低血壓 (1)


Mind Control Space News this week (December 19 to 25, 2020)

1. This week, another fake chief executive appeared in the brain control space again. When I asked her for name, she answered “Tsang" and I asked is it “Tsang" or “real” because “Tsang" and “real” are same pronounce in Cantonese. Finally confirm her name is “Tsang”. Except for the different way of presentation, her voice was exactly the same as Chief Executive Carrie Lam.

As said, Eric Tsang and Cuson Law used the voice of the false chief executive to order private company to provide surveillance video recordings which record the daily movement in public places, they used for editing to framing someone else, It was seriously infringing the privacy to citizens.

2. The mapping with two people, if other one in difference country with different voltage will caused light cases, the light will flicker, the humidifier will automatically turn off, even the main switch will auto off . So when you got flashing light, it means does not really the ghost in the house, but perps ghost were mapping you.

3. The metamorphosis mind controller mapping with someone who got congested nose at night, those were suspected to be Stephen Chow’ term, they mapping breathing with me, caused me difficult breathe and unable to sleep. In the daytime, the metamorphosis controller mapping me with someone who got deflated in the lower back of the brain, when I waved my arm, I felt the sound ”squeak" in my back of the head. I felt so terrifying!

This week, The metamorphosis mind controller start electronic harassment at 14:00 of the 22nd, he continuous remote control of electronic weapons caused me headache, I have reported the case to the Hong Kong police at 09:00 on the 23rd. The report number: Ref#ERC2012232093237. However, the harassment keeping on and also increased its torture power until 16:00, and then launched another attack at 21:44 until 03:00 on the 24th. It is said that this torture taking order from Lam Kin-Ming, Stephen Chow, Simon Yam, Andy Lau and famous Cantonese opera actors. As media statistics, at least 25% of Hong Kong citizens felt headache and dizziness every time when attacked.


1. 本週另一位假特首又出現在腦控空間,我問她大名時,她答”曾”,我問是”曾”或”真”,因為”曾”和”真”在廣東話是同音,最後確定她的名字是”曾惠妹”,除了講話的內涵不同外,她的聲音同林鄭特首一模一樣。


2. 原來同身處不同電壓的地方人士合併會令到電壓發生變化,輕者電燈有閃爍,放濕器自動關閉,嚴重者跳電掣。所以當有電燈閃爍時,並非家中有鬼,而是有寄生鬼同你併身體引起。

3. 變態控機賤人長期晚間將鼻塞者,懷疑是田啟文,陳文輝,林敏聰兄弟同我併呼吸,令我呼吸困難,沒辦法入睡。日間將後腦痿縮者同我併感覺,當我揮動手臂時感覺到後腦"吱吱"聲,很恐怖!

另一方面,本週變態控機賤人於22日下午在14:00時開始,持續遙控電子武器令我頭痛,我已於23日早上09:00向香港警方報案,報案編號:Ref#ERC2012232093237. 但電子武器摧殘仍未停止,反而加大力度持續折磨至16:00, 然後於21:44又再一次發動攻擊至24日早上03:00才停止。據說此次摧殘來自林建名,周星馳,任達華,劉華和粵劇名伶,香港最少有25%的市民感覺到頭痛,頭暈。

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