human (197)

I am being wirelessly and invisibly and slowly enslaved from an unknown remote location by unknown criminals who use nano technology which has permeated my brain and body to conduct wireless experiments on me to the extent that they may one day be able to immobilize me if I refuse to obey them.
These criminals speak to me by wireless means using a brain to brain interface system or other bio-communication systems. They have informed me that their brains have been programmed in a way that is similar to computer programming to the extent that they can not break their programming and they must carry out their work on me despite serious misgivings.
Who programmed them to commit the aforementioned illegal acts? Who ordered the aforementioned programming to be carried out? Who paid for the aforementioned programming as it was being carried out? Whoever ordered, paid for or programmed them to commit the aforementioned illegal acts should be placed under arrest immediately.
I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland and my youtube channel is called gretta fahey.

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The ability to remotely transmit voices, pain, electric shocks, paralysis, forced muscle movement and other phenomena such as pornographic images directly to a human brain and central nervous system exists and has been often written about in books and published documents. This capability has also been scientificially patented under United States scientific patent number US6965816. Millions of non-consensual human experimentation victims are now being tortured inside their own homes by the capabilities which are described in the aforementioned scientific patent.
The well known published author of the book 'Under An Ionized Sky' and of many other science books, Elana Freeland, claims that the number of victims of silent torture in the United States alone is approximtely one and a half million. There may be as many more victims of silent torture in Europe at this time. I am a long term victim of silent torture which is being transmitted to me from an unknown remote location. My name is Gretta Fahey, from South County Mayo, in the Republic of Ireland. I experience all of the above methods of remotely controlled silent torture but the forced muscle movement which I am experiencing is the most frightening because I have been informed by remote transmissions directly to my brain that the forced muscle movements which can clearly see occurring in my face when I look in the mirror is leading to total remote control of my central nervous system eventually. If that time ever arrives I could then be fully physically remote controlled by unknown neuro scientific and digital media experts while they would physically remote control me from an unknown and now undetectable remote location. If this situation were to come about I would not be the first targeted individual to have ever been physically remote controlled because many others have come forward on a website which is called informing the world that they have been physically remote controlled for short amounts of time in the past.
Individuals who are being silently tortured from remote locations have informed police and their general practitioners of their experiences and they are being sent for psychiatric evaluation which generally leads to incarceration inside a psychiatric hospital where they are then mandated to ingest substances which cause them extremely distressing side effects such as tardive dyskinesia and tardive akathisia among many other side effects. Because of this situation targeted individuals who are being targeted with remotely administered silent torture no longer report their situation to the police. We realise that up until now all communications with church and state have been conducted in secrecy and secrecy allows evil to flourish. We would prefer to conduct all conversations with the police and all other government and church officials on a live computer link where the whole world can listen in to the conversation. We no longer trust church and state officials because many of them are under the influence of strong microwave mind control and some could even be under partial external body control and some of them could be being silently tortured to act in certain ways which would not be in the interest of the complainant. Leaders of organised religions have known about the existence of remote silent torture for many decades and they have failed to warn their followers about this situation. Therefore they are dishonest in their dealings with the followers of their religions.
Targeted individuals can prove without a shadow of a doubt that they are indeed being silently tortured from a remote location but they need to be provided with technology to do so such as a non-linear junction detector or other such technology and I have asked the Irish government to provide such technology for the use of those who are being silently tortured in the Republic of Ireland but I have received no response from them. I am not sure if they ever get to read my registered letters and emails. Even if they have received them they may be under microwave mind control which would manipulate them to disregard certain incoming letters as well as certain emails. I have been informed that this is a possibility which is sometimes used by the intelligence services personnel who work in Irish government circles without acknowledging who they are and who trained them.

For further proof that remotely administred torture exists and is in widespread use I enclose herewith the following article which I found at the following link
THE STORY:Targeted Individuals (TIs) are speaking out about their relentless but invisible electronic harassment and torture. Has the tide turned? How many people believe them?
THE IMPLICATIONS:21st century mind control technology is incredibly advanced. We need to face the reality that Military Intelligence agencies worldwide can manipulate our thoughts, dreams and emotions. The impact upon human freedom will be devastating unless we rise up to stop this.
There are many Targeted Individuals (TIs) around the world who suffer electronic harassment, gang stalking & touchless torture via new mind control technology (e.g. directed energy weapons [DEWs]).

Targeted Individuals (TIs)
are those who the Government (via the Military Intelligence Complex of agencies) has picked out to harass, assault and attack – with advanced forms of invisible electronic weapons. This is the new form of 21st century mind control. Some targeted individuals have connections to the military (e.g. come from a military family) but others do not. Many are not activists or whistleblowers, but have had to become one just to survive. These targeted individuals are being electronically stalked and harassed with DEW (Directed Energy Weapons, also known as Scalar Weapons, EM Weapons and Non-Lethal Weapons) which blast the victim’s head with electromagnetic radiation. These assaults can insert ‘voices’ into people’s heads which they mistake for their own thoughts, can induce severe negative emotions (depression, suicidality) and can even cause paralysis and death. Sadly, many targeted individuals are thought of as crazy and sometimes are thrown into a psychiatric ward just for speaking out publicly and exposing the truth of how they are being assaulted. However, the phenomenon is conspiracy fact not conspiracy theory and is all too real. Even some government officials (e.g. this Polish minister) have admitted as much. What follows are 5 of many TI cases.

1. David Voigts
TI David Voigts is an ex-Navy officer and a whistleblower. He has been tortured since January 2012 and estimates he has lost a million-and-a-half dollars in unearned income since then because of the choices he has made. He served in Electronics Warfare. During his service he heard a victim present her story of a non-consensual human experimentation program involving psychological warfare, electronic harassment, no touch torture and gangstalking. This left a profound impression on Voigts; afterwards he intentionally got himself drafted into the program to understand it better – so he could help shut it down. Voigts has led campaigns to raise awareness about targeted individuals by walking across parts of the US. He writes:

“The Targeted Individual program is a domestic torture program aimed at unsuspecting US citizens … the revelations about organized harassment perpetrated by certain groups in the Church of Scientology match the harassment campaigns aimed at Targeted Individuals.”

Voigts also points to the mind control technology used against US diplomats:
“Another great resource is the recent stories about the recent stories about the “health attacks” on the US diplomats in Cuba. It’s troubling that these diplomats are able to be believed and receive care, but the US citizens affected here in the states are not being listened to, and their pleas for help are dismissed as mostly delusional.”
2. Katherine Horton
Targeted Individual Dr. Katherine Horton is a scientist who studied physics at Oxford University, where she obtained her Masters of Physics and then went on to get her PhD. She is a high energy physicist and system analyst. She worked for years at CERN in Geneva. She has been gangstalked by Military Intelligence agents. She reveals how she has to shield herself in the cellar, put aluminum and mylar all around the inside of her apartment and at times literally sleep in a metal bathtub to protect herself against the ongoing electronic harassment with EM and scalar weapons. These weapons easily penetrate other materials such as wood, brick and concrete.

