required below:
(1) Full Names
(2) Address
(3) Home/Cell Phone
(4) Age, Sex and Occupation
We shall monitor and facilitate the release of your payment of $10,500,000.00 into your personal account upon the confirmation of the needed diplomatic immunity seal of transfer certificate.
Final Warning: You have less than 72 hours to obtain the above mentioned certificate.
Yours In Service,
CC: World Bank
CC: International Monetary Funds (IMF)
CC: U.S Boarder And Customs Protection
CC All Federal Reserve Bank
Benja & Teo
gangstalkingbelgium & peacepink
Reply: DOLLARS? No i live in €uoroland and I use AMERO !!!
Scanning of my money and my quwave dear FBI and Guardia di Finanza of Italy !!!
9143093085?profile=original Isnt my Cabaldollars? 77 09 88 09
Do you like Numerology?
I live in Italy and I have only this 20 dollars...
77 88 99 00
This is my CAR
911 Penta Gon 2001
I like Vlaicu Ionescu Tadao Takemoto et le G.M.
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The Coming Day of Judgment; Malachi 4

1a The LORD of Heaven’s Armies says, “The day of judgment is coming, burning like a furnace. On that day the arrogant and the wicked will be burned up like straw. They will be consumed—roots, branches, and all.

2 “But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings.b And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture. On the day when I act, you will tread upon the wicked as if they were dust under your feet,” says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies.

Words of Wisdom from the Bible for T.I.'s;  wisdom that will give you the all knowing, understanding smile :)

Ecclesiastes 8:14

There is something else meaningless that occurs on earth: the righteous who get what the wicked deserve, and the wicked who get what the righteous deserve. This too, I say, is meaningless.

Isaiah 59:4

No one calls for justice; no one pleads a case with integrity. They rely on empty arguments, they utter lies; they conceive trouble and give birth to evil.

James 1:9

9 But the brother of humble circumstances is to glory in his high position; 10 and the rich man is to glory in his humiliation, because like flowering grass he will pass away

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Mental Health and the Targeted Individual

When talking about the realities faced by a Targeted Individual, we must face the truth that the perpetrators will accomplish their objective of making your life, and your mind insane. Prolonged torture, both psychological and physical, cause lasting mental and physical conditions that may need treatment of some sort. Whether it be a prescription painkiller to treat the physical assault, or it be a prescription to help balance the offset of chemicals that the mind uses due to ongoing psychological onslaught many of us face, we have to decide to weigh the pros and cons in order to make those decisions.

Now imagine that you were born with a disability—a mental or psychological diagnosis. Having the challenge of facing life with impairment would be difficult at times. Now imagine that as a person you, without your knowledge or consent, have had some unethical--often illegal—and defiantly dangerous treatment administered to you or your children. AS a TI you may say that you understand what mistreatment is like, but for someone who already has a mental or psychological diagnosis, the difficulties to face in life multiply. We at times hear of those who give in to despair because the strain of both is just too much to take.

There are many of us who face this dual challenge directly due to the fact that we have a psychological or mental diagnosis--we are chosen because of it. Below are a few examples of human experimentation and torture on those who have a mental or psychological diagnosis by organizations and agencies that wield power of one form or another. These examples reflect the attitudes of the perpetrators of these crimes and they also provide a model for the mindset of those who attack Targeted Individuals.

The prevelance of diagnosed targets indicates that we need to address the challenges faced by those with these dual diagnosis situations as a group. Please read and comment on the following;

Once Project MKUltra officially got underway in April, 1953, experiments included administering LSD to mental patients, prisoners, drug addicts and prostitutes, "people who could not fight back", as one agency officer put it.[31] In one case LSD was administered to a mental patient in Kentucky for 174 days.--a b Tim Weiner (10 Mar 1999). "Sidney Gottlieb, 80, Dies; Took LSD to C.I.A.". New York Times.—Wikipedia

The experiments were exported to Canada when the CIA recruited Scottish psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron, creator of the "psychic driving" concept, which the CIA found particularly interesting. Cameron had been hoping to correct schizophrenia by erasing existing memories and reprogramming the psyche. He commuted from Albany, New York to Montreal every week to work at the Allan Memorial Institute of McGill University and was paid $69,000 from 1957 to 1964 to carry out MKUltra experiments there. In addition to LSD, Cameron also experimented with various paralytic drugs as well as electroconvulsive therapy at thirty to forty times the normal power. His "driving" experiments consisted of putting subjects into drug-induced coma for weeks at a time (up to three months in one case) while playing tape loops of noise or simple repetitive statements. His experiments were typically carried out on patients who had entered the institute for minor problems such as anxiety disorders and postpartum depression, many of whom suffered permanently from his actions.[40] His treatments resulted in victims' incontinenceamnesia, forgetting how to talk, forgetting their parents, and thinking their interrogators were their parents.[41] His work was inspired and paralleled by the British psychiatrist William Sargant at St Thomas' Hospital, London, and Belmont Hospital, Surrey, who was also involved in the Intelligence Services and who experimented extensively on his patients without their consent, causing similar long-term damage.[42] 40-Marks 1979: pp 140–150.^ 41-Turbide, Diane (1997-04-21). "Dr. Cameron’s Casualties". Retrieved 2007-09-09.^42- Collins, Anne ([1988] 1998). In the Sleep Room: The Story of CIA Brainwashing Experiments in Canada. Toronto: Key Porter Books. pp. 39, 42–3, 13--Wikipedia

From the 1950s to 1972, mentally disabled children at the Willowbrook State School in Staten Island, New York were intentionally infected with viral hepatitis, in research whose purpose was to help discover a vaccine.[39] From 1963 to 1966, Saul Krugman of New York University promised the parents of mentally disabled children that their children would be enrolled into Willowbrook in exchange for signing a consent form for procedures that he claimed were "vaccinations." In reality, the procedures involved deliberately infecting children with viral hepatitis by feeding them an extract made from the feces of patients infected with the disease.[40][41]-39-^ Frederick Adolf Paola, Robert Walker, Lois Lacivita Nixon, ed. (2009). Medical Ethics and Humanities. Jones & Bartlett Publishers. pp. 185–186. ISBN 978-0-7637-6063-2.-40-^ Hammer Breslow, Lauren. "The Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act of 2002: The Rise of the Voluntary Incentive Structure and Congressional Refusal to Require Pediatric Testing", Harvard Journal of Legislation, Vol. 40—41-^ Offit, Paul A. (2007). The Cutter Incident: How America's First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine Crisis. Yale University Press. p. 37. ISBN 978-0-300-12605-1.--


The experiments included a wide array of studies, involving things like feeding radioactive food to mentally disabled children or conscientious objectors, inserting radium rods into the noses of schoolchildren, deliberately releasing radioactive chemicals over U.S. and Canadian cities, measuring the health effects of radioactive fallout from nuclear bomb tests, injecting pregnant women and babies with radioactive chemicals, and irradiating the testicles of prison inmates, amongst other things.


