automation (1)


Our bodies are now full of metallic particulates to the extent that we can be zapped with painful electricity jolts when we are lying alone in bed every night. The metallic particulates inside our bodies and brains allow criminal neuro scientists and others to monitor, measure and manipulate the electrical signals which travel through our brains and central nervous systems to the extent that they can now bio-robotize human beings and remote control them to walk and talk against their own wills as if they were robots.
Our brain wave tracings show distinctive patterns all of which have been groupted together and then translated into individual words and feelings and they have been compiled into a computerized dictionary which can be translated at the speed of light into what you are thinking , feeling, doing and saying . By this method anyone’s thoughts can be read and anyone’s activities can be monitored from a remote location by unknown neuro operatives. You no longer can expect to have any mental privacy. Your smart phone is uploading your thoughts and transmitting them for storage and profiling. If you apply for a job or a passport or a morgage in the future your profile which has been compiled from your own private thoughts and words will be assessed before you will be given that job, passport or morgage.
Your peripheral nervous system can be stimulated wirelessly from a remote location while you are alone in your bed at night in order to make you feel the sensation of what feels like hands touching you even though you are alone.
COMMON LAW serves the human race and is an avenue of justice. CIVIL LAW is a weapon used against the human race by the self proclaimed elite.
The state has conditioned people to use CIVIL LAW to automatically deny their own ability to judge and instead to defer to external authorities. Under COMMON LAW the people judge legal matters for themselves and they become the law. They take action in their own communities to govern themselves as their own judge, jury and police.
In order to set up a COMMON LAW SYSTEM in each country we must set up a PEOPLES ASSEMBLY which are citizen run legislative bodies which replace existing governments and are a direct challenge to existing governments. A Peoples Assembly must contain at least twelve people. The people then organise themselves into a peoples MILITIA and they will set up COMMON LAW COURTS in each community. A CONSTITUTION will govern the workings of the peoples assembly.
The peoples assembly, the militia and the common law courts will work together to reclaim the entire countrty for all of the people. Local republican banks and credit unions will then be set up by the peoples assembly and will will dispense with the current central banks which are privately owned and controlled by the self-proclaimed elite and which are being used as a weapon to control the rest of the human race through debt. Agents of the former regieme will be incorporated into the new common law republic.

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