Placing private homes on a listed building program is mostly a psychological operation to get the public used to the idea of asking their own government for permission to make adjustments to their own privately owned homes.
The dark occultists who wish to gradually and incrementally enslave their fellow human beings by means of wirelessly tethering them from nano and micro implants to a supercomputer wish us to grow accustomed to asking their permission for everything we do in the privacy of our own homes. They wish to slowly and incrementally gain a foot hold into the right to control how we keep our homes decorated. We must urgently ban microwave transmitters in order to put a stop to wireless enslavement via wireless tethering of human beings which has secretly become common place throughout Ireland unbeknownst to most. When said human beings inform certain authority figures that they have become wirelessly tethered to a network of supercomputers they are dispatched to psychiatry and the secret enslavement program continues to remain censored.