From 1946 to 1953, at the Walter E. Fernald State School in Massachusetts, in an experiment sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and the Quaker Oats corporation, 73 mentally disabled children were fed oatmeal containing radioactive calcium and other radioisotopes, in order to track "how nutrients were digested". The children were not told that they were being fed radioactive chemicals and were told by hospital staff and researchers that they were joining a "science club".[65][67][68][69]-65- a b LeBaron, Wayne D. (1998). America's nuclear legacy. Nova Publishers. pp. 97–98. ISBN 978-1-56072-556-5.-67-^ Goliszek, 2003: p. 139-68-^ "America's Deep, Dark Secret"CBS News. April 29, 2004. Retrieved February 18, 2010.-69-^ a b Abhilash R. Vaishnav (1994). The Tech online edition. The Tech--


In another study at the Walter E. Fernald State School, in 1956, researchers gave mentally disabled children radioactive calcium orally and intravenously. They also injected radioactive chemicals into malnourished babies and then pushed needles through their skulls, into their brains, through their necks, and into their spines to collect cerebrospinal fluid for analysis.[69][75]-69-Abhilash R. Vaishnav (1994). The Tech online edition. The Tech. -75-Goliszek, 2003: p. 253 --


In 1957, Dr. Robert Heath of Tulane University performed experiments on schizophrenic patients, which were funded by the U.S. Army. In the studies, he dosed them with high levels of LSD, and then implanted "deep electrodes" in their brains to take EEG readings.[126] Mohr, Clarence L.; Joseph E. Gordon (2001). Tulane: the emergence of a modern university, 1945–1980. LSU Press. p. 123. ISBN 978-0-8071-2553-3.,


Bender would sometimes shock schizophrenic children (some less than 3 years old) twice per day, for 20 consecutive days. Several of the children became violent and suicidal as a result of the treatments.[149] Whitaker, Robert (2010). Mad in America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill. Basic Books. p. 315. ISBN 978-0-465-02014-0. ,


At Willowbrook State School for the mentally retarded in Staten Island, NY, a highly controversial medical study was carried out there between 1963 and 1966 by medical researchers Saul Krugman and Robert W. McCollum. Healthy children who were mentally retarded, were secretly intentionally inoculated, orally and by injection, with a virus that causes the hepatitis, then monitored to gauge the effects of gamma globulin in combating the resultant disease.[3] A public outcry forced the study to be discontinued after it was exposed and condemned by Senator Robert F. Kennedy.[150]


1969-Experimental drugs are tested on mentally disabled children in Milledgeville, Ga., without any institutional approval whatsoever (Sharav).

1991-While participating in a UCLA study that withdraws schizophrenics off of their medications, Tony La Madrid commits suicide (Sharav).

1993-Researchers at the West Haven VA in Connecticut give 27 schizophrenics -- 12 inpatients and 15 functioning volunteers -- a chemical called MCPP that significantly increases their psychotic symptoms and, as researchers note, negatively affects the test subjects on a long-term basis ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.").


In a double-blind experiment at New York VA Hospital, researchers take 23 schizophrenic inpatients off of their medications for a median of 30 days. They then give 17 of them 0.5 mg/kg amphetamine and six a placebo as a control, following up with PET scans at Brookhaven Laboratories. According to the researchers, the purpose of the experiment was "to specifically evaluate metabolic effects in subjects with varying degrees of amphetamine-induced psychotic exacerbation" ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D."


1994-In a federally funded experiment at New York VA Medical Center, researchers give schizophrenic veterans amphetamine, even though central nervous system stimulants worsen psychotic symptoms in 40 percent of schizophrenics ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.").

1994-Researchers at Bronx VA Medical Center recruit 28 schizophrenic veterans who are functioning in society and give them L-dopa in order to deliberately induce psychotic relapse ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.")


1996-n a federally funded experiment at West Haven VA in Connecticut, Yale University researchers give schizophrenic veterans amphetamine, even though central nervous system stimulants worsen psychotic symptoms in 40 percent of schizophrenics ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.").


Read more…

Mental Health and the Targeted Individual

When talking about the realities faced by a Targeted Individual, we must face the truth that the perpetrators will accomplish their objective of making your life, and your mind insane. Prolonged torture, both psychological and physical, cause lasting mental and physical conditions that may need treatment of some sort. Whether it be a prescription painkiller to treat the physical assault, or it be a prescription to help balance the offset of chemicals that the mind uses due to ongoing psychological onslaught many of us face, we have to decide to weigh the pros and cons in order to make those decisions.

Now imagine that you were born with a disability—a mental or psychological diagnosis. Having the challenge of facing life with impairment would be difficult at times. Now imagine that as a person you, without your knowledge or consent, have had some unethical--often illegal—and defiantly dangerous treatment administered to you or your children. AS a TI you may say that you understand what mistreatment is like, but for someone who already has a mental or psychological diagnosis, the difficulties to face in life multiply. We at times hear of those who give in to despair because the strain of both is just too much to take.

There are many of us who face this dual challenge directly due to the fact that we have a psychological or mental diagnosis--we are chosen because of it. Below are a few examples of human experimentation and torture on those who have a mental or psychological diagnosis by organizations and agencies that wield power of one form or another. These examples reflect the attitudes of the perpetrators of these crimes and they also provide a model for the mindset of those who attack Targeted Individuals.

The prevelance of diagnosed targets indicates that we need to address the challenges faced by those with these dual diagnosis situations as a group. Please read and comment on the following;

Once Project MKUltra officially got underway in April, 1953, experiments included administering LSD to mental patients, prisoners, drug addicts and prostitutes, "people who could not fight back", as one agency officer put it.[31] In one case LSD was administered to a mental patient in Kentucky for 174 days.--a b Tim Weiner (10 Mar 1999). "Sidney Gottlieb, 80, Dies; Took LSD to C.I.A.". New York Times.—Wikipedia

The experiments were exported to Canada when the CIA recruited Scottish psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron, creator of the "psychic driving" concept, which the CIA found particularly interesting. Cameron had been hoping to correct schizophrenia by erasing existing memories and reprogramming the psyche. He commuted from Albany, New York to Montreal every week to work at the Allan Memorial Institute of McGill University and was paid $69,000 from 1957 to 1964 to carry out MKUltra experiments there. In addition to LSD, Cameron also experimented with various paralytic drugs as well as electroconvulsive therapy at thirty to forty times the normal power. His "driving" experiments consisted of putting subjects into drug-induced coma for weeks at a time (up to three months in one case) while playing tape loops of noise or simple repetitive statements. His experiments were typically carried out on patients who had entered the institute for minor problems such as anxiety disorders and postpartum depression, many of whom suffered permanently from his actions.[40] His treatments resulted in victims' incontinenceamnesia, forgetting how to talk, forgetting their parents, and thinking their interrogators were their parents.[41] His work was inspired and paralleled by the British psychiatrist William Sargant at St Thomas' Hospital, London, and Belmont Hospital, Surrey, who was also involved in the Intelligence Services and who experimented extensively on his patients without their consent, causing similar long-term damage.[42] 40-Marks 1979: pp 140–150.^ 41-Turbide, Diane (1997-04-21). "Dr. Cameron’s Casualties". Retrieved 2007-09-09.^42- Collins, Anne ([1988] 1998). In the Sleep Room: The Story of CIA Brainwashing Experiments in Canada. Toronto: Key Porter Books. pp. 39, 42–3, 13--Wikipedia

From the 1950s to 1972, mentally disabled children at the Willowbrook State School in Staten Island, New York were intentionally infected with viral hepatitis, in research whose purpose was to help discover a vaccine.[39] From 1963 to 1966, Saul Krugman of New York University promised the parents of mentally disabled children that their children would be enrolled into Willowbrook in exchange for signing a consent form for procedures that he claimed were "vaccinations." In reality, the procedures involved deliberately infecting children with viral hepatitis by feeding them an extract made from the feces of patients infected with the disease.[40][41]-39-^ Frederick Adolf Paola, Robert Walker, Lois Lacivita Nixon, ed. (2009). Medical Ethics and Humanities. Jones & Bartlett Publishers. pp. 185–186. ISBN 978-0-7637-6063-2.-40-^ Hammer Breslow, Lauren. "The Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act of 2002: The Rise of the Voluntary Incentive Structure and Congressional Refusal to Require Pediatric Testing", Harvard Journal of Legislation, Vol. 40—41-^ Offit, Paul A. (2007). The Cutter Incident: How America's First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine Crisis. Yale University Press. p. 37. ISBN 978-0-300-12605-1.--


The experiments included a wide array of studies, involving things like feeding radioactive food to mentally disabled children or conscientious objectors, inserting radium rods into the noses of schoolchildren, deliberately releasing radioactive chemicals over U.S. and Canadian cities, measuring the health effects of radioactive fallout from nuclear bomb tests, injecting pregnant women and babies with radioactive chemicals, and irradiating the testicles of prison inmates, amongst other things.


