The idea of covert microwave weapons attacks continues to play out in the news.. Check out this recent Forbes Magazine article about the Pentagon's search for a sensor that will detect when a soldier is under attack by microwave weapons. 

The Pentagon mentioned recent reports that the Chinese army microwaved Indian soldiers in a border dispute altercation.  

This means that other sectors of society may also start to realize the danger that these stealth weapons pose to everyone's health and safety.  

I am now hearing that Congress is starting to look into the danger for everyday citizens with the creation of a task force. There may be more soon to this developing story.  

So now appears to be the time to speak up to our representatives and investigative journalists about the covert abuses of microwave technology.

in the meantime here is a link to the Pentagon's efforts to protect soldiers from covert microwave attacks.  

The Pentagon Fears That Deadly Microwave Weapons Are Undetectable


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Supercomputer software programming can manipulate your emotions and behaviour and it can all be done remotely from a distance.
Every individual human being as well as every living thing has an individual and unique DNA bio-resonance frequency, which is sometimes known as your unique DNA signature or your unique DNA fingerprint.
Scientists are weaponising our unique DNA bio-resonance frequencies so that we can be totally physically, mentally and emotionally controlled from a distance.
Your unique DNA bio-resonance frequency can be obtained from a laboratory which conducts blood tests on you or from a blood bank where you donate blood or it also can be obtained in a hospital at the time of your birth or by a number of other means.
Your unique DNA bio-resonance frequency is then put into a computer and algorithms are then run in order to bio-code electromagnetic transmissions so that those electromagnetic transmissions bio-resonate with your unique DNA bio-resonance frequency.
Technology is then used to broadcasts a radio frequency at you and that radio frequency will hook up with you and it will lock onto the bio-resonance frequency of your DNA. . In other words, the broadcast frequency of the technology is adjusted to resonate at the same frequency that your DNA resonates at, and when that happens both frequencies then interlock as one energy thereby creating a bi-directional super highway of frequency along which information can be sent and received to and from your brain and body. A bi-directional super highway is created which is used by unknown neuro scientists to both transmit information to your brain and body as well as to steal data from your brain and body on an ongoing basis.

Once you are connected to the supercomputer control system and once you and said supercomputer control system resonate together then a perfect avenue is created upon which to send and receive information back and forth. From that day forward unknown criminal neuro operatives will manipulate your thoughts and your physical body. They will send voices into your head. They will manipulate your emotions and behaviour. They will harvest data from your brain and body such as your vital signs, your words, your thoughts, your emotions, what you are seeing, what you are hearing, what muscles you are moving and then all that information is rendered on a computer via software and you are monitored and tracked in real time for the rest of your life. The neuro operative can see what the targeted individual is seeing because what the targeted individual is seeing is rendered in a visual form on the computer screen of the neuro operative.
The digital signals which are being transmitted to the targeted individual can come from aerial drones and satellites , microwave transmission towers, aerial vehicles such as airplanes or helicoptors or ground based vehicles. Because your DNA bio-resonance frequency is entirely unique to you, you can be harassed or tortured no matter where you are in the world unless you are deep underground where the signal is blocked or where there is no infrastructure to transmit the signal to you. It works in a similar way as a cell phone call.
All of the electromagnetic activity of your brain is downloaded to a supercomputer at the speed of light and is then collated inside a database. The supercomputer uses your data to build a cognative model of your brain in order to eventually achieve direct behavioural control over you. When the cognative model is complete the supercomputer can predict and influence in advance the reference choices of the victim during thought composition.
People who are being covertly remote neural monitored are having thoughts which they think are coming from their own minds but they are being transmitted into their heads from a distance by operatives who control the technology. This technology can be used to sway opinions of individuals or groups and it can be used to turn individuals against each other. It can be used to turn married couples against each other. It can be used to manipulate not just our thoughts but also our emotions and behaviour. This technology is being used to physically control people from a distance. This technology can be used to make a motorist drive their vehicle into a group of bystanders. This technology is being made to force people to speak against their wills and also to speak words that are externally transmitted to them and which do not originate in their own minds. This technology can be used to force someone to admit to a crime which they did not commit. This technology can be used to make people appear to be mentally ill. This technology can be used to make either one individual or whole groups of people hear voices which they perceive to be coming from inside their own heads. This technology can be used to make people appear to be demonically possessed. In fact demonic possession was invented as a cover stroy in order to cover up the existence and abuse of this technology which has been in use for many decades. This technology is being used to murder people from a distance. This technology is to be rolled out throughout the world and every man, woman and child is eventually to be under the influence of this technology. The true control grid is this technology.
Here are some links to where I obtained some of the information which I have presented here about DNA bio-resonance frequency technology.
Bryan Kofron https://rumble.com/ve54bt-checkmate-humanity-the-ai.html
No Chip Required https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqqdS7iEv00&t=936s

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As the article below suggests, this week has been quite busy for the issue of microwave weapons attacks with reports that the White House, the Senate Intelligence Committee, the Pentagon, the CIA and the State Department are all investigating incidents of microwave weapons attacks, reports of which seem to be increasing. 

During the past years, some victims had tried to complain the microwave attacks to Senator Marco Rubio on the Intelligence Committee.  

All of this is great news for victims as more reports continue rolling in.  

Link:  U.S. Senate intelligence leaders say mystery illness attacks increasing

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The Weapons of Subjugation are being introduced inside our brains and bodies by means of vaccination as well as by means of inhalation and ingestion.  Please watch linked video for further information.

We must urgently have all infrastructure which enables wireless mind and body enslavement disassembled and banned.

My website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net. ; I am being wirelessly tortured and data is being stolen from my brain and body on a continual basis under the wireless internet of bodies capabilities.

