un (14)


Regardless of everything, they are are stopping me from uploading this photo above , evidence, please share and send, thanks.



"Canada", at least 5 Philippine couples, Canada' s No.1 internet and mobile provider, Rogers' Fido...extremely don't like Amnesty International, UN Peacekeeping, UN and UN Secretary-Generals, UN Human Rights Council because they are 405ing, 404ing, 403ing and filtering them all. Please send them below immediately to them because in some countries, around 3 % of their people are suffering what UN Human Rights Council and UN Human Rights Office have disclosed for our whole world and because I know I am not alone.

After ICC prosecutor, UN Human Rights Office/UN contacted me with one special tool recently... I know I am not alone.
Please send it immediately . It is time for "final account ".


If you all, listed at the bottom, are together, you must and can stop what they are still doing in Ontario, Canada although you all have stood up and have spoken out for me, not only for me for over 20 years.

After ICC prosecutor, UN Human Rights Office/UN contacted me with one special tool recently regarding holding those criminals against humanity in Canada accountable and abiding by all UNs' resolutions for victims of torture,

ICC and UN Human Rights Office/UN




Canada' s No.1 internet and mobile provider, Rogers' Fido has totally hacked my phone. They at once shut down my mobile internet when I type some sensitive words or use some VPNs, or.... Their computer guys are tracing me everywhere I use public WiFi.

Meanwhile, they are committing madly terror, psychological torture, and MK Ultra (reported by all Canadian media several years ago) when I am home and when in my workplace. They are controlling and attacking my hearing, my heart, my head, my body with Microwave Weapons, EMF Hearing Jammers, "Electronic Nervous Virus" , by one whistle blower ( chips + / repeated poison by McDonald's CashierS in Ontario, Canada, actually is also called "sensitizer " from one professor of California University . ) and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, Weapons of Mass Destruction defined by UNs several times and long time ago.


( United States Army Intelligence....
From this unit, you can realize how serious my situation in Ontario, Canada is and who those torturers are. )

With Microwave Weapons which "Canada" has invited , besides for attacking our hearts , what else can they do? Attacking our hearing to cause tinnitus and to damage our brain because our ear and our brain are connected, from experts.

Microwave Weapons which "Canada" has invited for attacking heart

( The combined photo, right side one, tells you how they cover up their serious crimes with "blurring "technology when selecting and uploading the photos, which was confirmed by one foreign government. )






EMF Hearing Jammers

(They hack madly this photo when uploading it.)








Confirmed by experts








Meanwhile, I can sleep now due to the use of Non-Lethal Weapons by all my neighbors,
at least 5 Philippine couples, who don't work for over 21 years. Actually, I have hardly had one good and whole sleep for over 21 years after I contacted UN, Amnesty International... UN, Amnesty International, plus IRCT, were the first ones to stand up for me. WHO and OMCT point out that bad sleep for a long time must lead to serious problems.


Meanwhile, they are 404ing, 403ing, filtering and firewalling all UN's websites, plus IBA's. Their dirty hands are on my house, my room, my cars, and on any tools I am using with IP, MAC, and Bluetooth.

If they don't commit such serious crimes in Ontario, Canada, why are they doing these regardless of anything?

More evil than you imagine:

12 years ago, they forcibly injected me to chip me by wearing " invisibility cloaks
" and poisoning me in my apartment room. UN Human Rights Office and UN Human Rights Council have known that. This is why their drones, aircrafts, and "special vehicles " are tracing and following me anywhere and everywhere in Ontario, Canada.

https://ibb.co/QHmDC4r (  invisibility cloaks )

Why chip / medical implant from UN:




More, more than you think ...are here:

Psychological torture

Forty-third session
24 February - 20 March 2020
Agenda item 3

Mind weapons, MK Ultra, weapons of mass destruction by UN Human Rights Office and UN :



Having this video below, I am not afraid of anything. It is time for
"Final Account" .


Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing terror, psychological torture ( which UN and UN Human Rights deeply began to worry about 2 years ago) , MK Ultra ( which was reported by all Canadian media several years ago ) , poison ( how and why "Canada..." repeatedly poison me, UN Human Rights Office has them. One witness shout :don't drink it. ), death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, especially EMF. I am not alone and I need your help.



Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture






Read more…



Everything is clear, their dirty and brutal hands not only me, but on UN...but on my 2 cars. Please send this to UN Human Rights Chief /Office, UN Human Rights Council, UN Security Council, UN Peacekeeping, ICC Prosecutor, UN's Highest Court ,the Executive Office of the Secretary -General, International Bar Association, thanks.

After I receive ICC prosecutor's and UN Human Rights Chief's, "Canada", ....Rogers' Fido hack madly the Executive Office of the Secretary -General. In fact, they have hacked, filtered, "404ed" UN, UN Human Rights Office , Human Rights Council , International Bar Association, Amnesty International...for long time.10 years ago I provided to UN Human Rights Office , Human Rights Council about how they hacked their websites, and 404ed them.

Right now, "Canada", ....Rogers' Fido filter and hide this file which I want to upload onto file transfer because I can't use any regular emails, even temporary emails. They are hacking all VPNs , all European browsers I am using.

PM, Canadian government refuse to




Right now, Canada, ....Rogers' Fido at once shut down my mobile internet when typing some key words, UN, International Criminal Court, UN Human Rights Council, UN Human Rights Office ......; stop me from contacting public WiFi.

Around 5 years ago, I decided to send my all neighbours information to PM, Canadian government, the International Criminal Court, Rogers' Fido

1. https://ibb.co/wM9RBsk ( Rogers' Fido changed this address on my cellphone notepad from backstage 5 years ago.)

2. https://ibb.co/5B7KBDL ( Rogers' Fido
changed this address on my cellphone notepad from backstage ago.)

Their dirty and brutal hands not only on UN...., but on my body , my heart, my hearing with Jammers and Sonic weapons used In Toronto, Canada during G20, plus on my 2 cars after ICC prosecutor and UN Human Rights Chief respond by something special. When in my home, in my workplace, even and especially when driving, they are madly committing what UN Human Rights and UN Human Rights Council have disclosed for our world, defined and warned as war crimes and crimes against humanity by ICC.

