曾志偉  (4)



1.     變態腦控賤人每逢我同朋友通電話時,關閉我口語掣,令我有如突然失聰一樣,沒法聽清對方的意思,沒法按正常思考去溝通,令我很尷尬。深深明白被腦控致失聰的恐怖。


2.     本週當我乘飛機由溫哥華飛香港的航機上和下機後, 變態控芯片賤人持續遙控電子武器令我頭痛, 睡眠剥奪, 同時將腿酸者, 身型矮肥者, 腸胃不适者同我併芯片, 令我坐立不安, 長達17小時, 精神虐待.

 害人者: 錢嘉樂, 蔡志恆, 鄧文敏; 

據說背後指使者: 馬時亨, 曾志偉.


3.     變態控芯片賤人經常將多人同我併芯片潛聲, 更嚴重者不斷將不同人輪流同我換思維, 令我記憶混亂, 間歇性失憶.

你可能會問我為何知道自己被不同人轉換思維? 我是從觀看錄影帶時, 發覺很多情節不聯貫, 倒帶重睇時感覺到情節畫面很陌生, 似是遺留, 實是己睇過, 只是換了他人思維去記憶. 一部電影很多時需中間重複不停倒帶重播, 才能完整理解. 我可以肯定同我個人專注力無關, 是主記被轉換的問題.

有人提出質疑, 認為並非換上他人思維, 而是老代, 當流失RbAp 48 基因, 記憶消失. 當RbAp 48 基因打開, 記憶又恢復. 但恢復的記憶是否包括之前的記憶?  此論點相信同醫學有關, 而非腦控技術.


以上種種, 相信只有了解腦控機詳情的人才能有答案.


Mind control Space news this week (November 30 to December 6, 2019)


1.     The metamorphosis chip controller turn-off my thinking and oral key When I talking or communication in the phone, I felt suddenly dead air, like my brain in empty situation, I can't understand what my friend talking, and I can't communicate with my normal thought.  I deeply understood the horror of deaf and dumb caused by brain control.

2. This week, when I flew from Vancouver to Hong Kong,  the metamorphosis chip control remoted control electronic harassment for headaches, sleep deprivation, at the same time the bitch who mapping me with few persons who got sour legs, Gastrointestinal upset and cannot sit in properly, making me restless, mentally and Physically abuse over 17 hours.

: Chin Ko-Lok, Choi Chi Hung, Tang Man Mang;

It is said whom behind the slaughterer:
Frederick Ma, Eric Tsang.


3. The Metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with multiple people in five senses, inducing my voice to misled the listener.   More seriously to mapping my brain in turn with different perps, making my memory confused, intermittent amnesia when my main memory turn to someone else.

You may ask me how you can know being changed brain? When I watching the video, I noticed that many plots were incoherent, and when I re-viewed, I felt that the plot picture was strange, but it was watch just, just changing others brain to remember. So anytime I watching the movie, need to repeated and replayed again for fully understanding. I am sure not only concentration, but changed my main memory.

Some people questioned that no about changing the thinking, but Dementia, it relative to the RbAp 48 gene, when RbAp 48 gene off, the memory loss. When the RbAp 48 gene on, the memory was restored. But does the restored memory include the previous memory? This argument that I believed to be related to medical technology, No only brain controlled technology.

I thought that it is simply caused by the metamorphosis chip controller repeatedly turning on and off the mind switch in the brain control machine.

All of the above, I believe that only people who know the details of the brain control machine can have the correct answer.


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1.     本週腦控賤人持續遙控電子武器令我頭痛和耳背痛, 詳細請參閱我腦控日誌香港時間2019-08-132019-08-18”.