She runs the informative website She defines electronic harassment as microwave mutilation. She has been outspoken in her attempts to stand up for her rights and the rights of other TIs by taking the various Military Intelligence agencies (MI6, MI5 and GCHQ) to court in Britain, as well as meticulously cataloging the British, German and Swiss agencies (and the people involved) who are perpetrating this against her. In May 2017, she found out that she had been covertly implanted with military bio-technology and neurotechnology. Her antidote to all this invisible abuse is make fun of everything and laugh at these manipulators as she exposes them. For protection, she suggests TIs cover their home with paint containing metal particulates of aluminum and copper (cooper is better but costs 10 times more) as well as using mylar. As Katherine says:

“The only real threats to national security in the world are the military and the intelligence agencies.”

3. Karen Melton-Stewart
Another ex-NSA whistleblower who has stepped forward to reveal what truly goes on at the Nefarious Spying Agency, Karen Stewart became a TI after she learnt how the US military intelligence agencies were involved in 9/11, but her superiors told her to keep quiet. She was verbally abused and shouted at before polygraph tests so she would deliberately fail. She was blocked from promotions, stalked and harassed. She also had her house electronically bugged (which knocked out her microwave).

She affirms that technologies like V2K (Voice to Skull) are real. She reveals how the NSA stalks and harasses journalists, who then became too scared to report anything negative (or anything at all) on the NSA. Interestingly, she highlights how mass shooter Myron May (who killed people at Florida State University in a November 2014 mass shooting) was another TI mind control victim who told many people before the mass shooting (and his subsequent death) that he was “hearing voices in his head.” May even wrote letters explaining this before his death and sent them out to many people. Even the MSM reported this; for instance, here is NBC:

“He believed government “stalkers” were harassing him and using a “direct energy weapon” to hurt him. He said that he had sent packages to 10 people that would “expose” what he thought was happening to him … His social media activity revealed that he believed he was a “targeted individual,” the term used by people who think the government and shadowy gangs are attacking them with mind control and invisible, remote weapons.

In an email he sent at 11:19 p.m., [May] wrote: “I’ve been getting hit with the direct energy weapon in my chest all evening. It hurts really bad right now.” Police say he opened fire on campus about an hour later.”

May was a young Assistant District Attorney. Before his death, he reached out to author Renee Pittman who went on to write a book about May and the shooting, The Targeting of Myron May: Assistant DA Pushed Over the Edge. In the description for that book, it says:
“A gifted young Assistant District Attorney’s tragic end after opening fire at Florida State University’s Strozier Library, just after midnight, November 20, 2014, injuring three and his quest for “Suicide by Cop.”

The suicide letter excerpt…

“My deepest regret is that I did not make a more diligent effort of documenting my experiences as a targeted individual along the way; however, this document is my feeble attempt at recounting my experiences thus far.

First off, to anyone that may read this document, take a brief moment to pray for my soul. What I am about to do I have deep regret for; however, I feel that my options are extremely limited. Because I am a targeted individual, everything has been taken away from me. I have literally been robbed of life through psychological, financial, and emotional hardship…”“

Another obvious example of the mind control-mass shooting connection is Aaron Alexis (who did the Washington Navy Yard shooting in September 2013). He also claimed that he was hearing voices in his head. You can read more about the link between mind control and mass shootings in a previous article here.

4. Mariana Maritato
Mariana Maritato is yet another brave TI who has been mercilessly attacked through various forms of electronic harassment and torture. She has been the victim of sexual assault (remote stimulation of forced orgasm, including many zaps to genitals and anus, which feels like electrocution). Pornographic images of pedophilia are beamed into her head, and she has to open her eyes to stop it, even when she is sleep-deprived. V2K technology is being used against her. Like other TIs, she discovered synthetic nanotechnology (HSP72 [Heat Shock Protein] human tumor cells) had been implanted inside her body. Some of the effects of this daily torture include the following: reduced lung capacity, being forced to bite herself, tooth pain (like a root canal), bloated belly and forced burping (so she can’t eat properly and lost weight), developing a 3-inch cyst in her right breast (benign, but they [V2K perpetrators] threatened to turn it tumorous) and planted/manipulated dreams. The electronic harassment and abuse has changed her life such that she can’t drive or hold down a full-time job; she is in continuous survival mode. Watch her testimony to the ITNJ (International Tribunal for Natural Justice) which is backed by lots of evidence and detail.

5. Barbara Hartwell
Ex-CIA agent Barbara Hartwell worked for 25 years in the CIA as an investigative and intelligence analyst. She is a mind control victim and childhood survivor of MK ULTRA. In this video clip she shares how she started getting attacked right after she “broke her programming” and started to go public in 1994. She woke up and realized she was living a double life. She was being used by the CIA to disseminate New Age propaganda with the purpose of confusing and distracting people – and as she puts it to bring in the New World Order. In the video she sits next to Brice Taylor, a famous mind control victim who like Cathy O’Brien was used as a mind-controlled sex slave to service the highest officials in the US and beyond. Hartwell emphasizes how Ted Gunderson (ex-FBI agent who became a tremendous investigator uncovering mind control, pedophilia and Satanism) was a great friend who helped her.

Hartwell talks about how she was attacked every single day. Sometimes she was tailed or followed; sometimes she encountered agents in her life posing as someone else; her phone was tapped; black helicopters flew over her house; and she received death threats. She reveals how she was hit with exotic weapons, which she describes as laser weapons and microwave pulse weapons, which sometimes knocked her unconscious.

There Are Thousands of Targeted Individuals All Over the World
There are so many targeted individuals that a plethora of articles and books have been and could be written about them. I have previously written about whistleblower and TI Bryan Kofron in the article Total Individual Control Technology: Insider Exposes How You & Your DNA are Being Targeted. The point is that the technology is way beyond what the average person comprehends. Ex-CIA engineer Robert Duncan has done an outstanding job in coming forward and exposing the true state of current technology, much of which he knew about from firsthand experience since he was involved in constructing it. Duncan mentions all sorts of scary-sounding terms such as the Voice of God weapon, OIW (Offensive Information Warfare), brain nets, EEG heterodyning, synthetic telepathy and the cybernetic hive mind. Speaking of EEG heterodyning, this term is also used by whistleblower John St. Clair Akwei (who sued the NSA in 1992) who claimed:

“NSA personnel can dial up any individual in the country on the Signals lntelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA’s computers will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours-a-day. The NSA can pick out and track anyone in the U.S. NSA agents in remote offices can instantly identify (using Remote Neural Monitoring or EEG Heterodyning) any individual spotted in public who is in contact with surveillance subject.”

“With special EMF equipment NSA cryptologists can remotely read evoked potentials (from EEGs). These can be decoded into a person’s brain-states and thoughts. The subject is then perfectly monitored from a distance. NSA personnel can dial up any individual in the country on the Signals Intelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA’s computers will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours a day.”

EEG stands for electroencephalography (an electrophysiological monitoring method to record the electrical activity of the brain), and to heterodyne is defined as ‘to generate new frequencies by mixing two or more signals’, so roughly speaking, EEG heterodyning (aka EEG cloning) is sending frequencies to the brain to modify and replace the existing ones – and thus get someone to think, speak and act in alignment with the new sen frequencies. A simple example of this is when independent and unrelated reporters Caroline Crowley and Serene Branson were caught speaking almost the same exact gibberish during live TV broadcasts. The EEG heterodyning hijacked their brainwaves and broadcast the same information into each woman’s brain.