Although English is my second language,
It is time for "Final Account"


Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing terror, psychological torture ( which UN and UN Human Rights deeply began to worry about 2 years ago) , MK Ultra ( which was reported by all Canadian media several years ago ) , poison ( how and why "Canada..." repeatedly poison me, UN Human Rights Office has them. One witness shout :Don't drink it. ), death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, especially EMF defined several times by UN as weapons of mass destruction.

I am not alone and I need your help.


Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


This is what are still happening in Ontario, Canada although UN Human Rights Office, UN Human Rights Council, International Criminal Court, International Bar Association stood up for me, not only for me 15 years ago.

Too urgent !

After I received ICC prosecutor's and UN Human Rights Chief's , with what kind of weapons, they are attacking madly my heart when in my home and when in my work place in Ontario , Canada. Please send this below to UN Secretary-General, UN Security Council , UN Peacekeeping, and UN Human Rights Council, thanks.

Rays guns, which can be used as heart attack guns , were confirmed by 2 Canadian lawyers several years ago.

Recently I received responses from UN Human Rights Chief/ Office and ICC prosecutor although they have hacked , intercepted and firewalled my all regular emails for 20 years.

Prime Minister of Canada
UN Secretary-General
UN Peacekeeping
UN's Highest Court
UN Human Rights Chief
UN Security Council


Canada, my all neighbours, at least 3 Philippine couples, who don't work at all for over 20 years,

1. https://ibb.co/wM9RBsk ( Rogers' Fido changed this address on my cellphone notepad from backstage.)

2. https://ibb.co/5B7KBDL ( Rogers' Fido
changed this address on my cellphone notepad from backstage. )

those who are driving and operating drones and aircrafts which trace and follow me everywhere and anywhere in Ontario,...
Canada ( UN Human Rights Office and UN Human Rights Council both have the photos and videos about their drones and aircrafts which I provided.), those who are gathering around and in my workplace...are madly attacking and remotely controlling my heart, my head, my hearing, my body with those Non-Lethal Weapons and with rays guns ( which can be used as heart attack guns, confirmed by 2 Canadian lawyers long time ago.) when I work, when I fall asleep, when I drive. So, right now I can hardly sleep. Non-Lethal weapons have been viewed as weapons of mass destruction many times by UN.

In fact, for over 20 years, I have hardly had one good and whole sleep due to their ongoing terror, psychological torture and Mk Ultra reported by UN Human Rights Office, UN Human Rights Council and by all Canadian media several years ago.






From what I sent to ICC, UN Human Rights Office, UN Human Rights Council, ...and Mr. Prime Minister of Canada on August 08, 2024, you can realize what happened, what is happening , and what will happen in Ontario...., Canada:












Read more…

Regarding handing over Canadian war criminals and criminals against humanity to ICC and UN's highest court, please send to UN Security Council, UN Secretary-Gen

 Canada refuses to take actions to stop all my neighbours , 3 Philippine couples... who don't work at all for 5-10 years, who are still committing terror, psychological torture, MK Ultra... war criminals and criminals against humanity. Various investigators and Canadian media told me who they are.
Please ask Canada to hand over them to International Criminal Court and UN"s highest court. If they refuse...

From being filtered by Canada, Rogers' Fido... UN's website, I just recently realize that UN Security Council and International Criminal Court ; UN Secretary-General, International Court of Justice, UN Peacekeeping, UN Human Rights Council, they all "work together " to stop and fight against "crimes against humanity and war crimes" defined by ICC after I contacted ICC years ago.

"For the first time in history, we can bring individuals...to justice. Call on your government to make International justice truly global."





This is what I sent to UN General Assembly when Prime Minister of Canada was in New York for the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly. Now, I am sending it to you. So you can see what they are "doing" madly.

September 21,2023 .Canada...are now stopping me from using public wifi and almost all VPNs.

Dear UN General Assembly,
Prime Minister of Canada is now in New York to attend the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

Please give this to him and his government, thanks. From some app, "Canada" is firewalling and intercepting my emails to him and Canadian government.


Take action to stop them. Send ,please send it, not only for myself, for those who were disableed by Sonic Weapons ( one kind of Non-Lethal Weapons) used by Canadian police during G20 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, for those who...


Right now, "Canada" ...at once shut down my cellphone data ( Rogers, Fido) when I decided to contact Human Rights Watch ,



by sending this below :

Dear Human Rights Watch, your message to me, " We are watching what is happening in Canada." You write letters to Prime Minister of Canada, International Court of Justice, UN Secretary-General, International Criminal Court for victims of our world, thanks.

Could you please help me by sending my "letter "to them? Thanks again .

Please send to Prime Minister of Canada, International Court of Justice, UN Secretary-General, International Criminal Court, because of their firewall and dirty hands, thanks.

The only purpose for Non-Lethal Weapons is to incapacitate people and change human behaviours, from NATO.


Canada...can not stop their psychological
torture, MK Ultra, which started 50 years ago. All Canadian media reported it . But, recently they seek justice with International court of justice for victims.

From "wesend it", Prime Minister of Canada, International court of justice, UN Secretary-General ... you all received what I recently sent about Canada... 's ongoing terror, psychological torture, and MK Ultra. Their terror is not only against me, but anyone who speaks out and stands up for me, UN, International Criminal Court, International Bar Association.






What are they still doing in Canada?
You must take action to stop them and to do according to UN's resolutions about torture , war crimes and crimes against humanity.

They were also defined as war crimes and crimes against humanity by UN Human Rights Office, UN Human Rights Council, and International Criminal Court after contacting them 18 years ago.

ICC message 1

"The ICC can only intervene to carry out the investigation."




ICC message 2

" MUTILATION AND TORTURE are war crimes and crimes against humanity."




Now, to cover up their terror, psychological torture, and MK Ultra: 1) Canada...filter the key word "email" when I try to find UN Human Rights new chief' s email, Volker Türk 2 ) they keep committing madly terror , psychological torture, MK Ultra when in home and in my workplace ( Re.MK Ultra, 10 years ago all Canadian media reported and testified that they started them 50 years ago ) 3 ) they stop me from using any European safe browsers and any VPNs, which are dangerous to them 4 ) they hide and filter all evidence about their war crimes and crimes against humanity over 20 years saved on the Internet , especially on "YouTube" 5) they hack , interfere everything I am using, hack anyone who helped me, such as OMCT, IRCT...OMCT emailed me " Medical Torture"; IRCT emailed me "seat number " for global meeting"

What are more brutal and evil are listed in here from UN Human Rights office and UN Human Rights Council :

UN Human Rights Office regarding MK Ultra and weapons of mass destruction :



UN Human Rights Council regarding psychological torture:

Forty-third session
24 February - 20 March 2020
Agenda item 3

Besides them above, what most evil are they are remotely controlling and attacking madly my hearing , my heart and my body when in home and in my workplace; their drones, aircrafts are tracing me anywhere in Ontario, Canada. UN Human Rights Office and you all have the photos and videos I provided. Please imagine how they can trace me everywhere and anywhere with drones and aircrafts in Ontario, Canada. Yes, they must put their dirty hands onto my body.