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Many people throughout the Republic of Ireland including myself are being attacked and tortured from unknown remote locations by means of frequency weapons.   The Gardai are disbelieving of their complaints and generally tend to send them for psychiatric evaluation.   Psychiatrists are disbelieving of their complaints and tend to erroneously diagnose them as being mentally unwell.    I herewith enclose a post by Magnus Olson on the topic of torture by means of frequency weapons which is known as cyber torture or no touch torture.

Magnus Olsson, Geneva 8 March 2020                                                                                                

UN Human Rights Council (HRC) Special Rapporteur Professor Nils Melzer on torture revealed during the 43rd HRC that Cyber technology is not only used for internet and 5G. It is also used to target individuals remotely – through intimidation, harassment and public shaming. 

On the 28th of February in Geneva, Professor Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and other Cruel Inhuman Degrading Treatment and Punishment, has officially confirmed that cyber torture exists and investigation is now underway on how to tackle it legally.

Electromagnetic radiation, radar, and surveillance technology are used to transfer sounds and thoughts into people’s brain. UN started their investigation after receiving thousands of testimonies from so-called “targeted individuals” (TIs).

Professor Nils Melzer is an expert in international law and since 2016 he holds the Human Rights Chair at the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. His team has found evidence that Cyber technology is used to inflict severe mental and physical sufferings.

“Judges think that physical torture is more serious than cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment,” he told the Guardian on 21 February. “Torture is simply the deliberate instrumentalization of pain and suffering.” These psychological torture methods are often used “to circumvent the ban on torture because they don’t leave any visible marks”. (1)

Cyber psychological systems like cognitive radio are used to interrupt human perceptions and memory. They can also be used to spy on people violating personal integrity which could lead to corruption and slavery in society. Cyber torture is also called no-touch torture or brain-machine interface.

One way to handle this situation is to regulate new technologies and use AI control mechanisms by independent and impartial investigators. The evidence gathered could then be used to convict criminals easier and quicker in the future.

Professor Meltzer and his team is now underway to create an international legal framework covering cyber technologies that can cause torture which previously was hard to prove. In the future it may be necessary to establish Radio Frequency Spectrum police in order to protect humanity from cyber terrorism. Nils Meltzer also revealed to me personally that the HRC will release several reports on this subject soon in the future.

  1. Owen Bowcott, ‘UN warns of rise of ‘cybertorture’ to bypass physical ban’ (The Guardian, March 2020)      https://www.theguardian.com/law/2020/feb/21/un-rapporteur-warns-of-rise-of-cybertorture-to-bypass-physical-ban?fbclid=IwAR0mIvFNEpODW8KspG0XulW8MqkmzSSiO2gskQOgHicfxRjCTgKWV3vjlh0

On February 28, 2020, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Professor Nils Melzer, issued his World Report on “Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” This report included a definition of “Cybertorture,” the Crime Against Humanity where millions of targeted victims worldwide are remotely assaulted with Electromagnetic Weapons in actions directed via computer, often from Supercomputers.

(A/HRC/43/49) Cybertorture:

1. A particular area of concern, which does not appear to have received sufficient attention, is the possible use of various forms of information and communication technology (“cybertechnology”) for the purposes of torture. Although the promotion, protection and enjoyment of human rights on the internet has been repeatedly addressed by the Human Rights Council (A/HRC/32/L.20; A/HRC/38/L.10/Rev.1), torture has been understood primarily as a tool used to obstruct the exercise of the right to freedom of expression on the internet, and not as a violation of human rights that could be committed through the use of cybertechnology.

2. This seems surprising given that some of the characteristics of cyber-space make it an environment highly conducive to abuse and exploitation, most notably a vast power asymmetry, virtually guaranteed anonymity, and almost complete impunity. States, corporate actors and organized criminals not only have the capacity to conduct cyberoperations inflicting severe suffering on countless individuals, but may well decide to do so for any of the purposes of torture. It is therefore necessary to briefly explore, in a preliminary manner, the conceivability and basic contours of what could be described as “cybertorture”.

3. In practice, cybertechnology already plays the role of an “enabler” in the perpetration of both physical and psychological forms of torture, most notably through the collection and transmission of surveillance information and instructions to interrogators, through the dissemination of audio or video recordings of torture or murder for the purposes of intimidation, or even live streaming of child sexual abuse “on demand” of voyeuristic clients (A/HRC/28/56, para.71), and increasingly also through the remote control or manipulation of stun belts (A/72/178, para.51), medical implants and, conceivably, nanotechnological or neurotechnological devices.1 Cybertechnology can also be used to inflict, or contribute to, severe mental suffering while avoiding the conduit of the physical body, most notably through intimidation, harassment, surveillance, public shaming and defamation, as well as appropriation, deletion or manipulation of information.

4. The delivery of serious threats through anonymous phone calls has long been a widespread method of remotely inflicting fear. With the advent of the internet, State security services in particular have been reported to use cybertechnology, both in their own territory and abroad, for the systematic surveillance of a wide range of individuals and/or for direct interference with their unhindered access to cyber technology.2 Electronic communication services, social media platforms and search engines provide an ideal environment both for the anonymous delivery of targeted threats, sexual harassment and extortion and for the mass dissemination of intimidating, defamatory, degrading, deceptive or discriminatory narratives.