2.     腦控賤人掠奪受害者應得的賠償金, 作為收買他人智慧的酬勞, 似乎在告訴全世界, 他們既沒資金又沒智慧. 此招志在製造受害者同出賣個人智或公司資訊者之間的予盾, 分化兩者, 減輕對付腦殘人的實力. 舉例, 將受害者之賠償金用於收買某公司資訊, 得手後, 告知受害者, 他應得之賠償金已交給某人 (是收買公司資訊的酬), 要受害者親自去同收買者取款, 另一方面以受害者之名利用電子武器各種方法, 從出賣公司資訊者身上取回酬勞. 此舉令出賣公司資訊者怨聲再道, 認為已按腦殘人要求辦完事情, 甚至犯法勾當, 最後變成一無所有而憤憤不平. 所以在此提醒出賣訊者, 切不可為個人利出賣公司資和智產權, 公守法. 當你出賣公司同時, 也給腦殘賤人出賣你的籍口.


3.     明星另一顛倒是非黑白的招數, 販毒, 吸毒明星按拍戒毒廣告作為掩飾; 在腦控空間逼害受害者致自殺的明星, 在電台錄宣傳廣告勉勵受害者打防止自殺熱線; 參與電話騙案的明星, 在電台呼籲市民小心電話騙案; 當經營詐騙案過程中出現競爭者時, 即舉報罪案, 利用警方之力打擊異已而立功; 令所有罪案在警方的眼皮底下不知不覺地進行. 正所謂真作假時假作真


4.     目前引起仇警其中原因是有警隊高層同腦控空間賤人合作貪污所引起. 據說有很多被腦控受害者, 被作為GPS併芯片是有酬勞, 但因為受害者不知情, 所以所有酬勞被腦控者所掠奪.似曾志偉所講, 我在腦控空間的所有酬勞被曾志偉提取後, 再分派給幾位在職和離職的警務人員高層. 故此曾志偉曾揚言, 他做任何壞事都不怕, 警方一定放過他. 原因是曾志偉出自警察世家, 另一方面, 很多警隊高層檯底錢要靠曾志偉去收, 如果曾志偉有事, 他們會斷米路. 故此似前特首梁特曾經在空間斥責曾志偉, 大概意思是即時光倒退到你父輩的年代”(貪污的年代).


據知情人仕透露, 現任特首知道此事後, 為免我無薪受苦, 將我的名從名單中移除, 並三次下令放人, 但腦控賤人不只不肯放人, 反將更多的人同我併芯片, 令我舉步維艱, 腿部負荷沉重. 腦控賤人公然抗命, 漠視特首的指令. 腦控人的所作所為已到無法無天的地步!


 我明白以上只是警隊內部少數的害群之馬. 大家有目共睹, 警察為保港, 市民安全, 力抗暴民, 的忍和克制, 令我深深感動, 我仍會一如既往支持正義的警依法執法.




Mind Control Space News this week (August 13 to 18, 2019)



1. The week, the mind control perps keep in remoted control electronic harassment for headache and ear pain. The detail please refer to my mind control dairy “August 13 to 18, 2019 HKT”


2. The mind control perps got the victim’s compensation, paid to someone for information and technology, seems to tell all the world that they have neither money nor wisdom. Such tricky used to create a gap between the victim and the information seller, separated both to reduce their power for against mind control perps.  For example, the perp used the victim's compensation to buy someone who working company information, after the success, the perp informed the victim that his/her compensation has been handed over to someone, but omitted the money is the reward for buying company information, ask the victim to take his/her own money from the information seller in person. When the information seller reject to return the money, the perp under victim’s name, used various methods of electronic weapons to retrieve the money from the information seller.


About harassment cause the information seller angry, who had completed his/her job according to the requirements of perp, even breaking the law, and finally becoming nothing.  So here to remind the staff of company, don't sell your company information and intellectual property rights for personal benefit, respect justice and abide by the laws. When you sell your company out, you also sell your own to the brain stalker.