Nick Begich, expert on HAARP and related topics, has explained in simple terms how the mind control and emotion control) technology works. You modulate a signal that the brain locks onto to. Then, the brain recognizes it and begins to mirror it (following the frequency via call-and-response). Once brain rhythms change, a chemical cascade is created within the brain which subsequently changes the emotions. In this way, people can remotely made to feel emotions which they would not have otherwise felt.

Time to Accept the Phenomenon of Targeted Individuals
It’s time for humanity to collectively take their head out of the sand and face the reality of mind control, gangstalking and electronic harassment. According to one TI man, EVERYONE is a target. Prisoners and veterans get hit the worst with electronic harassment. It has been reported that 70% of TIs are women with advanced education (e.g. university degrees). How much more evidence do people need to accept the existence of this phenomenon?

Solutions to Stop the Harassment, Abuse and Torture
It is important to note there is something you can do about this if you are a TI. You can join a group or organization dedicated to supporting TIs, such as the Surveillance and Harassment Survivor’s Alliance. Katherine Horton has a victim affidavit collection system. There are materials to stop the electronic bombardment – there were 3 mentioned above (e.g. mylar, aluminum, copper) but there are surely many more for those who research and experiment with it. Finally, it is crucial to always remember that the power of human spirit, will, mind and consciousness is more powerful than whatever mind control technology the NWO controllers are aiming at people. For those of us who are not targeted individuals, we owe it to those who are being tortured to spread awareness about it in the hope that we can stop it – sooner rather than later.













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Technology which has been illegally implanted inside my head is being used to transmit messages to me by criminals who wirelessly manage some parts of my life from an unknown remote location . I am considered to be someone who is under wireless cybernetic control. I am unprotected and defenceless against it. Cybernetics is a science which has been in development since at least the 1940s and the word cybernetics means the fusion of man and machine. Those who label victims of cybernetic warfare as mentally unwell is a crime against humanity because when you do so you are helping to cover up a method that might be used in future to enslave your own children. Those who continue to wrongly label victims of cybernetic warfare is mentally unwell will some day in the near future receive long prison sentences. Beware of that.
The information transmissions of the criminals generate pain and forced muscle movement in various parts of my body and they also contain messages which are threatening, demeaning, nagging and very very frightening. Here are some of the messages which have recently been transmitted by wireless means to the technology which is embedded inside my head some of which are the voices of the criminals speaking among each other about me and some of which are the voices of the criminal speaking directly to me as follows:-
"If she doesnt believe in an organised religion she will feel incredible amounts of pain."
" Does she put out for men?. "No."
"If we took the system down we would have no money so we are continuing to do it for money."
"Why do we take on individuals with clear consciences. They are very difficult to manipulate."
"I understand I have free reign to take control of her money." "That is not the case yet."
Back in the late 1940, American scientists who were being sponsored by the Josiah Masy Jnr Foundation drew up a list of similaraties between the behaviours of sentient beings and the behaviour of machines which let them to believe that the human nervous system is really just an automaton which is subject to linear mathematical modelling.
Because of the science of cybernetics our central nervous systems can now be modelled mathematically, can be ordered and can be wirelessly remote controlled similar to a machine to act in ways which are against our wills thereby turning a selection of us into human cyborgs which is also known as bio-robots.
Also because of the science of cybernetics our brain can now be modelled mathematically and it can be ordered and it can be wirelessly programmed similar to a computer.
Many men, women and children throughout the world are now being wirelessly fused with machines and we are all being left unprotected and defenseless against all torture which we receive wirelessly be this method. Many have already committed suicide. We all appeal to governments to supply us with non-linear junction detectors or other technology which would enable us to prove that this is occurring but members of governments are often themselves unknowingly under wireless mind control and so far our pleas have been resisted on the false belief that anyone who states they are being sent voice commands and other digital signals into their brain or body is mentally unwill.
Central nervous system control of a human being is described in scientific detail in United States Patent Number US6965816.

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According to world renowned neuro scientist and directed energy weapons expert Dr Robert Duncan, there is a sixty year gap in knowledge of advanced technology between the public sector and top secret laboratories. This ongoing situation allows those who have access to these hidden technologies to appear God like because of their abilities to use neurological cloning and behaviour science manipulation methods.
Information was released to the public at the 'American Chemical Society Fall 2000 event which informs us that a polymer called the 'PEDOT' polymer is being manufactured which allows human brains to be linked to computers. Applying a layer of 'PEDOT' to other materials makes them conductive.
This information has been presented to the public sector as new. However, black budget military scientists have successfully integrated the brains of non-consenting human beings to computer control systems dozens of years ago and whenever the victims of this technology reported the matter to their local police or general medical practitioner they were always falsely accused of being mentally ill. Most of the general public now have bio-synthetic materials inside our brains and bodies which we either inhaled, ingested or had vaccinated into us. Many people, including senior politicians have been placed under wirelessly administered mind control as well as wirelessly administered physical nervous system control without their knowledge and consent. If you are placed under wireless control, voice commands, images and pain signals can be sent directly to your brain and body from unknown remote locations either by human operatives or pre-programmed algorithms. Sovereign countries are now being overthrown from the inside by their own politicians who are under external electronic mind control as well as external body control. Our only recourse to taking back our sovereignty is by disassembling and banning all wireless enabling technologies as well as all phased arrays and other related technologies throughout our countries while we still can.
The war to gain control of our minds and bodies by wireless remote means is being fought against us by the United Nations who work through the World Health Organisation and by many other means. U.N. Agenda 21 is the action plan they are using to enslave us. Under the U.N. Agenda 21 action plan we would no longer be allowed to own our homes, our vehicles or even our clothing. Those of us who would be allowed to live would be forced to move into smart cities where we would be under full spectrum surveillance and control by our slave masters who are believed to be mostly dark Luciferians.
Some of the above information was obtained at the following links:-
Some of the above information was obatined from a Book called 'Project Soul Catcher' by Dr Robert Duncan.