Here are the evidence about how EMF, Sonic Weapons ( used to disable peaceful protestors in Toronto during G20), Interference and Microwave Weapons can be used to "affect", that is, remotely control
our hearing, our hearing when making phone call, our hearts. UN, UN Human Rights Office, UN Human Rights Council, they all have the photos and videos about how they are remotely controlling and attacking my heart. They are remotely controlling my smart watches because they have IP and MAC.


EMF and Interference:






Microwave Weapons used to attack our hearing and our hearts, actually attacking our brains confirmed by some experts.



https://ibb.co/ngL1B6V. ( this website has been hacked.)

This website event below has more details about how they keep committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ontario, Canada.




Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing terror, (psychological ) torture ( which UN and UN Human Rights Council deeply began to worry about 2 years ago) , MK Ultra ( which was reported by all Canadian media several years ago ) , poison ( Amnesty International, UN Human Rights Office knew how and why Canada repeatedly poisoned me) , death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, I am not alone and I need your help.



Although English is my second language,
It is time for "Final Account"



Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture

September 02, 2023

Please send to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and sr-torture@ohchr.org.

Prime Minister of Canada
UN Secretary-General
UN Security Council
UN Peacekeeping
UN Investigation Team
UN Serious Crimes Investigation Team




Read more…

September 17,2023

Dear UN General Assembly,
next week Prime Minister of Canada will travel to to New York to attend the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

Please give this to him and his government, thanks. From some app, "Canada" is firewalling and blocking my emails to him and Canadian government.


Take action to stop them. Send ,please send it, not only for myself.

Right now, "Canada" ...at once shut down my cellphone data ( Rogers, Fido) when I decided to contact Human Rights Watch ,



by sending this below :

Dear Human Rights Watch, your message to me, " We are watching what is happening in Canada." You write letters to Prime Minister of Canada, International Court of Justice, UN Secretary-General, International Criminal Court for victims of our world, thanks.

Could you please help me by sending my "letter "to them? Thanks again .

Please send to Prime Minister of Canada, International Court of Justice, UN Secretary-General, International Criminal Court, because of their firewall and dirty hands, thanks.

The only purpose for Non-Lethal Weapons is to incapacitate people and change human behaviours, from NATO.


Canada...can not stop their psychological
torture, MK Ultra, which started 50 years ago. All Canadian media reported it . But, recently they seek justice with International court of justice for victims.

From "wesend it", Prime Minister of Canada, International court of justice, UN Secretary-General ... you all received what I recently sent about Canada... 's ongoing terror, psychological torture, and MK Ultra. Their terror is not only against me, but anyone who speaks out and stands up for me, UN, International Criminal Court, International Bar Association.






What are they still doing in Canada?
You must take action to stop them and to do according to UN's resolutions about torture , war crimes and crimes against humanity.

They were also defined as war crimes and crimes against humanity by UN Human Rights Office, UN Human Rights Council, and International Criminal Court after contacting them 18 years ago.

ICC message 1

"The ICC can only intervene to carry out the investigation."




ICC message 2

" MUTILATION AND TORTURE are war crimes and crimes against humanity."




Now, to cover up their terror, psychological torture, and MK Ultra: 1) Canada...filter the key word "email" when I try to find UN Human Rights new chief' s email, Volker Türk 2 ) they keep committing madly terror , psychological torture, MK Ultra when in home and in my workplace ( Re.MK Ultra, 10 years ago all Canadian media reported and testified that they started them 50 years ago ) 3 ) they stop me from using any European safe browsers and any VPNs, which are dangerous to them 4 ) they hide and filter all evidence about their war crimes and crimes against humanity over 20 years saved on the Internet , especially on "YouTube" 5) they hack , interfere everything I am using, hack anyone who helped me, such as OMCT, IRCT...OMCT emailed me " Medical Torture"; IRCT emailed me "seat number " for global meeting"

What are more brutal and evil are listed in here from UN Human Rights office and UN Human Rights Council :

UN Human Rights Office regarding MK Ultra and weapons of mass destruction :



UN Human Rights Council regarding psychological torture:

Forty-third session
24 February - 20 March 2020
Agenda item 3

Besides them above, what most evil are they are remotely controlling and attacking madly my hearing , my heart and my body when in home and in my workplace; their drones, aircrafts are tracing me anywhere in Ontario, Canada. UN Human Rights Office and you all have the photos and videos I provided. Please imagine how they can trace me everywhere and anywhere with drones and aircrafts in Ontario, Canada. Yes, they must put their dirty hands onto my body.

Here are the evidence about how EMF, Sonic Weapons ( used to disable peaceful protestors in Toronto during G20), Interference and Microwave Weapons can be used to "affect", that is, remotely control
our hearing, our hearing when making phone call, our hearts. UN, UN Human Rights Office, UN Human Rights Council, they all have the photos and videos about how they are remotely controlling and attacking my heart. They are remotely controlling my smart watches because they have IP and MAC.


EMF and Interference:






Microwave Weapons used to attack our hearing and our hearts, actually attacking our brains confirmed by some experts.



https://ibb.co/ngL1B6V. ( this website has been hacked.)

This website event below has more details about how they keep committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ontario, Canada.




Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing terror, (psychological ) torture ( which UN and UN Human Rights Council deeply began to worry about 2 years ago) , MK Ultra ( which was reported by all Canadian media several years ago ) , poison ( Amnesty International, UN Human Rights Office knew how and why Canada repeatedly poisoned me) , death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, I am not alone and I need your help.



Although English is my second language,
It is time for "Final Account"



Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture

September 02, 2023

Please send to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and sr-torture@ohchr.org.

Prime Minister of Canada
UN Secretary-General
UN Security Council
UN Peacekeeping
UN Investigation Team
UN Serious Crimes Investigation Team




Read more…

Please send it , thanks, not only for myself.

