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Look! You help me send this?

What more evil is they block any "important " messages I send.

And, why are they afraid of my email from International Bar Association and deleted it? Please see this below:

You all have and save what I provided recently about their ongoing terror, psychological torture and MK Ultra in Ontario of Canada. Will they stop their crimes, evil, and brutality although you all have everything I have provided since 19 years ago? Please see how they continue their psychological torture and MK Ultra in my home and workplace.


In my home , I can not hear clearly this TV , but I can hear with no problem the person who was standing beside the TV.

In my work place, I can not hear clearly the person standing beside me. But, I can hear clearly that TV which is quite far . And in my work place, my hearing works just like a switch. UN Human Rights and UN Human Rights Council have everything detailed about this.


International Court of Justice
UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
Amnesty International
TRIAL International
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government
UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer

Contact :

Temporary  email :


I have no options. I must launch international (legal  ) proceedings against them, Canada, all my neighbours, at least 2 Philippine couples:

1. ( they changed this address on my phone's notepad )

2. ( they changed this address on my phone's notepad )

, those who are gathering around and in my workplace, those who are driving and operating aircrafts and drones to trace, attack and threaten me...

What more evil is they block any "important " messages I send.

And, why are they afraid of my email from International Bar Association and deleted it? Please see this below:


Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, MK Ultra, terror, poison, death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons. I am not alone and I need your help.


Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and, thanks.





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Under the above title, a collection of over 200 videos to create dialogue for a sane society (on YouTube, includes work by Thomas Szasz, R. D. Laing, Bonnie Burstow, Robert Whitaker & Joseph Campbell; addresses children's rights, consciousness, medication, mindfulness, trauma & electroshock.)

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Download a free bluetooth scannar to your smart phone.
Then activate your smart phone's G.P.S. and bluetooth.
Go to a remote location where there are no people, no technology, no vehicles and no buildings. Open bluetooth scannar and choose search.
If you have been vaccinated a bluetooth code which is known as a MAC address will be detected by your bluetooth scannar coming out of your own body.
If you have been vaccinated twice, then two different bluetooth codes may be detected by your bluetooth scannar.
You can bring another individual to the remote location in order to scan them for bluetooth codes. Their bluetooth code will then disappear off your smartphone screen as they walk away from you.
Those who have a bluetooth code coming out of their bodies are now wirelessly connected to the internet of things and data such as their blood pressure and blood sugar levels are being stolen from their bodies and are being wirelessly transmitted to data banks for further analysis by unknown criminal gangs. Data such as voice commands, visions, pain, sensations and forced muscle movement can now be downloaded into their brains and bodies. Data such as subliminal mind control messages has possibly already been downloaded into their brains to the extent that they will resist the information in this message.

There may be a way of destroying the nano technology inside your body and brain by drinking ozonated water or using other oxygen therapies such as chlorine dioxide, hydrogen peroxide or black oxygen.   By this and other means you may be able to free yourself from wireless enslavement to the dark occult new world order cabal of unelected policy makers.

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Ricardo Delgado Martin is specialist in biostatistics, clinical microbiology, clinical genetics and immunology in Spain. He is the founder of The Fifth Column (La Quinta Columna), a Spanish movement of free thought and reflection, of creative critical thinking, current news and dissemination of topics of interest outside the current indiscriminate censorship.
Through its information channel, which broadcasts everything that is censored on other channels, he tells us that the real cause of this disease is electromagnetic fields and 5G-like technologies and not a biological agent, such as a virus. More specifically, he tells us that graphene oxide is the cause of COVID-19. These nanoparticles acquire powerful magnetic properties inside the organism and the 5G technology stimulates them.
Delgado claims that our bodies were firsÏt intoxicated with graphene oxide nanoparticles through flu vaccines, then PCR test swabs, then masks, and now coronavirus vaccines.
Here is the latest findings of a team of scientists who work in conjection with Ricardo Delgado.

