DARK (26)
Certain individuals who practice Luciferiansim and Satanism are advocating for permanent centralizing of all power on earth in their hands. These dark occultists wish to control all agricultural land from a central location and they wish to control all energy use from a central location. They wish to wirelessly tether all men, women and children to computer control, enslavement, torture and genocide systems from a central location. They already control worldwide false psychiatry from a remote centralized location. When psychiatrists knowingly mandate that their patients forceably take drugs which torture their patients from the inside out, that psychiatrist is committing an act of torture. When psychiatrists force one of their patients into a temporary coma that psychiatrist is committing an act of torture. When psychiatrists knowingly force or brow beat one of their vulnerable patients to accept electroconvulsive therapy where is not ever in their interests to accept because it forever damages their cognative abilities, those psychiatrists are committing acts of torture. Psychiatry and the psychiatric rule book called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders have been devised by dark occultists over many decades and even centuries to control anyone who challenges unchallenged assumptions which are not in their interests and this is the case throughout most of the world. When psychiatrists because of guidelines pronounce sane individuals as being mentally ill because those sane individuals state that they are wirelessly controlled from a remote location by unknown individuals, those psychiatrists are covering up knowledge of criminal activity by their decisions. False psychiatry is a menace to society and it must be disassembled and banned throughout the world today.
Luciferians and Satanists are torturing a large number of microchipped individuals by wireless means from unknown remote locations at this point in history and both psychiatrists and lawyers are covering this up for the benefit of said Luciferians and Satanists in exchange for money. We would no longer be allowed to handle our own money if we were permanently enslaved so if you are acting out of financial self interest you are furthering your own enslavement and those of your fellow men, women and children of the earth for many centuries and even millinnia to come. Refuse all vaccines because they likely now contain microchips
The United Nations and all subsidiary organisations are in the hands of the satanic realm.
Take down the infrastructure which allows them to wirelessly torture people and animals by remote control.
What the Pilgrim Society and their minnions have feared the most down through the past few decades is that technological progress would enable the rest of us to disempower them which would end their plan of enslaving the world under their own rule. To that end they have consistently sabotaged all beneficial world progress over the past few decades and it is my belief that the corona virus is just another of their attempts to sabotage the worldwide economy in order to set up a system of socialism across the world which would then eventually lead to worldwide enslavement if not stopped. They have attempted tot enslaving us by wirelessly tethering many of us by our central nervous systems to their computerized control and genocide system as well as using smart phones to bio-digitally program still others into a false reality of indifference to the now encroaching worldwide enslavement system. One solution is as follows:- Each of us must wear on a constant basis a head band which has repelling magnets attached to it while will enable us to keep safe from wireless directed energy attacks while we go to war against them. Many of the people who have awakened to this real truth of what is now happening know who the members of the Pilgrim Society are and where they are located. Many if not all of them are dark occultists and they hide behind many organised religions while they ply their trade.
Advances in technology have allowed any and all individuals who frequent the dark web to interact with the world virtually while living outside their own bodies. This capability is effecting worldwide politics and you, as a community leader, have a duty to inform yourself about this capability. There are houses springing up around the world which are known as broadcast houses which contain equipment which allow individuals to live in this virtual world. They visit the broadcast house where they are given a broadcast suit to wear. They then sit under what looks like a salon hair dryer and this allows them to broadcast out. They then broadcast a hologram of themselves which is made of electromagnetic frequencies and they use this hologram of themselves to give themselves a virtual reality out of body experience. They see, hear and feel from the point of view of the hologram and not from the point of view of their own bodies which are lying in a catatonic state in the broadcast house. These individuals can stand beside you as a hologram broadcast. They can walk around your house as a hologram broadcast and they can even attack certain individuals as a hologram broadcast. Their real bodies are lying in a catatonic state in the broadcast house while the are having a technology induced out of body experience as a hologram broadcast.
Neurological control is first of all gained over the central nervous systems of targeted individuals. If and when this has been achieved, the out of body experiencer can then totally take over the body of a targeted individual to the extent that they can then speak through the targeted individual as well as use the brain and body of the targeted individual to walk around and to act in various ways. Visiting broadcast houses and living virtual lives has proven so addictive that many individuals now spend their whole lives living out of body virtual lives while their own bodies are in a catatonic state in the broadcast house. They finance this lifestyle by using the virtual reality out of body experiences to commit acts of evil which they get paid for.