What are more evil are listed in here from UN Human Rights office and UN Human Rights Council :

UN Human Rights Office regarding MK Ultra and weapons of mass destruction :



UN Human Rights Council regarding psychological torture:

Forty-third session
24 February - 20 March 2020
Agenda item 3


Prime Minister of Canada
UN Secretary-General
International Criminal Court
International Court of Justice



Recently, just recently, Canada, all my neighbours, 3 Philippine couples
( They don't work at all for 5 -10 years)...who bridge my home wifi ( confirmed by computer expert) , at once shut down the VPN I was using when I decided to purchase EMF meter from Internet. You must understand why.

EMF Meter




15 years ago, UN Secretary-General
came to Canada after I contacted, contacted UN. He left with this message to Canada : "... protect human rights ."

You can imagine what "they" did and what "they" are still doing to me in Ontario, Canada. Here are the uploaded evidence for you. From them you can see how they commit terror, psychological torture, and MK Ultra by attacking and remotely controlling my heart rate , my hearing, and my body.

Hearing control and loss




Heart rates control and attack ( They extremely hack this one with most advanced method confirmed by one government.)




Canada, all my neighbours, 3 Philippine couples ( who don't work at all for 5 , 10 years) , those who are gathering around and in my workplace, their drones and aircrafts which are tracing and following me everywhere and anywhere I stay in Ontario, Canada, commit madly their terror, psychological torture, MK Ultra by every
possible way and with all possible Non-Lethal weapons for over 20 years,


, which have been viewed as weapons of mass destruction by UN and UN Human Rights Office. Plus, International Criminal Court 's message to me and to those criminals against humanity and war criminals.... " MUTILATION AND TORTURE are war crimes and crimes against humanity."




They keep going regardless of UN, UN Human Rights, UN Human Rights Council...International Criminal Court, and International Bar Association. This is why we must work together to launch International(legal) proceedings against them. This is why I request U.N. peacekeeping to stop their gross crimes in Ontario, Canada. At the bottom of this message, I attach what I sent a few days ago about what their crimes when I am home and when in my workplace.

What are more evil are listed in here from UN Human Rights office and UN Human Rights Council :

UN Human Rights Office regarding MK Ultra and weapons of mass destruction :



UN Human Rights Council regarding psychological torture:

Forty-third session
24 February - 20 March 2020
Agenda item 3

Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing terror, (psychological ) torture ( which UN and UN Human Rights deeply began to worry about 2 years ago) , MK Ultra ( which was reported by all Canadian media several years ago ) , poison, death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, I am not alone and I need your help.



It is time for "Final Account"



Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and sr-torture@ohchr.org, thanks.


U.N. Security Council , ICC , UN Human Rights Office take immediate actions to stop ..... Please send it.

U.N .and  ICC prosecutor urges Sudan to hand over Darfur suspects





This is for Prime Minister of Canada
UN Secretary-General, U.N. Security Council
International Criminal Court, please send it, not only for myself, thanks.




Canadian victim of torture





Read more…


UNs  and  ICC prosecutor urges Sudan to hand over Darfur suspects





This is for Prime Minister of Canada
UN Secretary-General, International Criminal Court, please send it, not only for myself, thanks.


Prime Minister of Canada
UN Secretary-General
International Criminal Court




From UN Human Rights Office' s emails to me and what they stated recently ; from what at least 2 Canadian medias "told" me who they are, you can realize how serious it is in Ontario of Canada and how "evil"( from Canadian media) they are.

One fair International Criminal Court is vital to our whole world, to victims, to war criminals and criminals against humanity in Canada, still at large.

This is why Canada, all my neighbours, 3 Philippines couples ( who don't work at all for 5 or 10 years)... commit "madly" terror, psychological torture and MK Ultra when in my home and when in my workplace after I sent THEM below to UN, International Criminal Court, and UNs peacekeeping...

International Criminal Court, UN, UNs peacekeeping... are so important for our world, for me, and for what happened and is happening for 20 years in Ontario, Canada. Please download as soon as possible, thanks.




UNs peacekeeping


PM and Canadian government



UNs peacekeeping



PM and Canadian government



Read more…


This is for Prime Minister of Canada
UN Secretary-General, International Criminal Court, please send it, not only for myself, thanks.


Prime Minister of Canada
UN Secretary-General
International Criminal Court




From UN Human Rights Office' s emails to me and what they stated recently ; from what at least 2 Canadian medias "told" me who they are, you can realize how serious it is in Ontario of Canada and how "evil"( from Canadian media) they are.

One fair International Criminal Court is vital to our whole world, to victims, to war criminals and criminals against humanity in Canada, still at large.

This is why Canada, all neighbours, 3 Philippines couples... commit "madly" terror, psychological torture and MK Ultra when in my home and when in my workplace after I sent THEM below to UN, International Criminal Court, and UNs peacekeeping...

International Criminal Court, UN, UNs peacekeeping... are so important for our world, for me, and for what happened and is happening for 20 years in Ontario, Canada. Please download as soon as possible, thanks.




UNs peacekeeping


PM and Canadian government



UNs peacekeeping



PM and Canadian government


Read more…

Hacking UN Geneva.

Hacking UN Geneva' s contact

Everything is clear. Please send to them at once.


UN Secretary-General, Prime Minister of Canada, UN Human Rights, UN peacekeeping...you all received what I sent a few days ago about ongoing terror, psychological torture, and MK Ultra, in Ontario, Canada for nearly 20 years.

I sent already and you all received:




From International Bar Association:








Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing terror, (psychological ) torture ( about which UN deeply began to concern 2 years ago) , MK Ultra ( which was reported by all Canadian media several years ago ), poison ( UN Human Rights Office and Amnesty International knew how and why they repeatedly poisoned me), death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons. I am not alone and I need your help.



https://ibb.co/ngL1B6V. ( this website has been hacked.)


Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and sr-torture@ohchr.org, thanks.
















Read more…

UN Secretary-General, Prime Minister of Canada, UN Human Rights...you all received what I sent a few days ago about ongoing terror, psychological torture, and MK Ultra, in Ontario, Canada for nearly 20 years.