Good Afternoon Everyone.
My name is Ricardo Delgado and I am the founder and director of La Quinta Columna.
All the vaccines tested (Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Janssen and Moderna), contain exclusively nano technology. We have found nanorouters which also emit MAC addresses that can be registered with Bluetooth wireless technology by just using your own mobile phone and the help of an app. We have found nanoantennas and plasmonic antennas for the amplification of these signals. We have also identified nano-rectennas (which act as rectifier bridges of alternating/direct current), codecs and certain logic gates or the encryption of these nano communications emitted from the inoculated individual to a remote server.
The primary material for the elaboration of these microstructural complexes is graphene oxide, the presence of which is decisive for the self-assembly of these structural complexes. The main mechanisms of exfoliation of graphene oxide within the body into graphene quantum dots are natural biodegradation mediated by the enzyme myeloperoxidase and the teslaphoresis mechanism, which are microwave electromagnetic fields, emitted from mobile phone signals with different frequency ranges. Graphene oxide injected into the body acquires magnetic properties in contact with hydrogen and living cells. This is why most vaccinated people have this exacerated magnetism at the point of inoculation, and subsequently in the upper solar plexus and the skull.
Graphene oxide is detected in the body by our immune system as if it were a pathogen. Once injected it has an affinity for the central nervous system (basically the spinal cord and our brain) because of its higher electrical conductivity. In the central nervous system, it causes immobilization of limbs, strokes, paraplegia and alteration of the nervous system. Graphene oxide has a blood clotting factor and increases thrombogenicity or thrombus proliferation. The ultimate consequence of thrombi is all kinds of cardiovascular accidents such as embolisms, ischaemias, strokes, aneurysms, etc.
Graphene oxide also has an affinity for electrical organs such as our heart , especially when its cardiac activity increases, and therefore its electrical activity. At that moment, this graphene oxide targets the heart and inflames it, generating myocarditis or pericarditis.
In addition, graphene oxide has the ability to absorb electromagnetic radiation from our environment and multiply it with a transistor effect. Thus, it generates small discharges that cause arrhythmias in our cardiac system. This explains why so many athletes are suffering from arrhythmias when they have increased cardiac activity. Consequences of these arrhythmias are fainting, blackouts or syncope, linked - or not - to unexpected or sudden death.
A large part of our vaccinated population are suffering unexpected or sudden death when interacting near these microwave sources.
Graphene oxide also has the capacity to generate mutagenesis, chromosomal alternation and cancer... so that those people who have recently suffered tumours or neoplasms... after vaccination will rapidly resurface a line of methastasis... and those who are completely healthy will be at high risk of developing cancer.
Graphene oxide is extremely toxic, and its toxicity is also dependent on the electromagnetic radiation it absorbs. Where ever it goes, it generates tissue inflamation, systemic or multi-organ inflamation... and a cascade of free radicals.
When the oxidative stress generated by this toxic substance inside the body breaks the equilibrium of the "redox balance" and exceeds a certain threshold above the antioxidant levels of our endogenous glutathione our immune system collapses, and favours the famous cytokine storm. This graphene oxide which is injected as a prime material in "vaccines" is eliminated from the body through our lungs , but if it is irradiated whilse found in the lungs the subsequent inflammation of the lung tissue causes bilateral pneumonia. If the vaccinated survive the initial doses of graphene oxide injected into their blood it will be degenerated in the body by the neutralising antibodies that are responsible for its degradation. Once the graphene and its toxicity is gone so are the antibodies that neutralise the substance which also trigger our immunoglobulins. This is why people are being forced to be revaccinated every three months in order to maintain the body's levels of this toxic substance, by claiming that they no longer possess immunity. In short, the non-existent, non-isolated, non-purified, non-cultivated Sars-Cov2 presented to us in the official version and its variants, is in the real version the graphene oxide introduced consciously and voluntarily in the flu vaccine of the 2019-2020 campaign. In other words, the disease, relabelled COVID -19 is simply a graphene-enhanced acute irradiation syndrome.
Therefore, the first and basically the only artificial wave had our elderly in nursing homes as its target population whose flu vaccination rate is very close to 100%. Our elderly were previously vaccinated with this substance, and then irradiated with the famous cell phone antennas... which suspiciously, 8 out of 10 are implanted in the vicinity of nursing homes or old folks homes. They justified the genocide of our elderly as a pretext to tell the entire world population that we were facing a new coronovirus so that under the fear of this alleged contagion tall tale they could proceed to innoculate the entire world population with graphene oxide.
The aim is to eliminate a large part of the population and use the behavioural modification properties of graphene oxide in the field of neuroscience and artificial intelligence for the remaining population.
Graphene oxide has a special affinity for neurons. Once installed in neurons, it generates an artificial neural network that gradually replaces the natural neural network. When the size of graphene oxide nano particles is less than 35 nanometers, they easily pass through our blood brain barrier (a membrane that protects our brain from possible damage coming from the outside) and gain access to our own neural network. One the one hand, graphene oxide manages to break neuronal synapses, so that our brain can be mapped, and literally connect information such as memories... local thoughts... sensations... emotions... or feelings.
You will now understand why during this pandemic, legislation such as the "Neuro Rights Act" has been passed in certain countries. Moreover, this graphene oxide can be stimulated remotely and wirelessly using for this purpose the implementation of the new 4G, 4Gplus and 5G technology. All vaccinated people send their data to th external server controlled by artificial intelligence (probably financed by Mr Elon Musk). This information provided is a synopsis of more than 20,000 hours of research, working with a multidisciplinary group of scientists and is based on the scientific discoveries of Dr Pablo Campra's final Technical Report which proves unequivically conclusive evidence of the presence of reduced graphene oxide in samples of the "vaccines" produced by AstraZeneca, Moderna, Pfizer and Janssen. This research also emerged from scientific analysis of the material and observational evidence. We understand that they have taken advantage of the general ignorance and lack of knowledge of the medical and health community regarding matters such as nano technology to carry out this sisister plan of what they call "Agenda 2030".
You can learn more about this valuable information at
Since the vaccination process is global we are facing the disappearance of the human species as we know it, within a few months. They call it post or transhumanism, or simply, the human 2.0 project. In that new stage the automaton survivor will be deprived of self-thought, autonomy and free will. A slave species, diminished and entirely dependent on these technocratic oligarchies.
LA QUINTA COLUMNA is made up of millions of people around the world who seek to maintain the essence of human beings , respect for humanity and their dignity as a unique species. La Quinta Columna uncovered this crime against humanity , against its life and against its very nature. Please share this vital information with all those around you..
I obtained the above information at the following online link