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The only individuals with the financial capability and the social control capability to enslave their fellow men and women by wirelessly tethering them to computerized control systems are the United States Federal Reserve Private Bankers. These Federal Reserve Private Bankers who I call the slave masters now own and control the main stream media, the pharmaceutical industry, the oil industry, major retail outlets and many manufacturing multi-national companies throughout the world. They control microwave mind control capabilities which use TETRA communication devices to microwave mind control police and military personnel throughout most of the world. They are so hugely wealthy that they can manipulate governments throughout the world from behind the scenes. They all belong to either the British or American Pilgrim Society.
The slave masters identified a selection of individuals who they were unable to mind control via the standard microwave mind control methods and they subjected them to wirelessly enabled human experimentation programs against their wills and without their permission. By wireless means the slave masters were able to gather data on those non-consenting human experimentation subjects while working from an unknown remote location and while remaining unknown to those subjects. By wireless means the slave masters where also able to gather data on the social dynamics of the location where each non-consenting human subject lived by studying their interactions with the friends and neighbours of each human subject.
The slave masters can now physically externally control each non-consenting human subject by their central nervous system to the extent that the slave masters can force the muscles of each human subject to move against their will by wirelessly sending electrical signals or pre-programmed algorithms of electrical signals into their brains and central nervous systems from an unknown remote location. The slave masters can now externally control the electrical devices inside the homes of the non-consenting human subjects by remote means. The slave masters can now externally control the computers of the non-consenting human subjects by remote means. The slave masters can now decide how the non-consenting human subject spends their own privately owned digital currency through externally controlling all digital media devices inside the home of the non-consenting human research subject. The slave masters can now externally control how much warm water one can use in their electric shower each day. The slave masters can now externally control all heating appliances inside the privately own home to the extent that they can short the electricity to your heating apparatus if they deem that you are using too much electricity. In extreme cases the slave masters can paralyse a non-consenting human subject by wireless remote means if they refuse to obey the dictates of the slave masters which have been issued to them via bio-communication.
Government staff have been rendered incompetent because they are under such extreme microwave mind control that they are unable to recognise the extreme dangers we are all in from a small group of Federal Reserve private bankers and their allies.
There are easy cures for all illnesses but these cures are being censored because the slave masters find it easy to enslave us if we are chronically ill and uninformed. I have been a wirelessly controlled slave for many years and I am aware of many other wirelessly controlled slaves throughout the country where I live. We no longer attempt to inform the police or government staff because they have become too microwave mind controlled to be able to think independently and clearly. Their thoughts are being generated via technology. Please raise awareness of this situation.
There is a possibility that wirelessly controlled slaves could be easily identified by the use of energy field cameras such as the one which was invented by the British Scientist Dr Harry Oldfield. My budget does not allow me to purchase one. They cost about two thousand Euros.
Covid-19 is a hoax but because the Federal Reserve private bankers own the main stream media no one is allowed to state that truthful fact in any main stream media outlet.
Bio-communication is the ability to transmit and receive information directly to the human brain by many different means, all of which have been scientifically patented. They include brain to brain interfacing, voice to skull, microwave auditory effect and synthetic telepathy.

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I was writing a response to a question from a member of the public in the comment section under my latest youtube video and the neuro operative who was monitoring and controlling my activities at that time deleted my webpage and comment from the screen before I had time to share it. That often happens to me now. My computer is under external wireless control and when I experience intense despair the neuro operative then sends a reading of my brain at the exact moment of my most intense despair to those who have contracted her to collect such brain readings. They pay her in material possessions but never in money according to the v2k voice transmissions which are being sent to my inner ear

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The Neuro-Specific Human Rights Bill

Shad Budge started this petition to all of humanity
By signing this petition, I support the efforts of enacting this bill into the legislation of every country across the globe.
Visit our website here:
Neuro-Specific Human Rights Bill
Rapid advancements in human neuroscience and neurotechnology open unprecedented possibilities for accessing, collecting, sharing and manipulating information from the human brain. Such applications raise important challenges to human rights principles that need to be addressed to prevent misuse or unintended negative consequences. This proposal assesses the implications of emerging neurotechnology applications in the context of the human rights framework and suggests that existing human rights are not sufficient to respond to these emerging issues. After analysing the relationship between neuroscience and human rights, we identify four new neuro-specific human rights that will be vital in the effort of protecting the human brain: the right to cognitive liberty, the right to mental privacy, the right to mental integrity, and the right to psychological continuity.
The right to cognitive liberty
The right of individuals to use emerging neurotechnologies as well the protection of individuals from the coercive and unconsented use of such technologies. The right and freedom to control one’s own consciousness and electrochemical thought processes is the necessary substrate for just about every other freedom. Cognitive liberty is necessary to all other liberties, because it is their neuro-cognitive substrate. As such, cognitive liberty resembles the notion of ‘freedom of thought’ which is usually considered the essential justification of other freedoms such as freedom of choice, freedom of speech, freedom of press, and freedom of religion. Cognitive liberty is a conceptual update of freedom of thought that takes into account the power we now have, and increasingly will have to monitor, manipulate, and alter cognitive functions. Some legal scholars such as Boire and Sententia have interpreted the right to cognitive liberty with special focus on the protection of individual freedom and self-determination from the State. For example, Sententia has claimed that “the State cannot forcibly manipulate the mental states, and implicitly the brain states of individual citizens”.
Given its conceptual complexity, cognitive liberty is multi-dimensional. Bublitz recognizes at least three “interrelated but not identical dimensions”. These are: (i) the liberty to change one’s mind or to choose whether and by which means to change one’s mind; (ii) the protection of interventions into other minds to protect mental integrity, and (iii) the ethical and legal obligation to promoting cognitive liberty. These three dimensions configure cognitive liberty as a complex right which involves the prerequisites of both negative and positive liberties: the negative liberty of making choices about one’s own cognitive domain in absence of governmental or non-governmental obstacles, barriers or prohibitions; the negative liberty of exercising one’s own right to mental integrity in absence of constraints or violations from corporations, criminal agents or the government; and finally, the positive liberty of having the possibility of acting in such a way as to take control of one’s mental life.
The right to mental privacy
The formal recognition of a right to mental privacy, which aims to protect any bit or set of brain information about an individual recorded by a neurodevice. This right would protect brainwaves not only as data but also as data generators or sources of information. In addition, it would cover not only conscious brain data but also data that is not under voluntary and conscious control. Finally, it guarantees the protection of brain information in absence of an external tool for identifying and filtering that information. Paul Wolpe has suggested that due to fears of government oppression, we should draw a bright line around the use of mind-reading technologies:
“The skull should be designated as a domain of absolute privacy. No one should be able to probe an individual’s mind against their will. We should not permit it with a court order. We should not permit it for military or national security. We should forgo the use of the technology under coercive circumstances even though using it may serve the public good”
Similarly, it has been argued by J Stanley that “non-consensual mind reading is not something we should ever engage in”. The claim is that mind-reading techniques constitute “a fundamental affront to human dignity”. Consequently, “we must not let our civilization’s privacy principles degrade so far that attempting to peer inside a person’s own head against their will ever become regarded as acceptable”. In short, the right to mental privacy is to protect people against access to their brain information and to prevent the indiscriminate leakage of brain data across the infosphere.
The right to mental integrity
This reconceptualized right should provide a specific normative protection from potential neurotechnology-enabled interventions involving the unauthorized alteration of a person’s neural computation and potentially resulting in direct harm to the victim. For an action to qualify as a threat to mental integrity, it has to: (i) involve the direct access to and/or manipulation of neural signaling (ii) be unauthorized –i.e. must occur in absence of the informed consent of the signal generator. As neurotechnology becomes part of the digital ecosystem and neural computation rapidly enters the infosphere, the mental integrity of individuals will be increasingly endangered if specific protective measures are not implemented. The forced intrusion into and alteration of a person’s neural processes pose an unprecedented threat to a person’s mental integrity.
The growing field of memory engineering will likely represent a paramount challenge to the right to mental integrity. Several techniques have been developed to engineer, boost, or selectively erase memories from a person’s mind. For example, Nabavi and colleagues used an optogenetics technique to erase and subsequently restore selected memories by applying a stimulus via optical laser that selectively strengthens or weakens synaptic connections. These findings may hold big potential for the treatment of such diseases as Alzheimer’s and PTSD. At the same time, however, the misuse of these techniques by malevolent actors may generate unprecedented opportunities for mental manipulation and brainwashing. On the long term-scenario, they could be used by surveillance and security agencies with the purpose of selectively erasing dangerous or inconvenient memories from people’s brains as portrayed in the movie Men in Black with the so-called neuralyzer. The potential motives of illicit memory alteration are various, including increasing national security or exerting control over individuals or groups.
The right to psychological continuity
The right to psychological continuity can be seen as a special neuro-focused instance of the right to identity. What the right to psychological continuity aims to prevent is the induced alteration of neural functioning. The right to psychological continuity will protect the mental substrates of personal identity from unconscious and unconsented alteration by third parties through the use of invasive or non-invasive neurotechnology.
In addition to mental privacy and mental integrity, people’s perception of their own identity may be put at risk by inadequate uses of emerging neurotechnology. Changes in brain function caused by brain stimulation may also cause unintended alterations in mental states critical to personality, and can thereby affect an individual’s personal identity. In particular, it has been observed that brain stimulation may have an impact on the psychological continuity of the person, i.e. the crucial requirement of personal identity consisting in experiencing oneself as persisting through time as the same person. Several cases have been reported in scientific literature in which deep brain stimulation (DBS) has led to behavioral changes such as increased impulsivity and aggressiveness or changes in sexual behavior. A study involving patients treated with DBS showed that more than half of them articulated a feeling of strangeness and unfamiliarity with themselves after surgery “I do not feel like myself anymore”; “I feel like a robot”. In parallel, memory engineering technologies may impact a person’s identity by selectively removing, altering, adding or replacing individual memories that are relevant to their self-recognition as persons.
However, threats to this right are more likely to happen outside clinical settings. For instance, in the context of intelligence and military agencies, it has been reported that over the last decades violations of human rights have taken place in experiments involving brain implants, drug administrations, electromagnetic shock therapy, sensory deprivation, isolation, physical, psychological, verbal and sexual abuse, hypnosis, the attempted creation of Manchurian candidates, the implantation of false memories and induction of amnesia. Most of these experiments were conducted on unwitting and helpless civilians and in the absence of any external review or representation for the experimental subjects or any meaningful follow-up. The new knowledge and technologies in the field of neuroscience clearly offer new and more efficient possibilities for carrying out unconsented personality changes. For example, Pycroft recently reported the concern that brain implants like DBS are vulnerable to attack by third parties who want to exert malicious control over the users’ brain activity. They called this risk of modification of a person’s brain activity through unauthorized use of neuro devices by third parties ‘brainjacking’.
Negative consequences of brainjacking include (i) information theft, which would result in a violation of the right to mental privacy; (ii) cessation of stimulation, draining implant batteries, inducing tissue damage, and impairment of motor function, which would result in violations of the right to mental integrity. However, some possible consequences of brainjacking such as alteration of impulse control, modification of emotions or affect, induction of pain, and modulation of the reward system could be achieved even in absence of any violation of mental privacy and integrity. In those circumstances of unauthorized modification of the cognitive-emotional-affective dimension a different type of human right violation seems to be at stake: the violation of the right to psychological continuity.
In short, the right to psychological continuity ultimately tends to preserve personal identity and the coherence of the individual’s behavior from unconsented modification by third parties. It protects the continuity across a person’s habitual thoughts, preferences, and choices by protecting the underlying neural functioning.
The volume and variety of neurotechnology applications is rapidly increasing inside and outside the clinical and research setting. The ubiquitous distribution of cheaper, scalable and easy-to-use neuroapplications has the potential of opening unprecedented opportunities at the brain-machine interface level and making neurotechnology intricately embedded in our everyday life. While this technological trend may generate immense advantage for society in many ways, its implications for ethics and the law remain largely unexplored. We argue that in the light of the disruptive change that neurotechnology is determining in the digital ecosystem, the normative terrain should be urgently prepared to prevent misuse or unintended negative consequences. In addition, given the fundamental character of the neurocognitive dimension, we argue that such normative response should not exclusively focus on tort law but also on foundational issues at the level of human right law.
This proposal of neuro-specific human rights in response to emerging advancements in neurotechnology is consistent with and a logical continuation of the proposal of developing genetic-specific human rights in response to advancements in genetics and genomics as set out by the Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights, and the International Declaration on Human Genetic Data.
The freedom of thought, freedom from slavery, torture and inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment are regarded by international human rights law as not subject to any exceptions and, therefore, as absolute rights. Absolute rights cannot be limited for any reason. No circumstance justifies a qualification or limitation of absolute rights. Absolute rights cannot be suspended or restricted, even during a declared state of emergency. The right to cognitive liberty, the right to mental privacy, the right to mental integrity, and the right to psychological continuity should also be enacted into law as absolute rights.
All credit for the Neuro-Specific Human Rights proposal belongs to Dr. Marcello Ienca and Dr. Roberto Andorno. Excerpts from their paper have been used in an effort to enact new human rights.