From 1946 to 1953, at the Walter E. Fernald State School in Massachusetts, in an experiment sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and the Quaker Oats corporation, 73 mentally disabled children were fed oatmeal containing radioactive calcium and other radioisotopes, in order to track "how nutrients were digested". The children were not told that they were being fed radioactive chemicals and were told by hospital staff and researchers that they were joining a "science club".[65][67][68][69]-65- a b LeBaron, Wayne D. (1998). America's nuclear legacy. Nova Publishers. pp. 97–98. ISBN 978-1-56072-556-5.-67-^ Goliszek, 2003: p. 139-68-^ "America's Deep, Dark Secret"CBS News. April 29, 2004. Retrieved February 18, 2010.-69-^ a b Abhilash R. Vaishnav (1994). The Tech online edition. The Tech--


In another study at the Walter E. Fernald State School, in 1956, researchers gave mentally disabled children radioactive calcium orally and intravenously. They also injected radioactive chemicals into malnourished babies and then pushed needles through their skulls, into their brains, through their necks, and into their spines to collect cerebrospinal fluid for analysis.[69][75]-69-Abhilash R. Vaishnav (1994). The Tech online edition. The Tech. -75-Goliszek, 2003: p. 253 --


In 1957, Dr. Robert Heath of Tulane University performed experiments on schizophrenic patients, which were funded by the U.S. Army. In the studies, he dosed them with high levels of LSD, and then implanted "deep electrodes" in their brains to take EEG readings.[126] Mohr, Clarence L.; Joseph E. Gordon (2001). Tulane: the emergence of a modern university, 1945–1980. LSU Press. p. 123. ISBN 978-0-8071-2553-3.,


Bender would sometimes shock schizophrenic children (some less than 3 years old) twice per day, for 20 consecutive days. Several of the children became violent and suicidal as a result of the treatments.[149] Whitaker, Robert (2010). Mad in America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill. Basic Books. p. 315. ISBN 978-0-465-02014-0. ,


At Willowbrook State School for the mentally retarded in Staten Island, NY, a highly controversial medical study was carried out there between 1963 and 1966 by medical researchers Saul Krugman and Robert W. McCollum. Healthy children who were mentally retarded, were secretly intentionally inoculated, orally and by injection, with a virus that causes the hepatitis, then monitored to gauge the effects of gamma globulin in combating the resultant disease.[3] A public outcry forced the study to be discontinued after it was exposed and condemned by Senator Robert F. Kennedy.[150]


1969-Experimental drugs are tested on mentally disabled children in Milledgeville, Ga., without any institutional approval whatsoever (Sharav).

1991-While participating in a UCLA study that withdraws schizophrenics off of their medications, Tony La Madrid commits suicide (Sharav).

1993-Researchers at the West Haven VA in Connecticut give 27 schizophrenics -- 12 inpatients and 15 functioning volunteers -- a chemical called MCPP that significantly increases their psychotic symptoms and, as researchers note, negatively affects the test subjects on a long-term basis ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.").


In a double-blind experiment at New York VA Hospital, researchers take 23 schizophrenic inpatients off of their medications for a median of 30 days. They then give 17 of them 0.5 mg/kg amphetamine and six a placebo as a control, following up with PET scans at Brookhaven Laboratories. According to the researchers, the purpose of the experiment was "to specifically evaluate metabolic effects in subjects with varying degrees of amphetamine-induced psychotic exacerbation" ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D."


1994-In a federally funded experiment at New York VA Medical Center, researchers give schizophrenic veterans amphetamine, even though central nervous system stimulants worsen psychotic symptoms in 40 percent of schizophrenics ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.").

1994-Researchers at Bronx VA Medical Center recruit 28 schizophrenic veterans who are functioning in society and give them L-dopa in order to deliberately induce psychotic relapse ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.")


1996-n a federally funded experiment at West Haven VA in Connecticut, Yale University researchers give schizophrenic veterans amphetamine, even though central nervous system stimulants worsen psychotic symptoms in 40 percent of schizophrenics ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.").


Read more…

Mental Health and the Targeted Individual

When talking about the realities faced by a Targeted Individual, we must face the truth that the perpetrators will accomplish their objective of making your life, and your mind insane. Prolonged torture, both psychological and physical, cause lasting mental and physical conditions that may need treatment of some sort. Whether it be a prescription painkiller to treat the physical assault, or it be a prescription to help balance the offset of chemicals that the mind uses due to ongoing psychological onslaught many of us face, we have to decide to weigh the pros and cons in order to make those decisions.

Now imagine that you were born with a disability—a mental or psychological diagnosis. Having the challenge of facing life with impairment would be difficult at times. Now imagine that as a person you, without your knowledge or consent, have had some unethical--often illegal—and defiantly dangerous treatment administered to you or your children. AS a TI you may say that you understand what mistreatment is like, but for someone who already has a mental or psychological diagnosis, the difficulties to face in life multiply. We at times hear of those who give in to despair because the strain of both is just too much to take.

There are many of us who face this dual challenge directly due to the fact that we have a psychological or mental diagnosis--we are chosen because of it. Below are a few examples of human experimentation and torture on those who have a mental or psychological diagnosis by organizations and agencies that wield power of one form or another. These examples reflect the attitudes of the perpetrators of these crimes and they also provide a model for the mindset of those who attack Targeted Individuals.

The prevelance of diagnosed targets indicates that we need to address the challenges faced by those with these dual diagnosis situations as a group. Please read and comment on the following;

Once Project MKUltra officially got underway in April, 1953, experiments included administering LSD to mental patients, prisoners, drug addicts and prostitutes, "people who could not fight back", as one agency officer put it.[31] In one case LSD was administered to a mental patient in Kentucky for 174 days.--a b Tim Weiner (10 Mar 1999). "Sidney Gottlieb, 80, Dies; Took LSD to C.I.A.". New York Times.—Wikipedia

The experiments were exported to Canada when the CIA recruited Scottish psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron, creator of the "psychic driving" concept, which the CIA found particularly interesting. Cameron had been hoping to correct schizophrenia by erasing existing memories and reprogramming the psyche. He commuted from Albany, New York to Montreal every week to work at the Allan Memorial Institute of McGill University and was paid $69,000 from 1957 to 1964 to carry out MKUltra experiments there. In addition to LSD, Cameron also experimented with various paralytic drugs as well as electroconvulsive therapy at thirty to forty times the normal power. His "driving" experiments consisted of putting subjects into drug-induced coma for weeks at a time (up to three months in one case) while playing tape loops of noise or simple repetitive statements. His experiments were typically carried out on patients who had entered the institute for minor problems such as anxiety disorders and postpartum depression, many of whom suffered permanently from his actions.[40] His treatments resulted in victims' incontinenceamnesia, forgetting how to talk, forgetting their parents, and thinking their interrogators were their parents.[41] His work was inspired and paralleled by the British psychiatrist William Sargant at St Thomas' Hospital, London, and Belmont Hospital, Surrey, who was also involved in the Intelligence Services and who experimented extensively on his patients without their consent, causing similar long-term damage.[42] 40-Marks 1979: pp 140–150.^ 41-Turbide, Diane (1997-04-21). "Dr. Cameron’s Casualties". Retrieved 2007-09-09.^42- Collins, Anne ([1988] 1998). In the Sleep Room: The Story of CIA Brainwashing Experiments in Canada. Toronto: Key Porter Books. pp. 39, 42–3, 13--Wikipedia

From the 1950s to 1972, mentally disabled children at the Willowbrook State School in Staten Island, New York were intentionally infected with viral hepatitis, in research whose purpose was to help discover a vaccine.[39] From 1963 to 1966, Saul Krugman of New York University promised the parents of mentally disabled children that their children would be enrolled into Willowbrook in exchange for signing a consent form for procedures that he claimed were "vaccinations." In reality, the procedures involved deliberately infecting children with viral hepatitis by feeding them an extract made from the feces of patients infected with the disease.[40][41]-39-^ Frederick Adolf Paola, Robert Walker, Lois Lacivita Nixon, ed. (2009). Medical Ethics and Humanities. Jones & Bartlett Publishers. pp. 185–186. ISBN 978-0-7637-6063-2.-40-^ Hammer Breslow, Lauren. "The Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act of 2002: The Rise of the Voluntary Incentive Structure and Congressional Refusal to Require Pediatric Testing", Harvard Journal of Legislation, Vol. 40—41-^ Offit, Paul A. (2007). The Cutter Incident: How America's First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine Crisis. Yale University Press. p. 37. ISBN 978-0-300-12605-1.--


The experiments included a wide array of studies, involving things like feeding radioactive food to mentally disabled children or conscientious objectors, inserting radium rods into the noses of schoolchildren, deliberately releasing radioactive chemicals over U.S. and Canadian cities, measuring the health effects of radioactive fallout from nuclear bomb tests, injecting pregnant women and babies with radioactive chemicals, and irradiating the testicles of prison inmates, amongst other things.


