Connection (1)

Mass surveillance is bad. Mass neuro surveillance is worse.

Many individuals have become implanted with extremely invasive neuro technology. Nanobots in their brains give them connectivity to the cerebral internet on a permanent basis. These individuals are known as smart citizens. They are permanently monitored. They have absolutely no privacy. They can be controlled by others. They can have their memories deleted. They can be subjected to a process known as human robotization.   I am one of hundreds of thousands of such citizens and I have been connected to the cerebral internet for more than sixteen years  where I am under permanent monitoring.   
We must urgently delete all infrastructure that allows this. Otherwise you and your family will be digitally enslaved soon. I enclose herein the link to the full article by Dr David Salinas Flores, Professor of Medicine at the Universidad Nacional, Mayor de San Marcos, Peru which I got from the following website,

I am Gretta Fahey from Claremorris, Republic of Ireland and I tell my story of around the clock monitoring in extreme detail throughout my website which I alone own and control and which is called My landline home phone number which I post online in order to verify that I am a real human being  is 0949360901.

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