I sent already and you all received:






From International Bar Association:





Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing terror, (psychological ) torture ( about which UN deeply began to concern 2 years ago) , MK Ultra ( which was reported by all Canadian media several years ago ), poison ( UN Human Rights Office and Amnesty International knew how and why they repeatedly poisoned me), death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons. I am not alone and I need your help.



https://ibb.co/ngL1B6V. ( this website has been hacked.)


Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and sr-torture@ohchr.org, thanks.
















Read more…

Look! You help me send this?

What more evil is they block any "important " messages I send.


And, why are they afraid of my email from International Bar Association and deleted it? Please see this below:


You all have and save what I provided recently about their ongoing terror, psychological torture and MK Ultra in Ontario of Canada. Will they stop their crimes, evil, and brutality although you all have everything I have provided since 19 years ago? Please see how they continue their psychological torture and MK Ultra in my home and workplace.




In my home , I can not hear clearly this TV , but I can hear with no problem the person who was standing beside the TV.

In my work place, I can not hear clearly the person standing beside me. But, I can hear clearly that TV which is quite far . And in my work place, my hearing works just like a switch. UN Human Rights and UN Human Rights Council have everything detailed about this.


International Court of Justice
UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
Amnesty International
TRIAL International
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government
UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer














Contact :


Temporary  email :



I have no options. I must launch international (legal  ) proceedings against them, Canada, all my neighbours, at least 2 Philippine couples:

1. https://ibb.co/wM9RBsk ( they changed this address on my phone's notepad )

2. https://ibb.co/5B7KBDL ( they changed this address on my phone's notepad )

, those who are gathering around and in my workplace, those who are driving and operating aircrafts and drones to trace, attack and threaten me...

What more evil is they block any "important " messages I send.


And, why are they afraid of my email from International Bar Association and deleted it? Please see this below:



Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, MK Ultra, terror, poison, death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons. I am not alone and I need your help.



Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and sr-torture@ohchr.org, thanks.





Read more…

After reading, you must send it not only for me.

Did "they" poison me by McDonald's cashierS when pouring coffee ? 


Amnesty International Toronto,  Amnesty International Canada and Amnesty International knew it, including Facebook. 






UN Human Rights 

UN Human Rights Council 

Amnesty International 

TRIAL International 

International Bar Association 

International Criminal Court

International Court of Justice 

Canadian Government

UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer






























Contact :




Temporary  email :






United Nations Secretary-General, UN Human Rights Chief, Trial International for Crimes Against Humanity, International Bar Association, Prime Minister of Canada, you all received my email to you on January 17,2022. 









Topic : Canada refuses to take action to stop my neighbors. I must launch International (legal  ) proceedings against them for breaking international law; for committing terror, psychological torture and  MK Ultra in Ontario of Canada.



UN Human Rights Council 

Forty-third session

24 February - 20 March 2020

Agenda item 3




Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror, poison, death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons. I am not alone and I need your help.




Did "they" poison me by McDonald's cashierS when pouring coffee ? 


Amnesty International Toronto,  Amnesty International Canada and Amnesty International knew it, including Facebook. 





Robin Yan


Canadian victim of torture





Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and sr-torture@ohchr.org, thanks.


Read more…


They are covering up their ongoing crimes against humanity.





By firewall, by everything possible, "Canada" is intercepting, blocking everything , anyone I am contacting, including Prime Minister of Canada, 

justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca and UN.





My neighbors are now attacking madly my hearing with Microwave Weapons after I contact you , which cause serious tinnitus  in my home. Here is evidence, which includes nearly all Non-Lethal Weapons ; which includes how Non-Lethal Weapons can be used to  incapacitate and control human hearing, especially, in my home and my workplace :








UN Human Rights 

UN Human Rights Council 

Amnesty International 

International Bar Association 

International Criminal Court

TRIAL International 

International Court of Justice 

Canadian Government

UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer


CC :




























Contact :




Temporary  email :






Recently, just recently, I sent this below to  TRIAL International for Crimes Against Humanity , International Bar Association, and International Court of Justice, "Further evidence from Attorney General of Canada..."









What happened and what happening in Ontario, Canada? 


Please see our emails between UN Human Rights and  me:












They hack UN, International Bar Association, International Criminal Court and everything I am using because they commit terror, psychological torture and MK Ultra for nearly 20 years with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons and by every possible means. 




Terror, Psychological torture, and MK Ultra. Any kind of them can totally destroy your life and leave you  unimaginable aftermaths. And  how serious are they? Just Google them. 2 years ago   UN Human Rights Office and UN realized the seriouness and swore to collect evidence about "psychological torture"  all over the world.



15 years ago, all Canadian lawyers refused me: 





My neighbors are now attacking madly my hearing with Microwave Weapons, which cause serious tinnitus in my home. Here is evidence, which includes nearly all Non-Lethal Weapons;

which includes how Non-Lethal Weapons can be used to incapacitate and control human hearing

especially, in my home and in my workplace:








Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror, poison, death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons. I am not alone and I need your help.



Robin Yan


Canadian victim of torture





Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and sr-torture@ohchr.org, thanks.



Read more…

Summit for Democracy on December 09, 2021.Please post and send onto this summit, not only for myself.




15 years ago,  all Canadian lawyers refused me and stated : "You have no where to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors."  This is why I must launch  international (legal  ) proceedings against them.



Having this video below, I am not afraid of anything.


"Final Account" 








UN Human Rights 

UN Human Rights Council 

Amnesty International 

International Bar Association 

International Criminal Court

International Court of Justice 

Canadian Government

UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer


CC :


























Contact :




Temporary  email :








Hacking UN... and me!  What kind of crimes? 




Who did and who is doing this? Please see this photo below.So, you can see how they hack and cover up:


10 years ago, UN Human Rights chief expressed her stance after seeing what I sent to her and her office.





Canada, "all my  neighbours" ,  those who gather around and in my work place, those who drive and operate aircrafts and drones, those who put their dirty hands on everything, including my car I am using ... are continuing to commit terror, psychological torture, MK Ultra as they are  hacking everything possible they can to stop me from contacting all of you, ICC, ICJ, International Bar Association, urgent-action@ohchr.org...


By terror, psychological torture and MK Ultra, they are attacking and remotely controlling my head, my heart rate, my hearing and my body.