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I am being subjected to non-consensual neuro experimentation and this means that I am directly connected from my brain and central nervous system to a computerized control network. Those unknown individuals who work at that computerized control network can place me under brain to brain link with their own brains whenever they wish and they can make their own brain waves over ride mine to a large extent. This means that they can talk through me whenever they wish. Whenever they are directly brain to brain linked with me if they speak I am then made to speak the words they speak even if I dont wish to do so.
The American Industrialist Elon Musk has created a neural link device for the purposes of linking human brains with machines. Other high tech companies have creates similar devices. However it is deemed preferable by said industrialists not to need any medical implant for the purposes of linking human brains with machines in order to control those humans. Instead they appear to have sprayed the human race with chemicals, biologicals and nano technology which when inhaled and ingested would then pass through the blood brain barrier of the human concerned and create a neural network inside the human brain which would then serve as a neural link device.
Whether it be through a medical implant or through inhalation of nano technology that the unknown industrialists have linked our brains to a computerized control network both ways appear to engender similar results. The link between the human brain and the control system is bi-directional to the extent that both voice or telepathic messages can then be sent to and from the brain of the non-consensual and unwilling human being. Also images, visions, pain, electric shocks, forced muscle movement and a variety of other unwanted sensations can be sent to the victim. The victim could eventually be crippled or paralysed for life at the will of the unknown perpetrators. Further to that, many of the electric signals which are being generated by the victims brain and body on a continual basis and which is commonly known as bio-data is stolen from the victim by those who work at the computerized control centre that the victim is non-consensually connected to possibly by wireless means.
Because images, visions and pain can be sent to the victim, that victim can be trapped in a virtual reality hell for hours at a time. They can be trapped in a virtual reality simulation to the extent that if they are out and about when it occurs they would not be able to find their way home while trapped inside it.
Elon Musk and other industrialists give the impression that we would be allowed to choose whether to merge our brains with machines but that is not the case in any instance. I have been non-consensuall connected to this computerized control system for many years and I personally know many others that are also connected to it and we are all non-consensual. None of us were ever asked for our permission. You may already be wirelessly merged with this computerized control and enslavement system and you may be receiving subliminal messages from the system itself which you are being led to believe are your own thoughts and opinions. This is the only explanation as to why society disbelieves many of the targeted individuals whenever they claim that they are under neural control which is also known as cybernetic control. Society refuses to listen to our stories. They are almost never written about or spoken about by the main stream media.
Elon Musk and other industrialists are attempting to permanently enslave the men, women and children of the world by merging their brains and central nervous systems with technology so that these men, women and children would be forever after both mind controlled and body controlled from birth to the extent that these men, women and children would never be able to free themselves from enslavement for millions of generations into the future. We are at a grave pivotal point in human history. We must take down the two hundred or so HAARP phased array systems through the world while we still can because they are an integral part of the enslavement system. We must also take down both the microwave transmatters and millimeter wave transmitters and any other antenna or paraphernalia which is being used to further our mental and physical enslavement.

