In 1966, a history professor from Georgetown University, U.S.A. by the name of Carroll Quigley published a book called 'Tragedy and Hope' where he proved that a secret network of individuals which have come to be known as the deep state or the shadow world government exist and control most of the financial wealth of the world. Because this book 'Tragedy and Hope' is 1348 pages long, Joseph Plummer published his own book called' Tragedy and Hope 101' in which he reduced Carroll Quigley's information down to approximately 200 pages and he also furthered Carroll Quigley's information. I have reduced that information down to a short synopsis here in order to further raise awareness of the activities of the deep state which Joseph Plummer calls 'the network' in his book called 'Tragedy and Hope 101'

1. Real power is unelected. Politicians change but the power structure does not.

2. The network prefer anonymity.

3. The network place their own agents in leadership positions inside the media, universities, governments, and foundations etc.

4.. The network ignore morals, ethics and legislative laws.

5. They have destroyed the substance of national sovereignty.

6. In 1913 The network used presidential advisor Edward Mandell House to manipulate President Woodrow Wilson to sign into existence both income tax and a central bank into the U.S.A. Before that time the concept of income tax and central banking was unknown and unnecessary. This act then enabled the network to control the money supply of the people of the United States.

7. When we vote in an election we choose from a list of candidates which the network has put in place.

8. In order to gain power, the network do not need to own money. Instead, they control all moneys that private citizens place in savings banks, in retirement funds, in insurance funds, in trust funds and they then determine where that enormous pool of money is invested. By this means, they can manipulate the price of goods.

9. They place their own secret agents inside governments where they confiscate the money of the citizenry through various taxes.

10. Ignorance of banking lead many duly elected politicians to trust the advice of bankers which is disasterous for the country they are leading.

11. When the world first began using money it used bartar and commodity money. For convenience it then began to use receipt money. Fractional money was then introduced which was a dishonest practice. The network advanced its power by later introducing fiat money. Fiat money is paper money that a government declares to be legal tender. Fiat is paper money backed by nothing. The network then introduced something worse than fiat money which is debt money. Debt money is a worldwide monetary enslavement system. The network only put money into circulation whenever a loan is made and remove it from circulation whenever the loan is repaid. This means we are without a permanent money system throughout the world. The network now have the ability to confiscate, create and control the money that we earn.

12. Today one hundred million dollars per hour gushes into the military industrial complex.

13. The network wished to gain absolute control over the whole world but in order to achieve this they first had to persuade almost every country in the world to sign a peace accord. In order to make this happen they manipulated both of the world wars to occur. Through manipulation of world leaders they persuaded a number of countries to join what came to be known as 'The League of Nations'. The United States refused to join it because by doing so they would be forced to give up their sovereignty.

14. The network always seeks to trap nations in debt because a heavily indebted government is much easier to control that one which is financially sound. If a government wishes to maintain vital services, social order and ultimately its own power it can be persuaded to do exactly what the network wants. If the government refuses, the flow of money will then be cut and wont be restored until more acceptable leaders assume control.

15. During the second world war between 60 million and 80 million people died as a direct result of network manipulation.

16. The vast majority of the military, duly elected political leadership, and the civilian population are never told about what their own governments are actually doing.

17. Secret armies have now been set up in many countries throughout the world without the knowledge or consent of the people of those countries. They are controlled and run by members of the network. The secret armies are involved in a whole series of terrorist operations and human rights abuses. They are being used to interfere with the democratic process whenever the electorate threaten to vote contrary to the wishes of the network.

18. Any political system that subordinates the rights of the individual to the rights of some so called greater good by this method transfers nearly absolute power to a handful of evil individuals and it leaves every other individual powerless to resist them.

19. Crises such a hoaxes health crises is used to increase the power of the state as to crack down on the power of the individual and the reason that is provided is 'it is for the greater good'.

20. The network believes that they key to controlling the world is by the use of secrecy in all of its operations.

21. The threat posed by the network far exceeds the threat posed by by other types of criminals because the network have access to the media, the network have the trust of the masses. They have the air of legitimacy. They can legally seize our money. They can legally destroy the purchasing power of our currencies. They can legally control the police and military. They can legislate away our rights. They can reduce our children to debt slaves. They can obstruct an enquiry into their crimes from inside the system. They can seal documents, and confiscate and lose evidence and they can appoint their own investigators. They can write laws and selectively enforce them. They can disarm millions of their would-be victims. They can take nations to war while profiting financially and politically from the carnage.

22. The network created a centre for world government which is known as the United Nations. We must resist them at all costs. They are now attempting to technologically enslave us by wirelessly connecting our physical bodies to a computerized control system where they could and would paralyse or murder us from a distance by wireless means. We must urgently have their wireless infrastructure disassembled and banned. Please raise awareness of this situation. The free online version of the book 'Tragedy and Hope 101' by Joseph Plummer is available at a website called

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