A differential in knowledge leads to a differential in power. There are two levels of knowledge in the world today. What is being presented by the main stream media as ground breaking new scientific discoveries are nothing but century old information. Very advanced technology is in the hands of the individuals who live outside and who control the worldwide hierarchical based chain of command. They have been spying on you and I for the past century from the virtual world. You are now living inside a false reality construct which has no bearing on reality. If you wish to survive in the future you will inform yourself of real reality. You can download an app for your phone which will inform you of electromagnetic frequency anomalies in your surroundings. Please investigate this urgently. You will find excellent information in the youtube video channels of Jay Metro 788, targeted individual and sherry’s research and review,
(1) Police throughout most of the world are now being trained using the same inculcation methods which are being used to inculcate individuals into religious cults.
(2) Many police stations are now being deliberately located close to microwave transmitters, which are being used to mind control the police. We are bathed in a sea of electromagnetic waves. Unbeknownst to most of us, messages are being secretly carried on those carrier waves into the heads of most of society without their consent. Our brains work electromagnetically and with frequency vibration. The predatory satanic New World Order cartel agents have been projecting frequencies containing information into the human brain within the frequency band of human brain activity, and the individual human being who unknowingly receives the information contained in the projected frequencies then believes that information is their own thoughts and opinions.
(3) Police are being used to enforce civil law which is a weapon of dark occultists who wish to enslave us via civil law as well as via technological means. We must return to the use of common law which is a justice system based on natural law and which empowers the human race against the dark occultists who sit at the top of the worldwide hierarchical based chain of command. COMMON LAW serves the human race and is an avenue of justice. CIVIL LAW is a weapon used against the human race by the self proclaimed elite.
(4) When the police are finished their training they then are being asked to attend an elaborate function similar to a wedding where their parents also attend in order to celebrate the fact that they are now about to begin their new employment. This situation is designed to make it difficult and shameful for those junior police officers to leave the police force after such a well advertised elaborate function attended by their parents and families when they eventually discover that they are regularly being asked to enforce immoral laws as part of their work requirements.
(5) Police work is now being so heavily compartmentalized that the police themselves are not being allowed to know what is occurring behind the scenes inside their own countries with regard to abuses of electromagnetic weapons. The only individuals who are allowed to see the overall picture of what is secretly occurring in any country or state are the dark occultists who run each country from the top of the worldwide false hierarchical based chain of command.
(6) The dark occultists and their agents, many of who are high level systems analysts, especially in Dublin City in the Republic of Ireland, control the actual programming of the human linked computerized control system which is being used to link the brains and central nervous systems of unwilling, non-consenting and largely unaware human beings to said computerized control system.
(7) Because police stations are being located close to the aforementioned microwave transmitters and because police themselves are being forced to carry communication devices close to their person on a continual basis during their working hours, it has been reported by Dr Barrie Trower, ex MI5, who is himself a microwave specialist that the numbers of police officers who are developing cancer is above national averages.
(8) When the police undergo initial training, they are being denied access to important information about the current capabilities of electromagnetic weapons, the capabilities of which would reflect in their decision whether to complete their police training course or not.
I include a resubmitted brief synopsis of only some of the current capabilities of electromagnetic weapons here.
When the human brain thinks a thought it produces an electromagnetic frequency which can be measured by wireless means from a distance and automatically translated into what the human subject has just thought about.
When you undergo an EEG examination your brain wave tracings show up on a computer screen. These brain wave tracings show distinctive patterns all of which have been translated into individual words and feelings and they have been compiled into a computerized dictionary which can be translated at the speed of light into what you are thinking , feeling, doing and saying . By this method anyone’s thoughts can be read and anyone’s activities can be monitored from a remote location by unknown neuro operatives.
A frequency modulator can be used to take frequencies from the human brain and mix them with other incoming frequencies so that the incoming frequencies over ride the original brain frequencies and in this way you can effect the thoughts and emotions of a human being, thereby modifying their behaviour, even without their knowledge. A frequency modulator can be used to modify the behaviour of a law court judge and jury so as to manipulate them to find a defendent guilty or not guilty. It can be used to sports men and women to change the outcome of a football match. It can be used to change the outcome of an election. It can be used on senior politicians to change their decisions. It is being used on psychiatrists to make them wrongly believe that individuals who are being remote neural manipulated are mentally insane. It can be used to turn followers of any organised religion into fanatics which I believe is currently allowed to occur.