Meanwhile, they are covering up their gross crimes; https://ibb.co/60gv355


Meanwhile, they are remotely controlling my phones to refresh or shut down  my cell phones when I upload one video regarding how they are remotely controlling my heat rates. But, both UN Human Rights and UN Human Rights Council had  this video around one year ago. Instead,  please see this photo below :





Regarding "all my  neighbours":


"The media, the whistle blower : " more than 200 police officers are living around and surrounding  one human rights lawyer."


All my neighbours , at least 2 Philippine couples, 

they don't work at all for 5 , 10 ,or 15 years. But, they are so rich. "


Canadian government, Canadian Intelligence Services, Canadian police "can not "stop my neighbours, at least 2 Philippine couples, who are now again wearing invisibility cloaks to enter ( without opening any doors) and hide  in my house  to do everything possible, evil and brutal. Something in my house "told" me.


https://ibb.co/QHmDC4r  ( invisibility cloaks) 


Around 10 years ago, floor vibration lights "told" me they wore invisibility cloaks to poison me and forcibly inject me. Up till now, they have not told  what they injected into my body to me and to us.


They are still bridging my home internet (by computer expert) to do everything you can't imagine. I provided the information about my neighbors' strange behaviors to Prime Minister of Canada and Canadian Government. My neighbors at once hided their cars. Can you see their cars?  



1. https://ibb.co/wM9RBsk


2. https://ibb.co/5B7KBDL 



Plus, emails from UN  Human Rights Office :












15 years ago,  all Canadian lawyers refused me and started : "You have no where to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors."  This is why I must launch  international (legal  ) proceedings against them.


English is my second language. Having this video below, I am not afraid of anything.


"Final Account" 






Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror, poison, death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons. I am not alone and I need your help.







Robin Yan


Canadian victim of torture





Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and sr-torture@ohchr.org, thanks.




Read more…

Link:    https://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Torture/SRTorture/Pages/model.aspx


Model questionnaire to be completed by persons alleging torture or their representatives

Information on the torture of a person should be transmitted to the Special Rapporteur in written form and sent to:

Special Rapporteur on Torture
c/o Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

E-mail: urgent-action@ohchr.org

Although it is important to provide as much detail as possible, the lack of a comprehensive accounting should not necessarily preclude the submission of reports. However, the Special Rapporteur can only deal with clearly identified individual cases containing the following minimum elements of information:

  1. Full name of the victim; 


  1. Date on which the incident(s) of torture occurred (at least as to the month and year);

From December 2001 to present

  1. Place where the person was seized (city, province, etc.) And location at which the torture was carried out (if known);

Australia during December 2001 – April 2002

Hong Kong and Thailand during April 2002

The USA Embassy in Hong Kong on April 5, 2002

China during April 2002- August 2002,

New Zealand during August 2002 - April 2003,

China during April 2003- present.

  1. Indication of the forces carrying out the torture;

The governments covered/cover the abuses and tortures of the Weapons using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations or the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations.

  1. Description of the form of torture used and any injury suffered as a result;

They used electromagnetic weapons to torture me. The main symptoms were:

These people can use their electromagnetic weapons to transmit their voices directly to my brain. They can make "voices" sound as if coming from neighbors or from a nearby person. They also can use their weapons to make "voices" sound like the voices of your friends or your family members.

Pain all over the body; stomach pain, toothache, headaches, leg pain, arm pain.

high fevers; suddenly felt very cold and shivered involuntarily, or suddenly felt very hot and sweating, etc.


hands trembled involuntarily, legs suddenly not being able to stand,

astriction, gatism, and sex harassment.

not allow me to sleep at night, or to wake me up at mid-night. Sometimes, they also forced me to sleep when I did not want to sleep.

They also forced me to "have dreams" at night. I knew those "dreams" were made by them and transmitted to my brain using their weapons. (The principle is the same with a silent sound device which can transmit sound into the skull of person.)

On April 5, 2002, when I was in Hong Kong, my brain was controlled by voice-to-skull and remote electromagnetic technologies, and I was taken into the USA Embassy in Hong Kong. It was strange that there were so many Security Guards outside the USA Embassy, but nobody stopped me or asked me anything. 

Due to the horrible torture, I could not live normally and was not able to handle any work to support my life.

  1. Identify of the person or organization submitting the report (name and address, which will be kept confidential).


Creater of peacepink, a worldwide Campaign to stop Cybertorture with use of DEWs/ MWs/ Electromagnetic frequencies - an online support group to help other victims, targeted individuals with 5,000+ members)  https://peacepink.ning.com/

Additional sheets should be attached where space does not allow for a full rendering of the information requested. Also, copies of any relevant corroborating documents, such as medical or police records should be supplied where it is believed that such information may contribute to a fuller accounting of the incident. Only copies and not originals of such documents should be sent.

  1. Identity of the person(s) subjected to torture
  2. Family Name LIU
  3. First and other names Soleilmavis
  4. Sex: FEMALE
  5. Birth date or age
  6. Nationality CHINESE
  7. Occupation Author/ Sponsor of Peacepink (support/ help group)

(1) writer of three books.

The first, “Twelve Years in the Grave - Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp,” provides the evidence of secret abuse and torture with voice-to-skull and remote electromagnetic technologies.

 The second, “The Struggles of an Ordinary Man - The Turbulent History of China Through a Farmer’s Eyes from 1900 to 2000,” is the true record of one hundred years of modern history in rural areas of the Eastern Shandong Peninsula from the 1900 to 2000.

 The third, “The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42”.

(2) Creater and Sponsor of Peacepink: a worldwide Campaign to stop Cybertorture with use of DEWs/ MWs/ Electromagnetic frequencies - an online support group to help other victims, targeted individuals with 5,000+ members)  https://peacepink.ning.com/

  1. Identity card number (if applicable) China ID:
  2. Activities (trade union, political, religious, humanitarian/ solidarity, press, etc.)

During the past years, I worked hard to try expose the criminal use of electromagnetic technologies and their torturous abusers, and urge governments worldwide to investigate and halt these egregious violations and abuses of basic Human Rights.

Whilst there aren’t laws specific to “cybertorture, these do violate all of the Human Rights laws set in place after the World War II atrocities, amongst others, International Laws A/73/207 covering Abuses, Tortures, Degradation in Quality of Human Life.