I have been listening to some of the youtube interviews of Cyrus A. Parsa who appears to know what is occurring behind the scenes of our lives in great detail. The main stream media should have given us the information that he gives us. They have let their fellow men, women and children of the world down and they now serve the interests of the would be slave masters and nobody else. The reason for this is that they are under the duress of artificial intelligence as explained by Cyrus A. Parsa and which I have summarised herebelow.

The individuals who created the capability to transhumanize us have been extracting bio-metric information from our brains and bodies whenever we use smart phones.
Smart phones and other digital media devices contain proximity sensors which can tell when you are near them. The smart phone then interfaces with your neural system and extracts data such as health information as well as voice recognition and facial recogniton information from you. The neurological pathways in our bodies and brains have inputs and outputs to the extent that what you hear and see on your smart phone goes through your neurological pathways. Digital frequencies come out of you smart phone whenever you touch it and flow into your neurological pathways which are sometimes called meridians and they slowly and incrementally take control of our minds and of the electrical system in our bodies. Your smart phone could possibly connect to all ten thousand acupuncture points in your body.
The individuals who wish to both control and enslave us through the illegally obtained bio-metric data which they extracted from us via our digital media devices, take our bio-metric data and attach it to a quantum artificial intelligence digital brain, which itself can mobilize drones and robots to hurt us if we should attemt to challenge their dictatorship in a future of 5G and 6G networks. If the 5G system is ever allowed to be installed under a free state the frequencies would then be so fast that people would be totally controlled and many would not even know that they were being totally controlled.
The individuals who wish to control and enslave their fellow human beings by using high technology have found that it is easier to create coding and algorithms which are suitable for a worldwide socialism platform because under a worldwide socialism platform only need one system of control is needed for all and in that way all of the thoughts of the controlled and enslaved men, women and children of the world would be uniform. They would all be programmed to think the same thoughts and to hold the same opinions as each other. This has already occurred for those who hold smart phones close to their heads. They refuse to believe that there is any threat to their freedom whatsoever and they absolutely trust in the good will of the would-be slave masters.
The Chinese government set up concentration camps twenty years ago and they use big technology to scan, hunt, quarantine, kill and organ harvest many chinese people. These people are not missed by society because the population of China is now fifteen thousand million. China is an evil, sinister, orwellian, artificial intelligence state. George Soros was heard to say that the rest of the world would be modelled on China in the future.
We are being sprayed with chemtrails from the skies over our heads on a continuous basis for many years. These chemtrails have been found to contail chemicals, biologicals and nano technology which we inhale and ingest and which are being used to cybernetically change us. I personally believe but can not as yet prove that the would be slave masters do not allow themselves to inhale and ingest the aforementioned formula. I believe that they live in Madagascar where it is believed that no chemtrails are being sprayed and they control the world from there using wireless connections. They do not plan to belong to the worldwide hierarchy of control and instead they would control the hierarchy from outside.
Cyrus A. Parsa has written and published two books which are called " ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE DANGER TO HUMANITY" and "AI, TRUMP, CHINA, AND THE WEAPONIZATION OF ROBOTICS WITH 5G". He has conducted many youtube interviews online.

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Dark occultists and others are wirelessly tethering each of us, one at a time to a computerized control system by imbedding us with bi-directional brain computer interfaces without our knowledge and consent.   The human brain has been studied and mind control has now been perfected to the extent that many in Governments, the Police and Psychiatry are unable to comprehend the fact that all of those who have been wirelessly tethered by bi-directional brain computer interfaces to a human control system are telling the truth.  Both the police and psychiatrists are not able to over ride the mind control that they are under.   Both groups would prefer to believe that we who are complaining of being wirelessly tethered by bi-directional brain computer interfaces to a computerized control and enslavement system are mentally ill rather than accept the truth that we have become enslaved by these brain computer interface devices which have been imbedded inside us without our consent.   If you wake up now and accept that we are all in grave danger from wireless enslavement and then have all HAARP phased arrays, microwave transmitters and millimetre wave transmitters disassembled and banned then you will save your fellow men, women and children from being wirelessly enslaved.  If you don't wake up and accept this fact then future generations will never ever be able to free themselves from this enslavement system because once we are all locked inside it there is no way out because babies would become implanted with brain computer interfaces on the day that they are born.

We know that you dark occultists are not part of this hierarchy of control.   You own vast tracts of land in Madagascar and Madagascar is the only country in the whole world that is not being sprayed with nano material from the skies.   Do you have a super computer in Madagascar which can transmit pain signals to every man, woman and child in the world at the same time.   Is that part of your new world order central control plan for us. If fifth generation millimetre waves are installed anywhere in the world, because they are capable of carrying pain signals that capability to send pain signals by wireless means would become a reality and the perpetrators would then be able to force each and every one of us to sign over all of our property to them leaving us impoverished and without a place to live.  We would then be forced to move into smart cities where we would never be allowed to own anything again.  We would be implanted with pre-programmable microchips which would immobilize us if we attempted to cross the city boundaries in order to gain access to the countryside which would be out of bounds for the rest of our lives.  Both the aforementioned pre-programmable microchips and smart cities  already in existence in some parts of the world waiting to be inhabited by human slaves who have already been imbedded with the aforementioned brain computer interfaces and who are already wirelessly tethered to the human control and enslavement system.

Individuals who have already been wirelessly tethered to this computerized control system via illegally  imbedded brain computer interfaces can not inform the police about their experiences because as the law stands as soon as they say even a few short words to the police they have then handed over all their legal rights to the police to such an extent that the police can then mandate that they see a police psychiatrist where they can then be detained inside a psychiatric hospital for the rest of their lives if the heavily mind controlled psychiatrists should see fit.  I myself visited the police to complain about my wireless harassment and torture  but they did not hear me out.  They talked over me before I was finished speaking and they then mandated that I see a police psychiatrist.   This same scenario is occurring to all targeted individuals of remote harassment and torture whenever they attempt to raise awareness of the grave danger we are all in from many different types of wireless directed energy weapons.

Dark occultists,  If you succeed in your mission to enslave your fellow men, women and children of the world your evil work will live on for millions of years after you yourself are dead.  This planet would become a slave planet for all eternity with no hope for the slaves of ever escaping their fate.  Each individual would be controlled via their central nervous system from the day they were born to the day they died that this would continue for millions if not billions of generations.  This capability is outlined under patent number US6965816 which is the Richard C. Walker internet of things patent.

Please disassemble and ban all HAARP phased arrays and both microwave and millimetre wave transmitters now.