Electrical signals are generated inside your head and body whenever you move a muscle. When you decide to move a finger an electrical signal is steered through our brain and central nervous system and travels right down to your finger via your neural system. The movement generates and electric current which generates off your brain and body and which can be read by external means by unknown neuro operatives who work from an unknown remote location. These neuro operatives can then read that electric signal and they can reconstruct the strenght of the current and in what direction it is flowing because we have implants and microdust which contains sensors inside our brains and bodies which now allows them to conduct these manipulations on us from an unknown external location. Neuro scientists and neuro operatives who are agents of the dark occultists can now read out elecromagnetic fields in great detail and have a computer analyse them rapidly so that they can now know what a human being is doing inside the privacy of their own home at all times, down to how many times that human subject blinked their eyes or breathed each day.
Further to that, a frequency modulator can be used to demodulate all electrical signals and then remodulate them and send them back to the human subject in ways that can then force the human subject to move a muscle entirely against their will, either knowingly or unknowingly. The electromagnetic field which surrounds your body when you are in inside such and electromagnetic field can be used against you to force an electric current inside your head and force it to travel down your neural system and into your limb and make that limb move against your will. This can be used to make you fall a break your ankle against your will while allowing you to believe that it occurred accidentally.
The hand proprioception and touch interfaces (HAPTIX) program is used to wirelessly stimulate the peripheral nervous system, forcing people to unwillingly feel vivid sensations of touch and proprioception while they are alone in the privacy of their own beds at night. It is very frightening if you have not been informed about this technological capability. I have experienced it many times against my will and without my permission.
Brain chips will be commercialized as deep brain stimulation devices or chip/biosensors for mankind to experience in their homes or businesses, for virtual enjoyment, pleasure, treatment for diseases of the mind, monitoring, diagnostics, energy harvesting, augmentation of artificial intelligences and computers, counter control measures, exploitation, the declaration of a cyber war and physical dominance of human beings at many levels of life according to Dr Hildegarde Staninger in her book “Global Brain Chip and Mesogens.”
The Richard C Walker patent which has also come to be known as the wireless internet of things patent number US6965816 describes the ability of neuro scientists to aggressively go in, take over, control, track and manage any system whether it be an airplane, a car, a motor cycle or a human being.
We have metallic particulates inside us which we inhaled and ingested because of chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads. We can now be burned by microwaves which come from the microwave transmitters which have been installed in all areas throughout most of the world. The dark Luciferians see us as useless eaters who are using up the resources of this earth which they wish to keep for themselves.
It is my belief that the dark Luciferians plan to silently assassinate more than six billion of us by wireless means at random times and then falsely attribute our deaths to a viruses or something similar. I also believe that they plan to enslave the remaining five hundred million and they plan to contain them inside smart city prisons where they would torture any of them who refuse to obey, by wireless means by the use of microwaves or millimetre waves. We must disassemble and ban microwave transmitters and millimetre wave transmitters as a matter of urgency. We do not live in a naïve world where the dark Luciferians love us and would never hurt us. That naïve world does not exist and never has. You have been complacent and naïve while your freedom has been taken away
A system of control is being set up throughout the whole world behind the scenes of our lives, which has been engineered by dark occultists to be a severe and unrelenting control system. I am under direct contact with this cruel control system because I was selected by individuals who work within the control system to be placed on continual monitoring and manipulation via a two way wireless link from my brain and body to one of their computer networks. Because they employ directed energy weapons and some other energy systems to monitor and manipulate me this dark occultist owned and managed control system leaves very little trace of evidence of its existence or of its power.
I have been informed that there is a policy of demeaning the staff who work within the control system if they show signs of disobedience to the code of behaviour created by the dark occultists for their staff. The male staff are forced to remove their lower clothing and display their posterior to their employers as an act of unquestioning and submissive obedience to the code. The female staff and indeed all women throughout the world will no longer be allowed to work outside the home at all if the dark occultists ever succeed in taking over control of the whole world. They plan to set up a rigid hierarchical based chain of command where dark occultists would own and run the whole world by wireless means. We would not even be allowed to know who they are because we would all be connected by two way wireless means to the computerized control system where our daily lives would be micro-managed possibly by computer generated voice commands via a voice induction process which is commonly known as voice to skull. These voices would give us orders throughout each moment of each day and if we failed to obey said orders we would possibly receive a pain signal or be paralysed for a few hours or even a few days at a time. I know this situation is on the agenda for everybody because I and many others throughout my country, the Republic of Ireland and indeed most other countries have been subjected to parts of this system for many years. We are all continually warning the world of our plight in the hope that they can over ride the electronic mind control they are under long enough to believe us. There are easy ways to circumvent this system if we all act urgently to tear down all microwave transmitters, millimetre wave transmitters and related paraphernalia now.