From 1946 to 1953, at the Walter E. Fernald State School in Massachusetts, in an experiment sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and the Quaker Oats corporation, 73 mentally disabled children were fed oatmeal containing radioactive calcium and other radioisotopes, in order to track "how nutrients were digested". The children were not told that they were being fed radioactive chemicals and were told by hospital staff and researchers that they were joining a "science club".[65][67][68][69]-65- a b LeBaron, Wayne D. (1998). America's nuclear legacy. Nova Publishers. pp. 97–98. ISBN 978-1-56072-556-5.-67-^ Goliszek, 2003: p. 139-68-^ "America's Deep, Dark Secret"CBS News. April 29, 2004. Retrieved February 18, 2010.-69-^ a b Abhilash R. Vaishnav (1994). The Tech online edition. The Tech--


In another study at the Walter E. Fernald State School, in 1956, researchers gave mentally disabled children radioactive calcium orally and intravenously. They also injected radioactive chemicals into malnourished babies and then pushed needles through their skulls, into their brains, through their necks, and into their spines to collect cerebrospinal fluid for analysis.[69][75]-69-Abhilash R. Vaishnav (1994). The Tech online edition. The Tech. -75-Goliszek, 2003: p. 253 --


In 1957, Dr. Robert Heath of Tulane University performed experiments on schizophrenic patients, which were funded by the U.S. Army. In the studies, he dosed them with high levels of LSD, and then implanted "deep electrodes" in their brains to take EEG readings.[126] Mohr, Clarence L.; Joseph E. Gordon (2001). Tulane: the emergence of a modern university, 1945–1980. LSU Press. p. 123. ISBN 978-0-8071-2553-3.,


Bender would sometimes shock schizophrenic children (some less than 3 years old) twice per day, for 20 consecutive days. Several of the children became violent and suicidal as a result of the treatments.[149] Whitaker, Robert (2010). Mad in America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill. Basic Books. p. 315. ISBN 978-0-465-02014-0. ,


At Willowbrook State School for the mentally retarded in Staten Island, NY, a highly controversial medical study was carried out there between 1963 and 1966 by medical researchers Saul Krugman and Robert W. McCollum. Healthy children who were mentally retarded, were secretly intentionally inoculated, orally and by injection, with a virus that causes the hepatitis, then monitored to gauge the effects of gamma globulin in combating the resultant disease.[3] A public outcry forced the study to be discontinued after it was exposed and condemned by Senator Robert F. Kennedy.[150]


1969-Experimental drugs are tested on mentally disabled children in Milledgeville, Ga., without any institutional approval whatsoever (Sharav).

1991-While participating in a UCLA study that withdraws schizophrenics off of their medications, Tony La Madrid commits suicide (Sharav).

1993-Researchers at the West Haven VA in Connecticut give 27 schizophrenics -- 12 inpatients and 15 functioning volunteers -- a chemical called MCPP that significantly increases their psychotic symptoms and, as researchers note, negatively affects the test subjects on a long-term basis ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.").


In a double-blind experiment at New York VA Hospital, researchers take 23 schizophrenic inpatients off of their medications for a median of 30 days. They then give 17 of them 0.5 mg/kg amphetamine and six a placebo as a control, following up with PET scans at Brookhaven Laboratories. According to the researchers, the purpose of the experiment was "to specifically evaluate metabolic effects in subjects with varying degrees of amphetamine-induced psychotic exacerbation" ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D."


1994-In a federally funded experiment at New York VA Medical Center, researchers give schizophrenic veterans amphetamine, even though central nervous system stimulants worsen psychotic symptoms in 40 percent of schizophrenics ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.").

1994-Researchers at Bronx VA Medical Center recruit 28 schizophrenic veterans who are functioning in society and give them L-dopa in order to deliberately induce psychotic relapse ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.")


1996-n a federally funded experiment at West Haven VA in Connecticut, Yale University researchers give schizophrenic veterans amphetamine, even though central nervous system stimulants worsen psychotic symptoms in 40 percent of schizophrenics ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.").


Read more…

Mental Health and the Targeted Individual

When talking about the realities faced by a Targeted Individual, we must face the truth that the perpetrators will accomplish their objective of making your life, and your mind insane. Prolonged torture, both psychological and physical, cause lasting mental and physical conditions that may need treatment of some sort. Whether it be a prescription painkiller to treat the physical assault, or it be a prescription to help balance the offset of chemicals that the mind uses due to ongoing psychological onslaught many of us face, we have to decide to weigh the pros and cons in order to make those decisions.

Now imagine that you were born with a disability—a mental or psychological diagnosis. Having the challenge of facing life with impairment would be difficult at times. Now imagine that as a person you, without your knowledge or consent, have had some unethical--often illegal—and defiantly dangerous treatment administered to you or your children. AS a TI you may say that you understand what mistreatment is like, but for someone who already has a mental or psychological diagnosis, the difficulties to face in life multiply. We at times hear of those who give in to despair because the strain of both is just too much to take.

There are many of us who face this dual challenge directly due to the fact that we have a psychological or mental diagnosis--we are chosen because of it. Below are a few examples of human experimentation and torture on those who have a mental or psychological diagnosis by organizations and agencies that wield power of one form or another. These examples reflect the attitudes of the perpetrators of these crimes and they also provide a model for the mindset of those who attack Targeted Individuals.

The prevelance of diagnosed targets indicates that we need to address the challenges faced by those with these dual diagnosis situations as a group. Please read and comment on the following;

Once Project MKUltra officially got underway in April, 1953, experiments included administering LSD to mental patients, prisoners, drug addicts and prostitutes, "people who could not fight back", as one agency officer put it.[31] In one case LSD was administered to a mental patient in Kentucky for 174 days.--a b Tim Weiner (10 Mar 1999). "Sidney Gottlieb, 80, Dies; Took LSD to C.I.A.". New York Times.—Wikipedia

The experiments were exported to Canada when the CIA recruited Scottish psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron, creator of the "psychic driving" concept, which the CIA found particularly interesting. Cameron had been hoping to correct schizophrenia by erasing existing memories and reprogramming the psyche. He commuted from Albany, New York to Montreal every week to work at the Allan Memorial Institute of McGill University and was paid $69,000 from 1957 to 1964 to carry out MKUltra experiments there. In addition to LSD, Cameron also experimented with various paralytic drugs as well as electroconvulsive therapy at thirty to forty times the normal power. His "driving" experiments consisted of putting subjects into drug-induced coma for weeks at a time (up to three months in one case) while playing tape loops of noise or simple repetitive statements. His experiments were typically carried out on patients who had entered the institute for minor problems such as anxiety disorders and postpartum depression, many of whom suffered permanently from his actions.[40] His treatments resulted in victims' incontinenceamnesia, forgetting how to talk, forgetting their parents, and thinking their interrogators were their parents.[41] His work was inspired and paralleled by the British psychiatrist William Sargant at St Thomas' Hospital, London, and Belmont Hospital, Surrey, who was also involved in the Intelligence Services and who experimented extensively on his patients without their consent, causing similar long-term damage.[42] 40-Marks 1979: pp 140–150.^ 41-Turbide, Diane (1997-04-21). "Dr. Cameron’s Casualties". Retrieved 2007-09-09.^42- Collins, Anne ([1988] 1998). In the Sleep Room: The Story of CIA Brainwashing Experiments in Canada. Toronto: Key Porter Books. pp. 39, 42–3, 13--Wikipedia