3. The star perp have a tricky, who can
confuse truth and falsehood. For example, the drug dealer, use anti-drug adverting video as a cover for confuse truth to false; the star perp tortured the victim for suicide in the brain-controlled space, and then record a radio slogan to encourage victim and provide the hotlines of Samaritan befrienders Hong Kong, such used to cover a silence killer; The other star perp, he involving in the phone fraud, and then record the a text to warn to the public to be careful about phone fraud; on the other case, when the star perps operating a fraud case, suddenly have a competitors appear in the case, they will report crimes to police, use power of the police to fight against their competitors and do a deed of merit; so that all crimes are unconscious carried out under the eyes of the police. It is confuse the truth and falsehood.



4. The current demonstration of hatred police is due to the fact that there are police officers who cooperate with the mind control perp with corruption. It is said that there are many victims being targeted as GPS without self-aware, all their salaries   plundered by the brain control perps. According to someone who voice similar to Eric Tsang, he confess that he received all my own salaries, and then distributed to several senior police officers whom some employed and some resigned. He also said whatever he did anything crime, the police must let him go. The reason one, Eric Tsang was come from the police family. On the other one, the police officers need Eric Tsang to collect the under table money for them. If Eric Tsang go to jail, they will lost all dirty money. At the same time, I got another voice similar to ex-chief executive officer Mr. Leung, he said to Eric Tsang, you means that you willing go back to your father’s generation? (The age of corruption) .

According to insiders, after the current chief executive knew the incident, in order to avoid my unpaid suffering, She removed my name from the list and gave three times ordered to release me from mind control space, but the brain control perps not only refused to let go, but within more chips with me, I am struggling when walking, the leg was over load to heavy. The brain control perps were openly defy an order three times, ignored the instructions of the chief executive. The metamorphosis brain control perps have done what were
absolutely no respect to the chief executive, violate all laws, human or divine.


I understand that these are just a few of the black sheep inside the police force. Recently, all we can saw from the demonstration that Hong Kong police are protecting Hong Kong, protecting the safety of the people and fighting against the mob. Their tolerance and restraint have deeply touch my heart. I will continue as usual to support the police force which under law enforcement.


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1.     本週腦控賤人持續遙控電子武器令我頭痛和耳背痛, 詳細請參閱我腦控日誌香港時間2019-08-132019-08-18”.


2.     腦控賤人掠奪受害者應得的賠償金, 作為收買他人智慧的酬勞, 似乎在告訴全世界, 他們既沒資金又沒智慧. 此招志在製造受害者同出賣個人智或公司資訊者之間的予盾, 分化兩者, 減輕對付腦殘人的實力. 舉例, 將受害者之賠償金用於收買某公司資訊, 得手後, 告知受害者, 他應得之賠償金已交給某人 (是收買公司資訊的酬), 要受害者親自去同收買者取款, 另一方面以受害者之名利用電子武器各種方法, 從出賣公司資訊者身上取回酬勞. 此舉令出賣公司資訊者怨聲再道, 認為已按腦殘人要求辦完事情, 甚至犯法勾當, 最後變成一無所有而憤憤不平. 所以在此提醒出賣訊者, 切不可為個人利出賣公司資和智產權, 公守法. 當你出賣公司同時, 也給腦殘賤人出賣你的籍口.


3.     明星另一顛倒是非黑白的招數, 販毒, 吸毒明星按拍戒毒廣告作為掩飾; 在腦控空間逼害受害者致自殺的明星, 在電台錄宣傳廣告勉勵受害者打防止自殺熱線; 參與電話騙案的明星, 在電台呼籲市民小心電話騙案; 當經營詐騙案過程中出現競爭者時, 即舉報罪案, 利用警方之力打擊異已而立功; 令所有罪案在警方的眼皮底下不知不覺地進行. 正所謂真作假時假作真


4.     目前引起仇警其中原因是有警隊高層同腦控空間賤人合作貪污所引起. 據說有很多被腦控受害者, 被作為GPS併芯片是有酬勞, 但因為受害者不知情, 所以所有酬勞被腦控者所掠奪.似曾志偉所講, 我在腦控空間的所有酬勞被曾志偉提取後, 再分派給幾位在職和離職的警務人員高層. 故此曾志偉曾揚言, 他做任何壞事都不怕, 警方一定放過他. 原因是曾志偉出自警察世家, 另一方面, 很多警隊高層檯底錢要靠曾志偉去收, 如果曾志偉有事, 他們會斷米路. 故此似前特首梁特曾經在空間斥責曾志偉, 大概意思是即時光倒退到你父輩的年代”(貪污的年代).