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What is the  precise definition of . Religious Indoctrination:     The precise definition of religious indoctrination is as follows:-  A psychologically weak or dependent person submits to a charismatic leader who claims to be spiritually connected to some kind of God, professing to be chosen for a spiritual agenda, promises salvation to devotees and eternal damnation promised to non-followers.   An example of such a charismatic leader is The Pope of Rome.

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Those who are vaccinated are broadcasting bluetooth codes which are coming out from inside their bodies. Those who are vaccinated twice are broadcasting two bluetooth codes which are coming out from inside their bodies. Some of the vaccinated are also generating bio-luminescence which is coming out from their bodies and can be seen in small bio-luminescent spots on their hands or arms or else on the site of their vaccination and You can see those bio-luminescence spots by using an ultra violet torch. You can detect the codes of those who are vaccinated by downloading a bluetooth scannar to your smart phone and bringing the vaccinated individual to a remote location where there are no buildings, vehicles, technology or other people, You will detect on your smart phone bluetooth scannar a number of codes coming out from their bodies based on the number of vaccines they have received. Those people are having data sent and received to and from their bodies and brains by means of low frequency electromagnetic energy. Their bodily data such as their blood pressure readings, their pulse rate, their breathing rate, their blood glucose measurements and numerous other readings are being stolen from them and stored in data centres where there are accessable to the cabal of one world government officials who are believed to be members of freemasonry and who practice dark occultism. This is very frightening. Please research it.

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They are hacking your websites

I have hardly had one entire and good sleep
for nearly 20 years in Ontario of Canada
because of severe head pain at around 6 am of every morning

Long, long time ago, UN Human Rights Council, International Criminal Court, and recently UN Human Rights encouraged to file complaints against them for breaking International Law

After you all received and saved my recent emails regarding their ongoing terror, psychological torture and MK Ultra.
, including Prime Minister of Canada, Canadian government, Canada, all my neighbours, those who are gathering around and in my workplace, those who are driving and operating aircrafts and drones to trace, attack and threaten me..., they are intercepting , filtering and blocking everything I am using, especially text messages and any emails as they are committing madly terror, psychological torture and MK Ultra

What is psychological torture? What is MK
Ultra? You all have everything I provided and you can have everything by Google them if not being hacked



International Court of Justice
UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
Amnesty International
TRIAL International
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government
UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer

Contact :

Temporary  email :


Who are all my neighbours, at least 2 Philippine couples, who don't work at all for 4 years, 10 years?