From the 1950s to 1972, mentally disabled children at the Willowbrook State School in Staten Island, New York were intentionally infected with viral hepatitis, in research whose purpose was to help discover a vaccine.[39] From 1963 to 1966, Saul Krugman of New York University promised the parents of mentally disabled children that their children would be enrolled into Willowbrook in exchange for signing a consent form for procedures that he claimed were "vaccinations." In reality, the procedures involved deliberately infecting children with viral hepatitis by feeding them an extract made from the feces of patients infected with the disease.[40][41]-39-^ Frederick Adolf Paola, Robert Walker, Lois Lacivita Nixon, ed. (2009). Medical Ethics and Humanities. Jones & Bartlett Publishers. pp. 185–186. ISBN 978-0-7637-6063-2.-40-^ Hammer Breslow, Lauren. "The Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act of 2002: The Rise of the Voluntary Incentive Structure and Congressional Refusal to Require Pediatric Testing", Harvard Journal of Legislation, Vol. 40—41-^ Offit, Paul A. (2007). The Cutter Incident: How America's First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine Crisis. Yale University Press. p. 37. ISBN 978-0-300-12605-1.--


The experiments included a wide array of studies, involving things like feeding radioactive food to mentally disabled children or conscientious objectors, inserting radium rods into the noses of schoolchildren, deliberately releasing radioactive chemicals over U.S. and Canadian cities, measuring the health effects of radioactive fallout from nuclear bomb tests, injecting pregnant women and babies with radioactive chemicals, and irradiating the testicles of prison inmates, amongst other things.


From 1946 to 1953, at the Walter E. Fernald State School in Massachusetts, in an experiment sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and the Quaker Oats corporation, 73 mentally disabled children were fed oatmeal containing radioactive calcium and other radioisotopes, in order to track "how nutrients were digested". The children were not told that they were being fed radioactive chemicals and were told by hospital staff and researchers that they were joining a "science club".[65][67][68][69]-65- a b LeBaron, Wayne D. (1998). America's nuclear legacy. Nova Publishers. pp. 97–98. ISBN 978-1-56072-556-5.-67-^ Goliszek, 2003: p. 139-68-^ "America's Deep, Dark Secret"CBS News. April 29, 2004. Retrieved February 18, 2010.-69-^ a b Abhilash R. Vaishnav (1994). The Tech online edition. The Tech--


In another study at the Walter E. Fernald State School, in 1956, researchers gave mentally disabled children radioactive calcium orally and intravenously. They also injected radioactive chemicals into malnourished babies and then pushed needles through their skulls, into their brains, through their necks, and into their spines to collect cerebrospinal fluid for analysis.[69][75]-69-Abhilash R. Vaishnav (1994). The Tech online edition. The Tech. -75-Goliszek, 2003: p. 253 --


In 1957, Dr. Robert Heath of Tulane University performed experiments on schizophrenic patients, which were funded by the U.S. Army. In the studies, he dosed them with high levels of LSD, and then implanted "deep electrodes" in their brains to take EEG readings.[126] Mohr, Clarence L.; Joseph E. Gordon (2001). Tulane: the emergence of a modern university, 1945–1980. LSU Press. p. 123. ISBN 978-0-8071-2553-3.,


Bender would sometimes shock schizophrenic children (some less than 3 years old) twice per day, for 20 consecutive days. Several of the children became violent and suicidal as a result of the treatments.[149] Whitaker, Robert (2010). Mad in America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill. Basic Books. p. 315. ISBN 978-0-465-02014-0. ,


At Willowbrook State School for the mentally retarded in Staten Island, NY, a highly controversial medical study was carried out there between 1963 and 1966 by medical researchers Saul Krugman and Robert W. McCollum. Healthy children who were mentally retarded, were secretly intentionally inoculated, orally and by injection, with a virus that causes the hepatitis, then monitored to gauge the effects of gamma globulin in combating the resultant disease.[3] A public outcry forced the study to be discontinued after it was exposed and condemned by Senator Robert F. Kennedy.[150]


1969-Experimental drugs are tested on mentally disabled children in Milledgeville, Ga., without any institutional approval whatsoever (Sharav).

1991-While participating in a UCLA study that withdraws schizophrenics off of their medications, Tony La Madrid commits suicide (Sharav).

1993-Researchers at the West Haven VA in Connecticut give 27 schizophrenics -- 12 inpatients and 15 functioning volunteers -- a chemical called MCPP that significantly increases their psychotic symptoms and, as researchers note, negatively affects the test subjects on a long-term basis ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.").


In a double-blind experiment at New York VA Hospital, researchers take 23 schizophrenic inpatients off of their medications for a median of 30 days. They then give 17 of them 0.5 mg/kg amphetamine and six a placebo as a control, following up with PET scans at Brookhaven Laboratories. According to the researchers, the purpose of the experiment was "to specifically evaluate metabolic effects in subjects with varying degrees of amphetamine-induced psychotic exacerbation" ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D."


1994-In a federally funded experiment at New York VA Medical Center, researchers give schizophrenic veterans amphetamine, even though central nervous system stimulants worsen psychotic symptoms in 40 percent of schizophrenics ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.").

1994-Researchers at Bronx VA Medical Center recruit 28 schizophrenic veterans who are functioning in society and give them L-dopa in order to deliberately induce psychotic relapse ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.")


1996-n a federally funded experiment at West Haven VA in Connecticut, Yale University researchers give schizophrenic veterans amphetamine, even though central nervous system stimulants worsen psychotic symptoms in 40 percent of schizophrenics ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.").


Read more…

Mental Health and the Targeted Individual

When talking about the realities faced by a Targeted Individual, we must face the truth that the perpetrators will accomplish their objective of making your life, and your mind insane. Prolonged torture, both psychological and physical, cause lasting mental and physical conditions that may need treatment of some sort. Whether it be a prescription painkiller to treat the physical assault, or it be a prescription to help balance the offset of chemicals that the mind uses due to ongoing psychological onslaught many of us face, we have to decide to weigh the pros and cons in order to make those decisions.

Now imagine that you were born with a disability—a mental or psychological diagnosis. Having the challenge of facing life with impairment would be difficult at times. Now imagine that as a person you, without your knowledge or consent, have had some unethical--often illegal—and defiantly dangerous treatment administered to you or your children. AS a TI you may say that you understand what mistreatment is like, but for someone who already has a mental or psychological diagnosis, the difficulties to face in life multiply. We at times hear of those who give in to despair because the strain of both is just too much to take.

There are many of us who face this dual challenge directly due to the fact that we have a psychological or mental diagnosis--we are chosen because of it. Below are a few examples of human experimentation and torture on those who have a mental or psychological diagnosis by organizations and agencies that wield power of one form or another. These examples reflect the attitudes of the perpetrators of these crimes and they also provide a model for the mindset of those who attack Targeted Individuals.

The prevelance of diagnosed targets indicates that we need to address the challenges faced by those with these dual diagnosis situations as a group. Please read and comment on the following;

Once Project MKUltra officially got underway in April, 1953, experiments included administering LSD to mental patients, prisoners, drug addicts and prostitutes, "people who could not fight back", as one agency officer put it.[31] In one case LSD was administered to a mental patient in Kentucky for 174 days.--a b Tim Weiner (10 Mar 1999). "Sidney Gottlieb, 80, Dies; Took LSD to C.I.A.". New York Times.—Wikipedia

The experiments were exported to Canada when the CIA recruited Scottish psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron, creator of the "psychic driving" concept, which the CIA found particularly interesting. Cameron had been hoping to correct schizophrenia by erasing existing memories and reprogramming the psyche. He commuted from Albany, New York to Montreal every week to work at the Allan Memorial Institute of McGill University and was paid $69,000 from 1957 to 1964 to carry out MKUltra experiments there. In addition to LSD, Cameron also experimented with various paralytic drugs as well as electroconvulsive therapy at thirty to forty times the normal power. His "driving" experiments consisted of putting subjects into drug-induced coma for weeks at a time (up to three months in one case) while playing tape loops of noise or simple repetitive statements. His experiments were typically carried out on patients who had entered the institute for minor problems such as anxiety disorders and postpartum depression, many of whom suffered permanently from his actions.[40] His treatments resulted in victims' incontinenceamnesia, forgetting how to talk, forgetting their parents, and thinking their interrogators were their parents.[41] His work was inspired and paralleled by the British psychiatrist William Sargant at St Thomas' Hospital, London, and Belmont Hospital, Surrey, who was also involved in the Intelligence Services and who experimented extensively on his patients without their consent, causing similar long-term damage.[42] 40-Marks 1979: pp 140–150.^ 41-Turbide, Diane (1997-04-21). "Dr. Cameron’s Casualties". Retrieved 2007-09-09.^42- Collins, Anne ([1988] 1998). In the Sleep Room: The Story of CIA Brainwashing Experiments in Canada. Toronto: Key Porter Books. pp. 39, 42–3, 13--Wikipedia

