蔡志恆  (1)



1.     變態腦控賤人每逢我同朋友通電話時,關閉我口語掣,令我有如突然失聰一樣,沒法聽清對方的意思,沒法按正常思考去溝通,令我很尷尬。深深明白被腦控致失聰的恐怖。


2.     本週當我乘飛機由溫哥華飛香港的航機上和下機後, 變態控芯片賤人持續遙控電子武器令我頭痛, 睡眠剥奪, 同時將腿酸者, 身型矮肥者, 腸胃不适者同我併芯片, 令我坐立不安, 長達17小時, 精神虐待.

 害人者: 錢嘉樂, 蔡志恆, 鄧文敏; 

據說背後指使者: 馬時亨, 曾志偉.


3.     變態控芯片賤人經常將多人同我併芯片潛聲, 更嚴重者不斷將不同人輪流同我換思維, 令我記憶混亂, 間歇性失憶.

你可能會問我為何知道自己被不同人轉換思維? 我是從觀看錄影帶時, 發覺很多情節不聯貫, 倒帶重睇時感覺到情節畫面很陌生, 似是遺留, 實是己睇過, 只是換了他人思維去記憶. 一部電影很多時需中間重複不停倒帶重播, 才能完整理解. 我可以肯定同我個人專注力無關, 是主記被轉換的問題.

有人提出質疑, 認為並非換上他人思維, 而是老代, 當流失RbAp 48 基因, 記憶消失. 當RbAp 48 基因打開, 記憶又恢復. 但恢復的記憶是否包括之前的記憶?  此論點相信同醫學有關, 而非腦控技術.


以上種種, 相信只有了解腦控機詳情的人才能有答案.


Mind control Space news this week (November 30 to December 6, 2019)


1.     The metamorphosis chip controller turn-off my thinking and oral key When I talking or communication in the phone, I felt suddenly dead air, like my brain in empty situation, I can't understand what my friend talking, and I can't communicate with my normal thought.  I deeply understood the horror of deaf and dumb caused by brain control.

2. This week, when I flew from Vancouver to Hong Kong,  the metamorphosis chip control remoted control electronic harassment for headaches, sleep deprivation, at the same time the bitch who mapping me with few persons who got sour legs, Gastrointestinal upset and cannot sit in properly, making me restless, mentally and Physically abuse over 17 hours.

: Chin Ko-Lok, Choi Chi Hung, Tang Man Mang;

It is said whom behind the slaughterer:
Frederick Ma, Eric Tsang.


3. The Metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with multiple people in five senses, inducing my voice to misled the listener.   More seriously to mapping my brain in turn with different perps, making my memory confused, intermittent amnesia when my main memory turn to someone else.

You may ask me how you can know being changed brain? When I watching the video, I noticed that many plots were incoherent, and when I re-viewed, I felt that the plot picture was strange, but it was watch just, just changing others brain to remember. So anytime I watching the movie, need to repeated and replayed again for fully understanding. I am sure not only concentration, but changed my main memory.

Some people questioned that no about changing the thinking, but Dementia, it relative to the RbAp 48 gene, when RbAp 48 gene off, the memory loss. When the RbAp 48 gene on, the memory was restored. But does the restored memory include the previous memory? This argument that I believed to be related to medical technology, No only brain controlled technology.

I thought that it is simply caused by the metamorphosis chip controller repeatedly turning on and off the mind switch in the brain control machine.

All of the above, I believe that only people who know the details of the brain control machine can have the correct answer.


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