addicts  (1)


1.         腦控空間經常有賤人同我併芯片飲食,正常人會覺得很嘔心,但他們却爭著併芯片,令我百思不解。有人提出一個問題,當兩者併芯片時,腦控機是否可將被跟蹤者所食的食物,由跟蹤者的胃消化吸收? 我們對腦控機的認識實在太少,我只知道,我很喜歡美食,但我的體重由120磅一路下滑至目前約80磅,只是有多人和肥胖者同我併芯片撐肥了,令我體重在120-130磅浮動,視乎併芯片的人數而定。身體檢查一切正常, 而一直消瘦的原因是併芯片太多, 令我負荷太重, 每天消耗太多卡路里所致, 或是同以上所提及的原因有關? 相信只有專家能解答.


            我同併芯片者做個實驗,我不停飲水,但如果併我芯片者不需要去洗手間,我是完全沒有便意,同時我感覺仍很口渴。問題一, 沒有便意是控芯片賤人關閉我小便掣,或是我所飲的水由併芯片者吸收?問題二,我感覺口渴,是另有口渴者同我併芯片,或是我飲的水由併芯片者所吸收? 以上仍在尋求答案中。。。 


2.         本週連續多天,當我去洗手間時,聞到濃烈的血腥味,非由我本人發出,有時又聞到腐尸味,不知從何而來?有人解答, 腦控空間有對父子經常併芯片, 因兒子偷渡到加拿大後死亡, 所以其父在香港全身都是腐尸味, 要等尸體被火化, 腐尸味才會消失.



3.         香港時間星期六日間 (2日)溫哥華時間半夜時分,彭浩翔,鄧萃雯等人在腦控空間以誘發,潛聲方式,角色扮演害人,誤導他人以為我在場,以假亂真,欺騙聽者以為我吸食大麻, 其目的是勾結大麻供應商, 對我使用電子武器摧殘, 多謝在加拿大CBC電台提醒, 才得以清白. 在此對以上人仕提出強烈譴責,並聲明本人從來不同毒品和大麻打交道。



4.         腦控空間經常有人因消化不良,飲食三小時後,口中仍有濃烈刺鼻氣味,揮之不去,懷疑是同機械人人機合一有關。據說機械人有時會試食人類的食物,但吞下後流入儲存器,儲存器需要清理,不即時清理會發出異味。這方面我的認知很少,還望科學家解答。



5.         由本週開始, 溫哥華開始冬季時間, 時間較慢一小時, 比香港慢16小時.



Mind Control Space News this week (Oct. 28 to Nov. 2, 2019)


1. The Group stalking perps often mapping with me for dine and drink 24/7, I believe any normal people will feel disgust, but they are rush for, which makes me puzzled and raised a question. When the victim and perp mapping together, can the brain control machine function victim eating the food and perp absorb the food by perp’s stomach? As you know, I am not scientist, I only recognize tiny knowledge about the brain control machine. I am a foodie, but my weight has dropped from 120 pounds to now about 80 pounds. Since a lots of perp within my chip and someone got 120 pounds mapping with me, made me appearance look between 120 and 130 pounds, the weight is depending on the perps who mapping with me.


I took a medical examination, it shows everything in normal, why losing weight so quickly? Maybe the metamorphosis chip controller within too many chips with me, which makes me loading too heavy, losing too many calories per day? or is it related to the reasons that I mentioned above? 

I did an experiment with a perp who mapping me. I kept drinking a lots of water, but if perp didn't need to go to the toilet, I was completely no sense of toilet need.  And the other hand, I drunk a lots of water, but I felt thirsty. The first question, Is the chip controller turn-off my urine key? or the water I drunk is absorbed by the perp? Question 2, I felt thirsty, is the chip controller mapping me with someone who got thirsty?  or the water I drunk is absorbed by the perp who mapping me? all above I still looking for an answer. . .


2. There are few days this week, when I went to the toilet, I smelled of strong blood, it was not from me. Sometimes I smelled the corpse, I don’t know where it come from?  Someone answered that the brain control space has a pair of father and son, they mapping together all the time, the son smuggling to Canada about 5 years ago, recently the son died, so his father got corpse smell in Hong Kong, as know the smell will disappear until the body being cremated.

3. Hong Kong time Saturday (2nd Nov.) Vancouver time in the mid night after I fall asleep,
Pang Ho-Cheung, Sheren Tang and other perps in the brain control space to induce someone voice, role-playing as me, misleading others to thought that I am present, to confuse the listener that I am drug user. The purpose is to collude with the cannabis supplier, to remote electronic harassment. Thanks to the CBC radio station in Canada to let me know.

Here, I strongly condemn the above people and declare that I never ever get drugs and cannabis before, present and the future.

4. The metamorphosis chip controller always mapping someone who got indigestion and have a strong pungent smell in the mouth, someone said he have dinner 3 hours ago, and still got pungent smell, and suspected that may relate to the robot connected to the human. It is said, sometimes the robot wants to get a try to the human food, but after swallowing, they flow into the storage, the storage needs to be clean at once, otherwise will got the smell what the robot eat until cleaned. I have very little knowledge in this regard, and I hope the scientists can give me have an answer.

5. Starting this week, Vancouver starts winter time, one hour slower, 16 hours slower than Hong Kong.


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