From the 1950s to 1972, mentally disabled children at the Willowbrook State School in Staten Island, New York were intentionally infected with viral hepatitis, in research whose purpose was to help discover a vaccine.[39] From 1963 to 1966, Saul Krugman of New York University promised the parents of mentally disabled children that their children would be enrolled into Willowbrook in exchange for signing a consent form for procedures that he claimed were "vaccinations." In reality, the procedures involved deliberately infecting children with viral hepatitis by feeding them an extract made from the feces of patients infected with the disease.[40][41]-39-^ Frederick Adolf Paola, Robert Walker, Lois Lacivita Nixon, ed. (2009). Medical Ethics and Humanities. Jones & Bartlett Publishers. pp. 185–186. ISBN 978-0-7637-6063-2.-40-^ Hammer Breslow, Lauren. "The Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act of 2002: The Rise of the Voluntary Incentive Structure and Congressional Refusal to Require Pediatric Testing", Harvard Journal of Legislation, Vol. 40—41-^ Offit, Paul A. (2007). The Cutter Incident: How America's First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine Crisis. Yale University Press. p. 37. ISBN 978-0-300-12605-1.--


The experiments included a wide array of studies, involving things like feeding radioactive food to mentally disabled children or conscientious objectors, inserting radium rods into the noses of schoolchildren, deliberately releasing radioactive chemicals over U.S. and Canadian cities, measuring the health effects of radioactive fallout from nuclear bomb tests, injecting pregnant women and babies with radioactive chemicals, and irradiating the testicles of prison inmates, amongst other things.


From 1946 to 1953, at the Walter E. Fernald State School in Massachusetts, in an experiment sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and the Quaker Oats corporation, 73 mentally disabled children were fed oatmeal containing radioactive calcium and other radioisotopes, in order to track "how nutrients were digested". The children were not told that they were being fed radioactive chemicals and were told by hospital staff and researchers that they were joining a "science club".[65][67][68][69]-65- a b LeBaron, Wayne D. (1998). America's nuclear legacy. Nova Publishers. pp. 97–98. ISBN 978-1-56072-556-5.-67-^ Goliszek, 2003: p. 139-68-^ "America's Deep, Dark Secret"CBS News. April 29, 2004. Retrieved February 18, 2010.-69-^ a b Abhilash R. Vaishnav (1994). The Tech online edition. The Tech--


In another study at the Walter E. Fernald State School, in 1956, researchers gave mentally disabled children radioactive calcium orally and intravenously. They also injected radioactive chemicals into malnourished babies and then pushed needles through their skulls, into their brains, through their necks, and into their spines to collect cerebrospinal fluid for analysis.[69][75]-69-Abhilash R. Vaishnav (1994). The Tech online edition. The Tech. -75-Goliszek, 2003: p. 253 --


In 1957, Dr. Robert Heath of Tulane University performed experiments on schizophrenic patients, which were funded by the U.S. Army. In the studies, he dosed them with high levels of LSD, and then implanted "deep electrodes" in their brains to take EEG readings.[126] Mohr, Clarence L.; Joseph E. Gordon (2001). Tulane: the emergence of a modern university, 1945–1980. LSU Press. p. 123. ISBN 978-0-8071-2553-3.,


Bender would sometimes shock schizophrenic children (some less than 3 years old) twice per day, for 20 consecutive days. Several of the children became violent and suicidal as a result of the treatments.[149] Whitaker, Robert (2010). Mad in America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill. Basic Books. p. 315. ISBN 978-0-465-02014-0. ,


At Willowbrook State School for the mentally retarded in Staten Island, NY, a highly controversial medical study was carried out there between 1963 and 1966 by medical researchers Saul Krugman and Robert W. McCollum. Healthy children who were mentally retarded, were secretly intentionally inoculated, orally and by injection, with a virus that causes the hepatitis, then monitored to gauge the effects of gamma globulin in combating the resultant disease.[3] A public outcry forced the study to be discontinued after it was exposed and condemned by Senator Robert F. Kennedy.[150]


1969-Experimental drugs are tested on mentally disabled children in Milledgeville, Ga., without any institutional approval whatsoever (Sharav).

1991-While participating in a UCLA study that withdraws schizophrenics off of their medications, Tony La Madrid commits suicide (Sharav).

1993-Researchers at the West Haven VA in Connecticut give 27 schizophrenics -- 12 inpatients and 15 functioning volunteers -- a chemical called MCPP that significantly increases their psychotic symptoms and, as researchers note, negatively affects the test subjects on a long-term basis ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.").


In a double-blind experiment at New York VA Hospital, researchers take 23 schizophrenic inpatients off of their medications for a median of 30 days. They then give 17 of them 0.5 mg/kg amphetamine and six a placebo as a control, following up with PET scans at Brookhaven Laboratories. According to the researchers, the purpose of the experiment was "to specifically evaluate metabolic effects in subjects with varying degrees of amphetamine-induced psychotic exacerbation" ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D."


1994-In a federally funded experiment at New York VA Medical Center, researchers give schizophrenic veterans amphetamine, even though central nervous system stimulants worsen psychotic symptoms in 40 percent of schizophrenics ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.").

1994-Researchers at Bronx VA Medical Center recruit 28 schizophrenic veterans who are functioning in society and give them L-dopa in order to deliberately induce psychotic relapse ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.")


1996-n a federally funded experiment at West Haven VA in Connecticut, Yale University researchers give schizophrenic veterans amphetamine, even though central nervous system stimulants worsen psychotic symptoms in 40 percent of schizophrenics ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.").


Read more…

Mental Health and the Targeted Individual

When talking about the realities faced by a Targeted Individual, we must face the truth that the perpetrators will accomplish their objective of making your life, and your mind insane. Prolonged torture, both psychological and physical, cause lasting mental and physical conditions that may need treatment of some sort. Whether it be a prescription painkiller to treat the physical assault, or it be a prescription to help balance the offset of chemicals that the mind uses due to ongoing psychological onslaught many of us face, we have to decide to weigh the pros and cons in order to make those decisions.

Now imagine that you were born with a disability—a mental or psychological diagnosis. Having the challenge of facing life with impairment would be difficult at times. Now imagine that as a person you, without your knowledge or consent, have had some unethical--often illegal—and defiantly dangerous treatment administered to you or your children. AS a TI you may say that you understand what mistreatment is like, but for someone who already has a mental or psychological diagnosis, the difficulties to face in life multiply. We at times hear of those who give in to despair because the strain of both is just too much to take.

There are many of us who face this dual challenge directly due to the fact that we have a psychological or mental diagnosis--we are chosen because of it. Below are a few examples of human experimentation and torture on those who have a mental or psychological diagnosis by organizations and agencies that wield power of one form or another. These examples reflect the attitudes of the perpetrators of these crimes and they also provide a model for the mindset of those who attack Targeted Individuals.

