These things we are trying to survive are a constant for me 24/7 I cannot work, some days i manage some days i feel retarded and proboly am. Jesus I have a whole life ahead of me and 2 kids who need me. We or should I say I have had my character assasinated, enough medical records that would indicate im a mental case, Im on social security and this all went down hill in eight years. Im angry so angry. The whole world is going to suffer eventually. It probobly is and has for so long if its reached the general public here in the good old USA. All iM SAYING IS STOP CHATTING, WE NEED ORGANIZATION, EMOTIONAL SUPPORT WHEN OUR MINDS TELL US WE ARE GOING TO DIE 24/7 AND WE FEEL THAT WAY WE HAVE TO SAVE EACH OTHERS LIVES AND SHIT WE ARE SPREAd ALL OUT OVER THIS COUNTRY AND THE WORLD. In my opinion this isnt about some lame DEW in the form of an object you can purchase or make and lay on someones desk. This shit followed me all over the country Its mass misery, I believe the HARP project is in full commission. The capability is for mass mind control as well as a few other enviromental horrors to say the least. The sick bastards who prey on us and watch us slowly die, just because its their shit job. THis is sicker than The Nazi camps. The kinds of sick things, illnesses, taunting, fears emotional manipulations, mental tortures perpetrated on us. Fuckers I want them to pay for it. I believe the police are involved based on my experiences and then the master scum takes over thats usually when the "stalking" stops cause your pretty much done in, financially fucked, no credibility, divorced, no kids, no friends then the physical sicknes sets in. You know its TYPICAL CIA/FBI
historically speaking of course destruction of people. Youd think people would be smarter by now like the people who were suppose to be the closest to you just might have had a little faith. Well at least there are some excellent books out there written by reputable,educated and passionate men and women in the sciences as well as compassionate for our destiny.They are bold brave investigative journalists as well who risk their lives in printing the truth.XOXO
Dear Cinder my name is Carla and I am new to peacepink but have been a victim/survivor of nonconsensual experimentation almost all my life. I can highly relate to every word and description of suffering you currently endure and have been subjected to. I feel for you. No one deserves this crap! It IS TORTURE , plain and simple. It is a VIOLATION of our most basic human rights. It is doomed to hell and so are those who take part in the tortures. As far as being "behavior modification" ummm I say BULLSHIT!! This is rape of one's soul, health, emotions and it robs us of our "pursuit of happiness" as established constitutionally by our forefathers.
Anyway I guess I just want to say, I hear ya and boy can I relate. Just know that someday these idiots will pay one way or another who do this to us. I know this is not exactly comforting and it would be nice to SEE the justice come down, and that indeed may be the case. But just know everything done good or bad takes hold and comes back around in one's life. I have seen a few of my perps from when I was "gaslighted" pay with their life. One got deported, one is facing 3 life sentences for "going beserk with a gun in a crowd" and well the rest I do not know about becuz some of my perps I am not aware of (thru the wall perps I would call these) and also I moved several states away.
If it is OK to say this, God bless you and NEVER GIVE UP!! My heart goes out to you very deeply!
Blessings and Peace to ya Cinders!
TI CHI I have no concerns over my meds other than they do not work and please let me reassure you the things I have shared are based on my experience but not exclusively. I have tried every medicin available in the last 20 years. THEY MAKE them NOT work. For example pain meds they just prevent it from blocking the pain receptors, you are aware that they can cause severe pain on anywhere in your body including mimicking pain identical to pain you have already experienced, for example I broke both my arms once about 2 years later they mimicked the pain of my broken wrist exactly. They map our nervous system and any changes under moments of duress etc, using the response of the brain this could be a whole variety of things depending on the stimuli, is it pain, numbness etc. The brain then kicks in with its response #1 would be pain #2 would be a chemical chain reaction to reuduce the effects the way God intended endorphins, adrenaline, fear which may create tears which is part of our built in anti stress reliever also. So If your being attacked with a beam of low energy frequencies your brain becomes entrained, like remote control because of the uniqueness of each of our brains. Brain mapping 24/7 is entrainment the firing of every neuron and its direction is under control.Your brain chemistry is no longer performing naturally. Simply because its electrical too and we are electrical and our atmosphere as well as everything alive has an electrical frequency, its life. Just a butterfly passing by makes the ever so subtle change also.That every thought, spoken word, is energy in motion molecuraly altering life in a sort of trickle down effect something we the stupified general public took for granted till now we can see the huge impact it has, I dont mean to insult your intelligence, but just in case u didnt understand exactly. Not everyone is experienceing entrainment it makes you ill and disrupts your emotions alters memory, depletes your body of certain nutrients (this one is not a fact but it has done this to me) All of this is for no reason it shouldnt hurt us at all other than the ultimate violation and rape. In fact like I stated before technology could provide miracles for many people with serious chronic illnesses like all mental issues,including spinal cord injuries, Really the implications are amazing and scary, either way they are putting this tech which has existed & tested on humans since the early 1950 and really thats being kind remember the Philadelphia Experiment?That was 1947 what they tried to was exactly like on Star Trek (beam me up Scotty) there were many men on board that ship, can you imagine?Alot of them survived also. Try and get the book. Einstein worked on that project and said after he didnt want to have anything to do with that technology again.Sadly maybe 10% of what we learned is Finally going towards medical advancement and the the rest for defense? I dont know why any country that was a threat to us particularly Russia, Germany, Australia the Netherlands, and some Im not sure of has the same technology at different levels.Why all this money, research, and time and secrecy for something we are randomly killing the general public with worldwide.I dont have energy healing links for the device used. its The same technology. I can suggest a book "Angels dont play this Harp"by Dr Nich Begich and Jeane Manning, you can order it off Amazon. I use windows 7 and explorer, I have a wireless router but all kinds of safetyware, Its as if somneone is standing over my shoulder using a keyboard that overrides mine I could video it if I had a camera. I will send you some more info tomorrow on some other things I have experienced Its comprehensible. Take care of yourself, have faith, pray and believe******