1. ( they changed this address on my phone's notepad )

2. ( they changed this address on my phone's notepad. )

Each time Canadian Police stop me on my way home around 1am , my neighbours must attack my hearing with sonic weapons and microwave weapons, which cause severe tinnitus.


and after seeing this whistle blowing :

" more than 200 police officers are living around and surrounding  one human rights lawyer."

Canadian government, Canadian Intelligence Services, Canadian police "can not "stop my neighbours, at least 2 Philippine couples, who are now again wearing invisibility cloaks to enter ( without opening any doors) and hide  in my house and house attic to do everything possible, evil and brutal. Something in my house and house attic "told" me.  ( invisibility cloaks)


Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, MK Ultra, terror, poison, death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons. I am not alone and I need your help.


Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and, thanks.



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 The sim card on my mobile (cell) phone was mysteriously and illegally cancelled. I had been using my phone on a fairly constant basis while keeping it in a faraday case when not in use. . I had not left it aside for several months without use because if you don't regularly use your (cell) phone your sim card will be automatically cancelled which is the usual. policy throughout the world. My sim card was deactivated for no reason and I believe that it was deliberately deactivated by those who run the electronic harassment and electronic torture system in my country. In order to expose them I am now posting that illegally deactivated sim card number here and also the corresponding (cell) phone number as follows:- The phone number in relation to this incident is Ireland 0870692278 and the sim card number is 8935301200329387568. I hope someone gets into trouble for illegally deactivating that sim card.

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Nano technology can be injected into our veins and from there it can pass through the blood brain barrier and enter our brains where it attaches itself to our neurons. When this occurs our unique EEG patterns can then be harvested wirelessly and both stored and read remotely. Data in the form of voices, visions, pain, forced muscle movement and bodily sensations can be broadcast back to us over long distances from the other side of the world, similar to sending and receiving telephone calls.
I am wirelessly connected to a control system against my will and without my permission, where data is continually harvested from my brain and body and where data is being sent to my brain and body. This morning, 20th March, 2022, at ten minutes to five a.m. Irish time which is also known as Grenwich Mean Time I received an image of a man with his trousers down. I am a sixty two year old single woman and I am celibate. I never see images of men with their trousers down in real life. I don't even own or watch a television. I am sickened by such an image. Who transmitted the image of the man with his trousers down inside my head where I have no way of blocking it that I know of. What is the legal name and legal postal address of the individual who transmitted that image into my head and where was he or she located when they transmitted that image to me. Why did they send me an image of a man with his trousers down.
I believe that images of men with their trousers down are being transmitted to the minds of young children in order to groom them for sexual abuse. I also believe that bodily sensations and voices are being transmitted to those same young children. I believe that this is occurring without the knowledge of their parents. Because of advances in technology we are now living in a nightmare world where all our human rights can be taken away in a way that is invisible to the majority of then men and women of the world.
Because the crime that is committed against my is invisible and silent I can not prove it in such a way that I can get justice. What is to be done about this while situation where voices, visions and bodily sensations can be transmitted to children who are so young that they have know way of knowing that it is not normal. Their lives can be totally destroyed while in the care of their parents who would not be able to know that their children are being sexually abused by wireless means from unknown remote locations by anonymous cowards.

My name is Gretta Fahey also known as  Margaret Fahey and my postal address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.

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Is there a method of registering the birth of babies  without also turning them into legal slaves to the current establishment  by doing so, and if there is no method other than turning them into  legal slaves by registering their births exactly who are they then legally enslaved to.   What group are they then legally enslaved to and what are the legal names and current locations and postal addresses and tax haven locations of each and every member of that aforementioned group of slave owners.   If registeered babies are considered  to be legal slaves by what means can they nullify or cancel their  legal status.?