5. Individuals or groups systematically targeted by cybersurveillance and cyberharassment are generally left without any effective means of defence, escape, or self-protection and, at least in this respect, often find themselves in a situation of “powerlessness” comparable to physical custody. Depending on the circumstances, the physical absence and anonymity of the perpetrator may even exacerbate the victim’s emotions of helplessness, loss of control, and vulnerability, not unlike the stress-augmenting effect of blindfolding or hooding during physical torture. Likewise, the generalized shame inflicted by public exposure, defamation and degradation can be just as traumatic as direct humiliation by perpetrators in a closed environment.3 As various studies on cyber-bullying have shown, already harassment in comparatively limited environments can expose targeted individuals to extremely elevated and prolonged levels of anxiety, stress, social isolation and depression, and significantly increases the risk of suicide.4 Arguably, therefore, much more systematic, government-sponsored threats and harassment delivered through cybertechnologies not only entail a situation of effective powerlessness, but may well inflict levels of anxiety, stress, shame and guilt amounting to “severe mental suffering” as required for a finding of torture.5

6. More generally, in order to ensure the adequate implementation of the prohibition of torture and related legal obligations in present and future circumstances, its interpretation should evolve in line with new challenges and capabilities arising in relation to emerging technologies not only in cyberspace, but also in areas such as artificial intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology and neurotechnology, or pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences, including so-called “human enhancement”.

1. Al Elmondi, “Next-generation nonsurgical neurotechnology”, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, available at www.darpa.mil/p…/next-generation-nonsurgical-neurotechnology.

2 See Human Rights Council resolutions 32/13 and 38/7. See, most notably, the 2013 disclosures by Edward Snowden of the global surveillance activities conducted by the United States National Security Agency and its international partners, see Ewan Macaskill and Gabriel Dance, “NSA files: decoded – what the revelations mean for you”, The Guardian, 1 November 2013.

3 Pau Pérez-Sales, “Internet and torture” (forthcoming).

4 Ann John and others, “Self-harm, suicidal behaviours, and cyberbullying in children and young people: systematic review”, Journal of Medical Internet Research, vol. 20, No. 4 (2018); Rosario Ortega and others, “The emotional impact of bullying and cyberbullying on victims: a European cross-national study”, Aggressive Behavior, vol. 38, No. 5 (September/October 2012).

5 Samantha Newbery and Ali Dehghantanha, “A torture-free cyber space: a human right”, 2017.

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The worldwide power grids may be taken down by the unelected worldwide hierarchical based chain of command by electromagnetic pulse weapons. The worldwide heirarchical based chain of command new world order commanders see their fellow men and women as their enemy because we compete with them for what they believe are worldwide finite resources.
Then, waste water treatment plants would no longer operate.
There would no longer be water supply or sanatation.
The internet and smart phones would no longer be functional.
Supply lines for food distribution would be cut off.
There would be civil unrest, mass starvation, disease, rioting and lawlessness.

The main stream media is possibly owned and controlled by those who may wish to genocide us.  The main stream media have been unknowingly used to create and maintain a false reality construct over the past few decades.  They obtain their news from a central worldwide news agency.  It is fake news and trivial nonsense combined.

Most government staff have undergone subliminal brain interference to the extent that they can no longer think adequately enough to take care of their own country men and women.
Further to that, targeted individuals are being set up to become remote controlled assassins by means of wirelessly and invisibly controlling their central nervous systems from unknown remote locations to create havoc such as vamparism and zombiefication in order to frighten others into submission.
The covid-19 pandemic is a hoax and right now today corona virus sceptics have taken to the streets of London to demonistrate their lack of trust in the United Nations New World Order self-proclaimed elite.
I obtained most of the above information at the following website of Deborah Tavares called www.stopthecrime.net.

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Labelling people who experience directed energy weapons attacks as being mentally ill is an ongoing crime against humanity.   The ongoing support of psychiatric and other  government  systems for such mis-labelling has been sufficient to prevent targeted individuals from informing the public of the widespread existence and abuse of such directed energy weapons.   Mind control plays a part in government inaction.   Victims of such directed energy weapon attacks are suffering extreme degrees of torture and have now lost all trust in the capabilities of government staff to over ride their wireless enabled mind control.   We must urgently disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities and return to the use of corded phones and  other corded computerized devices.

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Some individuals have been stealing data from my brain and body for the past seventeen years or more by wireless remote means. They also have been writing codes into my central nervous system in order to gain wireless external control over my physical body. Here is some of what they were heard by me to say over the past twenty four hours via bio-communication technology by direct means into my brain as follows:-
“Gretta. Your brain and body have now been coded for external remote control. You are going live next Thursday.”
“You are now a sleeper agent who can be physically controlled through a computer.”
“Take her in for questioning.”
“This lady is not someone I wish to interfere with in the course of my life. I dont want her to be free.”
“We dont want her to commit suicide. We are not really there yet.”
“I am deeply dismayed by her trajectory. We were not expecting this.”
“Systems analysis of the lady right now.”
“You dont have the right to ask for systems analysis of her.”
“I have the right to ask. I am paying for this charade.”
“We wish to stand down.”
“Alot of work has been done on this lady. We wish to have a stake in her ownership.”
“If she was mine I would be more co-operative to the system.”
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
My landline home phone number is 0949360901
My email address is gretta2011@hotmail.com
My website address is www.targetedindividualsireland.net.