I wrote the book “Twelve Years in the Grave - Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp” to let the public know details of my story. I along with other victims in my network, including PACTS International, have started a concerted campaign against secret electromagnetic weapons abuses and tortures. We are demanding an international investigation into these crimes which constitute immense violations of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

I, Soleilmavis Liu, created Peacepink, 2009:       https://peacepink.ning.com/

(Peacepink- A worldwide Campaign to stop Cybertorture with use of DEWs/ MWs/ Electromagnetic frequencies- an online support group to help other TI’s, targeted individuals with 5,000+ members)

  1. Residential and/or work address

Email: soleilmavis@yahoo.com

  1. Circumstances surrounding torture
  2. Date and place of arrest and subsequent torture

These tortures commencing December 2001, ever since visiting Australia for studying a Master Degree at RMIT in Melbourne, and continuing into the present, in China, today, 2021.

December 2001 and still continuing today, in 2021.

These abuses on my persona via electromagnetic weaponry commenced and have been ongoing ever since studying a Master Degree as full fee paying student at RMIT, in Melbourne, Australia, 2001.

I haven’t had any chance of leading a normal, fulfilling and happy life, ever since going to Australia where these abuses/ tortures, which have been ongoing, began, in 2001. This includes being unable to work and support myself financially.

  • Australia during December 2001 – April 2002
  • Hong Kong and Thailand during April 2002
  • The USA Embassy in Hong Kong on April 5, 2002
  • China during April 2002- August 2002,
  • New Zealand during August 2002 - April 2003,
  • China during April 2003- continuing into the present, today 2021.

On April 5, 2002, when I was in Hong Kong where my brain was controlled by voice-to-skull and remote electromagnetic technologies, v2k, and I was also taken into the USA Embassy in Hong Kong. It was very strange that there were so many Security Guards outside the USA Embassy, but nobody stopped me or asked me anything. 

I reported these crimes to the police when I was in Australia in January and February 2002, but did not receive any positive reply.

 I wrote letters to the United Nations after I left Australia, but never received any reply.

I wrote letters to the USA governments, China governments and Australia governments, but never received any reply.

  1. Identity of force(s) carrying out the initial detention and/or torture (police, intelligence services, armed forces, paramilitary, prison officials, other)

The governments covered/cover the abuses and tortures of the Weapons using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations or the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations.

  1. Were any person, such as a lawyer, relatives or friends, permitted to see the victim during detention? If so, how long after the arrest?


  1. Describe the methods of torture used

They, have used/ continue to use, Electromagnetic weapons on me to psychologically abuse and torture, referred as Microwave Weapons (MWs) or Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) with this commencing ever since going to Australia, in 2001

The psychological tortures inflicted on my persona via Cyberotrture leaves no evidence, and no fingerprints, no physical scars as proof for the authorities.

  1. What injuries were sustained as a result of the torture?

The main physical and psychological symptoms sustained were/ are:

Psychological tortures impacting on my right to live a life as a Human Being. This has cost me the right to study as full fee paying student at RMIT, Melbourne, Australia, 2001, where these tortures began, and have continued up until today, 2021. As a result I haven’t been able to hold down a job or any gainful employment, thus unable to fend for and support myself.

These people can use their electromagnetic weapons to transmit their voices directly to my brain. They can make "voices" sound as if coming from neighbours or from a nearby person. They also can use their weapons to make "voices" sound like the voices of your friends or your family members, (v2k)

Pain all over the body; stomach pain, toothache, headaches, leg pain, arm pain.

High fevers; suddenly felt very cold and I shivered involuntarily, or, I suddenly felt very hot and sweating, etc.

Diarrhoea, sweating, and similar unpleasant symptoms from these psychological stressors

Hands trembled involuntarily, legs suddenly not being able to stand,

Astriction, Gatism, highly invasive Sexual Harassment of the Mind (especially for a lady)

They’ve tortured me and didn’t even allow me to sleep at night, or they’d to wake me up at mid-night. Sometimes, they’d also forced me to sleep when I didn’t want to sleep.

They also forced me to "have strange dreams" at night. I knew those "dreams" were made by them and transmitted to my brain using their weapons. (The principle is the same with a silent sound device which can transmit sound into the skull of person.)

Due to these ongoing horrible tortures, I couldn’t live life with any normality as they took away all of my Human Rights. As a result, I haven’t even been able to hold down any form of paid employment to work, unable to even support myself.

They have taken away every single one of my basic Human Rights, with these tortures commencing ever since going to Australia in 2001 and continuing today, in China, 2021. I am even unable to work and to earn a living to so support myself.

  1. What was believed to be the purpose of the torture?

Statistical (among 300 victims) Evidence- possible reasons victims believed they became a target were:

  • Government Secret Human Experiments or Scientists Performing Secret Human Experiments supported by Government (58.11%);
  • Scientists Performing Secret Human Experiment (36.82%);
  • Government Secret War (33.45%);
  • Secret Political persecution (32.77%);
  • Terrorist violence (22.97%);
  • Misuse of weapons by government corruption (45.27%).
  1. Was the victim examined by a doctor at any point during or after his/her ordeal? If so, when? Was the examination performed by a prison or government doctor?

Hearing voices (which were/are sent to victims’ head by electromagnetic frequencies) were/are misdiagnosed to be phonism or mental illness by doctors

  1. Was appropriate treatment received for injuries sustained as a result of the torture?

I, Soleilmavis Liu, formally stated that I have not received any form of redress, repatriation, compensation nor rehabilitation resulting from these abuses.

These tortures have cost me my time, peace of mind (heightened anxieties) and lots of my own hard earned monies, this ever since trying to attempt further study at RMIT, Melbourne, Australia in 2001, and still continuing today, 2021.

All this sufferings inflicted on my persona with no appropriate treatment, or rehabilitation, or even any respite, from the ongoing psychological abuses/ tortures.

  1. Was the medical examination performed in a manner which would enable the doctor to detect evidence of injuries sustained as a result of the torture? Were any medical reports or certificates issued? If so, what did the reports reveal?

The doctor didn’t have necessary equipment’s that could detect abuses by, DEWs or MWs or electromagnetic frequencies.

The said doctors, as these technologies are new, didn’t have any of the correct or appropriate psychological training to assist or console me in any capacity, this at all.

These psychological tortures inflicted via Cyberotrture leaves no fingerprints, no evidence, and no physical scars.


Doctors who have publicly acknowledged the existence of the physical and psychological symptoms being caused by the electromagnetic weapons.