Inculcation methods as well as electronic mind control is in widespread use against politicians, senior civil servants, university staff, the police, the military, psychiatry and students and many other individuals throughout the world. Many of us are aware that there are many ways to circumvent this control and eventual enslavement system which is currently moving towards you and your family. I offer a few suggestions here below.
Supply the lower level police forces with technology which can easily detect anomalies in the human energy field of all individuals who come to the attention of the police. You can no longer trust some members of the higher level police because I believe that all police forces throughout the world have been infiltrated and manipulated by the afore-mentioned dark occultist would-be controllers and enslavers. I firmly believe that the United States patent office is currently under the control of the afore-mentioned dark occultists and I believe that they have been stealing patents for many decades because a differential in knowledge eventually leads to a differential in power. We must take back control of and make public all available patents. We must stop registering babies at birth because by doing so you are legally handing over your baby to enslavement by the state. We must refuse to recognise and legitimise psychiatry because it is a pseudo science which is backed by the violence of the state and it has provided false cover for criminals who are targeting individuals with directed energy weapons for many decades. Please spread this warning to others to let them know that they will be enslaved if they do not act urgently. My name is Gretta Fahey. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividuals
The third world war will be the easiest war ever fought and it will be won on behalf of the majority of the human race who will easily defeat the dark new world order crime cartel and send them packing for good. Nobody will even have to die. Our soldiers will simply destroy every telephone mast in sight as well as every microwave transmitter, every millimetre wave transmitter, every HAARP phased array, every GWEN tower and all other paraphernalia which enables us to be tortured in our own homes by wireless means by agents of the dark new world order who work by remote means and leave no evidence in their wake.
All of the technology that enabled wireless warfare is either ground based or is being propelled by drones which are low enough to be shot down. Space based weapons are simply an elaborate hoax for the simple reason that outer space does not exist. The second law of thermodynamics proves that air and space can not co-exist side by side. If outer space existed the vacuum of space would suck all of the air from the surface of the earth and we would be unable to breathe. Air and space can not be made to co-exist side by side in a laboratory setting.
We have been lied to about the existence of outer space satellites. Stationary drones have been wrongly identified as satellites. False video footage has been created by agents of the dark new world order crime cartel who falsely portrayed themselves as living and working in the international space station which is an easily proveable hoax. The people who are obliged to falsely portray themselves as working in the non-existent international space station are more than likely neuro slaves, which means they have become wirelessly tethered via internal body and brain implants to computer networks where they can be hurt by remote wireless means if they refuse to obey the orders of the dark new world order crime cabal and their agents.
We live in a world of indoctrination, a false reality construct where we are being asked to believe something because a group of dark occultists tell us it is so without providing a shred evidence to back up their claims. For every non-existent satellite they claim to launch they get five hundred million dollars of tax payers money. We must wake the world up and organise the militia to disassemble and ban all wireless enabling technology before another human being is forced to commit suicide due to being wirelessly tortured inside their own homes while being unbelieved by the unsuspecting population, many of who are under electronic mind control due to living in locations where electronic mind control frequencies are reaching them, which are claimed to be large urban populations.
I am a non-consensual victim of an unknown crime syndicate who use formerly classified voice to skull direct human communication to to speak to me by wireless means and from a remote location against my will and without my permission. I have been brain to computer linked for more than fifteen years. These criminals are able to decode much of the electrical activity generated by my brain and body throughout each day via a two way stream of electromagnetic energy which is wirelessly linked to embedded material inside my brain and body. I sometimes write down what these individuals who reproduce their voices inside my head say to me and post it online in many and varied social media sites and on my own website which is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net. ; Here is some of what these voices which I hear coming from inside my head have been saying to me over the past few days.
"Sidney house corporation has asked why is this woman being allowed to send secret information around the world".
"It is highly inappropriate to throw out that many carrots".
"How dare you write down what we say. It was never in the bargain. Certain people are extremely distraught."
"I have become an accomplice in this so I may as well destroy the woman".