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Our world has changed dramatically recently. It bears no resemblance to what was once considered normal. Hundreds of thousands of good will, good living human beings are now being tortured inside their own homes by energy weapons. Some are being forced to commit suicide by wireless means from a remote location without ever having met their aggressors.
Remote controlled torture is being carried out by individuals who first of all access our bio-fields when we stand close to a digital media device. Digital information is being sent into our bio-fields creating a bio-digital field in and around our human bodies. This bio-digital field can be accessed by individuals who have access to directed energy weapons and many other types of exotic weapons and they can remotely torture us from that day forward. However there is an easy solution.
Purchase approximately forty 30millimeter wide neodymium disc countersunk hole magnets and then arrange them in rolls whereby each magnet is repelling the one next to it. Hold them all together in their repelling forcefield by means of strong duct tape and you can even place them inside a piece of waterpipe in order to keep them in place. Make at least three rolls of these repelling magnets and keep them on your person. Keep them in your bed at night. They will create a protective forcefield around you while you are sleeping.
Prisoners are reporting that they are being virtually raped inside their prison cells by wireless means from an unknown remote location by unknown aggressors. Many women who have been targeted by wireless weapons are also reporting that they are being wirelessly virtually raped while they are alone in the privacy of their own homes. I myself have been virtually violated from an unknown remote location over nearly seventeen years by unknown aggressors who transmit their voices to me through advanced technology while they are violating me. However, the strong forcefield which is being generated by the repelling neodymium magnets enormously hinders their efforts. All prisoners should be given rolls of repelling neodymium magnets. All children should be given rolls of repelling neodymium magnets to place in their beds at night while they are sleeping.
While you are arranging your magnets in repelling rows they will be held in place if you place a skewer through the hole in the middle of each magnet. It also helps to hold the magnets in place by use of a three quarter inch water pipe. It is essential to remove the skewer before you bind the magnets in place with extra strong duct tape. Make at least three rolls of them for each family member in order to protect them from remote directed energy weapons. Watch Tony Pantaleresco on his youtube channel HerbsPlusBeadWorks demonstrate how to create rolls of repelling magnets.
I am now reading a book called "Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity" by Cyrus A. Parsa which explains the capabilities of modern technology in great detail. I also recommend a second book called "How the Illuminati Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave" by Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier. Knowledge is power and by keeping ourselves informed we will defeat the enemy who wishes to enslave us using classified advanced technology.

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A social credit score system has been set up in China and is now being set up in various cities throughout the United States and Canada which will award or deduct points based on individual behaviour. If you are a few pounds over weight, if you disagree with the policies of the super-rich unelected predatory globalists or if you refuse to allow your child to be injected with toxic vaccines which contain nano technology you will have points deducted off your social credit score to the extent that you would then not be entitled to use public transport or use a public library. If fact if you continue to disagree with the human enslavement policies of the super-rich globalist bankers and corporate owners you will then be entirely blacklisted to such an extent that your bank account will be deteted and if any of your friends and relatives should telephone you using a digital device after you become black listed then they too will have points deducted from their social credit score. Millions of Chinese individuals have been blacklisted since the social credit score system was first set up in China because they dared to publicly disagree with the implementation of the social credit score system and because they dared to disagree with other policies of the unelected globalists.
The globlaists have created a situation where smart dust, nano bots and metallic particulates are inside the bodies of most of the human race by vaccinations and by a number of other means. We can prove that this is the case because small light neodymium magnets can not be made to stick to our faces. Many of us have non-consensually been given eye implants at a time when we were unaware that it was occurring to the extent that whenever we shine an ultraviolet light into our eyes they are seen as fluorescent green. Because of the smart dust and other unnatural materials which are in the bodies of many of the human race now our limbs can be made to move against our wills in a number of individuals and research is being done to immobilize us by wireless remote means if we dare to disobey any policies of the globalists.
Because of independent researchers on the internet who are not affiliated with universities or governments we now know without any doubt that the earth is flat and fixed, and not the rotating ball that we were led to believe it was. Please read the book "Two Hundred Proofs Earth is Not A Spinning Ball" by Eric Dubay. It is now also believed by the majority of the human race that the existence of satellites is a hoax along with a wide variety of other hoaxes. It was created in order to make us erroneously believe that there is nothing we can do to stop our technological enslavement. Stationary drones are being widely mistaken for satellites. Stationary drones can be shot down from earth. Undersea fibre optic cables can be severed whereever they reach the shore line. We must disassemble and ban the infrastructure which allows the globalists to technologically enslave us. The police and others must protect themselves from frequency weapons but not by the use of helmets because helmets could very well be a trojan horse solution.

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“The Pentagon has developed the ability to transmit voices and inflict pain at the touch of a button”
The above is a quote from a book by Alex Constantine called “Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A.” which was published in 1995. That technological capability has now been installed in the Republic of Ireland where a number of people are being forced to hear the voices as well as to feel the pain of those who have access to this pentagon owned technology. When they complain they are being wrongly disbelieved by the Gardaí, Psychiatrists, Newspaper Owners and politicians because these government agents and others have been placed under the influence of strong microwave mind control. They are being asked to work close to microwave transmitters in almost all cases.
There is a political movement in force today to reveal this secret abuse of advanced technology throughout the world before we all become enslaved by it. We have no time to lose. This technology is registered under patent number US 6965816 as well as a variety of other similar type patent numbers