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Those criminals who broadcast messages into my brain due to the fact that there is biotechnology in my brain speak about me as if I am a commodity and they are my owners. They speak about me as if they are human traffickers who plan to traffic me either to men or to human bio-robot traffickers or to other sadistic torturers similar to themselves at some time in the future. They assess me as if I am a commodity for sale and they discuss my weight, my age and my accessibility and the type of clothing and shoes I wear. They ask me to wear dresses rather than trousers and cardigans rather than jumpers which I don't comply with. They also inform me that I must get married and that I must move to a different location so that I am more easily controllable. They transmit data into my brain and body by wireless remote means which is used to cause me pain and disablement. They steal data from my brain and body which they use to build a picture of my biofield so that I am more easily enslaveable both physically and mentally. They have been doing all of the above for nearly nineteen years without a break, against my will and without my permission. I don't know who they are and I have never met any of them because I do not go out socially other than a once a week visit to one of my local towns to purchase goods. I am frightened. I once attempted to inform the local police (gardai) but I could not prove that I am a victim of silent invisible wireless torture so they did not believe me and they made it unsafe for me to ever return to them because they led me to believe that I would lose my freedom by means of a psychiatric hold if I ever returned to them with a similar complaint. Yesterday I wrote a letter to an Irish politicians and many and varied main stream media editors and journalists and I enclose that letter here below as follows:-
I found the following linked online article informing the public that safe ways are being found to get molecules into the brain to treat diseases. However, the method which is outlined in this aforementioned article has been used for several years to put bio-electrodes and bio-sensors and other technology into the human brains without the knowledge or the permission of those whose brains are having electrodes inserted into their brains. They first inject the bio-technology into the human vein and later it passes through the blood brain barrier by use of the below explained method. This situation then allows criminals to read the EEG patterns and other data of that brain from a distance using electromagnetic radiation and this then turn allows those criminals to harvest data from the brains of those victims. This method also allows those aforementioned criminals to broadcast data into the brains of those victims such as voices, visions, forced muscle movement, pain, electric shock and a variety of other sensations and experiences. Those victims no longer have any mental privacy.
The criminals send and receive data to both the bodies and brains of the victims from that time on and further to that whenever the victims report the matter to the police, they, the victims can not prove that they are being electronically harassed and tortured by criminals who have direct access to their brains so the police wrongly send them for psychiatric evaluation, where they go on to lose their freedom due to being forced into psychiatric hospitals for long periods of time. Please take the time to read the details of how those aforementioned electrodes may be being inserted into human brains without the knowledge and permission of the owners.
'There’s massive demand for safe ways to get molecules into the brain to treat diseases'
by Miriam Stoppard
There’s no better way to ­describe the brain research going on at King’s College and Imperial ­College London than “epic”.
Exciting brain breakthroughs© Getty Images Exciting brain breakthroughs
To get the gist, here’s a little anatomy.
The brain is protected by the ­blood-brain barrier.
Whereas the skull guards against physical damage, this blood barrier protects against circulating toxins that could cause brain ­infections.
It also restricts entry to more than 90% of drugs.
There’s a massive demand for ways to get large molecules safely into the brain to treat brain diseases – but currently, there’s no non-invasive way that avoids damaging the barrier while attempting this.
To look for a solution to this ­conundrum, the School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences at King’s College and the Noninvasive Surgery and Biopsy Laboratory at Imperial College London put their heads together.
Using a rapid short-pulse ultrasound (RaSP), they’ve come up with a non-invasive way to deliver helpful liposomes into the brain, across the blood-brain barrier, leaving it intact.
Liposomes are balls of fat that can be filled with medicine and are vital for many treatments of cancer, inflammation and infection, delivering high ­concentrations of drugs where they are needed.
The Pfizer /BioNTech’s Covid vaccine uses liposomes.
They can also deliver high ­concentrations of drugs released at specific targets of inflammation.
Crucially, they can carry drugs across the blood-brain barrier and treat neurodegenerative diseases as well as brain tumours.
Previous studies had used standard ­ultrasound to deliver liposomes to the brain with high-frequency sound waves ­concentrated on a specific area.
But this was seen to be invasive and damaging to the ­brain-blood supply.
Applying rapid, short pulses of ­ultrasound, however, was found to be safer and liposomes could even reach inside certain cells in the brain.
In this study, the researchers used mice where the ultrasound waves were focused on the left side of the brain.
Microbubbles – gas-filled bubbles that expand and contract in sync with the ultrasound waves – were then injected into the bloodstream, as well as the liposomes.
By making the microbubbles ­oscillate, the ultrasound waves opened the brain’s barrier, forming a point of entry for those useful liposomes.
“Our other key finding was the ability to study the liposomes being delivered to different types of brain cells showing the liposomes are taken up by these targets and can be used to treat the diseases associated with these cells,” says Mr Aishwarya Mishra, from King’s College London.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
My landline home phone number is 094 9360901.
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They are hacking your websites