(1) CCHR
CCHR Research work--Psychiatric and mind control
(2) Moss David Posner, M.D. is a physician currently in practice in the California Department of Corrections. His article is about how to proof Mind Control Weapons and Directed Energy Weapons are using to torture and harass innocent civilians.
How to Control Americans—thought control mind control, disinformation and other naughty things-concl

(3) The Doctor Who Hears Voices
The Doctor Who Hears Voices tells the true story of Ruth, a junior doctor, who has begun to hear a male voice telling her to kill herself. Suspended from her job, she turns to clinical psychologist Rufus May who is known for his unconventional approach to treating people with mental health problems. Although she admitted feeling depressed and suicidal to her employers, Ruth knows they would have sacked her immediately if she had told them about the voices.

(4) Murray Gillin Ph.D. Loris Gillin M. Ed (Psych), and Deva Paul
March 2000

(5) Cathy A. Meadows, Masters in Clinical Psychology.
Degree from: American International College, Springfield, Massachusetts.
Graduated: 1990 On-Call anytime. No appointment necessary. Sliding scale.
No government affiliations. Payments can be made by paypal.com or other ways can be worked out.
I do counseling for targeted individuals and I also do relationship and family counseling. I am on-call and I will answer the phone unless I am sleeping, eating, or on the phone with another client. phone: 707-720-7137


(6) Dr. Colin Ross

is a psychiatrist, internationally renowned researcher, author and lecturer. In addition toThe CIA Doctors and Military Mind Control, he is also author of Project Bluebird, in which he exposes unethical experiments conducted by psychiatrists to create amnesia, new identities, hypnotic access codes, and new memories in the minds of experimental subjects. His research is based on 15,000 pages of documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. Dr. Ross is a past president of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation. He is the founder and President of the Colin A. Ross Institute for Psychological Trauma.

-And more precisely on the http://www.aisjca-mft.org/testim.htm  file or on other ones?



Toronto Hospital is First to Recognize Symptoms from Wireless Radiation


(1) Carole Smith, UK
Carole Smith is a member of The College of Psychoanalysts, and an accredited member of the United Kingdom Register of Psychotherapists. She trained at the Institute of Psychotherapy and Social Studies, and currently serves on their Ethics Committee.

Auditory hallucinations: a comparison between patients and nonpatients

(2) Dr Kieran McKormack - Worthen Surgery in Shropshire UK. He put on my notes that I was chased by the CIA. Now my family think that is made up. I have never mentioned this US group and never discussed it. It is pure fabrication and they are suspicious by this on my notes

(3) Dr F Murango - Pontesbury Surgery, Shrewsbury Shropshire UK. He tested my legs for heat, he said could I feel my legs. I said not really and then my legs heated up. This after copious amounts of research is related to the "magic room technique" written about in a torture manual from 1962. Written by Biderman and Zimmerman. This has huge conections with MKultra. They did it by using hands instead rather than legs. During that consultation he had three text messages, he tried to video me with a static video camcorder on a tripod. Now that is odd - a person with registrar status improving his patient contact and manner techniques was what he said he wanted the video camera for. Sorry - I do not believe that at all.

I have spoken to Rufus May - he thinks that the sensations we feel is related to trauma - text book crap. Not sure if he gets it to be honest. I applaud his non use of drugs anyway

(4) Dr.Rauni Kilde (Finland)
formerly the Chief Medical Officer for Lapland ( Finland ) , who know about this subject--- she write article " Microship implants, mindcontrol , and Cybernetics" . Now she has strill worked in that office .

(5) Dr. ANNA FUBINI--Italy
medico - specialista

I am a Medicine Doctor also Psychoanalyst - to be pointed up: "also" not "only"! - A doctor who prefer to know and manage HEALTH and health issues than to work on fighting illnesses. But my really more personal and agreed interest is to observe, to study and then to describe the DEVELOPMENTAL PHASES of normal childhood.
All this can be reached on a Web site that I continually up-date: http://www.thrivingandhome.com/ and on the related books. The mail address to which one can contact and discuss these topics is informazioni@thrivingandhome.com .

But on working to care serious damaged persons I found the contrary of this optimistic evolutionary way to be: I met and became aware of the more evil wickedness of personal behavior, of personal purposes, of personal way to realize them. And so I built another Web site: http://www.aisjca-mft.org/ - which mail address is: associazione@aisjca-mft.org / also continually up-dated and source of mirroring books – It’s Abuse NOT Science fiction http://www.cortinalibri.it/catalog_view.php?folder=3&ID=155 and its farther issues Up-to-date Dossiers http://www.cortinalibri.it/catalog_view.php?folder=3&ID=181 .

It is to be pointed out that site and related books are a real Encyclopedic gather of collected different data and sources: then it needs to strongly dissuade to try to read in sequel the files/chapters; instead it fits to search time by time every wished topic through the main keywords of interest.
Any way the main chapters of the new book are Esperimenti su bambine/i and “Fake-mysteries on biological targets” but for being utterly informed it is necessary to go at
http://www.aisjca-mft.org/aiutoinfanzia.htm and at
In fact at present even the new book does not follow the quick progress of Web site: then if it is possible to read easily on paper, to be better informed it is suitable to go to the actually revised Web files.

  1. If the victim died in custody, was an autopsy or forensic examination performed and which were the results?

N/A, not a physical death, as per say, but, noxious deterioration of quality of my Human Life!

III. Remedial action

Were any domestic remedies pursued by the victim or his/her family or representatives (complaints with the forces responsible, the judiciary, political organs, etc.)? If so, what was the result?

(1)  All Governments and authorities I’ve approached pleading for help, all of my appeals, pleas, and my beseeching for assistance just for an end to the tortures, have been ignored, and continue to be brushed aside, with complete disregard.

(2)   The Australian Federal Government, and other Governments, did nothing to help me when I was suffering from the terrible abuses, anxieties and tortures inflicted by the peoples using electromagnetic weaponries on my persona, ever since 2001, continuing into 2021.

(3)   My life of abuses/ tortures started ever since studying for a Master Degree at RMIT, Melbourne, Australia in 2001.

  1. Information concerning the author of the present report:
  2. Family Name LIU
  3. First Name SOLEILMAVIS
  4. Relationship to victim Myself
  5. Organization represented, if any Peacepink@ https://peacepink.ning.com/

(an online help/ support group created by myself, Soleilmavis Liu)

  1. Present full address

Email: soleilmavis@yahoo.com

linkedin: soleilmavis

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