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Posted on October 19, 2019 by gretta  fahey
I am non-consensually wirelessly linked to the wireless internet of things which is also known as the brain net. Unknown neuro operatives speak to me via a two way live link to the hearing centre of my brain. Occasionally, I take a note of a small sample of what they say to me and I post it online later. Here is a small sample of what they have been saying to me and about me to their own colleagues recently.
“Be careful of us Gretta Fahey. You are stepping too close to our comfort zone and we are not happy.”
“Does she drink alcohol.” “No, she never drinks alcohol.” “Shut her up.” “She has no interest in alcohol.” “Why doesn’t she develop a taste for something because I’d like to see her inebriated.”
“We need the system administrators to give us the go ahead to stop doing what we do to the body of Gretta Fahey, namely bio-robotizing her in order to eventually gain total external control over her limbs, and all other muscles of her living human body.”
“They are allowing this woman Gretta Fahey to have bladder leakages by their work activities.”
“Why are you torturing this woman for sixteen years.” “There is good money in it.”
“She is not washing herself well enough.” (I take a daily shower and I wash all of my clothes every day.)
“We need to have a system of digital analysis in Gretta’s bicycle.” “It would be illegal to place a digital system in Gretta’s bicycle without first asking her permission. Since we can not ask her permission because she would deny us permission we can not then have a digital analysis system placed on her bicycle and we therefore can not analyse her bodily and brain systems while she is riding her bicycle to town and back.” “It bodes badly against us if people start disposing of their digital analysis systems namely their smart engineered devices in order to break free of this digital enslavement system that we are currently setting up worldwide and especially inside the bodies and brains of a selection of human beings now considered smart individuals because they are now wirelessly tethered to the wireless internet of thing.” (That neuro operative then explained to me after I asked several questions that while I am riding my bicycle or while I am out and about without having any digital device within five feet of me then no data can be collected from my brain or body during that time. When I return home and sit in front of my computer which is a digital analysis system, data can then begin to be collected from my brain and body again but data which was generated by my brain and body while I was away from all digital analysis systems can never be regained.)
One of the neuro staff what heard by me to say the following to one of their colleagues “You can do what you like as long as you deliver the goods at the end of the day.” The other colleague was heard by me to then ask the following question “What are the goods.?” The answer that was heard by me was as follows “Societal Justice”. I myself wish to respond as follows “I have always obeyed all man made laws and there is extreme injustice in society but it does not come from me. It comes down from the top of a worldwide false hierarchical chain of command in the form of deliberately engineered evil policies. By now, all of our societal institutions have been infiltrated in ways that cause as many problems as possible to manifest in order that they can then make more and more laws so that we are eventually enslaved by them. If problems happen in society it is generally because of deliberate bad policies being made manifest in society. My question is as follows : why would torturing me psychologically for sixteen and a half years be a way of delivering “societal justice” to the world? Why don’t the wireless torturers turn their attention to those at the top of the false hierarchical based chain of command because that is where all the problems of the world stem from? Perhaps because my psychological torturers are cowards and will only pick on a single woman living alone in the West of Ireland rather than two thousand Satanists who sit at the top of the worldwide false hierarchical based chain of command and who own banks, corporations and up to forty six percent of the wealth of the whole world. Bullies always attempt to pick on someone less powerful than themselves and run from the powerful.
I sometimes hear the voice to skull inner voices say the following about me “No one knows her”. I don’t know what they mean by this because whenever I write a letter to a politician or the media or anyone else I put my name, address, location code, website name, landline home phone number and email address on it. What else could they wish to know about me. I have a high profile in the sense that I sent out a lot of letters to government officials, university staff and the main stream media as well as the alternative media as well as pushing letters through letterboxes of the homes of my local towns. I have placed a lot of information about myself on my website.
I once heard the voice of an unknown neuro operative coming from inside my head non-consensually while he said the following “I don’t want these images coming up on my screen.” I wish to explain here what I think he meant by that as follows –
If a scientific experiment is being conducted and the experimentation subject is wearing a cap over their brain which has electrodes on it while looking at a picture of an orange the evoked potentials which are generated on the computer screen of the scientist are automatically translated into information which lets him know that the subject is looking at a picture of an orange. If the subject simply conjures up a mental image of an orange with their imagination and no picture of an orange is present the scientist will then be allowed to know that no picture of an orange is present and the subject is simply conjuring up an image of an orange with their imagination. However, it is possible that their is a second scientist in another room looking at the same evoked potentials but that second scientist is not allowed to know whether the image of an orange which is presented on his screen is conjured up by the imagination of the subject or whether the subject is actually looking at a picture of an orange.
I am a non-consensual subject of such research but instead of wearing a cap containing electrodes on my head, neural dust containing something similar to electrodes is inside my head, close to my scalp. When I look at an image of something in my own home, an unknown scientist can know what I am looking at by having the evoked potentials my brain generates automatically translated into what I am looking at. If I imagine something inside my head the same unknown scientists can know that I have simply imagined something but that thing which I have imagined is not in my home and I have not physically seen it.
Some of what I see in my everyday life is disgusting and when it is also seen on the screens of the unknown criminal neuro staff who monitor everything I see or do they also find it disgusting. That is why I have been asked by those unknown criminal neuro staff not to look into my own toilet bowl anymore, whenever I use the toilet.
If an images is generated by a non-consensual subject of remote neural monitoring, is it always possibly for the remote neural monitoring staff to be able to accurately decipher whether that image is one which is real and is in the subjects environment, or whether it is a distant memory of the subject, or whether it is being conjured up by the subjects imagination or whether it is deliberately being inserted by neuro imaging staff who are unknown to the remote neural monitoring staff and who work from a different location to the remote neural monitoring staff? Have neuro imaging staff ever inserted external images into the brain of a human subject in order that remote neural monitoring staff would then wrongly believe that the subject had prior knowledge of a deed that the aforementioned subject had no prior knowledge of whatsoever.?

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Posted on November 1, 2019 by gretta fahey
I am currently reading a book called “Virtual Government, CIA Mind Control Operations in America” by Alex Constantine. I am herein quoting some lines from page 83 as follows:-
“Psychotronic devices that communicate directly with the brain are the hidden trust of the current mind control program. Subjects are used against their will. They are often tortured in their own homes with advanced non-lethals of the type developed by the CIA’s mind control crew. – and since the subject never lays eyes on his tormentors they need not fear exposure”
I am one of the individuals who is being tortured in my own home with advanced non-lethal weapons and I have never laid eyes on my tormentors. I am being forced to listen to their voices which I hear coming from inside my head against my will and without my permission on a constant basis throughout each day and night, whenever I am awake. I asked them the following question in the past hour as follows ” Why are police stations and government offices placed directly under microwave transmitters? The answer I received back from the unknown operatives who place simulations of their voices inside my head was as follows “Microwave mind control has been used to subdue systems of government for years. Nobody questions it.”
Because there is a thirty year lag between classified projects and declassified projects many individuals especially psychiatrists do not appear to be aware that technology exists which allows criminals to place voices inside the heads of non-consenting and extremely unwilling individuals who are attempting to go about their lives peacefully.
Recently a voice which I heard coming from inside my head was heard by me to say the following “I can not allow my family to know I am involved in this type of harassment.” and this was directly followed by another internal voice which was heard by me to say the following “I don’t want my family to know that I am involved either.”