"If we fail to get her married off we will instead deem her to have borderline paranoid schizophrenia."
"They will kill us or they will kill her if that goes out".
"She is neither elegant nor astute."
"She is not one of us. Why the heck didnt we know that before we came here? This was replied to by another unknown voice as follows "We did know it because none of them are with us. They are all non-consensual. It server us better to pretend we believe that they have consented to being neuro research subjects.
"The Antifada are here at the lookout post. The lair of the neuro research group is underground in London. It can be accessed through a chamber inside the house of Lords."
"How many chances does this woman need. Speak to me or else".
"There is no income stream coming from this woman. This was responded to by another unknown voice as follows "An income stream will be now set up to come from this womans estate. Further to that I heard the following information also coming from inside my head "This is against all known laws of the circuit courts". The response I heard then was as follows "Signalling each other is not the way forward. I have killed your information source". While this was being said I got a strong feeling that the individual who I was brain to brain linked at that exact time had been killed because I can feel their emotions and I felt something very strange and unexplanable coming from the brain to brain link into my own head.
"We will decommission the system if this much information is out there".
"This pig of a woman has no right to exist".
"We will have to abandon ship. We are in danger".
I had been kept awake at night because of hearing constant voice to skull direct human communication voices coming from inside my head. I had complained about this during the day via the voice to skull direct human communication system. I had been unable to carry out my own business due to extreme tiredness. They then informed me that they had deprived the night staff who had been keeping me awake of work for four weeks as a punishment. However, other night staff had then later on begun to keep me awake. I complained to these individuals that they were keeping me awake by their continual talking during the night. I then heard the following voices coming from inside my head while speaking to each other "Do you want a four week vacation?. This was followed by "Yes." This was followed by "Well keep her awake then." This was followed by still another inner voice which said "You are going to have to leave this employ. You are turning against the welfare of this woman."
"If this woman had had a hysterectomy we would have had her by now. We would have got to the bowel and scared it a bit in order to cause her problems in the future".
"You have gone out of your way to make me cross".
"Keep your head above the radar and I will slowly inform you that we will kill you".
"We can pretty much do what we like here. We have no consideration for you. Obviously we care enough to keep you alive. It would be counter productive otherwise."
I would like to strongly advice other recepients of voice to skull unwanted voices to reply to the voices in the following manner as a matter of course. "Why am I hearing your voice coming from inside my head entirely without my permission while saying the following (then you repeat whatever you heard them say). This may lead to exposure in the future for the following reason, A permanent electronic record of anybody who uses wirelessly enabled technology in order to speak to unknown targeted individuals remotely and without their permission might be kept for security reasons. If and when the courts obtain those electronic records the perpetrators will not be able to claim that they did not know that they were projecting their voices inside the heads on non-consensual and extremely unwilling human beings if you inform them each time they speak to you that you are hearing their voices coming from inside your head and it is non-consensual. .
I am non-consensually wirelessly linked to unknown neuro operatives who speak to me whenever they wish, and this is happening totally against my will. In the past ten minutes, I heard the voice of a female neuro operative coming from inside my head who said the following to one of her colleagues "A single lady, living alone in the West of Ireland, she is out of the house most of the time. Why haven't we done something to discourage her from living in her house?"
I used to be a fan of the American singer Donny Osmond when I was fifteen. That is where I learned about Mormonism as he is a Mormon. I am an agnostic and I believe that belonging to an organised religion weakens people because they must abandon logic in order to embrace faith.
However, the Mormons appear to be a stronger group than adherents to other organised religions because they lead sober lives. Drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, being sexually promiscuous, gambling and taking hard drugs weakens people as individuals and as groups.
We are being socially engineered by agents of the dark new world order criminal cabal to do all of those things in order that we become weaker and weaker so that we can be eventually enslaved by them.
Small children are being strongly encouraged to eat sugar coated cakes at birthdays, Christmas, easter and every other possible occasion. Sugar is poisonous and it weakens us.
The dark new world order criminal cabal normalize the habit of individuals and groups indulging in weakening behaviour at every opportunity, and I imagine that they rejoice whenever they see somebody in a weakened state so that they can then exploit them further.
We are living through a war of attrition now. Watch everything you do at all times. You are being profiled through your smart phone. Whatever you say while your smart phone is on your person is being used to build up a profile of you and I imagine your weaknesses will then be highlighted for others to exploit.