I have hardly had one entire and good sleep
for nearly 20 years in Ontario of Canada
because of severe head pain at around 6 am of every morning

Long, long time ago, UN Human Rights Council, International Criminal Court, and recently UN Human Rights encouraged to file complaints against them for breaking International Law

After you all received and saved my recent emails regarding their ongoing terror, psychological torture and MK Ultra.
, including Prime Minister of Canada, Canadian government, Canada, all my neighbours, those who are gathering around and in my workplace, those who are driving and operating aircrafts and drones to trace, attack and threaten me..., they are intercepting , filtering and blocking everything I am using, especially text messages and any emails as they are committing madly terror, psychological torture and MK Ultra

What is psychological torture? What is MK
Ultra? You all have everything I provided and you can have everything by Google them if not being hacked



International Court of Justice
UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
Amnesty International
TRIAL International
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government
UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer

Contact :

Temporary  email :


Who are all my neighbours, at least 2 Philippine couples, who don't work at all for 4 years, 10 years?

1. ( they changed this address on my phone's notepad )

2. ( they changed this address on my phone's notepad. )

Each time Canadian Police stop me on my way home around 1am , my neighbours must attack my hearing with sonic weapons and microwave weapons, which cause severe tinnitus.


and after seeing this whistle blowing :

" more than 200 police officers are living around and surrounding  one human rights lawyer."

Canadian government, Canadian Intelligence Services, Canadian police "can not "stop my neighbours, at least 2 Philippine couples, who are now again wearing invisibility cloaks to enter ( without opening any doors) and hide  in my house and house attic to do everything possible, evil and brutal. Something in my house and house attic "told" me.  ( invisibility cloaks)


Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, MK Ultra, terror, poison, death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons. I am not alone and I need your help.


Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and, thanks.



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I am being subjected to partial physical remote control due to the fact that technology has been injected into my body which is wirelessly linked to a computerized control system. All of this has happened against my will and without my permission. I sometimes place online copies of some of the messages which I receive from those anonymous cowards who use this computerized control system to partially take away my free will both from a physical and emotional perspective. Here below are some of those broadcasted messages which I hear coming from inside my own head as follows:-
"We have accessed all areas of Gretta Fahey's brain and body by wireless remote means and we can't find anything wrong with her in any area.
(I ordered heating oil and I was then given the following message) "In the future if you are living alone you wont get anything."
A voice to skull broadcaster accused me of something and because I attempted to defend myself verbally to him I had weakened my position. If I had not attempted to defend myself I would have remained in a strong position so the voice broadcaster then told me the following "Look what I get out of saying these things. I get a system which says I am in charge. ( Because of the fact that I had tried to defend myself verbally it gave him the message that he was in charge of the situation.)
On another occasion a voice to skull broadcaster was heard by me to say the following "Speed up the system so that we can get total control of this individual so that we can wirelessly torture her to death."
"She will go and see a psychiatrist." I replied as follows "NO. I will not go." The voice broadcaster was then heard by me to say the following "You will toe the line in this country." "She will get a soma bag." I replied as follows. "NO."
They often imply that they would bribe me if I was ameniable to it but I have informed them that I am uncorruptable and I would never accept bribes. I would prefer to see them go to prison that accept bribes presumable to stay quite about what they are doing to me by means of directed energy weapon testing and by means of neurological weapon testing. I even informed them that I would reject all bribes at the point of a gun. I don't know who they are because they always communicate with me from a distance by broadcasting messages into my head from an unknown remote locations.
"We have no plans to release you from wireless enslavement yet."
One voice to skull broadcaster was heard by me coming from inside my head to say the following to another voice to skull broadcaster who was not co-operating with the control system the following in a threatening manner:- "You can count on my presence in your life in the future." That particular sentence was heard by me coming from inside my head at approximately five minutes past 9 pm Irish time on 11th March, 2022.
"We can't use her corpse if she is electrocuted. However, we can use her corpse for bio-robotization if she dies by almost any other means."
Who are all the anonymous cowards who broadcast messages into my head from unknown remote location while remaining anonymous cowards. They have been broadcasting messages into my head since April, 2003 without a break. My name is Gretta Fahey and I am also known as Margaret Mary Fahey and my postal address and current location is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. Further to that my landline home phone number is 094 9360901. Todays date is 14th March, 2022 and the time is now approximately 11.54 am.