The prevelance of diagnosed targets indicates that we need to address the challenges faced by those with these dual diagnosis situations as a group. Please read and comment on the following;

Once Project MKUltra officially got underway in April, 1953, experiments included administering LSD to mental patients, prisoners, drug addicts and prostitutes, "people who could not fight back", as one agency officer put it.[31] In one case LSD was administered to a mental patient in Kentucky for 174 days.--a b Tim Weiner (10 Mar 1999). "Sidney Gottlieb, 80, Dies; Took LSD to C.I.A.". New York Times.—Wikipedia

The experiments were exported to Canada when the CIA recruited Scottish psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron, creator of the "psychic driving" concept, which the CIA found particularly interesting. Cameron had been hoping to correct schizophrenia by erasing existing memories and reprogramming the psyche. He commuted from Albany, New York to Montreal every week to work at the Allan Memorial Institute of McGill University and was paid $69,000 from 1957 to 1964 to carry out MKUltra experiments there. In addition to LSD, Cameron also experimented with various paralytic drugs as well as electroconvulsive therapy at thirty to forty times the normal power. His "driving" experiments consisted of putting subjects into drug-induced coma for weeks at a time (up to three months in one case) while playing tape loops of noise or simple repetitive statements. His experiments were typically carried out on patients who had entered the institute for minor problems such as anxiety disorders and postpartum depression, many of whom suffered permanently from his actions.[40] His treatments resulted in victims' incontinenceamnesia, forgetting how to talk, forgetting their parents, and thinking their interrogators were their parents.[41] His work was inspired and paralleled by the British psychiatrist William Sargant at St Thomas' Hospital, London, and Belmont Hospital, Surrey, who was also involved in the Intelligence Services and who experimented extensively on his patients without their consent, causing similar long-term damage.[42] 40-Marks 1979: pp 140–150.^ 41-Turbide, Diane (1997-04-21). "Dr. Cameron’s Casualties". Retrieved 2007-09-09.^42- Collins, Anne ([1988] 1998). In the Sleep Room: The Story of CIA Brainwashing Experiments in Canada. Toronto: Key Porter Books. pp. 39, 42–3, 13--Wikipedia

From the 1950s to 1972, mentally disabled children at the Willowbrook State School in Staten Island, New York were intentionally infected with viral hepatitis, in research whose purpose was to help discover a vaccine.[39] From 1963 to 1966, Saul Krugman of New York University promised the parents of mentally disabled children that their children would be enrolled into Willowbrook in exchange for signing a consent form for procedures that he claimed were "vaccinations." In reality, the procedures involved deliberately infecting children with viral hepatitis by feeding them an extract made from the feces of patients infected with the disease.[40][41]-39-^ Frederick Adolf Paola, Robert Walker, Lois Lacivita Nixon, ed. (2009). Medical Ethics and Humanities. Jones & Bartlett Publishers. pp. 185–186. ISBN 978-0-7637-6063-2.-40-^ Hammer Breslow, Lauren. "The Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act of 2002: The Rise of the Voluntary Incentive Structure and Congressional Refusal to Require Pediatric Testing", Harvard Journal of Legislation, Vol. 40—41-^ Offit, Paul A. (2007). The Cutter Incident: How America's First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine Crisis. Yale University Press. p. 37. ISBN 978-0-300-12605-1.--


The experiments included a wide array of studies, involving things like feeding radioactive food to mentally disabled children or conscientious objectors, inserting radium rods into the noses of schoolchildren, deliberately releasing radioactive chemicals over U.S. and Canadian cities, measuring the health effects of radioactive fallout from nuclear bomb tests, injecting pregnant women and babies with radioactive chemicals, and irradiating the testicles of prison inmates, amongst other things.


From 1946 to 1953, at the Walter E. Fernald State School in Massachusetts, in an experiment sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and the Quaker Oats corporation, 73 mentally disabled children were fed oatmeal containing radioactive calcium and other radioisotopes, in order to track "how nutrients were digested". The children were not told that they were being fed radioactive chemicals and were told by hospital staff and researchers that they were joining a "science club".[65][67][68][69]-65- a b LeBaron, Wayne D. (1998). America's nuclear legacy. Nova Publishers. pp. 97–98. ISBN 978-1-56072-556-5.-67-^ Goliszek, 2003: p. 139-68-^ "America's Deep, Dark Secret"CBS News. April 29, 2004. Retrieved February 18, 2010.-69-^ a b Abhilash R. Vaishnav (1994). The Tech online edition. The Tech--


In another study at the Walter E. Fernald State School, in 1956, researchers gave mentally disabled children radioactive calcium orally and intravenously. They also injected radioactive chemicals into malnourished babies and then pushed needles through their skulls, into their brains, through their necks, and into their spines to collect cerebrospinal fluid for analysis.[69][75]-69-Abhilash R. Vaishnav (1994). The Tech online edition. The Tech. -75-Goliszek, 2003: p. 253 --


In 1957, Dr. Robert Heath of Tulane University performed experiments on schizophrenic patients, which were funded by the U.S. Army. In the studies, he dosed them with high levels of LSD, and then implanted "deep electrodes" in their brains to take EEG readings.[126] Mohr, Clarence L.; Joseph E. Gordon (2001). Tulane: the emergence of a modern university, 1945–1980. LSU Press. p. 123. ISBN 978-0-8071-2553-3.,


Bender would sometimes shock schizophrenic children (some less than 3 years old) twice per day, for 20 consecutive days. Several of the children became violent and suicidal as a result of the treatments.[149] Whitaker, Robert (2010). Mad in America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill. Basic Books. p. 315. ISBN 978-0-465-02014-0. ,


At Willowbrook State School for the mentally retarded in Staten Island, NY, a highly controversial medical study was carried out there between 1963 and 1966 by medical researchers Saul Krugman and Robert W. McCollum. Healthy children who were mentally retarded, were secretly intentionally inoculated, orally and by injection, with a virus that causes the hepatitis, then monitored to gauge the effects of gamma globulin in combating the resultant disease.[3] A public outcry forced the study to be discontinued after it was exposed and condemned by Senator Robert F. Kennedy.[150]


1969-Experimental drugs are tested on mentally disabled children in Milledgeville, Ga., without any institutional approval whatsoever (Sharav).

1991-While participating in a UCLA study that withdraws schizophrenics off of their medications, Tony La Madrid commits suicide (Sharav).

1993-Researchers at the West Haven VA in Connecticut give 27 schizophrenics -- 12 inpatients and 15 functioning volunteers -- a chemical called MCPP that significantly increases their psychotic symptoms and, as researchers note, negatively affects the test subjects on a long-term basis ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.").


In a double-blind experiment at New York VA Hospital, researchers take 23 schizophrenic inpatients off of their medications for a median of 30 days. They then give 17 of them 0.5 mg/kg amphetamine and six a placebo as a control, following up with PET scans at Brookhaven Laboratories. According to the researchers, the purpose of the experiment was "to specifically evaluate metabolic effects in subjects with varying degrees of amphetamine-induced psychotic exacerbation" ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D."


1994-In a federally funded experiment at New York VA Medical Center, researchers give schizophrenic veterans amphetamine, even though central nervous system stimulants worsen psychotic symptoms in 40 percent of schizophrenics ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.").

1994-Researchers at Bronx VA Medical Center recruit 28 schizophrenic veterans who are functioning in society and give them L-dopa in order to deliberately induce psychotic relapse ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.")


1996-n a federally funded experiment at West Haven VA in Connecticut, Yale University researchers give schizophrenic veterans amphetamine, even though central nervous system stimulants worsen psychotic symptoms in 40 percent of schizophrenics ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.").


Read more…

Mental Health and the Targeted Individual

When talking about the realities faced by a Targeted Individual, we must face the truth that the perpetrators will accomplish their objective of making your life, and your mind insane. Prolonged torture, both psychological and physical, cause lasting mental and physical conditions that may need treatment of some sort. Whether it be a prescription painkiller to treat the physical assault, or it be a prescription to help balance the offset of chemicals that the mind uses due to ongoing psychological onslaught many of us face, we have to decide to weigh the pros and cons in order to make those decisions.

Now imagine that you were born with a disability—a mental or psychological diagnosis. Having the challenge of facing life with impairment would be difficult at times. Now imagine that as a person you, without your knowledge or consent, have had some unethical--often illegal—and defiantly dangerous treatment administered to you or your children. AS a TI you may say that you understand what mistreatment is like, but for someone who already has a mental or psychological diagnosis, the difficulties to face in life multiply. We at times hear of those who give in to despair because the strain of both is just too much to take.