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I am a long term victim of non-consensual remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation. Over many years unknown neuro operatives have attempted to wirelessly gain more and more external control over my central nervous system which would lead to them having more and more control over the muscles of my face and body. Their ultimate aim is to bio-robotize me so that they can wirelessly control me from an unknown remote location.
They have now gained almost total control over my facial muscles which has led to me now being unable to synchronise my mood with my facial expression. Last night I was in a sombre and angry mood and yet both my face and eyes were forced to adopt a smiling pose. Many human beings have not yet woken up to the nightmarish implications of the Richard C Walker patent number US6965816 which allows the unacknowledged worldwide central control system personnel to have total control over the central nervous systems of their fellow human beings. For further information about my own unique experiences of being a non-consensual victim of their wirelessly enabled experimentation please read my website which I alone own and control and which is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.

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Every time you think a thought, feel an emotion, move a body part, speak or act, then the neurons in your brain fire up and they generate an electromagnetic frequency which would then show up as a unique pattern on an electroencephalogram machine which is more commonly known as an EEG machine.
Each of these electromagnetic frequencies which you are generating all day long have totally unique patterns similar to words in a book. These unique patterns have all been identified and categorised and placed in a type of computerized dictionary. Software has been created that uses that computerized dictionary to translate all of the electromagnetic frequencies that a human brain and body generates at the same speed which the brain generates the frequencies into the thoughts, words, feelings, actions and movements of that human being on a continual basis.
Therefore if you were continually attached to an EEG machine as you went about your daily life and if some body else had access to the software that automatically translates the unique electromagnetic frequencies that your brain and body were generating they could know from looking at their computer screen every word that you say each day in combination with every emotion that you feel, every thought that you think, every time you move a body part, how long you sleep for and how often you eat, among other deeply personal details of your life that you thought were private.
In the past few decades people have been illegally and non-consensually implanted with either nano technology or micro technology or both to the extent that these illegal brain and body implantations allow unknown criminals to wirelessly steal and store all of the electromagentic frequencies which the brain and body of the victim generate and this is being done against the will and without the permission of the victim.
These unknown criminals can now know everything that you think, do, say and feel as well as how long you sleep for and how often you eat, among other things. They can analyse the data which your brain and body generates and they often sell it to foreign powers so that other unknown criminals can also know your most private thoughts, words and actions.
The story is much worse than simply losing all of your privacy.
These unknown criminals can also broadcast electromagnetic frequencies back into your brain and body without your permission if they have illegally obtained your unique brain signature. They can broadcast electromagnetic frequencies which contain words, images, pictures, pain, forced muscle movement as well as emotions and feelings. They can broadcast pornographic images into the mind of a child. They can broadcast voice commands to you and if you disobey them they can then broadcast a pain signal into your brain and body. They can broadcast frequencies into you that cause your brain or body to malfunction and you might never know who they are or why they are doing it. They can broadcast frequencies to any organ of your body which cause it to malfunction. In more advanced cases of human body takeover they can control your vocal cords and they can cause you to speak against your will, even in a voice that does not sound like your own. They can now wirelessly kill you. They can do all of this from a remote location without you ever knowing who is doing it to you.
If senior politicians from any country wished to reveal the existence and abuse of this technology to the police or to the military of their country they would not be able to do so without whoever is monitoring the data being generated by their brains and bodies finding out that they attempted to reveal this information and their country would then receive no more foreign funding.
We need to urgently disassemble and ban whatever technology is enabling the wireless capabilities which allows human beings to be tortured on a continual basis while inside their own homes.
There could be devices on the electricity poles adjacent to peoples homes which is allowing them to be wirelessly tortured on a continuous basis for years at a time. What do we need to have disassembled and banned in order to free ourselves from being constantly tortured by this evil technology? We can not depend on senior politicians or senior police officers any longer because they may have already been wirelessly tethered to the human control system and can not speak about anything without being externally monitored. They could possibly be under mass electronic mind control too and in order to free humanity from mass mind control we should take down and ban all microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia.
When targeted individuals of these wireless brain weapons report their experiences to the police, the police then wrongly recommend that in all instances they undergo psychiatric evaluation. Psychiatrists are misled to believe that people who report being targeted by thought reading technology and other wireless weapons are mentally unwell and said psychiatrists are also instructed to legally force the victim to ingest harmful substances which have extremely distressing side effects. Because of this, targeted individuals are now afraid to inform government officials of their ongoing experiences of being wirelessly tortured which allows this extreme crime to remain hidden from the public.
The individuals who wish to enslave us may have been traced to agents of the British Crown. Many hundreds of individual researchers have examined legal documents and have followed a worldwide financial trail which leads to the London Financial District, the Vatican and Washington DC which are three privately owned countries within other public countries and the individuals who work inside them do so without any public oversight.
They have gone to enormous lenghts to mislead the public by attempting to misdirect the blame for the attempt at world control on to non-existent fictional enemies such as sentient artificial intelligence, the supernatural and extraterresterial visitors, none of which exist in reality.
Many individuals throughout Ireland are already wirelessly connected to this control system where all of the electrical activity being generated by their brains and bodies is being uploaded to a super computer. I am one such individual and I have the contact details of sixteen other Irish people. My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My website is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net. I also wish to recommend the website of a Dublin based targeted individual which is called www.targetedindividualawareness.com.