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I obtained the following information from an online bitchute video by Fritz Springmeier which is to be found at this link
If you happen to be involved in a serious and traumatic accident your mind will automatically build an amnesia wall around the section of your mind that holds the memory of the accident in order to protect you from remembering the trauma because such trauma would often be too damaging for the human mind to process. Illuminati Satanists discovered this to be the case in the distant past and they are using it to create undetectable monarch mind control slaves throughout most if not all of the world.
They first select very young children and they traumatise them to an extreme degree until amnesia walls are created inside the minds of those children. The children's minds are said to be splintered or split into many dissociated pieces.
The illuminati satanist who is known as a mind programmer or a slave handler then pulls up one of the dissociated pieces of the childs mind and brings it to the front so that it can be programmed. The programmer then programs that dissociated piece of the childs mind into a particular personality known as an alter personality. An alter personality can be programmed to still believe that they are a human being but they can alternatively be programmed to believe that they are a horse or a cat or a door knob or any number of things. When that alter personality is in use, it would sincerely believe that it is not human if that was the way it was programmed.
The core personality of a monarch mind control slave remains normal and is very genuine and honest due to the fact that they are mostly unaware that they have altar personalities. They are also unaware that they are monarch mind controlled slaves and that they have slave handlers who may be their own work colleagues. Unbeknownst to the core genuine personality the alter personalities can be programmed to attend Satanic Ritual Abuse sessions and to take part in satanic ritual abuse.
In other online videos some victims of satanic ritual abuse have come forward stating that they have seen well known people with positions of responsibility in society taking part in satanic ritual abuse of children. Those well known people could possibly be monarch mind control slaves who are not in attendance at satanic ritual abuse sessions of their own free will but instead one of the alter personalities is programmed to be in attendance and to abuse children while there. In one online video about monarch mind control programming it was suggested that some top level clergy within the catholic church such as cardinals may be being subjected to monarch mind control programming without their awareness and any number of their colleagues could in fact be their slave handlers. Slave handlers use hand gestures and access codes to pull up different alter personalities of their monarch mind controlled slaves.
Occasionally, when a monarch mind controlled slave has committed an illegal act which they were earlier programmed to commit their memory of the event is then deleted be means of them receiving an electric shock because electrocution destroys short term memories. High voltage is used to scramble memories before they can become cohesive long term memories. A cattle prod or a specially designed staff with hidden electric probes is often used for this procedure. The monarch slave sometimes bears scars from electric prods or stun guns. Beware of anyone who carries a cane or staff. They may be a slave handler.
The creating and maintaining and use of Monarch Mind Control Slaves throughout the world is widespread and it is being used for for worldwide takeover among many other uses. In order to create vast numbers of monarch mind control slaves possibly hundreds of thousands of children are being tortured around the world at any one time in order to split their minds so that they can be used as slaves for the rest of their lives. The Satanic illuminati have become so powerful throughout the world now that in some instances the police are afraid to confront them.
Recently it has been suggested that Irish senior politicians would in future have security personnel to protect them. However, in some cases such security personnel may in reality be slave handlers who ultimately work for the Satanic Illuminati and the senior politicians they are tasked with protecting may be monarch mind controlled slaves. Victims of monarch mind control are sometimes trauma bonded to their handlers so that such victims will view their handlers with affection.
Because of changes in brain chemistry which naturally occurs between the ages of twenty seven and thirty, monarch mind control sometimes begins to break down in the victim leading to switching between altars at inappropriate times and to other unusual behaviour such as becoming completely motionless while being interviewed on television. In such instances the victim may be sent for reprogramming under the guise of spending time in rehab for drug or alcohol use.
When some victims of monarch mind control are being photographed for publicity they may wear symbols of their monarch mind controlled slave status such as monarch butterflies, or mickey mouse ears. They may be photographed with shattered glass in order to denote that their minds have been shattered into many alter personalities, while black and white is often used to represent the dualistic world in while slaves live.
Do not show your child Disney movies or "The Wizard of Oz" movie at the moment until more is known about them because they condition the minds of children for monarch mind control programming. If they are obsessed with Disney movies they may already have disney programming. In already programming victims, watching disney movies reinforces the artificial neural connections which have been created in the victim and keeps the programming active. The victim may have been tortured while wearing a similar blue and white dress which the character in the disney movie may be wearing which brings back memories of the torture in the victim in order to reinforce their programming. After business hours Disney World is being used for mind control programming and for paedophile parties according to a mind control survivor and whistleblower known as Fiona Barnett who can be heard at the following online video link . Monarch mind controlled programmed is sometimes known as MK Ultra mind controlled programming.
What will we as a world community do to solve this problem? One suggestion is to place codes in television or radio programs in order to release the programming of all monarch mind controlled slaves so that they would by that means remember their programming and be able to release their blocked memories. Another suggestion being put forward online is to give all suspected monarch mind controlled slaves baked goods containing cannabis because it has been discovered that anyone who regularly takes cannabil can not be successfully mind programmed. I strongly suspect Bono of the Irish band U2 to be programmed in this manner due to the fact that he has been photographed while making Satanic type hand gestures. If he has been programmed in this way he should be urgently helped by the people of Ireland to deprogram himself. Many other victims of trauma based mind control have made total recoveries and have gone on to whistleblow about their experiences.
Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler have published a widely available book called "How the Illuminati Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave." A former monarch mind controlled slave called Cathy O Brien published a book called "Trans-Formation of America". Her website is called