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The Richard C. Walker patent number US6965816 describes the ability to aggressively go in, take over, control, track and manage any system whether it be an airplane, a car, a motor cycle or the central nervous system of a human being. I Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland an a non-consensual victim of neuro experimentation where over many years more and more of my central nervous system is being externally, wirelessly controlled by unknown operatives who speak to me by wireless means as they work of my central nervous system. Here below is a short synopsis of some of what these individuals who transmit their voices to me via military technology and which I hear coming from inside my head have informed me of in the past few weeks.
"It is not a binary system. It is a digital system andit has taken over several aspects of the womans body and brain."
"If she continues to expose this system we will hurt her."
"The roads will be privately owned some time in the future and then no one will be allowed to use them without the permission of the slave masters."
"My name is Anastasia Lochlin."
"We dont hear anything from the staff that are monitoring her and we dont know why."
"We are attempting to preprogram your jaws to obey our commands as well as to over ride your superior commands."
"By relinguishing all rights to your home and family and then by coming with us is now the only way you would be given any freedom. Otherwise you would not be able to move a muscle by the time we are finished encoding your central nervous system."
"Can we feel the toes?" "Not yet." "I can feel all of your facial muscles." "When this process of totally submerging you in our consciousness is completed we will then be able to walk and talk through you."
"This information is not available to anyone else as yet because it is black budget military technology and we have been warned not to speak about it"
"Overt control of this woman Gretta Fahey has now become feasable."
The voice to skull military technology enabled voices once informed me via voice to skull that they informed their neuro operatives that I am a systems design rather than a real living non-consensual and extremely unwilling human being so that the neuro operatives would continue their work of encoding me for bio-robotization. They have already taken partial control of my facial, neck, eye and several other muscles.
The voice to skull inner voices once gave me the following name and address as follows:-
Eamon Clohessy, 14 Willow Lane, Clondalkin, Co. Dublin. They then told me that he is the Director of Public Information Systems for the Republic of Ireland as part of the criminal syndicate which they are all involved in.
The voice to skull inner voices have also given me the following names during the past few months or years as follows:-
Emma Byron - dealer. Maurice Chambers - passed away. He was murdered. He was once head of the secret police in the Republic of Ireland. Keith Summerville - one of the neuro staff. Peter Hoagland - with the C.I.A. and directly involved with my electronic harassment and non-consensual neuro evaluation. Jack Henderson, Allan Lucas, Max Stafford. Other names I have heard the voice to skull inner voices mention often over the past number of years are Jessica, Martha, Madeline and John Henry who was a previous neuro staff member and who was claimed by them to have been murdered.

I have informed the Gardai in my home town of Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland of my ongoing experiences of wireless remote controlled psychological torture. They refused to accept a statement from me on the grounds that I was mentally ill. They did not allow me to finish telling them of my ongoing experiences and instead they brought me to see a police psychiatrist Dr John O Toole for mandatory psychiatric evaluation. I was cool and composed when I first went in to the Garda Station in Claremorris to make that statement. I was then remotely made to feel far too warm by wireless remote means in order that I would be discredited in front of the Gardai who I spoke to on that day. I believed that I would be wrongly evaluated as mentally ill if I continued to pursue the topic with the police psychiatrist Dr John O Toole so I sidelined the conversation in order to protect myself from wrongly being incarcerated inside a psychiatric hospital and forceably made to ingest toxic substances which are so harmful that ingesting them is akin to being tortured from the inside out to the extent that I would prefer to be dead that to ever have to go through the experience of spending time inside a psychiatric hospital ever again.
I know sixteen other targeted individuals from the Republic of Ireland whose private contact details I have obtained and who are being wirelessly tortured inside their own homes, some of them are being wirelessly physically burned and at least one other is experiencing external wireless control of his central nervous system where his arms and legs are being forceably moved against his will.

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Brain computer interfacing is being illegally used to acquire brain signals from unaware human subjects and to then transfer them to an external device where translation algorithms are then used to translate the acquired brain signals into most if not all of what the unaware human is doing, saying, thinking and feeling.
Because brain computer interface technology is bi-directional subliminal information is then being sent to the unaware human subject to bio-digitally program him or her without their knowledge or consent. The human subject or subjects can be programmed to hate a member of their own family or their own community or even a senior politician and this is being done by the use of engineered artificial intelligent algorithms.
The frequencies which are eminating from your smart phone are being used to entrain your brain so please keep your smart devices in faraday bags when they are not in use.
There are many methods of stealing your brain signals and one of these involves placing a device inside one of your ears while you are unaware that it is occuring in order to collect your brain signals using the science of EEG.
Brain computer interfacing is being used to send voice commands, images, pain, electric shock, artificial feelings and forced muscle movement to men and women who are known as targeted individuals. This is all being covered up by false psychiatry or deliberately created hoaxes such as the demonic possession hoax or the hoax of an extra-terresterial presence. Bio-robotizing a real human being is also being planned so that the all of the free will of a human being can be taken away completely and they would never be able to move a single muscle again while all of their muscle movements would be controlled externally by wireless means. The individuals behind brain computer interface crime are extremely cruel. Some of the staff who work for them may be being externally controlled themselves.

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The dark new world order cabal have been placing unnecessary chemicals, biologicals and nano technology into our food and water supply since the nineteen sixties. They have been placing them in our vaccines since the nineteen seventies and they have been spraying them from the skies on top of us since the nineteen nineties.
Some of what they have been spraying on us are as follows -: Aluminium, barium, cadmium, lithium, mercury, strontium, titanium dioxide, dessicated blood cells, mold spores, nano processors, micro sensors, Mems and Gems.
The dark new world order cabal then turn frequencies on us in order to make the metals which are inside us electrically more conductive. We are constantly generating electromagnetic frequencies every time we think a thought, feel a feeling, say a word, or move a muscle and all of those electromagnetic frequencies can be read using an EEG measuring device and those electromagnetic frequencies can then be differenciated into whether they are related to thinking, moving, feeling, speaking, eating or sleeping or many other activities. The electromagnetic frequencies are then translated by a computer program at the speed of light into everything you are doing, saying, thinking and feeling.
Using an EEG measuring device the pattern of electrical signals being generated by each muscle movement can be measured. The point of origin, the speed and the direction of each electrical signal can be deciphered and that electrical signal can be paired with the muscle of the body of the human subject that the electrical signal stimulated to move. The pattern of electrical signals which were used to move the human muscle can then be recalibrated and sent back into the human brain in order to force that muscle to move against the will and without the permission of said human subject. Many non-consensual subjects of directed energy weapon research have reported that their muscles often move against their wills. Some have reported being forced to walk against their wills or even to hit themselves with their own fists against their wills. Patent number US6965816 which is the Richard C. Walker, internet of things patent describes in fine detail how to control a human being by their central nervous system. This is an enslavement system and we need to urgently enact laws making it illegal because if somebody became enslaved by this system they would no longer be able to generate words informing the world that they had become enslaved because their vocal cords and mouths would be under external control for the remainder of their lives. External electrical control through their central nervous system may already be the case for some non-consensual human beings and if that is the case we will never hear it from them.
A brain-computer interface (BCI) provides an alternative communication channel between the human brain and a computer by using pattern recognition methods to convert brain waves into control signals. However all brain-computer interfaces are bi-directional which means that external control signals can be converted back into brain waves which can be made to over ride the brain waves of the human subject in order to force them to act against their wills. We may need to ban the use of brain-computer interfaces throughout the world because they may be the most dangerous weapon that ever existed. They are already in the wrong hands. Many individuals throughout the western world are now reporting forced muscle movement of their own arms, legs, eyes, facial muscles and all other muscles. They are also burdened with finding ways to prove to the rest of the human race that their own muscles are being externall controlled. If you can help them to find ways to prove this please write to me at the following email address:-

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Shungite is a black carbon based stone found in Northern Russia  in a location near Finland. It provides protection against the effects of electromagnetic radiation. There are several books written about the unique properties of shungite.

