Further to my earlier post of today detailing my experience of being monitored and manipulated around the clock on a constant basis via the Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation system of human control, I now wish to post some more of what the neuro operatives who reproduce their voices inside my head by wireless implant means have been saying to me and about me.
"Systematically abuse her some more then until we break her entirely."
"She is way to heavy for our liking."
"I can't provoke her."
"When did she become such an excellent adversary?"
"None of them are excellent adversaries. They are pathetic whinging bigots."
"Natasha Kneavsy went home with tears in her eyes." (This was said in response to me calling her a soft torturer because she had wakened me up from some badly needed sleep.)
"Fahey heard the name of a staff member"
"It is all going to come out soon. We first have to see what can be said to sustain our side of the system".
P.S. I have reason to believe that Natasha Kneavsy is the real name of one of the unknown neuro operative and I believe she works somewhere in the United Kingdom.