Papacy (1)

The Jesuit order was founded in 1534. The Jesuits are primarily a military organization with reaches throughout the world. Members of the Jesuit organization are expected to be unquestioningly obedient to their leader. They are even expected to die for the cause of papal supremacy if they are asked to do so and many of them willingly give their lives for that aim. The aim of the Jesuit order is absolute power throughout the world under the dominion of the pope of Rome. They are currently attempting to bring about this absolute power throughout the world in secret by the use of any and all means at their disposal. We have good reason to be afraid of them.
Because the Jesuits were conducting such evil atrocities throughout the world in order to achieve their aim of domination they were banished from many countries. Alexander I of Russia evicted the Jesuits in 1820 and he had all of their masonic lodges shut down. He was poisoned shortly after doing this. Because the Jesuits have sought to take over and control every country in which they reside they have been systematically thrown out of eighty three countries over the past five hundred years.
A Jesuit professor named Adam Weishaupt formed the Illuminati in 1776 in order to provide a front for the Jesuit organization. The Illuminati are primarily a Jesuit organization. Other organizations such as the free masons, the council for foreign relations, the International bankers, the Club of Rome, Opus Dei, Bilderbergers, and the Knights of Malta are buffers behind which the Jesuits operate. They insinuated themselves into the masonic lodges in secret down through the years. In fact they own and control most of the operations of the masons , unknown to many low level free masons. They are almost never mentioned in masonic lodges.
The Jewish Rothschild bankers who are high level masonic Jews formed an alliance with the Jesuits. The Rothschilds are simply papal banking pawns. They are Knights of Malta and keepers of the Vatican treasure. The Jesuits are the real power behind the throne of the Papacy.
Around the beginning of the eighteen hundreds, free governments were being established throughout the world. These free governments were governments of the people, for the people and by the people. These were known as governments of the many. The Jesuits, the Pope of Rome, Pope Pius VII, and the Kings of Europe were very worried about this situation because they knew that if they did not destroy these free popular governments, the principles in use by these governments would eventually destroy them. They convened a meeting in Vienna in 1814. It was voted that they would pursue the destruction of free popular governments throughout the world in a secret war, which still to this day remains secret and ongoing.
The United States government which was a free and popular government of the people was seen to be the biggest thorn in the side of this alliance of the Jesuits, the Kings of Europe and the papacy. The alliance of the Jesuits, the Kings of Europe and the Papacy sent thousands and thousands of priests to the United States of America. Combined with that, many of the American free masons were unknowingly following the orders of the Jesuits because the Jesuits controlled freemasonry at the top level. All United States freemasons are obliged to follow the orders of their free masonic lodge leader rather the be obedient to the United States constitution.
When many Jesuit fathers had infiltrated the United States, they wished to take set up a privately owned central bank there. However, there were many American millionnaires who were opposed such a venture and the Jesuits needed to have them killed. These millionnaires were invited to travel on the Titanic on its maiden voyage. Fifty other first class passengers including J.P. Morgan cancelled their reservations to travel at the last minute. Jesuit co-agitors were all under orders to die for the papacy if deemed necessary. The captain of the Titanic who was a veteran sea captain and who was presumed to be a Jesuit was given orders to take the ship through an eighty square mile ice field at full speed on a moonless night. He was warned eight times to slow down. He refused to do so. He successfully carried out his mission to have these American millionnaires killed, thereby paving the was to set up a central bank in the U.S.A.
The privately owned and controlled Federal Reserve central bank was then set up. It is owned by the Vatican and is controlled through the Knights of Malta affiliated Rothschilds and through the Knights Templar. In October, 1929, the Jesuits crashed the American stock market. They used Joseph P Kennedy to achieve this. The Vatican then invested millions of dollars in all of the Corporations and businesses that had gone bankrupt through the stock market crash. When Wall Street came back into power, the Archbishop of New York completely controlled all of the major corporations in the U.S.A. The Jesuits also created a dictatorship out of the office of the President of the United States in the following way. In 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed into law a state of emergency and the constitution of the United States was set aside. The state of emergency has never been cancelled since. The U.S. is currently in a state of dictatorship. President Roosevelt was a freemason. An oath to freemasonry supersedes an oath to the United States constitution.
The privately owned federal reserve bank was used to finance world wars one and two and the Iraq wars and all other recent wars. There would be no wars without the federal reserve bank which uses fiat money to finance them.
Marxism was based on the Jesuit owned slave plantations in South America. Roman Catholic institutions promulgate communist principles. Communism is the brain child of the Jesuits but it has been made to look Jewish through implementing it through Karl Marx and his Communist Manifesto.
The Jesuits now own and control Washington DC and the Pentagon. The courts are controlled by the Jesuit owned Georgetown university. Five out of nine of the supreme court judges are catholic. The Bush family have been under the control of the Jesuits for decades. George W. Bush belongs to Skull and Bones, a Jesuit controlled Illuminati secret society. Fidel Castro was a Jesuit.
Many good living Americans now wish to secceed from Washington DC. They wish to decentralize power throughout America. They wish to re-establish separate governments for each state. They wish to attend spiritual centres that have no affiliations to any government or organised religion. They wish to shine a light on evil. Currently, wirelessly enabled directed energy weapons are being used throughout the world to generate moving images in order to frighten people into belonging to state controlled organised religions. Further to that nano technology now exists which can be dispersed throughout peoples brains and bodies so as to control them and make them appear to be demonically possessed in order to frighten people into belonging to organised religions. Electronic mind control is being used to entrain the brains of individuals into false states when they are inside some churches. Please be wary of this if and when you are in church. Consider having all wireless enabling capabilities banned in your region.    I obtained all of the above information from a youtube videocalled Vatican Secret Societies Jesuits and the New World order to be found  at the following link

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