1. 腦控空間有變態賤人利用人工智能的人體圖像合成技術(Deep Fake), 偽造面部表情, 將良家女子同三級女星合成三級片賣於日本市場, 因為三級市場需要大量新面孔, 所以腦控賤人繼續以此技術侵犯無辜受害者私隱, 害人家破人亡, 夫妻分離, 將無辜女子推入萬劫不復的深淵而自殺. 據說, 變態賤人利用此技術害我, 並且經常將已合成的影片傳送到我社交網路, 甚至我不熟知的交友網路, 以此打斷我的社交圈子, 影響我反腦控的公信力. 罪魁禍首是蔡瀾, 周星馳, 曾志偉, 鄧英敏等人.
Deep Fake 此技術已發展到仿真聲音, 只要在電腦輸入字句, 然後調較至某人相同的聲音, 就算最親近的家人都沒法分辨. 腦控賤人利用此技術進行電話騙案. 但此技術有一漏洞, 因為是事先輸入電腦, 所以只有問, 沒有答. 以後大家在腦控空間要小心被騙.
但你可能會認為之前我聽到明星的聲音也是利用此技術, 非也! 我聽到的聲音是有問有答, 而且是長時間對答. 而另一方面, 有被腦控的富豪, 為確認是被明星腦控, 特意在腦控空間派錢, 用腦音叫腦控他的人和明星去取錢簽收, 以此證確有此人在腦控空間存在.
2. 目前腦控集團對香港的壟斷:
郵政壟斷: 許多郵寄的反腦控儀器都被失效, 到達時間比其他人長2至7天時間; 很多訴訟所需的文件和證據都沒法收到.
醫療壟斷: 我姑媽做身體檢查時, 證明一切正常, 但變態控芯片賤人將她同食道癌病患者併芯片, 令她每食必嘔, 長期沒法進食需做液體注射, 維持約半年時間, 在身體機能良好的情況下, 被停止液體注射而死亡. 外間有傳, 如果同腦控人有仇, 入院必死.
銀行系統問題: 相信大家仍記得2015年前保安局長葉劉淑儀銀行戶口被駭入失款一事, 雖然後來追回. 但很多普通市民都被腦控, 完全沒有私隱的情況下, 駭客知悉你的密碼, 繼而駭入你銀行戶口轉走你的存款. 基於自已疏忽的情況下, 沒法追回. 銀行不會考慮你是否被腦控受害者.
另一方面, 因腦控賤人長期同受害者併芯片, 受害者簽名時有如同腦控人合手簽名, 長期以往, 腦控人可輕易地在你的支票上簽上你的大名去取錢, 所以大家小心保管自己的支票薄.
網絡控制: 當變態腦控賤人針對性地對付目標, 目標人物在家中是沒法正常上網, 必須另尋途徑. 但香港所有免費WIFI熱點都是他們的目標, 就算圖書館也是局部性被電腦指令停止. 很多重要網絡資訊的網頁沒法打開. 網上理財, 交易更是沒法進行. 我個人因此不用網上理財, 用最原始的方法, 每事必親身到銀行辦理.
傳媒控制: 當有事發生, 而事情同目標人物有關, 又熟知其長期閱讀那一份報紙, 此報紙的報導必定缺少相關資訊, 而其它報紙全都有報導; 或者當目標人物閱讀時, 見到敏感性資訊時, 腦控人一定遙控電子武器間歇性智障, 令目標人物視若無睹.
Mind Control Space News this week (August 19 to 25, 2019)
1. As said, The metamorphosis mind control perps use Deep Fake technology, fake facial expressions to combine and superimpose good girls images and videos onto source images or dirty videos using a machine learning technique to produce dirty video to set the victims up, sell the dirty video to the Japanese market, because the dirty market needs a large number of New faces, so the brain control perps continue to use this technology to invade the privacy of innocent victims, caused some targeted persons committing suicide, some couples got divorce and some hated each other in family and social life. Someone told me, may the metamorphosis perps use this technology to hurt me in network, they often sending the synthesized videos to my social network, even the dating network that I don't know, intention to destroy my whole life, and my credibility of anti-brain control. The receiver are unable to save the video to me since they set up some computer command in the network. The metamorphosis perps were Cai Lam, Stephen Chow, Eric Tsang, English Tang etc.
Deep Fake technology has been developed to simulate sound, as long as you input words on the computer and then tuning the same voice of someone, make a call to your family, even your closest family member can't distinguish the true or fake. The brain control perps use this technology to make fake phone for scam. Because it is a computer input in advance, so only ask, no answer. So everyone should be careful to be cheated in the brain control space.
But you may thought that I heard the voice of stars voice in mind control space using this technology? The answer is definably not! The voice I heard can communication to me with ask and answered in long period. On the other hand, there are an rich man who being mind control and want to confirm the perps were the movie stars, he used distribution to someone who can hearing his brain sound in mind control space, and all the movie stars went to collect money and signing up, the signing up can prove the movie stars whom have had existed in the brain control space.