Poison (2)

Brief Introduction of my experience.

Hi everyone,

My name is Jack and I am Chinese lives in Northern Ireland for the last 28 years, which 12-13 of those years I have been subject to gang stalking, DEW, poisoning in food or my immediate surroundings.  It started as a dispute at work and quickly leads to work place mobbing.  Initially it was just the people in my immediate working environment that was effected then the slanders and lies started to appears further.

I remember the first poisoning event when this year off student put in to my can of coca-cola. I feel it immediately but I wasn't sure what it is, also I was kind of refuse to believe that people can be this sick but how wrong I was. The poisoning has extended to many other places like pubs, cafe, restaurants and take away places all over Belfast.  The aim of this poisoning is to stop me being able to work, doing normal day-to-day tasks and most importantly to make me bald. I do not have family history of male pattern baldness.

The reason I know for sure is that I had a different year off student saying "You will be bald before I finish" in a volume like talking to himself knowing that I can hear it clearly. This particular student suppose to be a very strict Christian and it didn't stop him from doing any of that.

All the confrontation I have with them result in denial and I know they have enough people involved so that even if I go get the sample of the drink analyse I will be lie to about the result. Trust me I tried to go to a private investigator company, talk to them about it and he refuse to tell me how much or what channel I can get it analyse. 

I have had substance similar to pesticide spray on my desk before I come in, at the time I didn't know what it was. I thought I was ill or something.  They have also extended to spray that on my front door and the girl friend of my house mate (back then) spry that on my bed room door. And of course when I confront them all I get is denial and their favour trick look angry and offended to make you feel guilty of being wrong.

Not long after the poisoning the DEW started, there are different type involed but the first ones were like the feeling of microwave on my face, kind of like buring sensations sometimes but all in all, maks me hard to concentrate and unable to do my tasks at work. Also extended to my own house where I often work from home to avoid the harassment in the office.

I have ring up the police about it and they told me to go get my head check out.  Don't forget this is like 12 years ago in Northern Ireland, many terrorist groups were still active and it should not be strange for anyone to be targeted by one of the group (I am not saying it is any of the group but the police were very quickly dismissed everything).

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Some of these I will have to put into points format because I need to recall 13 years of bad memory of it.

(To be continue)

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The dollar store in Berkley California summer of 2007- After Church I went to buy some toothpaste- and then- threw it away- Colgate is owned by Proctor and Gamble. and Prescott Bush and Cheney are tied to Proctor and Gamble-    internet poison toothpaste new york- the toothpaste killed people in 2006 in new york, ohio, mihigan, parts of Ontario Canada, Vermont, New Hampshire, California,  Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, http://www.xap.ch/de/a.htm?cx=partner-pub-2297432634816385%3Awojyie-cw19&cof=FORID%3A10&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=poison+toothpaste+new+york&sa=Suche&siteurl=www.xap.ch%2Fde%2Findex.html&ref= 

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