Unknown neuro operatives who use classified technology to reproduce their voices inside my head have informed me that as soon as I have been wirelessly enslaved to a level where they can fully control my body whenever they wish they will then take me to a slave plantation overseas, where I will be given a new identity and made to do their bidding in whatever way they choose. They also plan to abduct and enslave some other targeted individuals of neuro weapon research and have then also taken to an overseas slave plantation. I believe that these criminal neuro operatives whose work is heavily co-ordinated throughout the world by a worldwide organised crime syndicate bring fully completed and whole body controlled neuro slaves to my country where they are unknown to the government of my country. They work in large groups in private buildings. They are moved around this country by private transport and they almost never come to the attention of the Gardaí. They are being forced to assist with the neural enslavement of people within my country. This is how people throughout the world are being slowly enslaved by the use of wireless directed energy weapon technology.
Non-consensual targeted individuals of neuro research have informed the police, psychiatrists and numerous other government officials of their plight. However, the existence of wireless weapons is being vehemently denied by all government staff and the targeted individuals are being sent for psychiatric evaluation, which is mostly followed by incarceration in a psychiatric hospital for a period of time. The police and other government officials can not reveal to the general public the existence of wireless weapons because by doing so the work of the judiciary would be declared unsound and all prisoners would have to be released from prison. However, if they refuse to believe targeted individuals, neuro enslavement of random members of the public will grow at an exponential rate until such a time as they themselves would be wirelessly linked to a network of computers by their brain and spine and they would then be rendered helpless. Their wills could and would be over-ridden by unknown neuro operatives who would be working by wireless means and from a remote location.
The unknown organised criminal syndicate who have been slowly enslaving random members of the public for many decades have already captured senior positions of power in all seats of government as well as the military, the police, the main-stream media, the Vatican, main stream medicine, psychiatry and the intelligence services throughout the world. If the world money supply amounts to forty trillion dollars as some have claimed, I imagine that this worldwide organised crime syndicate ow own up to eighty percent of it and they plan to own it all unless we urgently disassemble and ban wireless enabling capabilities throughout the world right now. However, government staff have been mandated to use smart phones which may be used to place them under electronic mind control to the extent that some of them are in a state of violent denial when confronted by the truth of the existence and extreme abuse of wirelessly enabled energy weapons throughout this country and most other countries of the world.
The existence of satellite technology is now known to be an elaborate hoax. Stationary drones have been presented to us as being satellites. A myriad of other hoaxes, including the demonic possession hoax, the near death experience hoax, the religious apparition hoax, the moving statue hoax, have been generated down through the past few decades by the use of a combination of directed energy weapons, micro technology, holograms, actors and other trickery in order to misguide us and cloud our judgement and engender fear in us.
Gun control is simply about taking the guns of the general public and handing them over to a future dictatorship so that we would no longer be able to protect ourselves in any way. The teenage boys who have been found responsible for school shootings are suspected to have been under electronic mind control in order to set them up as patsies in order to aid and abet gun control throughout the world. Please outlaw wireless enabling capabilities urgently.
Conversion technology combined with spectral imaging allows anyone who has wireless weapons to see any and all human beings naked and up close. This is being done by agents of the dark new world order crime cartel who work from unknown remote locations. We must urgently ban all wireless enabling infrastructure and return to using only wired technology.
The dark new world order crime cartel wish to take away the confidence of the rest of the human race in order to destroy our individuality and our self belief so that they can inculcate us into a collective. This is a vital part of the inculcation process which happens inside all cults. I have been implanted with bio-technology to the extent that voices of criminal neuro operatives can force their voices inside my mind anytime they wish. These neuro operatives constantly insult me in order to attempt to take away my rock solid self belief so that they might inculcate me into a worldwide collectivism, which is another word for slavery. In order to inculcate somebody into a collectivism, the target is made to feel guilt and fear. They are informed that the group does their thinking for them and they are kept so busy that they have no time to question anything.
The existence of "Black Magic" is a hoax. The whole concept of the existence of the supernatural has been hoaxed for thousands of years by the use of secret science and technology and by the use of black operations. Dark occultists own and control most organised religions and secret societies which they have set up thousands of years ago. In order to effectively control the human race they use fear. Demonic possession is easily hoaxed. Human beings can be made to grimace and contort and swear against their wills and without their permission either by the use of imbedded technology inside them or by outside control of their human energy fields, thereby controlling their muscles. Dark occultists can not conjour up anything whatsoever. They can falsely lead you to believe that they have the power to conjour up the supernatural in order to instill fear in you.