TI CHI I have no concerns over my meds other than they do not work and please let me reassure you the things I have shared are based on my experience but not exclusively. I have tried every medicin available in the last 20 years. THEY MAKE them NOT work. For example pain meds they just prevent it from blocking the pain receptors, you are aware that they can cause severe pain on anywhere in your body including mimicking pain identical to pain you have already experienced, for example I broke both my arms once about 2 years later they mimicked the pain of my broken wrist exactly. They map our nervous system and any changes under moments of duress etc, using the response of the brain this could be a whole variety of things depending on the stimuli, is it pain, numbness etc. The brain then kicks in with its response #1 would be pain #2 would be a chemical chain reaction to reuduce the effects the way God intended endorphins, adrenaline, fear which may create tears which is part of our built in anti stress reliever also. So If your being attacked with a beam of low energy frequencies your brain becomes entrained, like remote control because of the uniqueness of each of our brains. Brain mapping 24/7 is entrainment the firing of every neuron and its direction is under control.Your brain chemistry is no longer performing naturally. Simply because its electrical too and we are electrical and our atmosphere as well as everything alive has an electrical frequency, its life. Just a butterfly passing by makes the ever so subtle change also.That every thought, spoken word, is energy in motion molecuraly altering life in a sort of trickle down effect something we the stupified general public took for granted till now we can see the huge impact it has, I dont mean to insult your intelligence, but just in case u didnt understand exactly. Not everyone is experienceing entrainment it makes you ill and disrupts your emotions alters memory, depletes your body of certain nutrients (this one is not a fact but it has done this to me) All of this is for no reason it shouldnt hurt us at all other than the ultimate violation and rape. In fact like I stated before technology could provide miracles for many people with serious chronic illnesses like all mental issues,including spinal cord injuries, Really the implications are amazing and scary, either way they are putting this tech which has existed & tested on humans since the early 1950 and really thats being kind remember the Philadelphia Experiment?That was 1947 what they tried to was exactly like on Star Trek (beam me up Scotty) there were many men on board that ship, can you imagine?Alot of them survived also. Try and get the book. Einstein worked on that project and said after he didnt want to have anything to do with that technology again.Sadly maybe 10% of what we learned is Finally going towards medical advancement and the the rest for defense? I dont know why any country that was a threat to us particularly Russia, Germany, Australia the Netherlands, and some Im not sure of has the same technology at different levels.Why all this money, research, and time and secrecy for something we are randomly killing the general public with worldwide.I dont have energy healing links for the device used. its The same technology. I can suggest a book "Angels dont play this Harp"by Dr Nich Begich and Jeane Manning, you can order it off Amazon. I use windows 7 and explorer, I have a wireless router but all kinds of safetyware, Its as if somneone is standing over my shoulder using a keyboard that overrides mine I could video it if I had a camera. I will send you some more info tomorrow on some other things I have experienced Its comprehensible. Take care of yourself, have faith, pray and believe******
A reasonable diet and some vitamins sounds good. Make sure you are not wasting your money on bottles that you don't need. If you eat carrots and greens, and some meat and milk, and fruits, you will be well supplied with vitamins. Anti-aging formulae at health food stores can help deal with some of the stress, but they can be rather costly.
AA meetings are a good way to network and socialize. But understand that their program is designed to help with the psychological addition from within by persuasion, and an externally created addiction due to brain manipulation might require something more.
I don't want to deny you your peace, but anything that fogs the mind also makes it more vulnerable.
Have the car checked for an electrical device that should not be there. If you know how, wear insulating gloves and disconnect the ground lead from the battery when you get home. Allow a minute to reconnect it when you leave. If they still drain it then, they are using technology that is very advanced or they are doing it in person with hand tools.
Stop preparing large meals that leave leftovers for later. Never eat leftover food that has been in the house while no one is home. Avoid buying family-size snacks, milk, and juices that have to be re-sealed.
External noise is often caused by cylinders about the size of a coffee mug and mounted on power poles or nearby rooftops. They are only effective for a few hundred feet. Try walking around the neighborhood with a camera regularly and see if you find anything suspicious.
What Operating System do you use?
What browser program do you use?
What do they do to your computer most often?
Do you have a DSL, Cable, Dial-up, or Wireless GSM/WiFi connection to the Internet?
Please post some links to your findings on energy healing devices.
William S. Burroughs
Sometimes it helps to see the metapicture and how this all fits in.
Are there any community organizations you can join or initiate, like a block club, breakfast club, etc.?
Is your daily disability due to sleep deprivation, voices, drugs in your food supply, or something else?
Have you considered making a trip or inviting another TI in your state to meet, or talk to regularly?
Do you have a daily personal exercise program you can do at home?
How much Television do you watch each day? How much time on the Internet?
Can you take any classes in anything at a local continuing education program?
Can you go to the local library regularly? Have you done any research on countermeasures to the possible causes of your symptoms?
Are you involved with your children's school activities or PTA?
Do you do anything at all to make yourself less of an "Easy Target"?
A more dynamic person is a moving target, otherwise you are basically in a grave and all they have to do is shovel the dirt on top of you.
Any one else reading this may also answer or comment on the questions.