A reply from the European Parliament to Mr Paul Baird
Dear Fellow Campaigners,
I've used the recent Snowden / NSA revelations to prod the European Parliament and UNIDIR about their previous calls to ban all weapons for human manipulation. In so doing I pointed out that mass electronic surveillance is primarily used to locate targets for those criminals running protection for the major corrupt players on the world stage. In other words, I told them this is not about protecting the population from terrorists but concerns locating and oppressing whistleblowers, writers and activists who challenge criminal operations at the highest levels.
Every member of the EP's Human Rights, Civil Liberties and Foreign Affairs Committees was contacted individually and asked what they've done since the 1999 resolution A4-0005/99, which the media and US gov't totally ignored at the time.
The letter below was received from their enquiry service in response to the email sent to Martin Schulz, the EP President. It is not remarkable in any way but at least there was a reply and it's contents point to links that may inspire you if you read them. That is the purpose of sending this to you...Perhaps one or more of you may also care to approach the EP and/or the relevant committee members (esp. the Civil Liberties Committee which is looking into US spying programmes right now). I hope you have more success than I did as I think they could prove to be valuable allies...esp. as European businesses and innovators must be sick and tired of the US stealing every idea, silencing every opponent and so forth.
Good luck.
----- Original Message -----
From: cites@europarl.europa.eu
To: paulb@crowtherblayne.com.au
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2013 6:20 PM
Dear Mr Baird,
The President of the European Parliament (EP), Mr Martin Schulz, has received your message concerning Parliamentary Resolution A4-0005/99 and the progress since its adoption.
The Citizens' Enquiry Service of the EP has been asked to reply.
On 6 March 2008, a written question was put to the Commission, asking what action has been taken by the EU since this call was made. If you wish to read the question in full, as well as the Commission's reply, please consult the following webpage.
Since you also refer to the recent NSA surveillance issues, please note that this was a subject of debate at the plenary session in the European Parliament on 3 July. If you wish to consult the debate in full, please click here.
In this regard, the EP adopted a resolutionon 4 July which was approved by 483 votes to 98 with 65 abstentions. According to the press releaseon 8 July, the resolution instructs the EP's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs(LIBE) to conduct an "in-depth" enquiry into the US surveillance programmes, including the bugging of EU institutions and other spying allegations. The President of the EP, as well as political group leaders, formally confirmed the launch of the enquiry.
In the first hearing, held on 5 September, concerns were voiced by MEPs and key journalists on the impact of US National Security Agency and other surveillance programmes on EU citizens' privacy and media freedom and the lack of democratic oversight of these programmes. For further information, please consult this link.
Finally, to stay informed about the EP's current and future activities please consult our website.
We hope this is of interest and thank you for contacting the European Parliament.
Yours sincerely,
Citizens' Enquiry Service
European Parliament
"This is what to watch to know society is in a trance, and you are in a trance too. Yeah? too many in an ultered state of mind doing rinky dinky da dum type thinking."
"how can people deny and try to hide from this? any longer? all of this is fact, on-record and documented. one of their arguments is this is all just "conspiracy theories" and it's only the "conspiracy theorists" opinion. it's quite clear what's going on, the globalists just believe they're so smart and we're too fuckin dumb, asleep and brain-washed to see what's in black in white in their own papers and interviews. and unfortunately they're correct because that's how most people are"