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Posted on September 14, 2019 by gretta fahey 
I am a non-consensual targeted individual of wirelessly enabled electronic control and I receive voice commands and wirelessly delivered pain via a live link between me and the criminal brain weapons experts. Because the live link is bi-directional the criminal brain weapons experts can read the electrical activity which is being generated by my brain and body and by this means and others they can know what I am doing and saying throughout each day. I have no privacy whatsoever and this situation is meant for you if the microwave transmitters are not taken down and banned now.
I sometimes publish some of what the wirelessly delivered voices of the criminal operatives of this human control system say to me and here is some of what they have been saying to me and about me to each other in the past few days as follows:-
“What will we do with her when she is ours?”
“We can’t have you sending out information like this.”
“Is there anyone in Dublin to put a stop to this woman’s nonsense.”
“Keep a civil tongue in your head.”
“I’m out. I am letting go of my investment in this woman.”
“We haven’t anything on her but I could make up something pretty quick.”
“What evidence have you against this individual.” “None whatsoever. She never committed a crime in her life.” You better manufacture some evidence then.”
“Recently we’ve had a lot of activity in this area and we’re very keen to get a system in place.”
“There is pressure on the side of her jaws at the moment. ” “Do we care.” “No”.
“She drinks.” “She doesn’t drink alcohol.” “I didn’t say she drinks alcohol.”
“I own you and everything about you.”
“Put a muzzle on her.”
“We wish to bring people who have irritable bowel syndrome under government control.”
“Ask Dunnes Stores to cease selling yellow and white garments as well as red and white garments because it is confusing my system of knowing the status of the human being which I see on my screen.”
“Open the bowel is not the case.” This was said while I was sitting on the toilet in the privacy of my own home where I was entirely alone and the outer doors were locked.
“They saw me moving the body.” ( The last sentence “they saw me moving the body” was said by one of the criminal brain weapon experts in relation to the fact that the individuals who forced me to become brain to brain interfaced with them against my will and without my permission through illegal implants and electrodes and other particulates inside my head and body can move the trunk of my body up and down by wireless external means when I am lying in my bed alone at night. These same individuals have illegally placed implants in my eyes which show up as fluorescent green when I shine an ultra violet light into my eyes so I can prove that they are there. They informed me that other operatives who work from a different location than the aforementioned group of operatives and whose job it is to monitor all of what I see and hear on a continual basis would have seen my body moving up and down in my bed against my will because on this particular occasion I happened to look down at my body while it was occurring. They further informed me that the second group of operatives have a duty to report any anomalies to head office and they would have reported that my body was being moved against my will. For some reason the first group of operatives are afraid that the second group of operatives who are responsible for monitoring all my audio and visual input will report that they have been moving the trunk of my body vigorously by wireless external means via control of my central nervous system and this has happened on many occasions down through the last number of years.

My name is Gretta Fahey and my address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560,  Republic of Ireland.

My website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.

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Any and all politicians who refuse to acknowledge the existence and abuse of wireless torture technology which is now being used in the United Kingdom as well as the Republic of Ireland and further afield are guilty of allowing the torture of their own fellow country men and women to continue unabated and they risk imprisonment if they continue allowing this torture to continue in silence. Why is this allowed to occur?

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Posted on August 14, 2019 by gretta fahey
Constitutional law has been dissolved in the republic of Ireland. Many men and women who live in the Republic of Ireland are being wirelessly tortured by directed energy weapons and other advanced technology while they are inside their own homes . The protocol which is being used against these victims follows well known no-touch torture techniques which are in use in almost every country throughout the world at this time. When they report the matter to the Gardaí they are wrongly psychiatrically evaluated by the attending Gardai as being in need of further psychiatric evaluation and are brought to an attending psychiatrist where more often than not they are send to a psychiatric detention centre. Because of this strategy which is being followed by all of the Irish Gardaí bar none these victims of no-touch torture are now afraid to complain to the Gardaí any more for fear of both psychiatric detention and mandated drugging with highly toxic substances which would lead to brain damage and body damage if continued for a long period of time. Some Gardaí throughout the city of Dublin, Ireland are now enforcing laws which are not constitutional such as visiting the home of a single lady at 11pm one evening to say the following “I saw your light on so I came to see if you were alright.” This Gardaí behaviour is not upholding the constitutional laws of the republic of Ireland. Therefore what laws are the Gardaí of the Republic of Ireland enforcing at this time? Are they new laws which have been given to them from the worldwide central control system which is known as the United Nations. Are the Gardaí now enforcing laws which have been introduced without the permission of the people of the Republic of Ireland. It is unconstitutional and it always has been unconstitutional for an agent of the Irish state to visit the home of a private citizen of the Republic of Ireland without an expressed invitation. I believe that the Irish Gardaí are not been properly introduced to Irish constitutional law at the Irish gardai training college. Who is currently in charge of deciding the Gardaí training curriculum at the Irish Gardaí training college at Templemore, Co. Tipperary?
I have been informed by the unknown neuro operatives who wirelessly implement a no-touch torture program on me that police harassment programs and other harassment programs are being enforced in some areas throughout Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland but not many police are involved and the police who are not involved are not even aware of the existence of these police harassment programs. The police who are being recruited are involved in soft torture and know how to use directed energy weapons and other advanced military weapons. They have been licenced to kill any and all individuals who they wish to kill at their own discretion. They leave no evidence because many of their crimes are carried out wirelessly and from an unknown remote location. The police who are selected to use these no-touch torture wireless weapons have been recruited for many reasons but mostly because advances in neuro science may have identified them as sociopathic and therefore useful in the no-touch torture world.
My name is Gretta Fahey. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. I was born at this address and I have lived all of my life in the Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website where I outline my experiences of more than sixteen years of no-touch torture is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.