據知情人仕透露, 現任特首知道此事後, 為免我無薪受苦, 將我的名從名單中移除, 並三次下令放人, 但腦控賤人不只不肯放人, 反將更多的人同我併芯片, 令我舉步維艱, 腿部負荷沉重. 腦控賤人公然抗命, 漠視特首的指令. 腦控人的所作所為已到無法無天的地步!


 我明白以上只是警隊內部少數的害群之馬. 大家有目共睹, 警察為保港, 市民安全, 力抗暴民, 的忍和克制, 令我深深感動, 我仍會一如既往支持正義的警依法執法.




Mind Control Space News this week (August 13 to 18, 2019)



1. The week, the mind control perps keep in remoted control electronic harassment for headache and ear pain. The detail please refer to my mind control dairy “August 13 to 18, 2019 HKT”


2. The mind control perps got the victim’s compensation, paid to someone for information and technology, seems to tell all the world that they have neither money nor wisdom. Such tricky used to create a gap between the victim and the information seller, separated both to reduce their power for against mind control perps.  For example, the perp used the victim's compensation to buy someone who working company information, after the success, the perp informed the victim that his/her compensation has been handed over to someone, but omitted the money is the reward for buying company information, ask the victim to take his/her own money from the information seller in person. When the information seller reject to return the money, the perp under victim’s name, used various methods of electronic weapons to retrieve the money from the information seller.


About harassment cause the information seller angry, who had completed his/her job according to the requirements of perp, even breaking the law, and finally becoming nothing.  So here to remind the staff of company, don't sell your company information and intellectual property rights for personal benefit, respect justice and abide by the laws. When you sell your company out, you also sell your own to the brain stalker.


3. The star perp have a tricky, who can
confuse truth and falsehood. For example, the drug dealer, use anti-drug adverting video as a cover for confuse truth to false; the star perp tortured the victim for suicide in the brain-controlled space, and then record a radio slogan to encourage victim and provide the hotlines of Samaritan befrienders Hong Kong, such used to cover a silence killer; The other star perp, he involving in the phone fraud, and then record the a text to warn to the public to be careful about phone fraud; on the other case, when the star perps operating a fraud case, suddenly have a competitors appear in the case, they will report crimes to police, use power of the police to fight against their competitors and do a deed of merit; so that all crimes are unconscious carried out under the eyes of the police. It is confuse the truth and falsehood.



4. The current demonstration of hatred police is due to the fact that there are police officers who cooperate with the mind control perp with corruption. It is said that there are many victims being targeted as GPS without self-aware, all their salaries   plundered by the brain control perps. According to someone who voice similar to Eric Tsang, he confess that he received all my own salaries, and then distributed to several senior police officers whom some employed and some resigned. He also said whatever he did anything crime, the police must let him go. The reason one, Eric Tsang was come from the police family. On the other one, the police officers need Eric Tsang to collect the under table money for them. If Eric Tsang go to jail, they will lost all dirty money. At the same time, I got another voice similar to ex-chief executive officer Mr. Leung, he said to Eric Tsang, you means that you willing go back to your father’s generation? (The age of corruption) .

According to insiders, after the current chief executive knew the incident, in order to avoid my unpaid suffering, She removed my name from the list and gave three times ordered to release me from mind control space, but the brain control perps not only refused to let go, but within more chips with me, I am struggling when walking, the leg was over load to heavy. The brain control perps were openly defy an order three times, ignored the instructions of the chief executive. The metamorphosis brain control perps have done what were
absolutely no respect to the chief executive, violate all laws, human or divine.


