What is the difference between "Blooming & Lasers"? Let's see;
* Some will say the laser beams that you are picking up on your digital cameras are "Blooming", that
is when your digital camera experiences what is known as "sensor saturation". Sensor saturation
happens when the maximum charge that the image sensor can gather is saturated and then the over
flow appears on your digital camera in different types of colored patterns BUT there is a distinct
difference between a laser beam and a blooming beam.
* The difference, in theory, is the "Halo" or "ball of light" along the beam columns, that are visible
during blooming, while on the other hand, laser beams "do not have this halo" along it's beam.
Notice the wording below, where it says halo or highlight. When one see's a laser beam, there are no
circular highlights or halo's along the column beams.
Notice below, the halo or highlight along the beams.
"the source of the light may appear as a bright halo with column or line defects around the
highlight", (Nikon).
Source of pictures and partial article;
* Real lasers, in theory, are projected as a straight beam, usually
looking almost solid and about a quarter to a half of an inch wide.
* Now lets look at what, in theory, could possibly be a real military
grade laser weapon via satellite here on Cheryl Dickason's video. Keep
in mind and pay close attention to Cheryl's Tri-meter readings, as the readings match
the laser beams vibrations perfectly, in rhythm, never missing a beat.
Link below;
Here are a few video's on how to alter your digital camera so it can pick up the
electromagnetic/Infrared light spectrum's (Lasers).
"Director of US Joint Technology Office says laser weapons have moved well beyond the realm of
science fiction", (Optics.org).
Here is a defense company that makes military grade laser weapons for the military. They allow you
to download their free brochure in PDF form;
Noise Clipping; an excerpt from a lengthy informational article on picking up "signals".
"Certain anomalies in noise characteristics provide another indication of the approach to sensor saturation. Under illumination conditions in which the CCD is operating in the shot noise dominated regime, as light intensity and signal increase, random noise increases as the square-root of the signal. At some illumination level approaching the onset of full well, the positive random noise variations, which add to signal level, begin to be clipped, or smoothed. This phenomenon, termed noise clipping, causes the average noise level to begin to decrease, even while signal is increasing (see Figure 2(a). At full well conditions, the noise decreases suddenly as charge is spread among neighboring pixels (blooming), while the signal remains stable. When photon transfer curves are constructed, plotting noise as a function of average signal, noise increases with signal at a slope governed by the dominant noise regime (see Figure 2(b)). Full well conditions, and the onset of blooming, results in an obvious break in the slope of the curve", (Fellers,Davidson).

Saturation and blooming normally occur at a relatively high signal levels within the fixed-pattern noise regime of the CCD (Figure 2(b), in which noise is directly proportional to signal. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is likewise proportional to signal in this noise regime, and this can significantly limit camera performance if the full dynamic range (up to the full well limit) is utilized. Scientific grade camera systems generally employ flat-fielding techniques to remove pixel nonuniformity noise, enabling imaging to be performed over an expanded shot noise limited regime. Within this noise regime, image SNR increases in proportion to the square-root of full well, with much greater potential for achieving high image quality, especially when high well-capacity sensors are employed. By removing pixel nonuniformity, a CCD sensor can be utilized over a dynamic range that extends at least up to the linear full well while still operating within the desired shot noise limited regime, and while maintaining high image quality up to the point at which blooming artifacts appear", (Fellers,Davidson).
Source; http://learn.hamamatsu.com/articles/ccdsatandblooming.html
Contributing Authors
Thomas J. Fellers and Michael W. Davidson - National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, 1800 East Paul Dirac Dr., The Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, 32310.
Other things you can pick up with your digital camera altered to pick up the infrared spectrum;
T.S. a.k.a egy