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To Whom it Concerns,
You will shortly become forever wirelessly fused to a network of supercomputers by two way wireless links from your brain and body where you will receive voice commands and pain signals if you dont wake up and act now.

There are three small independent sovereign states which are situated within countries which are not in any way affiliated to them and which work as one unit behind the scenes and who plan to take over and technologically enslave the whole human race by wireless means. They are the Vatican state, the London Financial District which is not part of the United Kingdom and Washington DC which is not affiliated with the United States. Those who work inside these three small independent states are known as globalists and they are the British Privy Council, The United States Senior Executive Service and a number of Jesuits who work within the Vatican.

They have openly informed us that they plan to fuse our brains and bodies to a centralized control unit by bi-directional wireless links by the use of the richard c walker patent which is numbered 6,965,816. Richard C Walker is strongly believed to be a front man for Sir Geoffrey Pattie of the British Privy Council who it is believed really owns and controls this patent which is euphemictically being called "the internet of things" patent.

This cabal of globalists already control China. They own and control most giant corporations which have more power and money than most countries. They own and control the federal reserve bank and most central banks. They print money out of blank paper and they are buying up all of the resources of this planet. They start wars for profit. They manufacture and sell the arms used in those wars to all countries fighting the war regardless of what side that country is on. They practice insider trading. They steal patents of entrepreneurs through a corrupt United States patent office. They are responsible for the deaths of millions of their fellow human beings.

It is believed that Donald Trump is working against them and is working towards decentralization of world power and placing it back into the hands of individual countries. Because the globalists now own up to ninety five percent of the worlds media they demonize Donald Trump at every opportunity. They have their own news reporters refer to themselves as the elite in order to help them to create a rigid heirarchical based chain of command across the world. They have their own news reporters generate fake news in order to misguide the general public at every opportunity.

A number of individuals who call themselves the American Intelligence Media and who have posted many youtube videos online have joined together with hundreds of individual independent researchers. These researchers have teamed together to investigate the paperwork of the globalists in order to find out who they are how they have been operating without exposure for many decades. These teams of independent researchers have the ear of Donald Trump who has already implemented many of their suggestions.

I am already unwillingly wirelessly fused to this system by bi-directional wireless links from implants inside my brain and body where I receive voice commands, pain signals and other unwanted experiences. This has been the case with me for more than sixteen years. I know of many other both men and women throughout Ireland who have also become wirelessly implanted and linked wirelessly to this control system which is being set up for the whole human race other than the globalists themselves. Whenever we complain to officialdum about the fact that we are wirelessly tethered by implants inside our bodies and brains to a control system and that we are receiving voice commands and other unwanted experiences there is a pre-ordained path laid out that must be followed by government officials whenever we complain. No matter how well we voice our complaints and no matter who we complain to, whether it be the Gardai or any other government official, the pre-ordained path which has been mapped out for all government officials to follow when they hear of our complaints more than likely leads to involuntary incarceration inside a psychiatric hospital so that our complaints never get handled officially. Please rectify this situation by writing me a letter on government headed paper safeguarding me from psychiatric evaulation and all psychiatric interference so that I can make an official statement to the Gardai about my sixteen years of wireless harassment and torture.

Me aught to discuss disassembling and banning all microwave transmitters throughout Ireland as well as banning the installation of any and all 5G millimeter wave transmiiters. I personally believe that Minister Denis Naughton who was the Irish Minister for Communications in 2017 and who gave the order to have 5G installed throughout Ireland is himself wirelessly fused to a network of computers or a supercomputer or both and could receive extreme pain signals if he did not co-operate with the heirarchical based chain of command. Anybody can be placed in a state of temporary unawareness while they are being injected with a wide variety of implants and later wake up without any awareness that they have been implanted. It is only much later that those implants would be activated. If this happened to Minister Naughton, he would not be able to inform the general public about the matter because the main stream media is not accessable to him as it is privately owned for the most part and he would be immediately arrested and placed on psychiatric hold if he informed the public that he was now receiving voice commands and pain signals such as what I myself receive on a continual basis.

Microwave mind control has been in use throughout Great Britian since at least 2001. It is also more than likely being used throughout Ireland, a fact which renders all judicial findings unsound which gives us yet another reason to disassemble and ban microwave transmitters as soon as we can.

For further information on the walker patent also known as the "internet of things" patent please click the following link https://patriots4truth.org/2018/01/12/how-they-plan-to-control-everything-in-your-life/

Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey,
Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560.
My landline home phone number is 0949360901.
For further information please read my website which is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.

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A worldwide invisible technological takeover of most of humanity is occurring behind the scenes in your lives. Many human beings are already non-consensually connected to a two way computerized control system where they are being told what to do by unknown operatives. If they refuse to obey the voice commands which they receive via a process known as voice to skull bio-communication, this can lead to them suffering in some way at a later date.
Because energy weapons are being used to enable this process, the victims can not yet prove to their colleagues that they are being governed by this process known as Remote Neural Monitoring. It is not known how many individuals have already been captured by this control system but it is suspected that NASA staff were among the first to have been captured, to the extent that we now believe that the existence of satellites was their first hoax and this was then followed by the moon landing hoax among many other hoaxes.
We will now need to make major changes in our lifestyles in order to protect ourselves from neural control which is also known as Remote Neural Monitoring. We may need to dispense with the use of electricity in our homes because electricity is the first essential ingredient in this human control system. We may need to power our homes using gas cookers and solid fuel stoves. If you can think of any way in which we can combat this technological control of human beings please reply.
For further information on this secret and invisible takeover of human beings please watch the following short youtube video called 



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