馬時亨 (1)

腦控空間本週新聞(2019-12-14 至2019-12-20)


 1.     未經當事人同意而併芯片遙控強姦在法律上的定義等同性侵犯, 並非一般的性騷擾. 我之前在我網誌中提到防範的方法, 側身睡或用水袋放於自己身體的敏感位置.



2.     長期併我芯片者是右腿不能盤腿而坐的女性, 同時其盤骨也有高低. 不知是誰? 我擔心長期併芯片用相同樣貌, 如對方做犯法的事, 人面識別系統是否會認錯人? 太恐怖了, 後果實不敢想像.




3.     本週有肚臍有傷, 肚生蟲的肥胖者同我併芯片影響儀容和精神折磨;



4.     本週在腦控空間作孽的少了明星, 多了一批陌生的聲音, 據講是離職警長的子女. 他們在腦控空間起到何作用? 是正面或是負面? 仍未能下結論. 我只知仍然有電子武器摧殘, 只是輕力了; 仍然有睡眠剥奪; 沐浴仍然受到性騷擾; 仍然受到潛聲, 腦音滋擾.



5.     經常有不同人自稱劉華在腦控空間作孽, 其聲音都同劉德華的公眾聲音近似, 指使遙控電子武器摧殘受害者. 已知扮劉德華的有江華, 劉志華(後改名劉華), 廖偉雄(已判監十年), 另有一位似乎同政客很熟絡, 不知是何方神聖? 到底背後是否是真的劉德華? 到底真的劉德華是大家公認的好人, 還是暗中同腦控賤人勾結的害人精呢?



6.     之前提到慢性止痛藥成癮一事, 再次提醒被腦控受害者, 你們的慢性痛症是因為電子武器攻擊所造成的微波效應, 是高科技引起的痛症, 並非病患, 非止痛藥可解決. 切不可服食止痛藥, 它會令你, 成癮, 鬱燥, 自殺. 詳細請參閱文章




7.     因多人併芯片腦音滋擾, 令我晚間不能正常入睡. 據知同時有三人併我芯片竊聽, 目標是誰我沒有眼部跟蹤, 沒法知曉, 但相信被竊聽者一定是重要人物, 而且帶有危險性, 否則何需併我芯片, 嫁禍於我. 如此嚴重影響我睡眠, 我被迫要開燈, 開催眠機才得以斷斷續續的半睡半醒.



8.     市民的微波痛症錢, 每年都由付款者, 指派一位對他們有利用價值的人去取, 有傳是一仟萬港幣, 有傳是四仟萬分四位不同人去取. 今期據說其中去取者是馬時亨. 傳說中有三個版本, 一是交由葉劉作為政黨在腦控空間的營運資金; 二是交給曾志偉支付已離職的警務人員在腦控空間的薪金; 三是馬時亨自己保留, 作為他在腦控空間的管理費用. 詳細未得當時人證實.



9.     澄清: 我同腦控空間, 明星, DJ 是處於對立的關係, 我同腦控空間任人都沒有錢銀來往. 我也絕對不需要任何人帮我在腦控空間工作. 也沒有能力帮任何人追討在腦控空間工作的酬勞. 特此澄清!



Mind Control space news this week (Dec. 14 to 20, 2019)



1. The non-touch unwanted sexual contact which legal definition same as real rape, any mapping by remote rape without the parties consent is not only sexual harassment, but sexual assault.  How to prevent being rape by remote mapping that I mentioned in my blog before, sleeping sideways or place a water bag on your sensitive position of your body.

2.  As I know, there is a female tracker mapping me for long-time, she got unbalance pelvis that causing me cannot cross right legged when doing yoga. I don’t know who is she? I was worry about we used same face look, may cause mistake in face recognition system, if the tracker used the same face for illegal activities, how to distinguish between the real and fake one? It is so horrible, I cannot imagine what will happened next.

3. This week, there are perps who got injuries navel, and the obese who have belly bugs mapping me, caused I got same affect. It was
and mental torture, also seriously influence my appearance.

4. This week, the perps work in mind control space, fewer stars more strange voices, as said the stranger were the ex-cop’s children. I don’t know what role do they play in the brain control space? I only know that the electronic harassment still continue, but lightly; still have sleep deprivation; still suffer sexual harassment when bathing; still being inducing brain sounds, still under Involuntary speech.



5. There are different people who voice similar to the public voice of Andy Lau, and call themselves Andy Law who work in mind control space, and instructed to remoted electronic harassment. As I known, there are 4 persons pretended as Andy Lau were Jiang Hua, Lau Chi Wah (had changed his name Lau Wah), Liu Wai Hung ( have been sentenced to 10 years in prison), another anonymous who seems to be friend with politicians, I don’t know who is? As said, the real Andy Lau is mapping behind them? Is it true?  The Hong Kong people well known Andy Lau still be a good man, or secretly collusion with mind control perps as evil?

6. I have mentioned the drug addiction of painkillers before, and reminded the victims again that your chronic pain was caused by the microwave effect that attack by electronic weapons. The medicine cannot relief it. Do not take painkillers, it will
causing muscle weakness, addicted, bipolar disorder
and suicidal. For details, please refer to the article


7. Due to metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with many perps for brain sounds nuisance, I could not fall asleep normally at night. As known mapping three perps at the same time for eavesdrop, I don’t know who’s the target? Since I without eye tracking, but I believe the target who must be important people, and the stalking is in dangerous, otherwise the perps don’t need to mapping me as GSP to
shift the blame on me and misled people. It was sleep deprivation, I was forced to turn on the light, and then turned on the hypnosis machine, but still in intermittently asleep and awake situation.



8. The citizens' microwave pain money is paid each year, the payer will assigns a person who is getting value to them. As said 10 million Hong Kong dollars per recipient, there are 40 million to 4 different recipient. This year, the one of recipient was Ma Shiheng. There are three versions for money distribution, one said that Ma Shiheng transfer to Regina Yip after received the money, used as political party's working capital in the brain control space; the other said was paid to Eric Tsang for the retired police officer's salary in the brain control space; the third said was Ma Shiheng kept it for himself as the management cost of the brain control space. All above have not yet been confirmed.

9. Clarification: I was an against mind control victim in mind control space, never ever relationship with the mind control perps, stars, and DJs. Never ever money participate with the brain-controlled space. I don’t need anyone to work for me in the brain-controlled space. Also no ability to help someone who want to
chase the salary for work in a brain-controlled space. Thank you for your attention.


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