If you wear  thin layers of elite shungite measuring at least one tenth of an inch in thickness inserted into  eye masks while sleeping you will   protect yourself from interference from directed energy weapons which can come from many sources.  Information concerning your brain and body functions can be accessed through your eyes by those in the know who use classified weaponry to do so.  This is a  heavily classified technique which is now in covert and widespread use.  If you purchase two flat shungite pendents these would be imminently suitable for insertion into your eye masks which are also known as eye shades.  Wear them throughout the night while you are sleeping. 

 Wearing pendents or ear rings made from shungite also provides protection. It takes three shungite nuggets of any size to create a coherent field, meaning the field of each nugget unites with the other two energy fields to produce a whole new field of greater 'cohesion'. Therefore it is advisable to wear three pieces of shungite jewellery  during each day in order to protect yourself from electromagnetic.

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Dry  fasting burns out the toxins from the cells of our bodies using the electricity of the human body to do so.  Dry fasting purifies the human bio-field.   If you are ill you should dry fast for sixteen hours each day from four pm until eight am the following morning. Drink pure water and eat plain unprocessed food for the remaining  eight hours.   You will cure whatever illness you suffer from.  

Muslims  fast from both food and liquid during daylight hours during the month of Ramadan.   They are allowed to eat after dark each night but must return to dry fasting again after sunrise.  They do not experience any negative health effects from dry fasting for many hours each  day.  In fact the opposite is true in the sense that they enjoy excellent health during all of  the time that they dry fast.  

Because dry fasting purifies the human energy field dry fasting might possibly be helpful to the many targeted individuals  throughout the world who are being targeted by remotely controlled directed energy weapons and who are having their bio-fields both read and manipulated from afar by unknown operatives in highly classified black budget projects which are being run by individuals who are believed to be agents of the individuals who sit at the top of a worldwide false hierarchical based chain of command which is now being set up without the informed consent of the rest of the men and women of the world.  

There are many books and online videos currently available about the value of dry fasting.  It is a cure for all diseases. 

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The unknown perps who are forcing my muscles to move against my will by wireless remote means by transmitting modulated electromagnetic frequencies to my central nervous system have said that they would prefer to be imprisoned rather than to have to continue to attempt to bio-robotize a real live human being. However, they can not turn themselves in to the police without arousing suspicion in the individuals who control the computers that they themselves have become willingly tethered to without realising what they were letting themselves in for. They now regret everything that they have done to myself Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. The perps themselves have informed me via voice to skull classified military direct voice transmission technology which inserts voices directly into my cranium that they are currently visiting Great Britian but they are originally from the United States.

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When ever you register your name with your personal computer or personal smart phone that computer or smart phone is then programmed to recognise your unique energy imprint whenever you are online while using only a device which is registered to your name. and it will then uptake all of the electrical activity which occurs within your brain and body while you are online while using that device. If you are using a device which has been registered to another individual your information will be rejected as not compatable with the device. All of the electrical activity which is colleected from your brain and body is then stored in large data bases where it can then be automatically translated into everything you said, did, thought and felt while you were online. Whenever you say a word it generates a unique electromagnetic pattern which can be automatically translated into exactly what you said. Similarly, whenever you feel a feeling, think a thought or move a muscle that unique feeling, thought or action generates a unique electromagnetic pattern which can be automatically translated into exactly what you felt, thought or what muscle you moved and at what speed you moved that muscle and in what direction you moved that muscle. This is known as neuro science and it is still classified under military technological know how.
If you happen to be doing something of a private nature in front of your computer screen and you wish it to remain private your data will not be collected from you if you wear pinhole glasses because all of the electrical activity which is collected from your brain and body is collected through your eye beams. Human eye beams are real and tangible and have been protographed by Kirlian cameras which are energy field cameras and they are widely available for purchase.

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Whenever we expose our biofields to two way digital communication devices, other individuals can hack into our biofields and over time render us immobile. They can also read our current thoughts and our passed memories which are through to become stored in our biofields. For further information of human biofields please read a book called "Human Energy Fields" by Colin A. Ross M.D.
The electromagnetic field of the human body which is sometimes known as the human bio field or the human energy field or the human aura exists and can be photographed by a human energy field camera. There is an excellent human biofield camera currently on the market called the Samsung Galaxy New Energy Camera. This particular biofield camera was invented by a British scientist called Dr Harry Oldfield but there are many other similar biofield cameras available for purchase by the general public both on and off the internet.
It is generally believed that all of our current thoughts as well as all of our passed memories are contained in our human biofield. When we are closely located to a personal computer or smart phone which is registered to our given name we can be readily identified by staff who work for the United States National Security Agency or a similar registered secret society. These staff first of all identify us by using a special technique known as human energy field imprint identification. They then monitor all of our activities while we are in front of our computer if they wish to do so. They wirelessly connect their own biofield to the biofield of the largely unaware digital device user so that they can adjust it in ways that make it remotely controllable to them so that they could eventually get remote control over the human bodies of the individual who they are targeting for remote control.
These biofield scientists who work for the, by now, criminal elite can achieve total control over the human biofield of one of their fellow men, women or children anywhere in the world and by that means then achieve total control over their physical body while accessing them through their two way digital communication device. The scientists who work for the aforementioned criminal elite do so against their wills and without their permission because they themselves are accessed by their own human biofield and can be murdered at the will of the aforementioned criminal elite. I am in continual contact with these scientists and their staff via direct human communication which has come to be known as voice to skull or microwave hearing or synthetic telepathy because I myself am now going through the process of being bio-robotized through exposure of my own biofield to my own two way digital communication devices. However, I will shortly no longer be exposing myself to any digital technologies whatsoever in order to protect myself from this biorobotization process which has also come to be known as human cyborgization or whole body takeover.
I have over time received this information from the voices which I hear coming from inside my head via voice to skull and I am not entirely sure if I should trust it because by using our computers to share true information we can fight against the criminal elite who control the intelligence services. The intelligence agencies are secret societies whose salaries are paid by the general public but the general public are not allowed to scrutenise their activities. Why is this? What is the role of the intelligence agencies? Are the intelligence agencies controlled by any other secret society such as the Freemasons? Why are their areas throughout the whole world that are out of bounds to the general public such as Area 51. Can people be legally murdered now? Can people be murdered or tortured inside Area 51 without any public scruteny whatsoever? Who allowed this situation to come about and why? When will all areas throughout the world which are out of bounds to public scruteny be again exposed to publics scruteny?
For further information about my experiences of being remotely electronically harassed and remotely psychologically tortured please read my website which I alone own and control and which is called My name is Gretta Fahey and I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland.

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My own phone did not recognise me because I was wearing plastic pinhole glasses which cost five Euros.  If that is the case we can easily protect ourselves from weaponized digital media screens.   I can not be accessed from a wireless technological point of view by unknown neuro staff who have been tasked by criminals to Remote Neural Monitor me either.   Please let me know all information about this subject matter.  The human eyes are key to whether we can be electronically captured and then wirelessly technologically enslaved or not.   Let me know what you believe about this topic?  Thanks.

P.S.  Pinhole glasses are very uncomfortable to wear long term but are ok for using your computer on occasion.  I switched on my computer and typed this post while wearing them but you wouldn't feel like wearing them for more than half an hour per day normally.

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