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I obtained the following information from an online bitchute video by Fritz Springmeier which is to be found at this link
If you happen to be involved in a serious and traumatic accident your mind will automatically build an amnesia wall around the section of your mind that holds the memory of the accident in order to protect you from remembering the trauma. Illuminati Satanists discovered this to be the case in the distant past and they used to to create undetectable monarch mind control slaves throughout most if not all of the world.
They first select very young children and they traumatise them to an extreme degree until amnesia walls are created inside the minds of those children. The children's minds are said to be splintered or split into many dissociated pieces.
The illuminati satanist who is known as a mind programmer or a slave handler then pulls up one of the dissociated pieces of the childs mind and brings it to the front so that it can be programmed. The programmer then programs that dissociated piece of the childs mind into a particular personality known as an alter personality. An alter personality can be programmed to still believe that they are a human being but they can alternatively be programmed to believe that they are a horse or a cat or a door knob or any number of things. When that alter personality is in use, it would sincerely believe that it is not human if that was the way it was programmed.
The front personality of a monarch mind control slave remains normal and is very genuine and honest due to the fact that they are unaware that they have altar personalities. They are also unaware that they are monarch mind controlled slaves and that they have slave handlers who may be their own work colleagues. Unbeknownst to the front genuine personality the alter personalities can be programmed to attend Satanic Ritual Abuse sessions and to take part in satanic ritual abuse.
In other online videos some victims of satanic ritual abuse have come forward stating that they have seen well known people with positions of responsibility in society taking part in satanic ritual abuse of children. Those well known people could possibly be monarch mind control slaves who are not in attendance at satanic ritual abuse sessions of their own free will but instead one of the alter personalities is programmed to be in attendance and to abuse children while there. In one online video about monarch mind control programming it was suggested that some top level clergy within the catholic church such as cardinals may be being subjected to monarch mind control programming without their awareness and any number of their colleagues could in fact be their slave handlers. Slave handlers use hand gestures and access codes to pull up different alter personalities of their monarch mind controlled slaves. Occasionally, when a monarch mind controlled slave has committed an illegal act which they were earlier programmed to commit their memory of the event is then deleted be means of them receiving an electric shock because electrocution destroys short term memories.
The creating and maintaining and use of Monarch Mind Control Slaves throughout the world is widespread and it is being used for for worldwide takeover among many other uses. In order to create vast numbers of monarch mind control slaves possibly hundreds of thousands of children are being tortured around the world at any one time in order to split their minds so that they can be used as slaves for the rest of their lives. The Satanic illuminati have become so powerful throughout the world now that in some instances the police are afraid to confront them. What will we as a world community do to solve this problem?

Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler have published a widely available book called 'How the Illuminati Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave."

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