香港政府 (3)


Mind Control space news this week (November 07 to 13, 2020)

1.  This week, the metamorphosis mind controller continued to remote-controlled electronic weapons causing me and victims headache. I reported to the police twice for help.

At the same time, many people committed suicide since can’t stand electronic tortured. The suspects were the employees of Hong Kong radio stations, Apple Daily, TVB and Cantonese opera.

2.  It is said that the group of Chaozhouness has been uprooted, but still have small group exiled at Thailand and Philipine were being used by actors of Cantonese opera and movie stars for electronic tortured to China citizens and Hong Kong citizens for living.

The government has promoted to development the Greater Bay Area, but the Cantonese opera perps are so rampant in mind control at that area, how can the China Government protect Hong Kong citizen without brain control and electronic weapons during their work in the Greater Bay Area? If the government can be guaranteed, I will not hesitate go to Greater Bay Area for business.


1. 本週腦控空間持續有人遙控電子武器令我和受害者頭痛。我兩次報警求助。同時有很多人不堪電子武器摧殘而自殺。出面搞事者: 馬鼎盛,吳君如,鄧英敏,羅啟新,秦沛三兄弟; 因得益者有港台員工,蘋果日報員工,TVB員工, 商台員工和粵劇名伶。所以大家認為背後指使者是黎智英,譚詠麟,許冠傑,汪明荃,鄭裕玲等娛樂圈大哥大姐。

2. 據說腦控空間潮州幚已被連根拔起,剩下流亡泰國和菲律賓的一小撮被粵劇名伶和明星所利用,於腦控空間繼續遙控電子武器摧殘香港市民以及中國內地市民為生。


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Mind Control space News this week (September 5 to 11, 2020)

1. Many of Targeted Individuals ignore the problems of eye tracking. The TI’s eyes are the camera. The brain control machine records what the TI saw and heard every day. When the victim has a companion, The eyes tracking will records TI’s companion every moment when they together. After the metamorphosis mind controller collects the memory records, will clip and edit into a "deep fake" film, than your companion becomes a dirty movie star with innocently.

Therefore, as a Targeted Individual, you should remind your companion, behaviour in your daily life and proper dressing at home, avoiding to becoming a dirty movie star.

2. Since the Targeted Individual day at August 29, 2020, I have had more than 500 "friend requests" on my Facebook every day, my purpose of set up the Facebook is to wake up the public awareness about brain control, so the "friend request" are welcome at all. However, some of them upload dirty images in my facebook, I believed that all dirty come from perps’ side and I have block them at once.

I strongly condemn the perps who uploaded dirty images on my Facebook, if you not a TI with sincere, please do not disturb.

3. In mind control space, few perps who claim that they are Andy Lau, and the voices are all similar, I don’t no their real name at all, they are the trouble makers in brain-controlled space. As you know, I am a victim, alone in brain-controlled space, never ever participate in brain-controlled space affairs. I firmly declined to cooperate with fake Andy Law in all.

I was alone in mind control space, I only belong to myself not others. If you want me to participate in your business, please understand that not electronic harassment, not sexual harassment, not mapping and not criminal.

4. There are many elders in the brain control space. They are originally in healthy, but the metamorphosis mind controller mapping them with the patients when they are in body checking, caused they got a records with difference kinds of illnesses, taking medication in long time. The perp used cheap tricks In order to prepare a long-term medical record, one day when they kill by remote-controlled electronic weapon that can blame to.

5. In Australia and Taiwan, the TIs can apply a apprehended violence order (AVO) follow the local laws, which used to prohibits brain control and electronic harassment.

In Hong Kong, many of lawyers who not guts apply for victims, so I apply to the High Court myself. Because there is no AVO in Hong Kong, when I consulted the High Court, the staff provided the habeas corpus application form and I filed the application after sworn.

After above, I received the responses from the court judge that text said”the applicant is not currently in custody. She alleged that her mind was controlled by an unknown source, but the court only issued habeas corpus to the person in custody. This declaration is based on a misunderstanding and is now cancelled."

May we discuss the wording that “Mental custody” is it including to “body custody”? The human body is controlled by the mental which was part of body, so the mental custody should including in body custody.

My application form was provided after consulting with court lawyers. After review by the second court staff, the oath was taken in front of the third court staff, and then submitted to the fourth staff for review and filing. Are the all above court staffs misunderstood? or the judge have wrong judgment?

in Hong Kong, May all the courts manipulated by a small group of people? Or the judge also being mind control? you tell me.