The clergy do not think logically. They support faith over logic. Faith is a vice. Logical thinking is a virtue. The dark occultists twist every human belief by 180 degrees. The clergy support organised dishonesty. They have been inculcated at an early age. It is not their fault that they have been deliberately misled. Money and ingenuity has been used to deliberately mislead them. Please align with the truth rather than with popular sentiment.
Natural law is backed by science. Always align with nature. Do not align with transhumanism. It has been created by dark occultists in order to enslave and torture the human race.
Ireland has become a multi-cultural society over the past thirty years approximately. There are many advantages to this situation, including having friends with many different back-grounds. There is one major disadvantage which has come to the fore. We live in a world containing approximately forty million Satanists and dark Luciferians. These dark occultists are planning to enslave the human race by invading all countries throughout the world and by inserting themselves into all power institutions within all countries. This has already been achieved. These dark occultists do not advertise their presence. They operate strictly through secret societies. There are approximately two hundred countries in the world. There could be as many as ten thousand Satanists living in Ireland. They all have the same agenda which is to take over our lives and to enslave all of us completely by wireless means and by a large variety of other means. Naivety is not an attractive quality in an adult human being. You have a duty to become a politician activist in order to protect the freedom of Ireland.
The voice to skull inner voices have told me just now that they would all prefer to be criminalized rather than continue to help the dark new world order crime cartel to enslave the human race as is planned.
The following is information which I obtained from a youtube video by Joe Imbriano which is called " 5G- The Game Plan is Depopulation" which can be found at the following youtube link https://youtu.be/5n9KAw5gZTE
" There is a new breed of radio frequency poisoning coming to us. Paid agents of the dark new world crime cabal are increasing the frequencies of the 5th generation wireless technology to 60 gigahertz. The 60 gigahertz frequency has been chozen for a specific reason. That is the frequency that ozygen molecules absorb radio frequency energy. The oxygen molecules have electrons that they share with each other. Oxygen is a diatomic molecule. What we breathe are two oxygen molecules stuck together with these electrons which they share with each other. It is these shared electrons that bind to the hemoglobin in our blood. When oxygen is hit with radio frequency energy at 60 gigahertz it effects the orbital properties of these shared electrons because hemoglobin is a magnetic compound.
When you alter or interfere with the orbital spin properties of diatomic oxygens electrons you then interfere with the exchange of gas in our lungs where the oxygen is being absorbed into the bloodstream and the carbon dioxide is being expelled from the bloodstream.
Agents of the dark new world order crime cabal are attempting to poison us with a frequency that effects our oxygen molecules and this is by design. This may be the reason that the science of magnetobiology is being censored everywhere. "
Have you noticed the relatively new phenomenon of national radio presenters grovelling to members of the self-proclaimed elite whenever said radio presenters are obliged to interview them?. Why would an adult sane human being grovel to their own equal like a sycophant?. The radio presenter says such things as " I am very lucky to be in the presence of such a great, great man as you. I am very nervous to be in your presence. I will struggle on humbly and attempt to interview you as best I can" etc.
This radio grovelling has become widespread recently. I understand why it is occurring. We do not live in a democracy. No matter who is elected to any legitimate government in the western world, dark occultist members of secret societies such as free masons, Satanists, dark luciferians and Zionists retain control of both the money supply and the weapons supply of all countries. They are highly organised and they wish to set up a rigid hierarchical based chain of command throughout the world with themselves as all powerful dictators while the rest of us would be reduced to abject poverty. In order to pull off the illusion of superiority they surround themselves with grovelling sycophants to are paid to proclaim their greatness to anybody who has the patience and gullability to listen.
This proverbial hierarchical based chain of command that is currently being set up throughout the world would involve children being totally owned and controlled by their mothers who in turn would be totally owned and controlled by their husbands, who in turn would be totally owned and controlled by their employers. The employers would be totally owned and controlled by corporations who in turn are already totally owned and controlled by the self-proclaimed elite who in turn are about to be totally owned and controlled by the pope. To achieve this proverbial chain of command, false authority is now being handed out to many government connected authorities such as main stream medical practitioners to the extent that now some main stream medical practitioners are being given the false authority to mandate vaccinations and to mandate psychiatric evaluations on a whim as well as to mandate visits to said medical practitioners whenever they see fit.