I understand that these are just a few of the black sheep inside the police force. Recently, all we can saw from the demonstration that Hong Kong police are protecting Hong Kong, protecting the safety of the people and fighting against the mob. Their tolerance and restraint have deeply touch my heart. I will continue as usual to support the police force which under law enforcement.


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1.     本週二下午開始, 腦控賤人持續遙控電子武器令我頭痛,1-5級程度的痛楚發展至週三8級頭痛, 背後始作俑者是汪明荃, 林建名, 周星馳, 曾志偉, 倪震, 其喪心病狂實令人髪指.

最令我百思不得其解的是以上人士全部是特區政府甄選出來的人大代表, 政協委員, 到底人大代表和政協委員的職是為什? 是以遙控電子武市民為生的人嗎?

2.     在現實生活中, 我發現有很多我相識的人, 有另一位樣貌同他們年青時一模一樣, 一樣的聲音, 一樣的舉止, 但有著不同的語言, 而年輕相似者大部份在中國. 到底他們是複製人還是另類科技? 他們有個共同的點就是都被腦控, 我懷疑可能有人將早期被腦控人士的芯片記憶體錄製, 然後將芯片同在中國的另一個人併在一起, 令疑似複製人與原樣的人有相同樣貌, 但不同年齡. 最其怪的是年輕者大部份都聲稱自小到大都是一樣的樣貌, 沒有大的改變. 奇怪

3.     本週羅啟新和鄭子誠因指使遙控電子武器而被行政拘留.


4.     自從我刊登螞蟻受手機頻率影響的視屏後, 我家中開始有螞蟻, 最其怪的是它們不近蜜糖, 只是幾只盲無目的的爬行, 相信是腦控人同我玩微波螞蟻遊戲.

5.     腦控空間有一位名叫曾惠文的女子, 經常將她肥胖的身型同我併芯片, 將他的家人用特技投於我家中進行滋擾, 據知是她嫌棄她家人失禮, 將他們的芯片同我併在一起以失禮我, 並向外訛稱他們是我家人, 將自家的羞恥寄托於他人的痛苦之上. 記住己所不欲, 莫施於人.



Mind Control Space News this week (July 08 to 14, 2019)

1. Starting from the afternoon of this Tuesday (9th), the brain-controlled monks remote control the electronic weapons caused me headaches. The pain from the 1-5 level up to the eight grade headache on Wednesday. The perps whom gave the order for harassment as know were Liz Wan, Lam Kim Ming, Stephen Chow, Eric Tsang, Joe Nieh etc. they are all as mad as microwave killers.

The most puzzling to me when I typing their name, all the above people are representatives of the
people's congress elected by the SAR government. Members of the NPC and CPPCC, what are the duties of NPC and CPPCC members? Are the SAR or NPC gave them right to harassment the citizens both in China and Hong Kong?

2.  I have a discover in the recent time, I found that there are many people whom I know, have the other one who face looks exactly the same as when they were young, the same voice, the same manner, but with different languages, and most of the youngers are resident in mainland China. Are they human clone or other high technologies? They all have in common were being brain-controlled. I suspect that someone might record the memory chip of the brain-controlled person in the early days, and then used the chip within to other person in mainland China. Causing the suspected copy person has the same appearance as the original one, but in different generation. I ask to the young one, they claim that they have the same appearance since childhood, no big change. They are surprising me. 


3. The DJ of Cuson Law and The TVB actor of Timothy Cheng were detention on suspicion this week for remotely controlled electronic weapons for harassment.

4. Since I share the video of ants affected by the frequency of mobile phones, I got some ants in my apartment that never saw before. The strangest thing is that it were not close to honey, but blind and purposeless crawlers. I believe that brain control perp playing the microwave ant’s game with me.

5. There is a woman named Tsang wei man in the brain control space. She uses her own obese body shape to
within chip with me.  Projected his family members with special effects to my home to nuisance and mental abused. As known that she dislikes her family since rude. So done above for embarrassing me, and misled people that her family was my.  Waning to Tsang Wei Man, I don’t even know you, don’t place your own shame on me ever you don’t want to.


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