There are many of us who face this dual challenge directly due to the fact that we have a psychological or mental diagnosis--we are chosen because of it. Below are a few examples of human experimentation and torture on those who have a mental or psychological diagnosis by organizations and agencies that wield power of one form or another. These examples reflect the attitudes of the perpetrators of these crimes and they also provide a model for the mindset of those who attack Targeted Individuals.

The prevelance of diagnosed targets indicates that we need to address the challenges faced by those with these dual diagnosis situations as a group. Please read and comment on the following;

Once Project MKUltra officially got underway in April, 1953, experiments included administering LSD to mental patients, prisoners, drug addicts and prostitutes, "people who could not fight back", as one agency officer put it.[31] In one case LSD was administered to a mental patient in Kentucky for 174 days.--a b Tim Weiner (10 Mar 1999). "Sidney Gottlieb, 80, Dies; Took LSD to C.I.A.". New York Times.—Wikipedia

The experiments were exported to Canada when the CIA recruited Scottish psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron, creator of the "psychic driving" concept, which the CIA found particularly interesting. Cameron had been hoping to correct schizophrenia by erasing existing memories and reprogramming the psyche. He commuted from Albany, New York to Montreal every week to work at the Allan Memorial Institute of McGill University and was paid $69,000 from 1957 to 1964 to carry out MKUltra experiments there. In addition to LSD, Cameron also experimented with various paralytic drugs as well as electroconvulsive therapy at thirty to forty times the normal power. His "driving" experiments consisted of putting subjects into drug-induced coma for weeks at a time (up to three months in one case) while playing tape loops of noise or simple repetitive statements. His experiments were typically carried out on patients who had entered the institute for minor problems such as anxiety disorders and postpartum depression, many of whom suffered permanently from his actions.[40] His treatments resulted in victims' incontinenceamnesia, forgetting how to talk, forgetting their parents, and thinking their interrogators were their parents.[41] His work was inspired and paralleled by the British psychiatrist William Sargant at St Thomas' Hospital, London, and Belmont Hospital, Surrey, who was also involved in the Intelligence Services and who experimented extensively on his patients without their consent, causing similar long-term damage.[42] 40-Marks 1979: pp 140–150.^ 41-Turbide, Diane (1997-04-21). "Dr. Cameron’s Casualties". Retrieved 2007-09-09.^42- Collins, Anne ([1988] 1998). In the Sleep Room: The Story of CIA Brainwashing Experiments in Canada. Toronto: Key Porter Books. pp. 39, 42–3, 13--Wikipedia

From the 1950s to 1972, mentally disabled children at the Willowbrook State School in Staten Island, New York were intentionally infected with viral hepatitis, in research whose purpose was to help discover a vaccine.[39] From 1963 to 1966, Saul Krugman of New York University promised the parents of mentally disabled children that their children would be enrolled into Willowbrook in exchange for signing a consent form for procedures that he claimed were "vaccinations." In reality, the procedures involved deliberately infecting children with viral hepatitis by feeding them an extract made from the feces of patients infected with the disease.[40][41]-39-^ Frederick Adolf Paola, Robert Walker, Lois Lacivita Nixon, ed. (2009). Medical Ethics and Humanities. Jones & Bartlett Publishers. pp. 185–186. ISBN 978-0-7637-6063-2.-40-^ Hammer Breslow, Lauren. "The Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act of 2002: The Rise of the Voluntary Incentive Structure and Congressional Refusal to Require Pediatric Testing", Harvard Journal of Legislation, Vol. 40—41-^ Offit, Paul A. (2007). The Cutter Incident: How America's First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine Crisis. Yale University Press. p. 37. ISBN 978-0-300-12605-1.--


The experiments included a wide array of studies, involving things like feeding radioactive food to mentally disabled children or conscientious objectors, inserting radium rods into the noses of schoolchildren, deliberately releasing radioactive chemicals over U.S. and Canadian cities, measuring the health effects of radioactive fallout from nuclear bomb tests, injecting pregnant women and babies with radioactive chemicals, and irradiating the testicles of prison inmates, amongst other things.


From 1946 to 1953, at the Walter E. Fernald State School in Massachusetts, in an experiment sponsored by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and the Quaker Oats corporation, 73 mentally disabled children were fed oatmeal containing radioactive calcium and other radioisotopes, in order to track "how nutrients were digested". The children were not told that they were being fed radioactive chemicals and were told by hospital staff and researchers that they were joining a "science club".[65][67][68][69]-65- a b LeBaron, Wayne D. (1998). America's nuclear legacy. Nova Publishers. pp. 97–98. ISBN 978-1-56072-556-5.-67-^ Goliszek, 2003: p. 139-68-^ "America's Deep, Dark Secret"CBS News. April 29, 2004. Retrieved February 18, 2010.-69-^ a b Abhilash R. Vaishnav (1994). The Tech online edition. The Tech--


In another study at the Walter E. Fernald State School, in 1956, researchers gave mentally disabled children radioactive calcium orally and intravenously. They also injected radioactive chemicals into malnourished babies and then pushed needles through their skulls, into their brains, through their necks, and into their spines to collect cerebrospinal fluid for analysis.[69][75]-69-Abhilash R. Vaishnav (1994). The Tech online edition. The Tech. -75-Goliszek, 2003: p. 253 --


In 1957, Dr. Robert Heath of Tulane University performed experiments on schizophrenic patients, which were funded by the U.S. Army. In the studies, he dosed them with high levels of LSD, and then implanted "deep electrodes" in their brains to take EEG readings.[126] Mohr, Clarence L.; Joseph E. Gordon (2001). Tulane: the emergence of a modern university, 1945–1980. LSU Press. p. 123. ISBN 978-0-8071-2553-3.,


Bender would sometimes shock schizophrenic children (some less than 3 years old) twice per day, for 20 consecutive days. Several of the children became violent and suicidal as a result of the treatments.[149] Whitaker, Robert (2010). Mad in America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill. Basic Books. p. 315. ISBN 978-0-465-02014-0. ,


At Willowbrook State School for the mentally retarded in Staten Island, NY, a highly controversial medical study was carried out there between 1963 and 1966 by medical researchers Saul Krugman and Robert W. McCollum. Healthy children who were mentally retarded, were secretly intentionally inoculated, orally and by injection, with a virus that causes the hepatitis, then monitored to gauge the effects of gamma globulin in combating the resultant disease.[3] A public outcry forced the study to be discontinued after it was exposed and condemned by Senator Robert F. Kennedy.[150]


1969-Experimental drugs are tested on mentally disabled children in Milledgeville, Ga., without any institutional approval whatsoever (Sharav).

1991-While participating in a UCLA study that withdraws schizophrenics off of their medications, Tony La Madrid commits suicide (Sharav).

1993-Researchers at the West Haven VA in Connecticut give 27 schizophrenics -- 12 inpatients and 15 functioning volunteers -- a chemical called MCPP that significantly increases their psychotic symptoms and, as researchers note, negatively affects the test subjects on a long-term basis ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.").


In a double-blind experiment at New York VA Hospital, researchers take 23 schizophrenic inpatients off of their medications for a median of 30 days. They then give 17 of them 0.5 mg/kg amphetamine and six a placebo as a control, following up with PET scans at Brookhaven Laboratories. According to the researchers, the purpose of the experiment was "to specifically evaluate metabolic effects in subjects with varying degrees of amphetamine-induced psychotic exacerbation" ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D."


1994-In a federally funded experiment at New York VA Medical Center, researchers give schizophrenic veterans amphetamine, even though central nervous system stimulants worsen psychotic symptoms in 40 percent of schizophrenics ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.").

1994-Researchers at Bronx VA Medical Center recruit 28 schizophrenic veterans who are functioning in society and give them L-dopa in order to deliberately induce psychotic relapse ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.")


1996-n a federally funded experiment at West Haven VA in Connecticut, Yale University researchers give schizophrenic veterans amphetamine, even though central nervous system stimulants worsen psychotic symptoms in 40 percent of schizophrenics ("Testimony of Adil E. Shamoo, Ph.D.").


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