1. 很多被腦控受害者都忽略眼部跟蹤問題,受害者的眼睛就是相機,腦控機會記錄被腦控者每天的所見所聞,當受害者有同伴時,受害者每天都在記錄和同伴者相處的每一刻。當變態控機賤人收集記憶記錄後,用"深假”的方式,將片段剪接為三級片,而你的同伴就無辜地變成三級片的男女主角。所以做為被腦控受害者的另一半,日常生活和家居衣著盡量小心,以減少成為三級片女主角的機會。

2. 自從8月29日列為世界被腦控受害者紀念日開始,我Facebook每天都有超過五百個"朋友請求",因為我開Facebook的目的是喚醒大眾對腦控事實的關註,正常情況下對"朋友請求”都無任歡迎。但其中有些以TI之名,上載三級影像,污衊,猥䙝反腦控的宣傳,相信是控機賤人的所為。在此向在我Facebook上載淫䙝照片的人提出強烈譴責,望非誠勿擾!

3. 本週有自稱劉華,據說是A貨劉德華(真名不詳)的人在腦控空間搞事,本人在此聲明,我是被腦控受害者,從不參與腦控空間事務,堅決謝絕同A貨劉德華(真名不詳)合作。


4. 腦控空間有很多被腦控的長者,原本身體健康,但變態控機賤人將他們同病患併身體,當他們檢查身體時,制造很多有病記錄,導致長期食藥。此舉意在有朝一日遙控電子武器害死受害者時有堂而皇之的長期病歷記錄。

5. 在澳洲,紐西蘭和台灣的被腦控受害者,可以按當地法律,向法庭申請暴力禁制令(AVO),禁止腦控和電子武器摧殘。





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Mind Control space news this week (July 25 to 31, 2020)

1.  Have you given all Facebook "friend requests" to join? My answer is "yes", because the purpose of my social network is to let more people know what about “mind control” and how it can harm us deeply. So I approved all the friends on Facebook, but only limited to communicating information about brain control, not others.

2. Every time, the metamorphosis mind controller remote electronic harassment, the first to harm were victims without a shield in the brain-controlled space.

There were many of fake politicians and the impersonators of the media have also been harassment. But the strange thing is that my identity impersonator was keep safe, and I was headache for more than 55 hours. As said who my identity impersonator was under big brother in the entertainment industry and was used to fake me for extract the benefits that belong to me, so she was the perp’s own person.

Now I believed that everyone understood who taking the main control in mind control space, not only the impersonators, but the real politicians and media.

3. I believe that many people have a experience that sleep in bed and whole body unable to getting move in a short period of time, if can not get up in long time, we will think who may got a CVE or hemiplegia. But in today’s brain-controlled technology, the mapping with the patients of CVE or hemiplegia also can caused the same feeling and same symptoms. As long as the body is separated, the healthy person can move freely. But if the metamorphosis mind controller refuses to separate the mapping, the victim will stay in fake hemiplegia situation, even be wrongly prescribed medicine. There is a health victim suffered a physical stroke and slept in bed for three days until the mapping released.

Therefore, many foreign countries banned body mapping technology, but in Hong Kong, the mind control mapping technology has becoming widespread, they not only mapping two persons, even three to four persons mapping together to tortured the victims all the time. It was horrible.

In Hong Kong, there are many being mind control victims whom suffered the mild CVE by mapping with CVE patients. My father was the one who also suffered CVE with his left hand by mapping the patients this week. The doctors was helpless and only can do is physical therapy until the the mapping separate. As my father’s children, we will keep continue to looking for the shield device which can block the mind control, and pray my father can recover as soon as possible.


1. 你是否對facebook的”朋友請求"全部給予加入?我的答案是”是”,因為我開立社交網絡的目的是想讓更多人知道何謂”腦控”,腦控如何對我們造成傷害的實況。所以我facebook的朋友只限交流腦控方面資訊,不作它想。

2. 每次變態控機賤人發動電子武器摧殘,首當其衝的是腦控空間沒有屏蔽器的受害者。而當中很多政界,娛樂圈人的身份假冒者同樣被摧殘。但奇怪的是我的身份假冒者卻絲毫無損,而我卻被摧殘超過55小時。原來我的身份假冒者是娛樂圈大佬所供養,被利用於假冒我提取我在腦控空間所得的利益。相信大家對腦控空間的控制權在誰人之手己呼之欲出。

3. 相信很多人都試過在半睡半醒中短時間內全身動彈不得的感覺,以為中風,半身不遂。非也此實是腦控科技,同半身不遂者併身體所引致,只要將身體分開,健康者即可行動自如。但如果變態控機賤人不肯將身體分開,健康受害者將會感受到半身不遂的痛苦,甚至被錯誤用藥。有受害者曾經被併身體假中風睡在床上三天後才獲得放人。所以外國很多國家禁止身體合併技術,而香港身體合併技術已到泛濫程度,不只二人合併,甚至三至四人合併,其喪心病狂程度已令人髪指。


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